A/N: And so here we pick up right where the last chapter of #69 left off. Who would dare taunt our dear little Penelope? But is she the endgame or just the first move in this chess game? (Cue mysterious music here.)

Happy New Year! And Happy Reading in this crazy little AU.


Rossi and Emily show their badges to the police at the crime scene and are allowed to cross under the tape cordoning off the courtyard of Garcia's apartment. They walk up to the man who is obviously the lead detective and show their badges again.

"I'm SSA David Rossi. This is SSA Emily Prentiss."

"What the hell are you two doing here? I said I wanted that Garcia lady," he says rudely.

Rossi lifts his eyebrow. "I don't know who you asked about that but she's off the clock until tomorrow. And she's an analyst not an agent so- -"

"Analyst my ass," he interrupts. "She's my number 1 suspect and I demand you get her ass down here so I can profile her reaction to this scene. My experience tells me she'll get a fucking buzz just looking at what she's done."

Emily and Rossi exchange a look. Emily frowns at the detective.

"Do you even know why we're here? What division we are with?"

"I'm guessing computer crimes based on the sheet I ran on Penelope Garcia."

"Wrong, Detective, we're with the BAU. That would be the criminal profiling unit," Emily explains.

"And I've been profiling suspects since you were in diapers," Rossi adds. "Penelope Garcia is not a suspect but a victim." The detective's phone starts to ring. "You might want to answer that. It will be telling you it's our case, not yours."

The detective tries to stare down Rossi. Doesn't work. He grabs his phone off his hip. "Davis," he answers tersely. He listens a moment. "But, sir!" He shakes his head. "But, sir, they could be covering up and…" He sighs. "Yes, sir." He hangs up and glares at the agents. "Scene is yours. But I'll be keeping an eye on it. If it even looks like you all are covering for that analyst chick I'll run it all the way up to Director Ryder to get your asses locked up, too."

Emily's face hardens. "Go ahead. Try it."

Rossi places a steadying hand on her shoulder. "Thank you, Detective Davis." He hands him a business card. "Please email your initial write up and impressions when you have a chance."

"Hmph. First impression is my last impression: Garcia staged all this. Bet we'll find the deceased is some relative or something she had a beef with. May have even dragged it across the border with them."

Emily's eyes narrow. "Border? What the Hell are you talking about?"

"Hispanic on Hispanic crime is usually either drugs or familial. Since Garcia is clean has to be familial," he concludes confidently.

Emily rolls her eyes. "Garcia is from California. Her last name is from her step-father. She's not Hispanic."

Davis colours. "Oh. Well, whatever. Sounds like her stepfather could have family that holds a grudge. Might check into what he's been doing lately."

"You know, you really ought to know at least a few facts before speaking," Rossi scolds. "Her parents were killed in a car accident when she was a teenager. So, call me crazy, but I doubt her step-father could have had many recent events that could lead to this. Now, if you'll excuse us, we'll do a real profile of the scene."

The agents turn and walk away. They feel Davis' eyes boring into their backs.

"Who pissed in his coffee and stole his donut?" Emily mutters.

Rossi gives her a slight grin. "We did. Tasty donut, too."

Emily laughs. "Twisted, old man. Very, very twisted."

They stand for a moment, just getting a feel for what the unsub had seen. A small, fenced in courtyard that would have given him slight protection from being seen. From past experience, they know the residents here are an older, quieter crowd most likely in for the evening this late on a weeknight. It was a perfect set up just like it had been when Penelope Garcia had been shot. The two agents exchange a look, knowing each had come up with the same conclusion. It really did look like something Garcia could have set up if they didn't know for sure she'd been at Quantico.

Finally they step into the courtyard, glancing at the ground to make sure nothing has been missed. As they approach the body, Emily frowns.

"Rossi, is she soaking wet?"

Rossi nods. "Yes. And not a drop of rain or ice in the sky tonight."

"So the unsub did this. Forensic countermeasure?" she suggests.

Rossi gestures to the ground. "No signs of splashing. She wasn't wet down here. If it was to counter forensics she could still have something on her from the vehicle he used to bring her here."

Emily nods. She squats down to stare at the woman. Lifeless eyes stare into the dark sky. Red streaks of blood colour her hair.

"One shot to the head. Body was sitting or lying in such a way that blood leaked down her hair," Emily notes.

"So we figure he kills her, sprays the body down so anything she picked up where she was held is washed off, rolls her in a tarp maybe then brings her here and dumps when the last light goes out?" he postulates.

Emily nods. "Sounds right." She stands and lets out a breath. "I keep going back to what you said, Rossi. This would have hurt Garcia more if she'd known the woman. What is the purpose of taking a stranger and…and taunting us the way he did? It makes no sense to me?"

"Me neither." He thinks a second then shakes his head. "I hate to say it…"

"…we'll need more bodies to figure out this fuck's endgame," Emily finishes.


The agents snap a few pictures of the scene then allows the forensic teams and coroner come up to process the body. After a second, one of the CSI's turns to the agents.

"Uh, I think you need to see this," he says, handing them a piece of paper in an evidence bag.

The note is short and not so sweet: Tomorrow will be more fun for you.

Emily grunts and shakes her head. "Why do I feel like his idea of fun is very different than mine?"

Rossi hands the bag back so the note can be processed for prints and other evidence. "I second that. Thanks," he says to the tech.

The two agents watch a few more minutes but as soon as the CSI's release the body to the coroner, they know they are done here. They go back to their SUV and sit there a moment. Rossi finally breaks the silence.

"He'll have to fuck up."

Emily nods. "Yep."

"Are we 100% sure Phillipe and his lackey are dead?"

"You saw Phillipe die," Emily points out. "Our labs used DNA to confirm Walters is dead. I'm wondering…do we…could Reese have someone after us?"

Rossi shrugs. "No clue. Time to pull his visitor logs."

"Damn right."

"But we can't focus on him. He may have nothing to do with this. Let's keep an open mind," Rossi cautions.

Emily nods. "I will. I just…let's eliminate him quickly. He's not happy we discovered who he really is or, more to the point, that Garcia discovered who he is."

"True. I'll get on that when we get back. You head home and check on your wife and Garcia."

Emily sighs. "I'd argue but I was kind of hoping you'd say that," she says with a grin.

Rossi chuckles and puts the SUV in gear and aims it back to Quantico.

It is close to 4 a.m. when Emily arrives home. She may only get a couple hours here but they are definitely needed. After checking on both of her children, she goes into her bedroom. She grins.

"So predictable."

Garcia is in Emily's place on the bed. The brunette walks around and sits down behind her wife. She strokes a hand over golden locks. JJ immediately turns.

"Hey," she whispers.

"Did I wake you?"

JJ grins. "Nope. Restless tonight. Was going to move to the recliner but I didn't want to leave Pen alone."

"Ah. Good call."

"So, uh, why Pen?"

Emily shrugs. "I don't know. He left a note and with what he said at the end of the last phone call I think we are right that he is targeting the team not just Pen. But…"

JJ rolls her eyes. "…we need another body to be sure. That sucks."

Emily nods. "Big time." Emily leans over and kisses her wife then stands. "I'm going to get ready for bed. Take the recliner. I'll be there for Pen."

JJ smiles. "Deal."

When Emily comes out a few minutes later she sees JJ already getting settled in the recliner. She walks over and tucks her in with the blanket they keep on it.


"Yes, thanks. I love you."

"I love you, too."

They share a quick kiss then Emily crawls into bed, knowing she needs to get as much sleep as she can. It could be a long day again tomorrow…uh, later today, that is.