
Mount Olympus

03 BNT, (Before of Nine Tails)


The woman under him moaned with the sudden thrust of power. He grabbed her hair with his right, his left placed on the nape of her hips balancing himself and the red haired warrior he was with. He felt a stirring in the base of his bowels, a rising tide in an upcoming tsunami. Putting in a few more thrusts he held her close, his arms caressing fistfuls of her chest as he attempted to further grind in, pushing himself as far as he would go.

"Zeus" The crimson woman gasped out, her body glistening with sweat and want.

Zeus felt himself explode, a force that drained him but he continued on despite that.

The blonde god finished and removed himself from her, putting the pillow behind him, he held the woman close.

She lay in bed with her head on Zeus's chest, a naked mixture of satisfactions and fulfillment. She was happy but then a trickle of sadness bled in and soon pooled into a torrent as she thought of the betrayal that was once again committed.

"You know I love you, Kushina." He said, kissing her hair and bringing her closer.

Kushina only wanted to be loved and the blonde god offered that in spades. So if only for tonight and only for today. She would let him love her.

She could live with that.

Zeus knew he was a player, he made no attempt to deny it and the world as a whole made sure he remembered it. It wasn't his fault he was weak.

In his defense his adoptive mother was a goat, and his fathers were satyrs. Who, barring centaurs were the most frenzied beings to ever exist on Earth. Hel, he had lost his virginity at the age of 20, which for a god was young.

Like really, really young.

Perhaps it had been too young, but Amalthea, (who would not be winning any mother of the year awards), did do her best to raise the son of Kronos, The feared all-consuming Titan.

So factoring that into the equation, one couldn't help but marvel at the fact that he had turned out into a god with decent morals, courage and an ego the size on Asia.

Ok, maybe not so well but that's losing the point.

The point was Zeus was a player.

For the last millennia, he had done that. Cheat on his wife, Hera, who forever proved the point that it was a really, really, really bad idea to marry your sister. He had liked her during the Titan war, but he sure as Hades didn't know what possessed him to marry her. Maybe it was the whole naked peacock, or as the Corinthians would say "losing one's self to the lust of flesh"

He didn't know, It was too late to think of such things.

Alas, the ancient laws of the universe that the gods were subject to didn't condone divorce, unless the woman was equally willing, and Hera had gotten comfy as Queen of the Gods.

Oh, you could marry as many women as you wanted but you sure as hell couldn't divorce them, something about equal opportunity, one more reminder, why letting six digit geriatrics write eternal laws, or anything else for that matter. Is a seriously bad idea.

Yes, they the brief throngs of passion had happened here and there, but those were few between and most definitely not worth the headache that was Hera!

Therefore, one can imagine the shock that was evident when Zeus, came to Mount Olympus singing from the highest balcony of how he was in Love.

Aphrodite actually convulsed with giddiness, it would be one most sensational piece of gossip since Artemis dated Orion, and that had been just wringing in gossip, a millennial later "The Artemis Scandal" as it had called was still pertinent conversation, after all when your boyfriend was quite literally a star everyone knew about it.

Besides With gods.

And Aphrodite.

Who was possibly the biggest gossip since the Nereids, you couldn't possibly hide anything!

So the Big Z was in love and everyone on Olympus knew it. He would spend hours pinning to Poseidon and Hades about her beauty, her wit, Her Ass! Frankly Poseidon thought he had heard more about the poor girl than the object of his younger brother's affections knew about herself and Hades was forever amused by his younger brother's whines.

He liked to fancy himself more mature than the rest of his siblings so while amusing the affairs were usually trivial.

Zeus finished his business on Olympus, and doing nothing more than the cursory check of his domains. He bound off Olympus with a hurried wave.

In his swiftness he never noticed Hera's Jealousy Scowl.


Mount Olympus

02 BNT, (Before of Nine Tails)


Today was Monday and it had been just like every other Monday. It was a long, tiring, and downright frustrating day for Kushina Uzumaki and frankly she couldn't wait to get home, kick of her shoes from her ridiculously bloated feet, which had decided to betray her without warning by swelling up.

Seriously, what does that?

Arbitrary inflammation, painful stomach cramps, and urges for the strangest foods. Kushina was not having a good day.

