The outside looked very much the same, but Loki Laufeyson immediately noticed an entire upheaval of the interior. The booths still sat in the same place, but the catwalk was entirely gone. The bar had been stretched and wrapped around the entire circular wall in the centre, and Loki briefly wondered where those infernal kegs now sat. All the private rooms in the back had been converted as well, each with its own small stage with a microphone and monitor. At least the magenta walls were still the same.

"I can't believe they changed this place so much." Loki couldn't hide his smirk from Steve Rogers' awe. He had really only been there once to find Tony. Even to the god, that night seemed so long ago.

"Please, you've been here once, Sparkles. I'm almost going into shock over here. This is not what I had expected."

Loki looked to his right. Tony Stark, Iron Man and owner of the Avengers Initiative, stood casually with a lopsided grin in one of his usual dashing suits. He jerked his head at Loki. "I bet it's even worse for you, huh, Lance?"

Loki ignored Bruce Banner's slight snort and rolled his eyes. "It is a bit odd. I suppose change is inevitable, even within such a short time as six months."

"A lot can change quickly for our Midgardian wards," Thor Odinson answered. The older god looked more at home than he should have in a normal red flannel and dark wash jeans, standing in the centre of the team with even more people milling about around them. He clapped his hand on Clint Barton's shoulder and grinned. "But we shan't dally much longer! The Archer and I have engaged in a wager that I intend to see through."

"Uh, no," Clint said, shrugging away from his hold. He pulled at his black jacket and pretended to brush some dust from his shoulder. "It was drinking, not drinking and karaoke."

"Nonsense! Are you feeling cowardice, Friend Clint?" Thor taunted. Natasha Romanov sighed.

"Well, this won't end well," she muttered. Loki shrugged.

"Perhaps. Thor tends to become even louder the more his drinks."

"Sounds like we need our own room, then!" Tony exclaimed. Natasha sighed again and dropped her forehead to her hand. Despite her annoyance, the spy looked radiant in a silver hoodie and relaxed slacks.

"Alright, Silvertongue - you drug me here, so you're buying my first drink," the spy said. Loki nodded and held his arm out to her.

"I find that fair," he answered as she looped their arms together. Tony's hand on his elbow caused Loki to pause.

"Get everyone a round," he said. Loki felt a brush against the back pocket of his jeans. "Start a tab, and I'll get us a private room."

Loki nodded, and Tony smiled. He leaned over briefly and pressed his lips to Loki's jaw before ushering the other four away from the door. Thor and Clint's taunts were beginning to become too loud, even for a bar.

For changing hands, the bar was still fairly busy. Loki guided Natasha towards the bar, weaving them between several whooping crowds for the man on stage. He held his hand out to keep her steady as she seated herself and pushed a chair away to stand beside her.

"I'm sure it is weird to be back here," she said, waving at the bartender. Loki nodded.

"Slightly. Honestly I was here for merely a week, but I did spend quite a bit of time in those few days." Loki kept his eyes on the bartender's back. He was tall, but not tall enough, and his hair was the wrong colour. "I do suppose this is an ideal location for the celebration."

"If you're into that sort of thing, I guess," Natasha answered.

"It is better than a brothel, yes?"

"I've seen worse," Natasha shrugged, and Loki chuckled. He didn't doubt her at all.

Over the last six months, he and Natasha had become friends. He wouldn't admit it, but other than Anthony, she was the next closest bond. They had several things in common, which he had been very surprised to note. She had come to him one day in need of a sparing partner, and Tony had urged he accept the offer. They had only become closer since.

"What the hell is this guy's problem?" She hissed. The bartender still was speaking to the only other patron at the bar - a man in a white hoodie cradling a brown bottle. Natasha slapped her hand on the bar top.

"Barkeep!" Loki snapped, dropping his hand to Natasha's shoulder. The man flinched and turned slowly. Wrong eyes, too. "We are in need of service."

Loki may or may not have added an extra bit of venom to his tone, but the man scurried over.

"Sorry, guys. He's an old friend," he said sheepishly. "What can I get you?"

Loki ordered for Natasha and the rest of the group, passing over Tony's credit card to begin the tab. The bartender nodded and turned to begin the first round. Loki settled a bit more comfortably against the bar.

"When did this location change ownership?" He asked, watching the nervous man pour Natasha's White Russian.

"Uh, from Slinky, you mean?" He asked.


