"Well, here we are." Niles said as they stood in front of Frasier's door.

"Would you like to come in, Dr. Crane?"

"No, thank you. I probably should be getting home."

She nodded, her heart sinking with disappointment. "Oh… well, all right." She gazed at him for a moment, her eyes transfixed on his lips, wondering what it might be like to kiss him; just once. And then she could wonder no longer.

"Daphne, I-."

She put her hands on his shoulders and pressed her lips to his. The kiss lingered for seconds longer than she intended, but as she drew back she could feel her lips burning from his touch. And when she drew back, she couldn't bring herself to look at him, choosing instead to squeeze his hand as she unlocked the door. "Goodnight, Dr. Crane."

"Goodnight, Daphne."

She stood for a long moment, watching him as he went to the elevator. And in that moment, something happened to her. Tears filled her eyes and she realized how much she would miss him. It was, perhaps the silliest thought she'd ever had.

Finally when he was out of sight, she turned to open the door, surprised to find it ajar. And when she pushed it open further, she saw Frasier and Martin standing in the living room. As with Niles, she couldn't bring herself to look at either man, not after what had happened earlier. She brushed past them just as Martin was asking; "So how was it? Did you have a good time?"

"Yes, it was lovely, Thank you, Mr. Crane." She said quietly.

"Daphne I have something to say."

Daphne froze at the sound of Frasier's voice. She could tell by his tone that an apology was coming. But she wasn't in the mood to hear it. "Dr. Crane, can we talk in the morning? I'm awfully tired. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Daphne." Frasier said. "And feel free to sleep in as long as you'd like. You deserve it."

She'd barely returned to her room when she leaned against the door and started to cry. And through the door she could hear Frasier and Martin talking.

"See what you started?" Martin snapped. "If you had kept your big bazzoo shut about that damn vase, none of this would have happened! I know we shouldn't have spied on them but-whoa! I never expected her to kiss him like that! So what are you going to do about it?"

Daphne gasped, appalled at what she was hearing. They'd been spying on her? Well, she knew one thing; she wasn't about to feel guilty about kissing Niles.

"Nothing, Dad." Frasier was saying. "I'm not going to do anything."

Shocked by Frasier's answer, Daphne walked out of her room and peered around the corner of the hallway, hidden from sight.

"What?" Martin yelled. "But I thought-."

"I'm not going to do anything, Dad. I saw how Niles was comforting Daphne. That's not friendship. That's love. And who am I to stand in the way of that?"

Martin smiled. "I'm proud of you, Fras. So what are you going to tell her?"

"Well for starters, I'm sorry. And if she accepts my apology, we'll go from there. I'll call Niles and apologize to him as well."

Daphne rushed into the living room where she burst into tears as she engulfed Frasier into her arms. "I'm so sorry about your vase, Dr. Crane! I swear I'll buy you a new one! You don't have to pay me until it's paid for. I'll work to pay it off!"

He held her tight, rubbing her back while she cried. "It's not important, Daphne. The important thing is that you're happy."

She stopped crying and drew out of his arms. "I-I think I love your brother. I know it's wrong, but-."

Frasier smiled. "It's not wrong, Daphne. It's wonderful." Before she could say anymore, he kissed her forehead and bade her goodnight.

That night as she lay in bed gazing up at the ceiling she sighed, grateful for the happiness she'd found. For she knew that it could only grow with each passing day. She loved Niles. She was almost sure of it. But she wanted to take things slowly. Because if she and Niles really were to fall in love, she wanted it to last forever.