Ashley made her way to C-sec her mind on the events that have happened. Everything that had happened in the past few days now made some kind of sense. But not all of it was clear. She wanted answers, why was he here? why did he lie? what was his goal? but the most portamento, was he the same one she knew as a child all those years ago? she knew him better then anyone may care to admit but when he hid something he won't tell anyone.

Even the thought pained her. Pointing a gun at the only one she loved would be extremely painful but she had to know.

'There is no other choose I have to do it.' She kept thinking to herself. 'Ashley snap out of it. He lied to you! All your life. You have to tell him you know. You have to ask him what he is doing here.'

Even though she heard about what happened it still wasn't everything. There where still parts of information missing. She knew that and she had to know every thing. The lift she was on stopped and the doors opined. She the saw Shepard and a group of soldiers of varying backgrounds and walked up to them.

"What took you so long?" Shepard asked.

"Speaking with Sarah normally takes a long time." She lied knowing that it would be convincing to him and the others. It worked as Shepard just nodded.

"Yeah she does like to keep people waiting. Ho yeah I for got to mention I got you all Spectre- grade weapons and armour."

The squad stared at him except Ashley. 'Of course you did.' she thought remembering how he used to bring chocolates for her and sisters so they weren't left out.

"How did you managed that?!" Garrus asked in shock. "That kind of gear is extremely expensive."

"I recently 'acquired' an inheritance from some people I know. It was a lot of money."

The squad looked at each other and nodded and entered the lift .The lift was slightly crowded with very little personal space. The lift doors opened to Anderson and Udina conversing with each other.

"Ah, Commander," Udina said as Shepard and the squad approached. "I was just speaking with Anderson here and he's agreed to step down as the Captain of the Normandy. The ship is yours now."

"You know the crew," Anderson added. "You practically built this ship yourself. It only seems right that you're captaining it. "

"Sir you were captain first. I'm not happy taking her away from you," Shepard argued.

"You need your own ship Shepard. And like I said. It's only proper that it's the ship's creator takes my position."

"Very well sir I'll take good care of her." Shepard looked to Udina. "Do we have any leads to act on?"

"The Council gave us several leads. There have been reports of Geth on Noveria and Feros."

"Also that Matriarch who is working for Saren," Anderson reminded. "She has a daughter by the name of Dr. Liara T'Soni. She's a scientists who specializes in the Protheans. She's somewhere in the Artemis Tau Cluster."

"It sounds like a good idea to find her first," Shepard commented. "She may hold valuable Intel."

"The choice is yours from here, Shepard; you don't answer to us any more."

"But remember that your actions reflect Humanity as a whole," Udina warned. "You make a mess and I get stuck cleaning it up."

"I'll try not to make things harder for you."

"That's good to hear."

"Good luck in your mission, Commander." Anderson then said.


John finished getting the new squad settled. But when he tried to talk to Ashley she gave him the cold shoulder for no reason. He sighed, she didn't normally act like this so he needed to keep an eye on her to make sure that she was feeling ok. She wouldn't act like this unless something was bothering her. But then again she would never admit it.


Ash lay on a rubble face down her armour cracked in places with parts just missing. Blood poured from gashes and cut wounds. She tired to stand but couldn't. Her vision wasn't too clear but she could see John standing not too far in front of her. Battered and bruised, his armour was almost completely gone. The left side of his armour gone with blood coming down from his arm. Slowly he stood before a blade appeared in his chest.


"Ahh John!" Ash called out as she sat bolt upright in bed.

Looking around her to see that she was in the women's living quarters she lay back on her bed covered in sweat. Swallowing what she had in her mouth she just looked at the bed above her, what was that dream all about? Breathing slowly she got up out of her bunk and left the room and walked into the dining area. No one else was around as it was the night cycle on the ship. Walking up to the sink she took up a glass filled it full of water and drank from it. It cooled her down allowing her to think more.

Things where getting weird, she needed answers. Looking to the stairs she new what she had to do. Walking to the lift she got in and pressed the button, she had to endure to minutes of cold as the lift slowly moved down. Once it had stopped and the doors opened she made her way to the lockers and to hers, right next to John's. Stopping at hers she looked to the commanders for a moment before taking out a pistol from he's, she never used it anyway. Walking back to the lift she road up it again before heading to the briefing room.