Not in the slightest!

She trudged her way back to her house, setting a steady rhythm of "Ows." It was a comical sight, and If the person doing the "ow"-ing wasn't the Red Hot-Blooded Habanero. Many would have sent amused chuckles her way, but alas for their daily quota of laughter, laughing at her just wasn't worth the pain that followed.

Finally she made her way into the Uzumaki clan complex. A modest cluster of homes designed in the shape of a whirlpool, a permanent reminder to the survivors of the tragedy that all was not lost, and one could always rebuild.

Sadly for the sentiment, she as far as she knew was the only survivor, and as such the anguish and survivors guilt plagued her with deep bouts of depression.

She really had no idea how she dealt with it, it certainly wasn't Minato. With his induction as fourth Hokage, she had seen less and less of him and more of an empty bed. She was a woman dammit! A hot blooded woman with needs and treasured being loved, something Minato didn't give.

That's when she had met him. He was perfect!

A soft handsomeness; Sky blue eyes, that appeared as though they had been plucked out of the heavens, boyish smile and a wit to booth.

He was faultless.

He would spend hours of his time, listening to her, letting her vent about Minato, her past. She had told him things, no one else knew. He was so easy to talk to.

So it was probably why she had fallen in love with him, late night conversation became clandestine kisses and nights when her husband was gone - they'd spend it all in bed.

Sometimes he wanted to stay in bed for the whole day. She had indulged him, losing herself to the passion and love. Kushina walked into the Uzumaki Complex, knowing that she would come home to an empty house braced herself.

"Hey." A voice called out.

She looked up and saw him.


Minato Namikaze who had just come home from an extended mission. He felt bad every time he had to leave his wife but he knew she understood that it was for the good of the village. So before he went home to once again sweet-talk his wife into his bed, he had been smart enough to stop buy at the local flower shop and buy her a bouquet of roses in an attempt to endear himself to her once again.

Kushina saw his flowers and with a small smile took them out of his hand. She didn't know what to think; their relationship was definitely to the rocks, of that she was sure. She didn't love him anymore not like she once had. She truly loved Zeus and wanted to be with him. But, she also knew that her lover had duties and responsibilities to the whole world.

Not that he had ever told her but she was an Uzumaki. Chakra sensing was something she knew better than the back of her hand.

He was divine.

and in love with her.

It was in that instant and with that combination, Kushina made a decision. For the good of the world she would have to let him go and for their child, he would have to go back to his world.

A small smile, Kushina took the flowers and kissed Minato with all the passion she had for Zeus. Neither party seeing the lone tear that snaked down her cheek.


Mount Olympus

00 BNT, (Before of Nine Tails)


Hera was a woman spurned, and there was nothing more dangerous than a woman spurned. She was a force of nature, the immovable object to Zeus' unstoppable force.

When Olympus had been abuzz with the news of Zeus being in love, she hadn't been worried after all that was a common occurrence. He would hook up with some senseless bimbo, get tired of her and leave her.

It was a time tested ritual and she had seen it so often and so much. She had even given it an equation. A woman with above C cups bust, a round butt but not too large. Zeus didn't like that, plus she had to be smart. He wanted some substance in the relationship, additionally he had to have someone to use his charm on, combined with some form of sophistication and an exotic quality equaled a loose Zeus.

He used to love to spend time with her. She could still remember just after the titan war, when everything was still settling; he had been so handsome. Thick muscular hands, a warriors gait, and a boyish smile that sent her heart and panties aflame! Zeus had been kind back then. They would spend hours contemplating the meaning of the universe, and he would pour out his heart to her. She had been his confidant, his friend, his everything. Of course their friendship evolved from simple conversation to heartfelt confessions to surreptitious kisses under the milky moon.

He would trail his hands down her caramel skin, calloused hands tracing the curves of her body, Whispering adorning words, complementing her splendor, worshiping her beauty. That damned boyish smile always there, his sky blue eyes twinkling with mischief and playfulness. He knew exactly what he did to her. Those were the days!

But she still rejected him when he asked for her hand in marriage. He was fun, energetic and knew how to use his tongue well, but that wasn't enough for her. She wanted love. A husband who millennia from then would still love her as the day he had first met her.

Hera knew Zeus wouldn't do that.

