In the royal kitchen there was a big crash of clattered pans and pots! cleaning up the flour she had spilled in the kitchen. Still covered in flour she walked backwards into some frosting her barefoot slid into the cake topping mix! Anna slipped fell backwards hitting the bottom of the concrete stove. She was unharmed but her impact caused a melted chocolate pan that was cooling to tip over pouring melted chocolate on her. the gooey sweet substance splatted onto the young princess It dripped spreading onto to her head to her her toes coating her feet and arms and face all over her was melted brown mush, "Awww… sweet defeat." Anna whined getting wet with oozing melted sweetness

Elsa heard the commotion and dashed into the tension in her shoulders dropped when she saw Anna. "Your sweet tooth's just as bad as mine,"

Anna gave her an innocent look. "I didn't do it!" She smirked, "Of course you didn't, dear.." till she saw her sister "Anna what did you do?!" Her voice was a little too loud.

Anna froze in the chocolate mess and smiles nervously at her sister "..Nothing…"

"Sure doesn't look like nothing…you look edible and that's never a good thing." Elsa made a face before shaking her head and going to her sister brushing a bit a chocolate off her cheek and eating it.

Anna giggled "don't eat me Elsa." Anna needed a bath for sure. "Fine then. We have to get you and the kitchen clean before anyone else sees." She giggled sneaking another tried to get up but she was too darn slippery.

"Whoa… Whoa!" (Splat!) Elsa sighed before giggling and offering her a hand. "You're such a clutz."

Anna smiles through her chocolate coated face. "I find being incredibly clumsy is sometimes a curse and a blessing."

"Well it can be cute." Elsa shook her head getting her sister to her feet. "Come on then." Anna plastered a confused look on her face. "Where are we going?"

"To get you into the tub. Where else would we be going?" Elsa shook her head taking her sister's hand.

Anna stomped her chocolate covered foot down firmly on the ground digging her toes into the hardwood castle floor "Uh, uh!"

"You're kidding right? You have to get clean." Elsa was trying to stay calm. Anna crossed her arms.

"Uh, uh!" "I'll go out in the rain." "Or just sit in the sink." "Aint No way I'm going in there and you can't make me." Anna was at a very huge disadvantage she was only 3 feet smaller.

"Anna be reasonable. .." Elsa sighed taking her hand and dragging her along to the bath. Anna tried to dig into the floor but the chocolate on her toes was preventing her from doing so, so she pulled back the best she could.

"Reasonsible is no fun!" she high-pitch whined. "Baths can be fun. Dont be silly." Elsa continued till they reached the doorway for the large bathroom.

❆Anna grabbed the doorway wall grunting "No."

Elsa made a face before using her powers Anna's hand cold and wet so she would let go. "You like swimming right?" Anna got cold and slipped off the doorway "Elsa, yes I like to swim but a bath is not swimming and that's not the point!" Anna tried to run for the hills and bolt!

"Oh no you don't." Elsa froze her feet in place. Anna shivered "For crying out l-l-loud Elsa!" "Just s-sp-sprinkle me with your snow, that out-outt-ouatta work!"

"No Anna."Anna whimpered every minute Elsa pushed her closer to the tub. "Ah hoho haaw." "Let me goooo."

Elsa froze her in place before removing her dress so it didn't get messy still wearing her corset and going to try and take her sister's dress off too.

Anna wailed when Elsa pulled her dress over her head "WHY MUST BIG SISTER'S BE SO CRUEL!" "Stop it Elsaaaa, please just let me go."

"No Anna. You'll thank me later." She hooked her arms under her sister and attempted to pull her in the tub.

Even though Anna was quite unhappy about this she giggled because she was now getting chocolate mess on Elsa's arm and she knew, Elsa was gonna squeal she hated getting dirty "Gahhhh!" Anna took a step back but her sister's darn grip was stronger as they heaved closer and closer to the big washtub.

ღ "Whoa!" "Whoa!" "Whoaa!"Anna fell forward with Elsa right behind her! {!SPLASH!} Anna burst up spitting water from her mouth "Plahtoowie!" shooting Elsa a sarcastic glar "Oh smooth move Elsa." -.- "Yeah just come on over." "Stupid neat freak."

Elsa came out of the water herself looking cross. "If you just!" She sounded mad but took a deep breath. "This would have been easier for the both of us if you co-operated." Anna looked up her hair wet, and crooked her strawberry blonde eyebrows. "You should know by now, I don't know the meaning of the word."