After every mission every marine had to be debriefed on he situation. Since there was only one squad on the ship that was able to do anything. The motley crew of aliens they had on board. But once entering she just stood in the room before looking at the gun in her hand, did she really want this? John and her spent so much time together, she remembered every bit, she loved every moment of it. She wanted to spend every waking moment with him, just being with him made her heart beat faster then she could count.

Clenching her eyes hard she opened them and walked over to the nearest chair and slid the gun underneath the seat. It had to be done.

OOOOO when Ashley awoke.

"Ah Ash..." John nearly yelled sitting bolt upright in his bed before falling back. "What was that?" he muttered."

Tiberians sometimes had dreams about different possible futures, mostly thanks to the spirits. The Royal family more then most since the Colonial wars. John knew to take a pinch of salt when he had this kind of dream. He couldn't afford to take them too seriously as other have done which had them killed. Staring up at the ceiling there was one thing he had to do, he had to tell her the truth.


A woman in a tank top and jeans slammed her fist against the window of her apartment. She was way beyond pissed. Her childhood friend rejected her without even knowing it. But she could not hold her feelings in for him.

"How could he chose a human over me? How? How?" She screamed.

"Because he can." said a black cloaked man as he walked in.

"But I spent time with him. So why a human not me?"

"The longer someone is with someone they develop feelings. You and John have not spent enough time together."

"You don't know what it's like Exocron. You never loved!"

The man bowed his head and sighed. "Well when she was still alive. Me and Far'ti where close."

The turned to look at him in surprise. "Wasn't she a lesbian?"

"She was bi but she didn't what the throne. So she pretended to be a full lesbian. But we did date before the infection began." he then sighed and leaned against the wall. "And besides you are John's Lo'targ. If he does not confess soon he'll be yours."

"I know I just hate waiting. I just want him to be mine."

"I know but we have to obey the code. Anyway we have to wait till the reapers get here."

"Yeah ok." she said then said resting on the window.


Even though Shepard had a bad night it would not stop him. Once they reached Artemis tau they headed to the Knossos system had a planet called Therum. On they way Shepard did some research on the systems. Only Therum had interest due to a major Prothean ruin. As it tuned out a major Geth presence was there.

One they made it to the planet Shepard and his team used the Mako to make it to the ruin quickly.

Eventually they reached a bottleneck that forced the squad to move forward on foot. Going through they ran into a small patrol of Geth who were easily dispatched by Garrus and Ashley with their sniper rifles.

They pushed forward to a large gap in the trail. But before they could move any further Shepard stuck his arm out telling them to stop.

"What is it commander?" Garrus asked.

"It's a sniper ally. They are just waiting for us." Shepard replied holding his arm out at the gap.

All of a sudden a shot ran out and the commander withdrew his hand. He then turned to look at the others.

"See what I mean." he then said with a smug grin. "Get to cover."

The squad took cover behind the rocks. Half a dozen Geth moved to them in the area down below.

"Ash, Garrus take out those snipers!" Shepard ordered. "Tali, Wrex and Kadian move up and find cover."

The Geth below took cover. Ash and Garrus popped up from their cover and targeted the two snipers. Each shot from their rifles blew the Geth heads to pieces.

Once the immediate area was clear "Move forward!"

Shepard and his group moved into the area and fired as they advanced. The Geth tried fighting back, one of the shots hit Tali's shield and went through grazing the Quarrian. John looked to her ans ran up to her before the Geth could get another shot out at her. Helping her up the two of them ran as a geth stalker came up from the side but given that he was helping Tali John couldn't bring his weapon up. But she could, bringing up her shotgun she fired causing the shield to go before dropping the weapon and brought up her pistol and fired in it's eye.

"I'm not some helpless damsel." she said to the commander as he brought her to cover and helped her down before applying some medigel to the wound.

"True enough. Well that was fun." Shepard then said.

"Area clear," Garrus announced.

"According to the layout of the area, the entrance to the ruins should be just up the hill," Kaidan said.

