
It has been 2 weeks, 4 days and 10 hours since Mister Darcy and I have proclaimed our love for one another.

OR, to put it another way, it has been 11 dinners, 9 breakfasts', 2 lunches…and countless snogs.

Bridget sat cross legged in the armchair in her living room pondering over the last few weeks she had spent with Marc, and wondered how she had gotten so lucky.

Well it's definitely NOT because of your looks, or body, or brain, or public speaking abilities. Her inner goddess deemed to rear her ugly head (or mouth) at that moment.

Stupid thoughts!

Stupid brain!

Marc Darcy loves me 'just as I am'. Bridget tried to reassure herself. But she couldn't help the constant lingering fear that this was all too good to be true, and that Marc would wake up one morning and realise he had made a huge mistake, and run for the hills.

Bridget thought about last night and what had occurred when they had arrived back at her apartment after going out for dinner.

Dinner had been delicious and their conversation and interactions had been more than pleasant. Marc seemed so relaxed whenever it was just the two of them together, and Bridget never felt as though she needed to act any certain way in his presence.

As they had ended the evening and Marc walked Bridget to her front door a sudden melancholy seemed to settle over the both of them, neither wanting to be the one who said goodnight. They stood just staring into one another's eyes for an immeasurable amount of time before Bridget built up her courage and made the first move.

"Do you want to come in…and stay?" Bridget almost whispered her desire, trying to hide her desperation but wanting so much for Marc to say yes.

Bridget had unconsciously closed her eyes and held her breathe waiting for Marc to answer. She could feel him lean in slightly closer and almost press her against the front door.

Marc still hadn't responded to her question after a few minutes and she couldn't stand the unknown silence anymore, so she risked a peek up at his expression. As she opened her eyes and tilted her head up towards his face towering over her, all she could see was the same desire and want that she was feeling.

But as she looked a little deeper she could see the hesitation that was rooting him to the spot and preventing him from going any further.

Before she could ask what was wrong, Marc had taken a sudden step back and began pulling his coat around his waist a little tighter as if to barricade himself off from her.

"I should really head home Bridget. I have a big case to prepare for on Monday, and you have had work all day, so I imagine you're tired..." Marc said as a pitiful excuse for not wanting to stay the night.

Bridget knew better, and also knew that he had no cases going on at the moment that required such attention that he needed to turn her down.

"But Marc…" Bridget began to say, but Marc quickly cut her off with a light kiss on her lips and a hasty goodnight, before he disappeared down the stairs and out of her apartment building.

Bridget stood outside her front door for a few moments even after Marc had disappeared from her sight, bewildered by what had just happened.

He rejected me!

Was all Bridget could think as she replayed the last 5 minutes over and over in her mind.

Somehow she had made her way inside her apartment and was now methodically undressing and headed for the bathtub, so willing to wash away the dead feeling sitting in her stomach…and in her heart right now.

This is it. This is the moment where Marc realised the mistake he made and the person that he has been dating, and is making a run for it.

Bridget sank further into the warm water and began to sob silently for letting herself believe that she could be worthy of someone like Marc Darcy.

Marc clenched his fists, white knuckled and tense, inside his jacket pockets against the cold wind outside.

He had just left Bridget standing there on the top step staring after him as he ran like a coward out the door of her apartment building.

What the FUCK Darcy! What the hell were you thinking? Marc thought to himself as he quickly strode down the sidewalk, eyes focused only on the pavement in front of him, unseeing of anything past his fury and self-loathing.

She wanted you. And you wanted HER. Why the fuck would you run away from that?

Marc knew exactly why he had ditched Bridget after such a wonderful evening…he didn't want things to end. His past dating history had always been short lived once he slept with a woman.

Marc began to slow his pace as he mulled over these thoughts. He knew that things with Bridget were different. She made him feel different when they were together. And when they weren't together he was constantly thinking about her, which is more than he could say about when he was 'with' Natasha.

And she LOVES me for Christ sake!

Marc physically stopped in his tracks in that moment of realisation. She loved him, regardless of his quirks and idiosyncrasies it would seem. So why wouldn't she love him beyond the physical aspect of their relationship?

Marc knew he had made a HUGE mistake, and just prayed to God that he could make things right before it was too late.



