Hey, Author here. Hope you like the story. Just gonna brief y'all that "Omniverse" does not happen. (Have not watched it, do not plan to). I might make mention of some facts from the show to try and keep it relevant but timeline wise this story picks up where we left the trio after they defeated Dagon. Hope you like it!

"Is that really all you guys have?" Ben asked phasing back into his human form. "Seriously, you aren't even fun to fight anymore."

The forever knights were all either knocked out or bound together by a large piece of bent metal.

"That's the last of these ones anyways." Kevin chimed in, dusting off his hands.

Since the defeat of Dagon, little had disturbed the trio in their little town. If anything did occur, it was other-worldly and easily solvable. Usually it was a job that could be accomplished by only one of them.

"So, now what?" Gwen was leaning up against Kevin's car, hoping that the rest of their day wouldn't go to waste.

Ben was about suggest a movie when the sound of a spaceship interrupted his words and thoughts. The whole trio jumped into action, and ran outside.

"Maybe it's far away?" Ben suggested.

"Nah, a sound that big we'd see something." Kevin looked at Gwen who was the one to say what the other two were thinking.

"So where's the ship?"

"Because, while efficient and safe, travelling via air compress tank does have a way of startling the natives with the noise." A voice that none of the three recognised. In unison they turned around to see a human standing in front of them. He was tall and well-built, with thinning hair and wrinkled features.

Ben thought that he might be the same age as grandpa max, or perhaps a little younger, "Good to know."

"Who are you?" Gwen asked the stranger.

"Forgive me," he spoke, "My name is Raylin. I have come to…"

"Seek help from the great Ben Tenyson?" Ben was always cocky about other worlds knowing of his superiority.

"Actually no. I'm here for Kevin Levin."

Ben dropped his jaw and looked at Kevin in amazement. They wanted him? For what? It was clear that the both Gwen and Kevin were also confused, neither looked certain of what was just said.

"Me?" Kevin asked, sounding a little less intelligent than normal.

"Yes, you." Raylin smiled. "I want your help."

"HIS help?" Ben asked. Gwen slapped his arm.

"Yes. You see, Kevin, we need you back on Osmos V."


Raylin's smile faded and his head tilted. "Yes, yes we want you. Ben Tenyson is a hero, but we need more osmosians."

Gwen piped up. "So you're…"

"An osmosian, yes. More than that really. I'm this lad's grandfather."

Kevin made a sort of noise that was between a whimper and a moan.

Since Kevin was unable to talk, Ben decided that he would ask the questions. "And you need Kevin why?"

"Oh, so sorry, perhaps I should have led with that. Our planet is at war."

"A war? What's happened?" Ben continued to be the voice.

"It's rather complicated, I'm afraid. You see, absorbing energy causes osmosians to go insane.."

"I know," Kevin found his voice, but spoke darkly. "I know because I went crazy twice, and you weren't so keen on telling me anything then."

"My dear boy, I didn't even know you existed until I heard that you defeated agregor. Speaking of, that's what this whole war is about. See, agregor started a revolution half a decade ago, and some osmosians ran around, absorbing energy where they can take it. It was controllable at first but now…now theres thousands of them, and their numbers grow everyday. Even with agregor gone, they are powerful. Those of us who are sane fear that the others will infiltrate other planets once they use up all the energy on Osmos."

"You want me to help?"

"We want you to fight." Raylin confirmed.

"Let's go then!" Ben smiled.

Raylin turned. "Well, Ben…we would be very thankful for your help, but on OsmosV we prefer to handle ourselves."

Gwen pointed out the flaw in this statement "But other people could help you solve the crisis. Ben and I.."

"No." This time, it was Kevin who spoke. "Gwen, you are not going to a planet filled with energy crazed osmosians. Besides, why should I help you?"

"Kevin, he's your grandpa! And it's your planet!" Ben cried.

"So? I grew up here. I never met him."

Raylin's whole face fell. He let out a sad slow sigh. "My fault too. Your father was an adventurer…he.."

"Look, I don't want to hear you tell me anything about my dad."

"I am sorry, Kevin. If you don't want to come you don't have to. I just hoped that you might be able to help us."

"I won't." Kevin said. Then he turned around and saw Ben glaring at him. "What?"

"This isn't the Kevin I know. I thought you liked a fight, and when Agregor was absorbing all that energy you were so intent on stopping him."


"So I think you're mad at your grandpa, and that's why you aren't going." Ben leaned against his car and folded his arms. "Am I right?"

One look at Kevin's face confirmed his suspicion.

"Hold on!" he called after Raylin, "I'll uh…I'll come with you."

"We will too." Ben stepped forward, omnitrix bared.

Raylin let out a sigh. "Ben, imagine the devastation if an osmosian absorbed the energy in the omnitrix. And Kevin was right about not bringing your annodite friend. Between the two of you, there's too much energy. Besides," he turned to face Gwen, "Annodites are not allowed within the atmosphere of Osmos V."

"We've dealt with these things before." Gwen offered before Kevin shut her down again.

"No, Gwen. You aren't coming. You neither, Tennyson."

"I'm afraid it may take some time." Raylin mentioned. "The war has already gone on far too long.."

"Whatever, if we're going to do this.."

"I was only thinking you would want to say goodbye to your friends."

Kevin's face looked between the two Tennysons, finally falling on Gwen. He looked at her, knowing that she would go insane not knowing what was happening. He thought about leaving her, possibly for ever if this war claimed his life. The best option for him would be to leave immediately. No arguments. "Never been too good with goodbyes, let's just go." He did not look away from Gwen until he and Raylin began walking to the compress tank. The Tennysons joined him on the walk.

The tank was white with light blue lines across it where it looks to have been molded together. It was small, but would fit the two of them easily.

Kevin looked at Ben. "Tell my ma where I went." He looked back to Gwen, but found himself unable to say anything at all. He couldn't even move to embrace her. Saying goodbye made it feel as though there was an end to something. He found himself incapable of such a thought and, knowing that he had to say something, he looked at a spot above her head and said "See you."

The inside of the tank was much larger than the outside had let on. The floor was plush and there were chairs carved into the spherical wall. "How does this thing work?"

Raylin smiled "Simply plug in the coordinates and the ship summons air from the outside to propel it any which way we want. Takes an osmosian to work it. The transfer of matter through skin is not accomplished by any other being, and essentially, that is how this tank works."

Kevin's response was a simple nod. He had too much racing through his mind. He was still unsure about going off to a planet he'd never visited to fight in a war that might kill him. Earth had a lot more to offer him. He knew that it was the 'right' thing to do, the thing that he should be doing now that he was fighting with heroes. Kevin didn't consider himself a hero, but he understood that the other two members of the trio held him to the same regard as one. They expected him to be a hero, and he was often afraid of disappointing them.