Shepard nodded towards the top of the hill to notify his team to move forth. There was an abandoned station in front of the ruin. The squad scanned the area for any movement.

A wring noise started as they approached. At that moment Geth hoppers bounced and a geth dropship flew by dropping Geth troops and an armature.

"You have got to be kidding. Take cover!" Shepard yelled jumping behind a crate.

Wrex and Kaidan used lifted to stop the hoppers from moving. Ash and Tali took the opportunity to blow them out of the sky. Shepard returned fire with his assault rifle.

The Armature fired a blast at their location. Their cover protected them, but the blast caused them to lose their hearing briefly.

"Ok armature-class units use their eye as a weapon and optics. Destroy that and they become blind and unarmed." Shepard said twisting his blade between his fingers.

He then left cover throwing his blade at the armature's eye but not before it let out a shot. The blade pierced the eye of the armature leaving it blind. But the shot it fired hit the commander square in the chest causing him to get winded and fall to his knee. The armature thrashed about blood coming out of it's eye. John then got up to the armature withdrew his blade from the armature.

He then roundhouse kicked the armature into a lava pit behind it.

"Well that does that."


Anderson sat in Udina's office. Much to his disapproval, Udina was asked to stay out of his office. Until he was told otherwise. Admiral Hackett asked to talk to Anderson due to 'personal matters'. After a few minutes of waiting Hackett walked in.

"Admiral good to see you." Anderson said standing up and saluting.

"David we can dispense with formality's." Hackett said saluting.

"What did you want to talk about?"

Hackett sighed and walked to the balcony. "How long have we know each other?"

"Since 2170 I believe."

"Yeah." He then said tuning round facing David. "What I'm going to ask you I expect a honest answer."


"Is Commander John Shepard Human?"

Anderson was expecting any kind of question but that one. It took him completely off guard.

"Why would you ask that? He's human. No doubt."

"The reason why I'm asking is because that Saren is investigating to see if he is truly human."


"Think about it. He's so strong it's almost super human. It's the same thing about his reflexes, speed. There are also rumours he can survive a gunshot to the heart and head."

It took Anderson a moment to processes the information. He got down and took about a piece of paper an wrote on it.

"I have no idea what you mean Steven but I can assure you." he said before looking at his fellow admiral and slid the piece of paper in front of him. "He is human."

Hackett looked at the paper trying to contain his surprise. 'John Shepard is not human.' the paper read.

"Ok then, he must be extremely athletic then." He said making his way to the door. "Sorry for the question." he then left as Anderson tore up the paper until there was nothing left.


The Prothean ruins seemed like a space station that was made out an asteroid. But thankfully there was a small Geth presence that made itself known. As the squad moved down two levels they then found a blue forcefield with an Asari surrounded by blue energy.

"Oh thank the goddess!" she exclaimed. "Someone who isn't Geth. Are-are you here to get me out of here?"

Shepard walked up to the blue barrier. "Yes," he replied. "Thing is though, your mother is working for a rogue Spectre. Saren Arterius. What is your role in this situation?"

"I- What?" she muttered. It was evident that she has been inside the energy sphere for a while. Liara had very little energy left. "I haven't spoken to my mother in years."

Shepard could sense the truth in her words. "Is there a way past this energy field?"

"I don't know. The Geth have been trying to get through for a while now. I'm not sure there is a way."

"We'll figure something out."

"I'll be right here," she joked.

Shepard and the squad moved down to the ground floor. As they moved forward Garrus spotted something.

"Commander an energy drill." He said pointing to the device.

"Good we can use it to make a way to T'Soni." Shepard replied.

The trademark stuttering sound of the Geth could be heard echoing in the cavern.

"Cover fire while I get the drill working." he then ordered. The squad did as ordered firing on the Geth.

Shepard immediately tried to activate the drill. But it needed a pass code. Sighing he moved down to the lower panel and got it open then started wire crossing. He didn't know much about this type of technology and even his father's memories where of little help.

'Come on...come on... got it!' The laser roared to life and blasted a hole under the barrier curtain. "EVERYONE INTO THE HOLE." John yelled firing at the geth.

The squad fell back into the hole as the Geth advance, firing on their position. The hole led to the internal elevator.