Marc realised that he had been walking for over an hour now. He glanced down at his watch and saw that it was after 1:00 am. It was too late to turn around and plead at her doorstep now. He just had to hope that an early text message and unexpected visit with coffee and breakfast, followed by unrelenting apologising and pathetic excuses would be enough to make up for his stupidity and complete lack of consideration of her feelings…and her heart.

Marc continued a little more solemnly to his apartment and lay in bed wide awake and brooding for the rest of the night.

I have some serious explaining to do, and some lost trust and love to make up for.

Bridget woke at around 6:00 am from a fitful sleep full of images of Marc's fleeing back as she chased after him, yelling his name and getting no response in return.

She had sat in the bathtub crying until the early hours of the morning, playing all manner of explanations and excuses in her mind as to why Marc had left so suddenly. The only real reason that made any sense to her was that he no longer felt the same way about her as she did about him.

Why else would he not want to be with me last night?

Before Bridget could delve into another round of self-criticising thoughts and scenarios she physically shook herself and mentally commanded herself to get out of bed.

If this is going to be the end between Marc Darcy and me, then I am not going to waste any more time pretending that things could have worked out between us.

Bridget Jones, get back into life! Bridget said to herself. She threw back the doona and swung her legs over the side of the bed, glancing at the clock on her bedside table as she stretched her back.

7:00 am! I'm so used to being attuned to Marc's routine. Bridget smiled to herself about how much she used to protest about getting up before 10:00 am on a weekend, and how it had only taken a week of Marc's regular 'Good morning' texts at 7:00 am every morning since they had gotten together to change her habits to suit his. But it didn't annoy her, rather she enjoyed the fact that her mind had adjusted to anticipate this daily contact and expression of love.

But maybe that's all it was…an expression…

Bridget's smile slipped slightly, and before she could stop herself she reached for her phone. The slightest amount of hope remained that things hadn't ended with Marc leaving her last night.

To her surprise there WAS a message from Marc, but it wasn't the usual short sweet 'Good morning darling. I hope you slept well. Have a nice day text message that normally appeared on her phone at this time.

This time it read about 3 pages long, and contained about 100 times the amount of words as normal.

Bridget was hesitant to read it, fearing it was a long goodbye and 'see you never' kind of message. But she decided she had to know.

06:31am: "Darling Bridget. I cannot tell you how sorry I am for how I treated you last night. Nothing I say can make up for the pain that I surely caused you by my actions. I hope you can believe me when I say that I regret everything that I did and did not do last night.

You have only ever shown me the love you have for me, and I know that by leaving you last night when you were trying to only express further your love that I have most certainly caused you mistrust, and the belief that I do not want or reciprocate your love.

But darling Bridget, I promise you with all my heart that I have not, and will not love anyone as much as I love and adore you.

I am on my way to see you probably as you read this message, and I pray with all my heart and soul that you will allow me the opportunity to explain my actions so that you might at least understand my ridiculous thoughts that led to my even more ridiculous actions last night.

I will understand if you never want to see me after this, but I beg you to allow me even a moment to try and make you understand and believe that it is NOTHING to do with you (as cliché as that sounds).

I do, and always will, love you xxx"

Bridget was crying before she had even finished reading the entire message.

She couldn't believe that she had doubted Marc's feelings for her, but she also couldn't understand what could have possibly made him turn away from her if he did truly love her as he said.

Before she could dwell on these thoughts for too long however there was a loud urgent knock on her front door.

Bridget looked down the hallway from her bedroom. She was willing herself to run to the front door and immediately pull Marc into her arms and kiss him senseless, but she could not physically make herself stand. Her heart and her mind were waring with one another on what she should do next.

Another sharp knock sounded at the door again a few moments later.

She had to move.

She wiped the tears from her cheeks that were still falling from the emotion provoked by his text message, and she placed her feet on the carpet.

One foot after the other she slowly made her way to the front door.

She placed her left hand on the door knob and paused, placing the right hind flat against the door to steady herself. She took a few deep breaths.

He's here Bridget. He's here. That has to be a good first sign.

She must have been standing with her hands on the door frozen in place longer than she thought as she suddenly heard a low solemn voice from the other side of the door.

"Bridget?" Marc said softy. He knew that she was home, so he was asking more in a way to get her attention.

"Bridget, I'm so sorry darling. I can't begin to understand how much I must have hurt you last night, and I know I probably can't say sorry enough to ever truly make up for that. But please Bridget…" Marc sighed before he continued. "Please, I beg you not to make my mistake and walk away from me right now. Please let me come in and explain why I'm such a sodding asshole." Marc smiled slightly at his choice of improper words, and hoped that she was too.