He was too much like his domains; fleeting as the wind, temperamental like lightning and as cocky as thunder! After endless days of pursuit, she finally relented, his tenacity attracted her but she didn't fall in love with him, not until till the wedding where he spoke his vows.

"I won't be perfect, Hera. No, My Princess, I won't even be good. But I'll always come back home. I'll be there for you in the days of happiness and the nights of sadness. I'll love you with all I have, and even if I stray. I'll come back. Forever."

It hadn't been a perfect promise. Hell it hadn't even been good, but he had meant it, and throughout the millennia he had kept it.

That was then.

Now, he was with a red haired bitch, and on their way to having a child all their own. He had pulled the same moves on her, concealed as a mortal he had made attempts to woo her, even going as far as to ask for her hand in marriage.

She had done the unbelievable and rejected him, after finding out who he was. The King of Gods! She had claimed that he was not in love with her, and needed time to cool off.

A break up, by her.

But as the goddess of marriage and family, she knew one thing. One simple truth that hurt her more than anything else Zeus had done before. He had fallen in love! He had fallen so deep in love that he had forgotten about his duties as a god, his subjects and charges.

He had forgotten about Her.

After a millennia of comforting nights and happy days, with countless women and a plethora of affairs - that he had always returned from. He had forgotten about her and with that had done the unforgivable.

Zeus had finally broken her heart and Hera was a woman scorned, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. She would get her man back, one way or another.



00 YNT, (Year of Nine Tails)


Zeus Wept.

For the first time in a thousand years he sobbed.

He gazed from his perch on the smoke filled skies of a ruined village. A deranged mad man had attacked his Kushina.

His beautiful perfect Kushina had been tortured, and the Kyuubi had been dragged out of pathetic excuse of a Hokage had scrambled around, unable to fight it himself.

He had summoned a toad.

A fucking toad!

His Kushina had been hurt, he wanted so badly to hold her, heal her. Forget this world, he would take her with him back to Olympus make her a goddess. The goddess of courage and wit, he would...

-He couldn't.

She had refused his marriage proposal. After that their relationship had taken a downturn. She felt like a second string and he wanted more. They hadn't talked to each other for two months, until she called to him.

She was pregnant.

He had been ecstatic, beyond happy! Now surely she would leave that idiot, come with him. He would give her the world, the universe. Whatever she wanted she would get. He had made promises but she had said no to all of them. She hadn't wanted immortality, just him.

She wanted to grow old with someone, days of promise and nights of passion.

He had got on his knees, all pride swept away before her. He had begged, pleaded. Promised. Come with me, he implored, let me take care of you. Never dying, forever, eternal bliss.

She said No.

He could see his child whenever he wanted, she had said, if he wanted to. She would have allowed that but the affair had to end. She said he didn't love her, not like she loved him. Tears had come out of both then.

"I love you" she had whispered, stood on her toes and kissed him, a desperate thirst; to keep memories, feelings and passion, as if she knew when his child was born, he would be unable to stay.

For their child, she had stayed with Minato.



00 YNT, (Year of Nine Tails)


She knew she was dying, and though she had never imagined she would have died at the age of twenty nine. She was fulfilled. She had lived a full life, had a wonderful family, a caring lover, a beautiful son.

Though she would forever regret never telling Minato the child wasn't his, she was content.

Kushina looked at the child in her hands, marveling at how much like Zeus her son looked. The same playful blue eyes, sun kissed blonde hair and boyish smile, which looked attractive on the father and absolutely adorable on the babe. She knew that even though he would be scorned. Her child would be a maelstrom.

She wished Zeus was here; she wanted to apologize for how she had treated him. Tell him she loved him one last time, tell him to be strong, to forgive and move on.

"I love you, Zeus" She whispered more to herself than anything else.

"and I love you Kushina, now and forever" She smiled, of course he was here. She gazed tenderly at his sun kissed hair, so much like his child's. She hated how she had ended the paradise that had been their relationship but she knew that as a deity he wouldn't have been able to stay with her for a long time. He would have let the world burn just to stay a few minutes with her. This she knew and so with a broken heart had ended it.

"How can I help?" he asked, his eyes swimming with tears, "let me take you with me, Please."