Shepard threw a genade into the corridor then activated the elevator sending the group up one level. They were behind Liara. She glanced back. "How did you get up here?"

"We used a mining laser to create an alternate route," Shepard answered.

"Yes, of course. That console should free me." she said nodding to a console.

Shepard approached the console and typed in a few commands. The energy field dissipated letting Liara to drop to the ground. John walked over to her and helped her to her feet. "Are you okay?"

Liara stared at him briefly. "I just realized you're speaking my language."

"I'm very good at languages."

The area shook.

"What the hell was that?" Garrus asked out loud.

"That mining laser must have destabilized the ruins," Kaidan replied.

Shepard opened the comm. link. "Joker, lock onto our position. We need evacuation ASAP."

"Aye, aye Commander." Joker said over the comm.

The ruins rumbled as the elevator rose. At the top they were greeted by a Krogan warlord and several Geth. The Geth moved around them getting them from all angles.

"Hand over the Asari or don't that would be more fun." he said.

"This place is falling apart and you're trying to stop us?" John asked.

"Makes the fight more interesting."

"Huh never thought a Korgaan to be a fool. I've got the Krogan. Ash keep an eye on T'Soni the rest of you get the Geth."

The squad members took cover behind the various columns and engaged the Geth. Liara stood there in slight shock. Ashley grabbed her and carried her to cover. She shook out of her initial shock. "S-Sorry."

"It's alright. Just stay down." Ashley said opening fire on the Geth.

One of them then charged at them from behind, before Ashley could react Liara threw the machine into the wall smashing it. Ash just stared wide eyed at the Asari.

"Archaeology maybe boring but it does get dangerous at times." she said.

Shepard charged at the warlord and was about to punch him. But warlord moved too quickly he backhanded the commander sending him flying into a wall before falling face first onto the floor.

"What's wrong? Going to cry?" the Korgan asked mockingly.

John looked up and spat out a tooth before jumping up. Pulling out his pistol he ran up to the Koran fast and managed to plant his feet in the Korgan's gut and push him away before firing repeatedly at the warlord to take his shield down. Landing on one foot and a knee. Looking up he could see the Krogan charge faster then he could react, bracing himself he met the charge with resistance. At frist the Krogan pushed him a few feet but then stopped as the commander dug his feet into the metal plating causing him to stay in one place. He then fired round after round from his pistol into his gut making him bleed before he shoved his arm inside the Warlord and pulled out his hart killing the Krogan instantly.

"Wow remind me not to get on your bad side." Liara commented.

"Dito." Garrus said.

As he said that however the roof began to crumble,

John looked to his squad and yelled, "Move it!"

The squad ran down the walkways as they made their way to the mine's entrance. Rocks were falling all over the place. John made sure everyone was escaping. One rock fell near Ashley and Liara.

Ashley pushed the Asari out of the way as she fell. Liara got to her feet as fast as she could and ran out. Shepard felt pain in his legs but ignored it looking behind him he could see Ashley pull herself from some debris without any help or needing help before braking out into a run. The two then ran out of the ruins as larva began to fill the place.


Everyone was gathered in the comm. room. Everyone was exhausted from the brief, but intense mission. "Too close, Commander," Joker reminded. "Ten more seconds we would be swimming in molten sulphur. The Normandy isn't equipped to land in active volcanoes. They tend to fry our sensors and melt our hull."

"We almost die out there and your pilot is making jokes?" Liara asked justifiably upset.

"Joker pulled us out of there," Shepard said. "He's earned the right to a few bad jokes."

"Must be a Human thing," she muttered. "I'm not used to dealing with your race, Commander. Though thank you for saving my life down there. Not just from the volcano, but against the Geth."

"What did Saren want with you?" Kaidan inquired. "Do you know something about the Conduit?"

"Only that it was somehow connected to the Prothean extinction. That is my area of expertise. I've spent the past fifty years trying to figure out what's happen to them."

"I think I know what happened to them," John commented.

"Commander, I have heard every theory there is, the problem is finding evidence to explain what happened. The Protheans left little behind. It was like someone wiped away all evidence of what happened. Now here's the incredible part. According to my findings the Protheans were not the first Galactic civilization to mysteriously vanish. This cycle of extinction has begun long before them."