Bridget heard every word and couldn't help chuckling slightly when he used those deprecating words against himself.

So un-Marc Darcy of him.

Bridget hesitated no more and swiftly opened the door.

There stood Marc in the most dishevelled state that she had ever seen him in before.

And that's including the night he was 'dying' of the flu at the book launch!

His clothes were wrinkled, and his shirt was messily tucked into his pants. His hair had obviously not been combed this morning and he had the darkest sleep deprivation smudges under his eyes that she had seen.

And yet there he stood with two coffees in one hand and a brown paper bag smelling deliciously sweet in the other.

His weary eyes and pleading expression were enough to melt her heart.

There is no way I could not love this man…no matter how many times he turns me down. Bridget thought to herself.

She slowly stepped aside and let him enter her apartment.

Marc sheepishly and apologetically walked into the living room, feeling like an errant child inside his grumpy Grandmothers house, not allowed to move too quickly or touch anything. He stood stiffly in the middle of the room still holding the coffees and the bag of breakfast goodies.

Bridget closed the front door and took a few steps in his direction, giving him an understanding smile.

He feels unwelcome here now. She thought sadly to herself.

"Marc, you can sit down. I'm not going to suddenly pull out a rifle and take a shot at you." She chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

Marc laughed lightly at the absurdity of his mood and proceeded to place the coffees and breakfast bag on the coffee table before taking off his coat and sitting on the couch.

Bridget stepped forward and took one of the coffees before sitting in the armchair next to him.

Bridget sipped quietly on her coffee, while Marc merely spun the lid on the top of his cup nervously.

Come on you idiot, say something! She deserves an explanation.

Marc took in a steadying breath before explaining his actions last night.

"Bridget, I'm so sorry for last night." He said simply but sincerely.

Bridget looked in his direction and gave him a half smile. She wanted to just tell him that it was ok, she understood, but the truth was that she didn't understand why he rejected her.

If he loves me like he says he does then why didn't he stay?

Marc knew that he owed Bridget more than a simple 'sorry', and he could tell by the expression on her face that she wanted one.

"I know that it was wrong of me to have walked away from you last night when you were offering yourself and your love to me. I just became irrationally scared that once we slept together we would ultimately end up the way all my relationships have ever ended up…" Marc looked up sheepishly at Bridget, hoping that she would just understand what he was trying to say. But the look on her face showed that she didn't.

Marc took in a heavy breath before continuing with his explanation.

"Bridget. I know that most people look at me and see this confident, no bull-shit, straight up and down guy, and I know I don't ever really show my emotions…" He paused for a second and looked down at his feet, not wanting to see the look in Bridget's eyes after he said what he did next. "But the truth is Bridget is that I am absolutely petrified of making the same mistakes with you that I have made in the past with my other relationships. I have never stayed in a relationship longer than 3 weeks after sleeping with a woman, and although most of those times didn't seem to truly affect me when it ended, it would be different this time."

He looked up at Bridget now, wanting her to see the sincerity and vulnerability in his eyes.

"Because this time I am madly in love with the woman I so desperately want to sleep with, and losing her would completely destroy me." He gave her a shy smile.

Bridget had sat in complete silence while Marc had been talking. She knew she had a tendency to jump to conclusions in these situations, and more times than not her conclusions ended up being completely left field of what was going on. So this time she made a conscious effort to let the truth be spoken before she made up her mind.

And this time especially she was certainly glad that she had kept her mouth shut. Because what Marc had just said was so far in the right field to her left field thinking.

Oh my beautiful, insecure, loving Marc Darcy. If only you knew the torment I had put myself through last night thinking up all manner of explanations.

Bridget couldn't have been happier to hear that Marc still indeed did love her, and that it was his fear of losing her that made him run away.

Not that that would make any sense to any sane person, but in my crazy fucked up mind it makes perfectly insane sense. She thought to herself.

Marc had sat very still and very quiet, waiting for Bridget to respond to his explanation, praying the whole time that she wasn't about to start throwing things and proceeding to kick him out of her apartment.

He sat wringing his hands in his lap, trying hopelessly not to look at the expression on her face.

Bridget meanwhile tried really hard to keep her expression neutral, as she didn't want to hurt Marc's fraying anxiety any more by laughing at the absurdity of his explanation.