Kushina smiled, always wanting to help. Her love, her handsome Zeus. But she couldn't, she didn't want immortality. She didn't want the pain of seeing her friends die, of watching her world turn day after day, never an end to it's violence. No, she would rather have had the hope of tomorrow than the promise of forever.

Zeus cried fully then, tears dropping on her face. He clutched her towards him, unwilling to let her go. The bed nestled between his parents. They made the picture of a perfect family. Kushina took a shuddering breath, whispering on last promise.

"I love you, Zeus, So much It hurts and I love our son too - just as much. Take care of him as best you can. Make sure he doesn't fall prey to humanity's hatred.

Spasms rocked her body; she took a quivering breath whispering one last thing.

"Forgive Hera, didn't mean for it happen this way"

And with that Kushina Uzumaki died in Zeus hands, lost to him forever. Zeus sobbed, powerful soulful cries, that poured all his anguish his sadness. with his anger.

The sky boomed, thunder flashed across the darkening sky and without warning rain fell. He picked up Kushina, his eyes blurry with tears. He felt the shinobi coming; they would take care of his son.

He bent down and kissed him, blessing the baby with strength and luck. "Be strong, my son. You have been given a hero's fate, and sadly that is never happy." He returned his attention to Kushina, fresh tears evident.

He would give her the finest burial ever, Athena herself would weave her shroud, Apollo would sing his songs, and she would go to Elysium; he would make sure of it even if he had to beg his older brother, she would go.

Putting his son to sleep, Zeus unleashed his full form, and with a single step disappeared, the elemental nations seeing the last of him.

The third Hokage arrived at the scene, seconds after Zeus had disappeared, and all that was left was the smell of charred ozone; burnt air and dead bodies.

An innocent cry filled the air; he looked around and saw a child on the ground. Little Naruto, he smiled at him but as the child continued to cry, he noticed something. The Seal, he was a Container.

Hiruzen's face grew resolved. He would have to watch after the child. In a grief induced haze the council would be out for blood. With that he signaled to the anbu and walked back, His mind heavy with worry and thoughts.

For Naruto life was not going to be easy, but he was a hero destined for greatness.



00 YNT, (Year of Nine Tails)


The council was in an uproar. Which was amazing considering that a majority of the civilian council was filled with critically obese cretin with outstanding delusions of power but still they managed to do it and oh were they up-roaring.

They wanted the demon dead and they made sure that the everyone in the chamber understood it.

One especially eloquent member of the council spoke up from amid the cacophony of voices. He had only been a council member for a few months, an undersecretary to his father who had sadly died that night in the Kyuubi attack. But to every dark cloud there is a silver lining.

The death of his father made him the Chairman of the Merchants Guild, a powerful position and though he had no personal antagonism against the child. His death would do wonders for his political ambitions.

"Lord Hokage, We are humble members of our Village. All we want is our safety and the safety of our children. Having a weapon of mass destruction in our midst is a problem. Please Lord Hokage as much as it hurts me. Euthanize it." Murmurs of consent rippled through the chamber, Sarutobi became nervous. This man was gaining supporters and he could see members of the Honored Council nodding in consensus.

He would not have that. It had been years since he had been part of the internal rigmarole that made up politics in his village and if he had his way he would never willingly jump back into it. However, destiny has a funny way of not listening to the whims of an old man.

So with that depressing thought Sarutobi Hiruzen pulled himself together and reminded the world why he was once considered the third incarnation of the God of Shinobi.

He unleashed his Chakra.

The result was instantaneous, An almost reverent hush spread through the room. His almost oceanic level amount of energy filled the tiny enclosed space, forcing the air out and leaving all the occupants of the room gasping for air.

A pleasant whisper began to echo inside the room.

"Hokage Decree #1: Uzumaki Naruto, The Jinchurikki of the Kyuubi is to never be told of his status as a container.

Hokage Decree #2: If Uzumaki Naruto is ever called demeaning or disparaging names that relate to his status as a container, Execution will be the only punishment."

When hearing such a thing it didn't seem to be that big of a deal. Hokage Decrees were made all the time, but what made this terrifying was the fact that this decree was the first time that a Hokage had sanctioned the talk of his own people.

He was literally freezing his citizen's words on fear of death.