"If they weren't the first... Who were?"

"I don't know. There is little information on the Protheans and even less on those before them. Though I did find something of interest in my research. It was some records of the Protheans around the time of their extinction. From what I have been able to get a spirit who called herself Kareena of the Ranzan."

"Really?" John asked knowing that Kareena was up to something again.

"Yes from what I've been able to understand there was accuracy two. But the other one is surrounded in mystery. They both came to warn and help the Protheans against this extinction."

"Wait so let me get this straight." Kadian said. "Your saying some ghost and some nobody told them."

"Something like that. Yes" Liara said. "The records just make a mention to this spirit guide and other they both tried to warn them of what was to come. Even tried to help them advance in their technology and prepare. Say what you will about that, but I am sure of my theory of the cycle of extinction. Every generation of life advances to a point and is then violently struck down. I have dedicated my life to finding out why."

"They were wiped out by a race of sentient machines, the Reapers," Shepard answered.

"T-The Reapers? But I've never heard of- How do you know this? What evidence do you have?"

"We ran into a Prothean beacon on Eden Prime and it implanted a vision into my head. I'm still trying to sort it all out."

"Visions? Of course. Those beacons would be designed to transmit information directly into the mind of the user. No wonder the Geth attacked Eden Prime. A working beacon, even a badly damaged one, would have been worth any cost to get. But they were made to interact with Prothean physiology. Whatever information you received would have been confused, unclear. I am amazed that you can make any sense of it at all. A lesser mind would have been utterly destroyed..."

'Not again.' Ashley thought as she saw the Asari swooning at him.

"...You must be remarkably strong-willed, Commander."

"Okay!" Ashley interrupted. "This is not helping us find Saren or the Conduit."

"Sorry, you're right," Liara adjusted herself. "My... scientific curiosity got the better of me. I'm sorry, but I have no new information to provide to you about the Conduit or Saren."

"I'm sure why Saren wanted you gone, but I think we're better off if you came along."

"Thank you, Commander. Saren might come after me again and I cannot think of a safer place to be than here on the Normandy. My knowledge of the Protheans may come handy later on."

"And her Biotics could come handy when the fighting starts," Wrex commented.

"Welcome aboard, Liara," Shepard greeted.

"Thank you, I'm very grateful- Oooh." Liara swayed a little. "I'm afraid I'm feeling a bit light headed."

"You should probably get checked by Doctor Chakwas."

"I think I will Commander. Thank you."

"Crew dismissed," Shepard announced.

The squad mates got up and walked out of the comm. Room. Ashley was the last one but she did not leave. Instead she locked the door and walked back to her chair and slid the pistol out. Thankfully Shepard did not see her because he was facing the comm devices. She then waited behind him very quietly and waited until he finished.

"Mission reports have been filed," Joker said over the speakers. "Want me to patch you through to the Council?"

"Patch them through."

The three orange holograms appeared before him.

"We received your mission report, Commander," the Asari said. "I see that Doctor T'Soni is aboard the Normandy."

"I assume you are taking the necessary security precautions," Velarn, the Turian, asked.

"Liara is on our side, the Geth were trying to kill her."

"Benezia would never allow Saren to harm her daughter," the Asari assured.

"Maybe she doesn't know," the Salarian suggested.

"Or maybe we don't know her," the Turian muttered. "We didn't know she could be a traitor."

"Well, at least the mission was a success." the Salarian said.

"Apart from the utter destruction of a Prothean ruin," Velarn scolded. "Was that necessary, Commander?"

"Apparently you skimmed past the part that mentions that the ruins were crawling with Geth. My team and I barely got out of there alive." John said defending himself.

A look of irritation came across the Councillor's face.

"Of course, Commander," the Salarian assured. "The mission must always take priority."

"Good luck, Commander. Remember, we are all counting on you," the Asari said before the holograms cut out.

Shepard sighed then turned around only to be met by a punch to the face then a barrel of a pistol pointing in his face. Looking down the sights was the one person he never thought would hold a gun at him.

"Ashley what are you doing?!" He demanded.