She took in a deep breath and sat up straight before saying, "Well, darling…generally when you love someone, and that someone loves you back just as much…" she paused to make sure that he was listening before she continued "usually sleeping together only makes them love each other even more and become closer" She said as though explaining something to a young child. "And usually want to be with one another even more" She smiled at him as he looked up from his lap, a mischievous glint in her eyes hinting at her unspoken meaning about 'being' together more and more.

And more! Her inner goddess purred.

He smiled back at her. His nerves and anxiety about losing her began to dissipate as quickly as sand through a sieve. He wanted to kiss her so badly in that moment.

Then just do it you fucking poonce!

Marc slowly leant forward, making his intentions known, before gently cupping her face in his hands. He gently touched his lips to hers, portraying all of the deep apology, love, and care that he had spoken to her moments before.

The kiss came to a natural slow end after a few minutes, but neither drew back very far from one another, both happy to bask in the closeness they had retrieved.

After a few minutes Marc drew back and looked her in the eyes, still cupping her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Bridget" he said, as a finality to everything that had occurred in the last 12 hours.

She smiled up at him with all the forgiveness and love she held in her heart.

Marc had stayed with Bridget most of the morning. The both of them had eventually made their way to her bedroom after their discussion and apologies (on Marc's end), but for nothing more than a few sweet kisses and some much needed cuddling. Both of them had spent too much of the night tossing and turning, and dreaming up all possible scenarios of what the other was thinking and doing to want to do anything more right now.

Too tight, too tight!

Can't breathe. It's too tight!

Bridget woke with a gasp and dragged cool air into her lungs. She had been dreaming about not being able to breathe, and something heavy and strong holding tightly around her torso restricting her movements.

When she looked around, the reason for her dream became obvious. She had fallen asleep in Marc's arms, and he had his arms wrapped around her waist with the grip of an Amazonian anaconda.

She glanced at the clock and it read 1pm.

She groaned. They had been asleep for 4 hours.

But I could sleep for another 20. She thought to herself. But she desperately needed to visit the bathroom.

She looked down at Marc and contemplated her position. She was unable to extract herself very easily, and the amount of effort and time it would take to try and manoeuvre herself from his grasp would either result in her christening her bathroom floor while doing the 'pee pee' dance, or evidently waking Marc, which would probably end with him seeing her in some God awful position that would ultimately reveal every roll and wobbly bit she had, guaranteed!

God he's sexy! She thought to herself as she lay there looking at him, his face so relaxed in slumber.

Her need to go to the toilet forgotten momentarily as she just gazed upon his sleeping form.

She thought about how much things had changed between them since the night of the book launch, and how much her opinion of him before then had changed til now.

He is only stuck up and arrogant to people on the outside. She smiled to herself, as she thought about the Marc Darcy she now knew and loved.

The true Marc Darcy.

As she continued to contemplate happily on this, Marc began to rise into wakefulness.

Too many!

Eyes, eyes, eyes everywhere!

Stop looking at me!

Marc opened his eyes with a start, looking around panicked for the eyes that had been following him. But the only eyes that he came across were the fluttering blue ones of Bridget Jones.

She was looking up at him shyly. A gentle smile gracing her lips.

Oh those lips. Marc thought to himself. He remembered how those lips felt and tasted.

"Hello." Marc said a little raspy, the remnants of sleep remaining in his voice.

"Hello." Bridget said back shyly, before giggling and burying her face into his chest.

Marc pulled her closer, feeling a little shy about waking up next to her as well, but also feeling the happiest he had in a very long time.

They lay like this for a few minutes, Marc rubbing gentle circles on Bridget's back, before he tried to glance at the clock.

"What time is it?" He asked, still straining his head in the direction of the bedside clock.

Bridget looked up at him again and said "It's a little after 1pm."

Marc looked down at her in shock.

1pm! How long did we sleep for?!

"Oh God! Bridget I'm sorry, I didn't mean to…" He started to say, but Bridget quickly cut him off with a gentle kiss.

Marc quickly stopped what he saying when he felt her lips against his.

When she pulled back he was lost for words.

"Marc there is no need to apologise. I think we both needed the sleep." She said, thinking only shortly about how much she hadn't slept last night.

Marc's expression dropped slightly at the mention of last night, his mind still riddled with guilt.

No matter how much she tells me she forgives me, I will never forgive myself.

Bridget saw his expression change and quickly moved to maintain the light and happy mood they had going. She reached up and gently cupped his cheek.