"Fine whatever…do what you want." Elsa crawled out of the tub and pulled her dress on. "I'll go tell mama and go clean the kitchen." She was already walking.

After Anna herd that she sat with a sad face back into the tub fast. "No, don't tell it was an accident anyway." Elsa stopped. "Why shouldn't I? You never listen to me." Anna's eyes went wide and her lower lip stuck out.

"Maybe it'll do you some good. You always get your way. Chances are I'd take the blame anyways." Elsa really was hurt.

Anna just looked down at her legs she didn't understand how would she get blamed when Anna was the one covered in the desert she dunked under the water trying to remove the sticky mess from her hair.

Elsa almost seemed to smile as she went over to her sister. "Anna you know I love you Elsa sighed putting some soap into her hair and beginning to scrub gently.

030 Anna gave her a teasing look. "Ah, yes that makes Perfect sense." "She talks bad about me to my face in yet she loves me." Anna pretends to be surprised "Wow it's so obvious." blowing a raspberry at Elsa while she starts to wash her hair. "Not!"

Elsa just giggles and shook her head still trying to scrub Anna's. "isn't that what sisters are for though?"

Anna hoists a wet rag on her sister's face that gets plastered on her nose causing Anna to snicker "Heheheh, Uh-huh." "I believe it is." "wet blanket."

Anna huffed "Oh." Sat on the side where the soap usually was Elsa went down and grabbed a soft cloth before going to start at her feet.

Anna shook a little "Go on Elsa, just clean them quick!" "I'm gonna turn into a statue waiting for you." Elsa just shook her head and continued to scrub them going in between every toe Anna tried to sit as still as possible for Elsa trying not to crack a smile.

"Okay!" OKAY!" "Are you done?!" She looked at the ceiling and shut her eyes "Done as well as they are going to be done." Elsa sighed stepping back she picked up a towel.

"Alright Anna come here."

Anna jumped off the tub in her towel into her sister's arms and happily pronounced. "Yay!" "All clean!" "Yes." Elsa concurred "Let's keep it that way." she put her down and got her ready for bed again and once again Anna disappeared to get more chocolate leaving Elsa to look over her shoulder and sigh annoyed.

Anna walks over to Elsa while she was studying and smears some melted chocolate on her sister's nose. "Coca Beast!" Anna giggles quite pleased.

She gasped when Anna placed the chocolate on her nose. She wiped it off and tasted it. "Hmm, not bad…" she said to herself. "Anna come on I just got you all clean."she gave up returning to their room to her book.

"Listen I have more school tomorrow and I don't want you living your life inside the castle all the time, could you possibly ask Mama if you can go outside tomorrow?"

Anna's eyebrow raised at that response "Alright." Elsa tucked her into the bed "Why isn't Mama tucking me in?" Elsa put her hand on Anna's "Mama's has her hands quite full tonight try and get some sleep Anna."

The very next morning Anna carried out Elsa's wishes and ask her mother if she may explore the gardens thankfully she was up to her neck in paperwork and quickly agreed this was exciting for Anna she had hardly been outside but she lived for it she skipped along the garden green bladed grass and the trickling. Nearby was a goose before she could explore the creature further she herd rustling within the garden near the vegetables poking in the then followed the noise and spotted a small muscular young blonde boy tearing up the roots of the delicacies, his back turned to the Princess he wore a heavy gray coat and thick pants and a black snow ice harvesters hat.

Just then engaged to an interested breaking point Anna broke the silence. "Hi there, my name is Anna, why are you rampaging through the royal garden?"

Kristoff let off a high pitched squeal when he heard the voice, quickly turning around to face it. When he saw it was just a little girl, he relaxed a little, going back to his business.

"I'm getting some vegetables." He said, pulling a carrot out of the earth and placing it on his small sled, "And Sven likes the flowers." He nodded over to the reindeer, who was munching on a rosebush as they spoke.

Anna giggles and slowly approaches the Reindeer. "Hello there Sven, I'm Anna."She slowly slowly approached to him remembering her manners and safty turned to the commoner boy. "Is he friendly?"

A small grin formed on Kristoff's lips, "No, he's friendly." He said, walking over to Sven and putting his arm around his neck. "I'm Krisotff, by the way. You're not going to tell anyone I was stealing vegetables are you?" He asked, a little nervous.

Anna gave him a big smirk also confused "Why would I do that? Papa always says the castle could use a good gardener." She winks and innocently listened to the young man with interest "So your name is Kristopher, Welcome to Arendelle you two."