"Oh, about four months ago," he answered, turning to pass Natasha's drink. His name tag caught the light, and Loki had to resist rolling his eyes. "I know it was a strip joint before, right? I've only been here since they became Vocalize."

"Has the business been well?" Loki asked. He wasn't one for small talk, but he definitely didn't want the man overhearing anything he and Natasha had to say.

"Oh, yeah," the blond answered, grinning. He was pouring Bruce's coke and Tony's scotch at the same time. "Karaoke has really caught on lately."

"So it seems," Loki muttered. He fell silent, and the bartender seemed fine with it. He added Thor, Steve, and Clint's light beer mugs and Loki's Amaretto Sour, then began to wipe his counter down.

"So, you guys are getting a private room, right?" He asked. Natasha nodded. "I can have a waitress bring these out if you'd like."

"That'd be great," she said, stepping down from the stool.

"Cool. Oh, and you guys can order another round from the screen in the room. It'll come up here to me and I'll have someone bring them back," he said, smiling. Loki nodded and took his glass in hand.

"Here's your card back, Mr. Stark." Natasha snorted and turned away as Loki pocketed Tony's card again. "Holler if you need anything. My name's Lance."

"Yes, right," Loki said. Natasha grabbed his arm again and practically hauled him away. She couldn't fight the grin even as they rounded the bar.

"Well, thanks for the drink, Mr. Stark."

"It is my pleasure," he purred, and she laughed.

"That was too much. And his name was Lance? Stark is going to be pissed he missed that."

"Pissed I missed what?" Tony called, leaning in the doorway of what Loki remembered to be the largest private room. They were nearly at the end of the hallway, but still the building wasn't very deep.

"The bartender called Loki you and his name was Lance!" Natasha answered. Tony grinned and chuckled.

"Well damn. I guess this place needed a new Lance after I kept stealing the last one." Loki rolled his eyes and ushered Natasha in, passing over his glass to her.

"So it seems," Loki drawled. He pulled Tony's card from his back pocket and passed it over. "We have a tab."

"Awesome, we'll need it," Tony answered, putting the card away in his suit jacket. He paused. "I'm glad you're here."

"Should I not be?" Loki asked. Tony grinned.

"Hell no, you should always be with me," he said, tone possessive. "I meant coming out here to celebrate. It means a lot to me."

"All I wish is your happiness, Anthony," Loki whispered. He took a small step forward, officially in Tony's personal space. "If I shall endure a night of Thor's wailing for it, then so be it."

Tony's smile was breath taking and Loki's stomach flipped. Still the genius could spur several unnamed feelings within the god, even months later. Loki had been concerned that Tony's attention would be fleeting at best, as mortals typically are, but Tony only seemed to grow fonder of him. Loki couldn't imagine a reason that this was negative, either.

Tony grabbed Loki by his collar and pulled him into a soft kiss. Loki sighed, allowing his eyes to close briefly, and pressed back. The genius wasn't ever shy about expressing his infatuation with Loki, public ally or privately. Which was definitely not negative.

Catcalls from within their room separated the couple. Tony frowned, bottom lip jutting forward in a soft pout. "Shut the fuck up, Birdbrain."

"Hey, I'm going through torture enough as it is - I don't want to watch you two pawing all over each other!" The archer snapped. Tony growled and surged towards the man, causing the rest of the group to laugh.

"Uh, excuse me?" A soft voice followed by an even softer tap caused Loki to turn. It was their waitress, standing behind him with the first tray of drinks. "Are you Mr. Stark?"

Tony popped up from where he had been shoving Barton's face into a couch cushion. "That's me! Hell yeah, first round."

The girl's eyes spread as wide as saucers as her jaw dropped. "Y-you're Stark! The Tony Stark!"

"That's me," he chirped. Clint grabbed him in a soft headlock, causing the genius to give a strangled laugh. "Babe, do you mind?"

Loki gently took the tray from her and nodded. "That will be all. We shall order more soon, I am sure."

She turned her wide blue eyes on him and immediately blushed. "And you're - "

"Shutting the door," Loki answered, and did just that. Natasha was chuckling when Loki sat on the couch beside her.

"Loki, that was awful."

"Yes, well, the awe will wear away while she is transporting her weight in ale," Loki drawled. He nodded his thanks when she passed over his drink.

"That's true. Thor can really put a few away," Bruce joined in, leaning over from the chair on the other side of Natasha. Even though he was dressed down, Bruce still wore a crisp button down and dark slacks. He looked more like he should be reading a novel by a fireplace versus sitting in a karaoke bar. "Besides, the privacy will be nice."