"Besides, waking up to you is far better than any dream I could have had." She smiled at him shyly.

Marc's heart soared at hearing this.

He loved her so much. And he was ready to show her just how much.

Marc leant down and kissed her slowly but passionately. He wanted to show Bridget his true feelings, but he didn't want to rush things.

Bridget responded in kind to his kisses, and her hands began to stroke his neck and chest.

Marc ran his hands up and down her back softly, wanting to touch every inch of her. He tightened his arms around her and pulled her on top of him.

As he rolled her up and over however, Bridget suddenly pulled away from him and started to awkwardly, but quickly, clamber off the bed.

Marc didn't understand her sudden reaction to his advances, and lay in bed stunned and hurt at her hasty retreat.

That was until he heard the toilet flush and the tap running in the basin.

Bridget reappeared a few seconds later, the deepest blush on her face and an apologetic look in her eyes.

"Sorry, I have been…" "I just had to…" "I didn't want to wake you earlier so I could…" She stammered. Not able to look Marc directly in the eye. She felt mortified to have to explain why she had to run away from the sexiest man alive, currently lying waiting for her in her bed, right when they were in the middle of starting something she knew would be good.

Marc had to restrain himself from breaking out into a full bout of laughter at her embarrassment. Not because he thought that she should be, but at the fact that she thought she needed to be.

"Bridget, darling, you don't need to be embarrassed" he said as reassuringly as he could while holding back his chuckles.

Bridget looked up at him now, a shy grateful smile on her face.

"That is as long as you're planning on coming back to bed…" he said seriously, but with humour in his voice.

Bridget chuckled at this, and almost ran back to bed, throwing herself back in the position she was in before she made her mad dash to the toilet.

Marc chuckled at her eagerness to re-join him, but was ecstatic that they were able to pick back up the mood and what they were doing before so quickly.

We have both waited long enough. He thought to himself.

After a few hasty heated kisses from the both of them to build the tempo back up, Marc cupped Bridget's face and just gazed at her. He leant in and gentled their kisses, wanting to slow things down again.

He kissed each cheek, her nose, her eye lids, her forehead, and then finally a lingering kiss on her lips.

He worked his way along her jaw and down the side of her neck. He lingered here for some time, just placing soft gentle kisses along her pulse line and across her collar bone, pulling the fabric of her shirt aside as he went. His hands were making slow gentle movements across her back and hips.

Bridget was relishing in the sensation that every touch was creating, while she tried to touch Marc everywhere she could reach to feel him just as gently.

Their passion was building quickly, and Bridget could feel Marc's need for begin to press into the inside of her thigh.

She wanted to feel him more. So she gently pushed away from him and sat up, continuing to straddle him.

She slowly began to remove her shirt, conscious of the fact that this would be the first time that Marc would see her naked.

And see all my wobbly bits.

She tossed her shirt to the side and sat there looking down at him shyly, nervous of what his reaction would be.

But Marc could barely move. He was shocked into stunned awe of how absolutely breathtaking Bridget was.

God she is more beautiful than I could have ever dreamed of!

He drew in a steadying overwhelmed breath before sitting up, with Bridget across his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and placed his hands flat against her back to stop her from toppling backwards with his sudden movement.

He gazed into her eyes, just breathing in the scent of her, before saying "I'm the luckiest man in the world to have been given someone as beautiful as you Miss Jones."

Bridget wanted to cry.

No one has ever said anything even close to as kind and loving as that to me before.

But she held her emotions in check and smiled down at him with as much love and adoration as she could, and tears in her eyes.

"Ditto." Was all she could manage to whisper back to him.

Marc kissed her deeply then, and pulled her as close to him as he possibly could.

Bridget wrapped her hands around his neck, holding on for sheer terror that she might open her eyes and find that it was all a dream.

Marc began to gently unclasp her bra strap. He fumbled awkwardly for a few seconds before the clasp popped open and fell loosely around her shoulders.

Bridget broke the kiss long enough for Marc to slide her bra off her arms and toss it over with her discarded shirt.

Before he leant back in to pick up where they had broken off he pulled his shirt over his head throwing is somewhere over in the corner.

Bridget gazed at his bare chest, and imagined how it would feel pressed up against her own, before she pulled him in close to make her thoughts a reality.

They continued to stroke, kiss and touch one another for a few more minutes before Marc rolled them over, pinning Bridget beneath him.