Kristoff's smile grew as the girl spoke, glad to know she wasn't going to blab. "It's not Kristopher. Kristoff. Kris-toff." He said, getting a clean carrot off his sled, giving Sven a bite before taking one of his own. "So this is a castle huh? What do people do around here for fun?"

Anna was little grossed out he bit into the same carrot but she found the young man interesting and didn't want him to disappear "Well...She began carefully petting Sven "Some of the towns folk like to play chess, round up farm animals, fetch water, ice harvest, catch frogs." she babbled, "Carnivals, and the royal family plays croaky, and walks." She crossed her arms a little bored that her family does so little "But there is a Christmas Festival." She brightens!

Kristoff couldn't help but feel a little disappointed at the list of such everyday activities. He had hoped that the more populated part of Arendelle would have more fun things to do. But the last item, and the way Anna lit up when she spoke about it, get's him curious. "Christmas festival?" He asked, "I've never heard of that before."

Anna lit up with the young boy! "Yeah with food, presents and Christmas trees, tons of pie and games!" "This new thing called a farriswheel, and pets are allowed." She looks at Sven and snickers cutely whispering in the young foals ear. "Annnnd tons of Carrot Caaake." :D

That. Sounded. Awesome. Food and games and even a special wheel… or something. Sven was also panting joyfully at the mention of carrot cake.

"That sounds really fun! Can I go with you? I mean… you don't have to spend the whole time with me or anything. Unless you want to. But uh, I don't really know my way around and I'd… like to go with you, but-"

Kristoff blushed at his rambling, he hadn't meant for that to sound so… soppy. But then trying to fix it had only made worse. "Agh, forget it."

Anna's little blue eyes flashed was Kristoff saying what she thought her was never in her life did she think a boy would actually want to to do anything with her. She was considered the ugly sister compared to Elsa the blue-eyed blonde. "Well, my whole families going and my sister Elsa is extremely excited!" She reached for his hand and then stopped but smiled her hugest smile yet. "I'd Love to take you boys along, but not as a date, date it'll be a fun activity!"

"No! Ahaha, nonono. I didn't mean date. Ew." His face was red, he was to young to even properly know what dating was at this point. "I just meant I wanted to go with you, because you know about it. But then it sounded like I was asking and then-" He groaned. This was getting awkward fast.

"I'd like to go with you and your family though. If you don't mind."

Anna giggled at his awkwardness. "hahaha, yeah Ew.. forget I even mentioned I hang out with my love-sick sister all day." "Okay, We may."

Kristoff was relieved to see that Anna had not been put off by his awkwardness. "Ok, great! It'll be fun to hang out with you and your family. Where do you live?" He asked, suddenly nervous again. Based on her clothes and the fact that she was hanging around the palace gardens, Kristoff could assume that Anna was an aristocrat of some kind. Kristoff didn't want to get in trouble for not acting right or anything, he might even get beheaded! "Your family isn't going to mind that I'm just a stinky poor ice harvester right?"

Anna thought of her father's reaction to the poor but he always helped them out and Elsa did kinda invite the "Reindeer Boy" as Elsa called him Anna smiled❆ "I'm sure they won't mind, and I'm uh.. She resisted telling the poor boy that she ate more the him and was an upright member of the royal family when the servant known as Marry came and grabbed her hand❆ "There you are!" "Princess Anna your catch your death of cold out here, come along now." Anna was taken away from the boy giving him an I'm sorry look."


Kristoff's jaw dropped, this girl was royalty? The servant girl noticed Kristoff, "Who's this?"

"Oh I'm nobody." He said, backing away a little. "Anna was just- I mean the… princess… Uh." He took a breath, calming himself slightly. Anna was nice enough, her family surely wouldn't behead him or throw him in a dungeon. And he really wanted to go to the carnival. "I'm a friend of Anna's."

Marry eyes the boy "Is this true princess?" Anna smiled warmly at Kristoff she had found a friend!❆ "Yes he's my pal, buddy, chum."

Kristoff didn't like the way Marry looked at him, like he was a troublemaker who would steal the candlesticks in the castle. Kristoff was thankful that his less-than-legally-acquired carrots were hidden in a bag.

"Soooooo…" He said, turning his attention back to his new friend, "what happens now?"

Anna bounces on her heels "Hehe-aha." "I've got to introduce you to my papa now silly."