Disclaimer: Don't own the Harry Potter characters.

CHAPTER 15: Poignant Lives

Harry's cheek felt the floor of Hogwarts. He sat up and opened his eyes, dizzy and unsure where he was. Then he saw, Ron, Hermione and Malfoy sitting up looking lightheaded and perplexed. Then Harry saw a blue figure standing up, smiling.

"Good trip I hope?" Pred said. "Especially for Harry and Ron, if I was a second late to pull you out, you'd of been consumed like everything else!" He laughed as if it were a joke. They all looked at him.

Everyone probably felt as horrible as Harry did. All of them remembered. Malfoy's face was no longer tired and confused. He looked around nervously, as if death were creeping upon them once more, and sat out of the group.

Ron and Hermione didn't look dizzy either. Then at the same time, they looked up and caught each others eye, and quickly looked away.

"Wasn't to good huh?" Pred said slowly, though with a smile. "Well- you lived it, any thoughts, suggestions for others who attempt a similar trip, comments?"

Malfoy looked at Pred as if he were crazy.

"Nothing? Well, you aren't the only ones." Pred said. "So, how do you feel? Feel like living through that again?"

"No!" Ron said quickly and his eyes darted back to Hermione, who looked away. "No, I think we all agree on that. 'nother future, please?"

Pred looked at them. "Are you completely sure? You could still take that path; it'd probably be different if Harry didn't have control. Also you don't know what the other future can bring you."

"It's the better choice, isn't it?" Ron said.

"It has to be." Harry said.

Pred smiled. "Very well. I advise you not to go to your next class and meet up by some of those benches you always see Seamus and Lavender on. You'll know when he hits. Nice doing business with you." Pred snapped his fingers and vanished.

Hermione went towards a box Pred had left, opened it and got out her wand. She passed out the others. They all stood, unsure of what to say or do.

"We'd better go someplace where we won't be seen or caught." Harry said. They ended up in Moaning Myrtles bathroom. Malfoy hid in one of the stalls while the rest of them sat on the ground throwing nervous glances at each other, each minds racing through the events they had just encountered.

"So-" Ron said.

"So..." Hermione said.

"Yeah...did anyone of you guys have control, no?" Harry asked.

"Nah, sometimes I got close when future Ron went gloomy..." Ron said slowly. "Err- yeah, you had control did you? So you fought Voldemort-"

Harry nodded. "I did. But I did have no control over that one thing where I said you guys couldn't have a life together-"

"Ohh. Yeah. Right." Ron said. Harry was surprised to see Hermione nodding as if she overheard before. "I can't believe we all died. Can't believe I saw Malfoy and- Hermione... die."

Hermione looked up. "It hurt." She said, trying to bring in a little humor.

"Still kinda dizzy, think I'll just hang out in one of these stalls- maybe throw up." Ron left.

Hermione and Harry sat there for a while then Hermione said, "Pred said you were almost consumed by flames?"

"Yeah, that 15 mile radius burning thing..." Harry answered nodding.

"By any chance, was Sheila's golden box in the radius?"

Harry looked up and smiled. "Yes! It was! You think it-"

"Positive." Hermione said smiling back. "So we all about died- we brought the Dark Lord down with us! You never know what to expect when your life is so-"


"I was going to say cursed, but yes." Hermione said nodding. "Eh- I'm going to see Ron-"

"Go ahead." Harry said. Harry got up as well, and knocked on Malfoy's stall.

"I'm naked." Malfoy lied.

Harry shook his head and went in, and closed the door behind him. It was silent. Then Harry asked, "So...I hope you don't-"

"Speak a word of it, never in my life." Malfoy said.


Hermione and Ron stood there for awhile unsure what to say. Ron was staring into the toilet bowl when he asked, "Wasn't that weird with the you and me thing?"

Hermione nodded looked uncomfortable. "Mm, very...different, yes."

It was silent.

"I- I don't remember everything, something's are just a blur-"

Hermione's eyes went wide and she looked up at Ron. "Right. Yes, some parts I don't even remember what happened."

Both turned red at their lies.

"We'll soon, not remember a thing-" Ron said.