"I know." She stated as tears started to from in her eyes.

"Know what?"

"That your not Human."

He could not believe it. How did she know. He decided to try his luck.

"What are you talking about? I Human." he tried to say.

"NO YOUR NOT! I know about you. That meeting you had with your friends? I heard it all!" she yelled in tears.

OOOOO at the citadel before the meeting.

The ride was smooth and calm. Once Ashley left the car she made her way to the ally as fast as she could. This was the only time she could get Shepard alone. She then made it to the ally there was no one.

'Good' she thought. 'He's not here yet'.

She then found a few large crates near by and decided to hide behind them. She squeezed through and made herself comfortable. After a while of waiting she began to think if she had got the wrong ally. Then the sound of footsteps made her peep from cover to see who it is. Shepard walked down the stairs slowly then stopped in the middle of the ally. He then looked around.

"I don't have time for this. Show yourself." he then said.

Just then a woman wearing a long orange dress came from around the corner. Ashley could see people being attracted to her but John wasn't.

"And you are?" he asked.

"So you don't remember me do you?" she asked coyly.

"Wait... Ki'sla?" he asked eyes almost popping out. "Spirits you have grown."

"So have you." she said walking up to him and touched his face. "Build like a warrior prince, just like your father. I'm here for that promise we made."

"That was a long time ago, I've grown since then." he sighed. "I've moved on."

The woman lost her smile and just looked him but gave him a gentle smile. "Ok don't worry I can wait. Here." she said handing him a black cube. "This has all the information about our operations in this galaxy as well as funds and communications to the Assembly." she then leaned in ans kissed him on the lips making his eyes widen. "I've been wanting to do that for years." she said before leaving.


"Wha... how?" he asked not hiding anything.

"I hid behind the crates in the ally. I heard and saw everything. But not all of it is clear. I want an explanation John." she said lowering the pistol.

"As long as you promise not to tell anyone." he said.

"I promise."

"One of my races ability's is to share memory's." he said placing his hands on the sides of her head. She then saw his eyes glow white and found herself in blackness. A bright light swirled around her and she found herself naked in a green field. John appeared before her in his alliance blues but he turned immediately turned around.

"Errrr you may what to think of some clothing." he said blushing.

"Oh ..." She said blushing. She then imagined an alliance uniform. Blue and black material warped themselves around her forming the uniform.

"Ha sorry I should have warned you about." he said turning round giving a smug smile.

"Why did that happen?"

"Right now we are in my mind I can create anything. However if someone is in my mind their natural form is shown. Nothing artificial can be used unless you imagine it."

"Right. Your mind right? Its a bit plain."

"If I give you the information too fast your brain will literally cook."

"Ok. So what are you doing here?"

Shepard waved a hand and a screen appeared beside them. They both turned to face it. As an image of the ship he was found in appeared on screen.

"A year before I was found. A small ship found a wormhole connecting my galaxy to yours. This ship belonged to a pro-humanist organisation." As he spoke a image of a ship came on the screen.


"Yes but they did something after initial contact, they introduced a virus into stem-cell farms. It changed people into... well zombies. Sounds cliche but it's true, my race suffered the most as we are a militaristic race much like the Turrians but when I thrown to this galaxy, I had no idea if anyone from my galaxy was alive. They are now." he said with a tear falling from his eye.

"You said galaxy where are you from?" Ashley asked interested.

"We call our galaxy Jundaria, but this Galaxy knows it as the Andromeda Galaxy."

Ashley did a double take. "Wait your from that Galaxy? But how is that possible? The chances of another human race coming to existence is..."

"Astronomically slim, but that doesn't mean that it cannot happen."

She nodded at that. "True, ahhhh what's happening?" she said grabbing her head and falling to her knees in pain.

The place around them melted back into the briefing room and John let go, once he did the pain stopped.

"What was that?" she asked.

"I downloaded all of my knowledge into you, I needed to ease you into it first. You should have all I know in you now."

Ashley paused for a moment, there was intimation she never had before. "Yeah it's here."

"Good." he said before looking in her eyes. "Ash what I'm about to say will brake a million regulations but I don't care." he said making her blush. "I love you."