He kissed his way down her neck, across her collar bone and down her chest before he reached the space between her breasts.

He lifted his head minutely to take in the exquisite site of her once more, before moving his attentions to her breasts. He cupped one breast in his hand while taking the other in his mouth and sucking gently on her nipple.

Bridget gasped loudly at the sensation this caused deep in the pit of her groin, and threw her head back against the pillow, unable to get enough of Marc Darcy and his expert mouth.

She cradled the back of his neck with one hand, while the other clung to the bed sheets, her fingers grasping every thread it could find.

He continued to toy with her nipple for a few minutes and then kissed his way across to the other side before taking it into his mouth and eliciting the same assault on it as he had on the first.

Bridget was in all kinds of ecstasy.

Oh God! Do. Not. Stop. Marc. Perfect. Darcy! She screamed silently to herself.

Marc couldn't get enough of Bridget. He wanted so badly just to take her right here, right now, but he knew he needed to make it last. He had to make it last! Their first time had to be the one that she always remembered.

He gently sucked on her nipple one more time before releasing it from his mouth. He then placed gentle kisses down her stomach towards her navel. He subtly dipped his tongue in the little hollow slit as he reached it.

Bridget let out a loud ticklish giggle as he did this. He looked up at her and smiled a wicked knowing smile.

I shall keep that titbit of information in the memory bank for any time I want to tickle information out of her. He thought to himself mischievously.

Marc dropped his head back down and continued his journey down her body.

As he reached the waistband of her pants he stopped his ministrations and sat up so that there was room enough for him to remove them.

He gently took hold of the button, all the while staring into Bridget's eyes, asking for permission to continue.

Bridget's heart rate and anxiety increased perceptibly as Marc's fingers lingered at the top of her pants. She wasn't concerned about taking things to the next level, she was only concerned about what he would think about her as soon as she was completely bare in front of him.

I guess his reaction so far hasn't been of complete terror and disgust. She told herself, trying to calm some of her insecurities.

She gave him an almost imperceptible nod to his silent question.

Marc slowly undid the button and zipper on her pants before hooking his thumb into the waistband and sliding them down over her hips and off her legs.

Before lying back down next to her, Marc swiftly did the same with his pants and dropped them on the floor beside hers.

Bridget could feel every point of contact with Marc's body as he lay back down beside her, causing her to gasp with overwhelming want and excitement.

Marc lingered over the top of her, holding himself up on his elbow as he stroked her cheek with his other hand.

"I love you Bridget Jones." He said with all the conviction and assuredness that he could portray.

Tears began to spring to Bridget's eyes when she heard these words spoken with such love and adoration.

She smiled up at Marc tearily, but with just as much love and conviction.

"I love you Marc Darcy." She whispered back at him.

And with that Marc dipped his head down and captured her lips once more.

They kissed deeply and passionately for minutes on end before Marc positioned himself between Bridget's legs. He gently grasped one of her thighs, encouraging her to wrap her leg around him, while he cradled the back of her neck with the other hand, all the while still placing gentle loving kisses on her lips.

Bridget wrapped her arms around Marc's neck and her legs around his hips, wanting to keep him as close to her as possible.

Marc slowly entered into her, revelling at the feel of finally being inside her, making love to her.

They both began to pant and moan as Marc set a slow passionate rhythm, rocking his hips back and forth, thrusting into her at a leisurely pace.

Make it last Darcy. Make it last…

Bridget could feel every inch of Marc as they moved in unison. She couldn't believe that this was finally happening, and she couldn't ever have imagined it would feel this incredible.

Her insides began to tighten and she started to call out Marc's name more and more as she felt herself getting closer and closer to reaching her climax.

She hoped that they would climax together.

Or at least me before him. Her inner Goddess said snidely.

But Bridget ignored her and focused on the feeling of Marc kissing her neck, touching her breasts and stroking her deeper and deeper.

Marc knew that he was getting close, but he wanted Bridget to cum before him. So he pulled back on his passion slightly and focused on pleasing Bridget.

He dipped his head and took one of her nipples into his mouth again, sucking on it like he had earlier.

This elicited a loud gasp followed by an "Oh fuck MARC!" from Bridget.

Bridget couldn't hold back any longer as Marc sucked on her nipple. She grasped the sheets tightly, arched her back and cried out.

"OH MARC. YES BABY!" She screamed as an overpowering orgasm wracked her body.