"Yeah it'd be great to forget some of that stuff." Hermione said. "Such a bad future..."

"Well, not all of it I was filthy rich and famous." Ron said and Hermione nodded in agreement. "But I really felt what future Ron was feeling; the loneliness...the only time I was at peace and enjoyment was with you..." The last word trailed long.

Hermione went closer to Ron. "Me too. Future me."

"Yes, future me." Ron repeated.

They stared. Suddenly the cold, old bathroom stall became sizzling hot with hearts beating fast as well as close breath. Both knew the strong love they felt in the future, both wondering if they were going to find it again.

"We should get out of here." Hermione said, though not really wanting to.

"Of course." Ron said and crossed to get the handle and turned up in Hermione's way, their eyes looking straight at each other (Hermione actually looked up).

Ron's eyes dropped to her lips, then back at her eyes. Their lips met into a soft kiss. After two seconds Hermione bent her head down, and Ron's lips went onto her forehead. He backed away.

"I don't know if that was right for us to do." Hermione said, her head still down.

"Why?" Ron breathed.

"We don't know what the other future brings us- I know all of it won't be giddy happy. We need to wait. Wait and see."

Ron looked into her eyes and she stared determingly back.

"Can I- go- go talk to Malfoy..."

"Yes right." Ron opened the stall door and they squeezed out.

Harry went out of Malfoy's stall and looked at Hermione and Ron suspiciously. Then had a similar look they had when Harry had first saw them kiss in the future-

"May I slip through?" Hermione asked and went into Malfoy's stall. Ron stared silently as she went in and finally looked down. Harry looked at him as a small smile formed on his face and he looked up at Harry.

"What?" Ron asked.

"Nothing." Harry said quickly and walked up to the sink to wash his hands. "You guys made out, didn't you?"

"Yep, you?" Ron answered abruptly.


"What do you want, Granger?" Malfoy asked, sitting on the toilet.

"Look, I don't want to really talk to you, though the future changed some views on me." Hermione said.

"Yes, I care?" Malfoy said.

"Look, I know you were really different in the future, I'm sorry I- did that."

"What? Stick a sword through me and kill me? Nah, no need for apologies." Malfoy said. "We both know that."

It was quiet. "I hope we see better days." Hermione said and Malfoy nodded in agreement. "Talking about the future, lets go make You- Know- Who's attack history." Malfoy nodded and they got out of the stall.

All of them stood there. Looking at eachother, not wanting to leave the bathroom because they knew what was to come. The four that faced separation, grief, and romance. The four, that didn't know what was really to come, just hoping that it would be different, just a little different.


Pred laughed merrily at his success. This was sure to bring happiness to his people. He'd be well known, shine above all the ones like him.

A misty soul came upon him and noticed his joy. "You did wonderfully." "I did, didn't I? It was wonderful, now all of them are happy. But not for long of course, ohh they don't know what's coming up, and I can't wait to go see the ride!"

The misty soul agreed very much. "You truly are an Otheslis."

Pred grinned even wider, a glint of danger in his eye. "I am, now their just going to be four sad people." Pred lifted his hands. "Lives of Poignant."



Okay yeah, the stories finally finished! Freaky ending huh?

Though in the end, they go through an even worse future, I don't even want to think how it can be worse because I really want the Hp books to have a happy ending, though the books get really dark. I hope you enjoyed the story. Right when I posted this chapter I also posted a story called "What Strengthens You" it's going to be about from the year 7 attack to Ron's death, it's about the Ron and Hermione relationship. If you're interested in reading it then check it out, especially if you were confused about the R and H parts. If not, oh well, right? Anyways it will include stuff about how Ron got famous, Hermione in Spain, Auror missions together leading to a first kiss (and many afterwards), speech. Though I'll probably put it under Drama, it will have Action, humor, mystery...all that. It might be a longer then 15 chapters tho, just warning u!

Otheslis: look up in chapt 6, I say a small thing about it

Pred is an Otheslis, but he has a name since there are suppose to be more people like him. Don't think about it to hard.

Thanx for the reviews, Pam Briggs, EvilMicella, Hermione Weasley, Malexandria and WeasleyGal. I really enjoyed them!