Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or the character's from those Books. JK Rowling does. The OC's of this fanfic's are mine unless stated otherwise.

The school year ended as the last one. Relaxed, quizzes and hot dogs. It was a bright day outside. Not that I particularly enjoyed that. But hey it was the end of the school year. I'd have two months or so to hang out with my friends that ended up in different high schools and what not. Just a block away from my sisters primary school. After answering another question right I checked my watch. Half hour till my sister finishes school. Enough time to finish the quiz. Our last period teacher was always lax about leaving early. Especially if one was to help a family member. Not that too many teacher's bothered to stop me. Between my hatred of rules and conduct material and above average grades it was not something they bothered with. With the exceptions of Exam's and mock exam's that was. Then they forced me to stay an extra hour. Not that I minded that in retrospect of my exam. I had made a few significant errors on my math exam.

"Mr. Williams? Could I leave now? My parents are at a conference and my sister is about to finish at her school?" I asked. Williams checked his watch and replied "Sure. Why don't all of you leave? Its not like this quiz is more than a bit of fun for the end of year. Now do have a good summer vacation all of you."

Quickly I ran out of the school and started down the road towards her school. One of the few times in the last semester I had not lied about why I wanted to leave early. As I came in view of her school I saw her along with a few other girls her age. Oh, not again. Couldn't those girls find something else to do with their time. I hurried across the street as they started talking to her. "Where did your friend go Groungy? Didn't she want to spend the summer with you? Maybe she figured there were better people to be friends with." The ringleader said. "Chris, what are you doing here? Your not done for another hour?" My sister said. "Well, mom and dad is gone for the weekend so I left early." I said as I stopped by them. The three girls that were pestering my sister was not too happy about my arrival but was not sure if I would stay so they took a half step back. "Why don't the three of you leave now. While I'm still in a good mood." I said. It was an empty threat but my reputation from that same primary school made the girls run. "Now lets get home sis." I said as we turned and walked home.

20 minutes later and we arrived to 22th Holly Street. It was a largish house. Not that different from the neighboring houses as far as the outside went. Inside however there were a few changes at least as far as I know about. I had spent a few summers helping around the house setting up a library or study depends on what you use it for I suppose. Then honestly that was the biggest change of the floor layout. Ground floor opened into a foyer with a staircase. Left of the foyer was the living room- used primarily for movie nights or holidays. In from the living room was the dining room. To the right of the dining room was the kitchen. To the right of the kitchen was a storage room that is still in some times used as an extra study or bedroom. It shares a small hallway with the garage. Up on the second floor there was a left to right hallway that houses on the outer side- from the left. A bathroom. Another staircase. The staircase that goes down. The master bedroom with en suite. On the far side. A bedroom. And a guest bedroom.
On the top floor there is a loft for the kids and connected to that is a bathroom. Library and a bedroom.

We walked into the kitchen and I got started on an early dinner. It was not much but hey I was 12. We sat down at the dining table and chatted about school and what we wanted to do during the summer holiday's. Her plans were the usual study and read. I remember I thought How is it you're not beyond me in school? You have the grades, yet you are still that year behind. I went and got a lucozade from the fridge afterward. "I'll be right back. I just have to change." I said as I walked out of the kitchen. I walked up the stairs and into my bedroom. It was sizable. A large bed. Dresser. full sized mirror and two windows. Not too bad. Looking in the mirror I saw myself. I honestly looked rather average, with hair reaching my neck though a bit shorter in the front. It was a dark brown shade and rather troublesome to get smooth. Not a ridiculous amount but enough so that I rarely combed it clean. My current dress was a school uniform made up of khaki trousers, dark brown shoes and a short sleeved shirt with a tie. Not uncomfortable but not really me. After quickly getting out of the uniform I threw on an black old navy cargo along with a black t shirt took a sip from my luco while I looked at myself in the mirror. Briefly the roots of my hair seemed to go red before it returned to dark brown.

I walked back down to the kitchen were we talked together while we read a bit. By the time evening came around I may have spent the longest time with her continuously since I started middle school. It wasn't as if I hated her or anything. We had just drifted apart a bit, maybe that would change. Thursday went to Friday and again into Saturday. Neither day was too different from normal. We just didn't have school and thus spent some time at home. By the time afternoon rolled around on Saturday our parents came back home. "Ah, at home today?" Mom asked as she walked in carrying a bag of groceries. Behind her was Dad with the suitcases. "How was the conference?" I asked politely. We had not exactly been on the best of term's since I was found at a mall mid school day a month's time earlier. "Oh, you know the same old." She said as she was putting away what she didn't need for dinner. "Where's Hermione?" Mom asked as she started the oven. "She's upstairs getting lost in the books again." I said as I took a seat at the dining table. "Unless she fell asleep. She got up the same time as usual today and yesterday." I said as Dad got down. "That would be a yes Chris." He was carrying her. "Hey sleepy head. Time for dinner." I said as I walked over to them. She made a groaning noise as she woke up. "And that is coming from you brother?" She asked with a grin on her face. "It is, and I'll continue saying that as long as I'm with you." I said coyly before I supported her as she walked over to the dining table. Her body was still asleep but her brain was awake, if it were louder one could probably hear it.