With that statement, Sarutobi turned around and walked away. His Anbu flocked him he left, his footsteps echoing into the dark corridor that would lead to the new day's sun.


Mount Olympus

00 YNT, (Year of Nine Tails)


Zeus held Kushina in his arm's as he blazed unto Olympus, his arrival heralded by thunder and lightning. The usual sunny skies of Olympus boomed as rain poured into the Golden City. The muses that were playing their afternoon symphony ran up to their King.

"Zeus, What's wrong?!" Calliope asked, fear and worry clouding her features. She had never seen him like this. He was always playful and whimsical. Never angry or Irate. Zeus always had a joke for someone, ever if they didn't want to hear it. He was less than a king and more like a brother. This wasn't Zeus.

Zeus turned to her, a heartbreaking collection of grief, anger and desperation. He tried to talk but the words seemed to be choked by the sobs that wracked his body. He fell to this knees, cradling the woman that he had arrived with. She was a stunning woman and if not for the fact that she was dead, she would have turned heads.

It didn't take her long to see the fact that this was someone that her King obviously cared about. Thalia not knowing that to do to alleviate his pain began to expel an aura of compassion, the only thing she knew how to do in situations like these. it had been the grief racked King that had taught her this. She walked up to him, knelt down and engulfed him in a hug.

By this time, The area that they had been had filled with immortals of all classifications, all worried about their King who was acting so out of character.

"Dad! Dad? What's wrong? Who is this? Dad?!" Apollo burst through the ring of watchers, he tried to take the woman out of his father's hand to at least attempt to diagnose the woman but his father clutched on to her. As soon as Apollo touched her hand, his face fell. Calliope knew that he had figured it out as well. She was dead.

"Call Hera!" Zeus looked up and shouted, The storm that rolled into Olympus intensified. The rain became stinging blades that formed an onslaught from the enraged sky. The silent watchers all stood unsure what to do and Calliope was beside herself. Why would her father want her?

"Call her, NOW!" The silent watchers scrambled to comply. They wouldn't be the one to incur the wrath of their king. As strange as that statement was…


Mount Olympus

00 BNT, (Before of Nine Tails)


Hera had never been one for gloating. It was her nature to be blunt and pertinent, but when she felt that woman die. Oh...Hera had felt joy. From an outside observer it would seem cold, even malicious. But, Hera had been hurt.

Don't I deserve revenge she demanded to herself. Didn't she deserve some form of retribution for the wrong so grievously done against her?

Hera sat down on the bed, smoothing it lightly with her hand. A large part of her felt jealousy, of the love that Zeus had for the mortal. But, a small part. The one she tried so hard to repress felt lonely. She was the queen of a people that hated her. They saw her as the vicious step mother that always caused pain and death. But, that wasn't her. Fate had made her into the wicked stepmother.

All Hera wanted was for Zeus to love her and only her. Was that really too much to ask?

Was it bad that she wanted again the days where they would spend days simply talking about life. Where Zeus would tell her a horrible joke but it would still manage to be funny simply because he had a certain charisma that made even the most horrid of comedies merciful. She wanted nights where he would hold her, whispering sweet nothings while he moved inside her.

Hera simply wanted to be loved.

She convinced herself that what she had done was for the good of all, for herself and her husband. Hera walked to the window that gave an elegant view of the magnificent city and to her surprise saw that it was raining. This was indeed news. It almost never rained on Olympus.

"My Lady!" A maiden ran into her room, eyes distressed and frightened. "Lord Zeus demands your presence, He is most adamant that you come now."

The Queen of Olympus turned to the young girl and simply nodded. Finally, Zeus was home.

However, Hera was not a favorite of the fates. Even before she arrived Hera knew that something was wrong. She didn't feel the almost euphoric joy that usually accompanied her husband. No, it was more akin to a soul wrenching loss that caused her to stumble in her jump.

"HERA!" Said woman stopped dead in her tracks.

Oh dear...This hadn't been part of her plan.


**Salutations Story Listeners,

Welcome to the tale of what I hope will be an amazing story. Please tell me your predictions, your ideas and if you feel so answer my challenge.

*I am the woman who spawned a world, A god I attracted and tales I Inspired. The continents argued and the world fell still. I am she who escaped the vengeful mother. Who am I?