Marc could feel her clenching around his throbbing penis. He knew he wouldn't last much longer now. So as Bridget came down from her orgasm he held her head in his hands and picked up the pace, thrusting into her faster while kissing her deeply.

Bridget's climax began to build again, and she could feel Marc getting close as well.

As Marc's passion built he pulled back from their kiss and gazed down at her, wanting to see the passion in her eyes as they came apart together.

Marc's pace became faster.

"Oh God Bridget." He groaned out.

"Oh Marc!" Bridget cried out.

Two more thrusts and Marc and Bridget came hard together. Marc spilling into her and Bridget clenching tightly around him as she came a second time.

"OHHHHHHHH!" Bridget screamed as she rode through her second orgasm.

"Oh baby. OH GOD!" Marc cried out in a low guttural voice, the aftershocks of his orgasm washing over him in waves.

As his orgasm passed he collapsed on top of Bridget, he tried desperately not to crush her completely but he was weakened by their lovemaking and was unable hold up his body completely.

They lay together, panting and sated, Marc's penis still buried deep inside her. Neither wanted to be the first to move, but Marc knew that he couldn't stay where he was for much longer.

Easing out of Bridget gently he could feel the result of their passions. He rolled onto his side, pulling Bridget with him and holding her close to his side, unwilling to break all contact with her just yet.

As their breathing settled, Bridget couldn't help realising how incredibly happy she was feeling.

Who knew sex could be this fantastic! And who knew you could feel this fantastic afterwards. She thought to herself as she thought about all the times she had had sex and either woken up alone or been subtly asked to leave only a short time after. The loathing and self-criticising she had done post these events had left her believing that she deserved nothing better.

But with Marc…! She couldn't put into words how Marc made her feel in this moment.

She gently stroked his chest as she lay silently basking in her elevated feeling.

Marc couldn't stop smiling. It had all been more than he had ever imagined.

Bridget was so amazing, sexy, loving, caring…just fantastic. He thought to himself.

Nothing and no one could ever compare to what we just shared.

God I could never love anyone as much as I love her. And Marc knew that this was the utmost truth. He never could…and never would. He wanted her to know this, right now, in this moment. So he rolled onto his side to face her.

She looked up at him as he shifted on the bed and she felt his gaze on her. Her head was still resting on his arm but he had propped himself up on the pillows on his side.

He softly stoked her left cheek and carried on down her neck to her shoulder and her upper arm, brushing his fingers up and down in languid strokes.

"Bridget." He simply said before pausing. "That was absolutely amazing." He almost whispered. "More than amazing, it was…" He couldn't seem to find the words to describe how he felt.

Bridget smiled up at him before placing her hand over his heart and saying "I know Marc."

He smiled down at her with the same amount of love that he could see in her eyes.

"I've never been so connected with anyone like I feel like I am with you" She continued. "And on every level Marc" she said shyly. "There's always been one aspect or other in a relationship that I've not been able to connect with the other person. Whether on a physical, emotional or intellectual level, I have never been this in sync." She said.

Marc felt his heart constrict a little at her revelation of her past relationships. He couldn't understand how any man could not want to be with Bridget.

All of Bridget.

"You always make me feel like the most important person in the world."

"You make me feel unconditionally loved."

"You make me feel beautiful."

"And you make me feel worthy to be with you. Thank you." She looked away from him when she said this, a little melancholy of all the times she had ever been made feel unworthy of her past partners.

Oh Bridget. How could you ever be unworthy of anyone? Marc thought to himself as he heard her say those words.

Marc shifted a little more onto his side so that he was facing her completely front on before saying "Bridget, it is I who should be thanking you" he said matter of fact. "I have never felt so completely dependent on someone and want to be with them unconditionally. You are everything you say I make you feel because you are all of those things, the most of which is worthy." He said strongly, emphasising the truth behind his words.

Bridget smiled up at him, absolute love on her face and in her heart.

"I love you so much Bridget. And I hope to love you for the rest of our lives." He said softly as he stroked her face. He leant down and kissed her passionately.

Before either of them could get too carried away however, Marc pulled back and smiled down at her.

"But for right now loving you while we take a shower will suffice just fine." He said.

Bridget let out a soft chuckle and stroked his cheek, before rolling off the bed and heading towards the bathroom for a sexy steamy shower with her sexy steamy lawyer boyfriend.

The first of many she hoped.

To be continued…