"I'll drink to that," Natasha agreed, taking a long draw from her glass.

"Alright, off me, Tweety!" Tony snapped, shoving Barton roughly. Steve managed to catch Clint as he fell back. Thor boomed laughter and tossed his head back. "Dammit," the genius growled, moving over to the small table Loki had set the tray on. He grabbed the beer and shoved each blond with their own mug. After taking his own glass, he cleared his throat.

"Okay, listen up, guys," Tony began, one hand slipping into his pocket and the other raised slightly. "I want to propose a toast. It's been six awesome months being our own boss, huh?" Natasha and Bruce clapped while Clint and Thor whooped. Steve smiled and nodded, holding his frosted mug high. Tony continued: "We've helped countless people across the world, and I feel like it can only go up from here. It's a shame that Pep and Agent can't be here, but we'll just have to take a few extra shots for them. To the Avengers Initiative!"

Cheers echoed in their room, each member of the team announcing their applause. Loki smiled and joined in, actually clapping a bit. Tony took his sip first, leading the rest and settling his eyes on Loki. The god still smiled softly, inclining his head in a quick nod. Tony took the free seat on Loki's other side and settled in.

"And to us," the genius whispered, throwing his other arm around Loki's shoulders. "Not quite six full months, but I couldn't be happier. We'll only get better from here." He clacked their glasses together and grinned, tossing the rest of his scotch back. Loki did the same with his and took Tony's empty glass. He settled back against the couch after putting their glasses away on the tray. Tony's arm had dropped to his waist.

"These past months have certainly been exciting," Loki answered. Tony grinned.

"You could say that again," the billionaire answered. Steve was still on the small stage with Thor and Clint. Apparently the soldier had more experience than he let on with dealing with karaoke. "Everyone has been great, though."

"Oh absolutely," Loki answered. "Except - "

"Fury, yeah. He's still being a dick about the whole thing," Tony grumbled. "It's a good thing Agent is on our side. It's great having him as a liaison between Pepper and S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Indeed," Loki answered. Since Tony acquired the Avengers Initiative, Pepper Potts and Phil Coulson had been working very closely between Stark Industries and the team. Pepper still ran the business side, and Phil collected and connected contracts. S.H.I.E.L.D. and the World Security Council still made up a large portion of their work, but several countries and governments came to them as well. Coulson was perfect for the job.

Tony had been worried that the added time together would put stress on Pepper's relationship with the man, but they seem to have only grown closer. In fact, the only reason they had missed the celebration tonight was because Phil was taking Pepper home to meet his mother.

"Your hand is empty," Tony said, drawing Loki from his thoughts. The god's eyebrows rose.

"Oh my, you seem to be correct," he answered, tone surprised. "What ever will I do?"

"Well, I saw a tablet by the door," Tony said, tone seductive. "Perhaps I could buy you another?"

"Do be discreet," Loki whispered back. "My lover is quite jealous, and he will be back any minute now."

"I'll be quick," Tony assured, pecking Loki's cheek. The god grinned as Tony freed his arm and stood up.

"Anyone else need another before we can't hear anymore?" Tony called. Natasha's hand shot up, shaking the ice in her glass.

"I'll take a double, Stark."

"And I as well, Man of Iron!" Thor called, tone light. Steve and Clint were still tinkering away on the screen, and Bruce shook his head.

"Still not drinking, Bruce?" Natasha asked. The doctor shook his head again.

"No, I'd rather not. Not that I can't handle it, just that I prefer not to."

"Your teachings are still serving well," Loki observed. Bruce nodded, sipping lightly at his Coke.

"Yeah, it's better this way, anyway. You never know what may happen," the doctor said.

"True," Natasha answered. "But I know that whatever this is going to turn into means I'll need all the help I can get."

"Alright!" Clint announced, snatching up one of the microphones. He grinned broadly and held his mug high. "First up, the glamorous and sexy Mr. Steve Rogers! Serenading us in the style of Creedence Clearwater Revival, it's Proud Mary!" The archer passed the mic over to a rather sheepish looking Steve as the rest of the room erupted in applause. Tony took his seat as Thor and Clint took over the other couch.

"Drinks will be here soon," Tony said, although the first chords of the guitar drowned out his voice. He just grinned and shook his head.

Steve actually sounded pretty decent. He was spot on with a majority of the tones, even rocking his hips with the beat. Clint started a steady rhythm clap, and when everyone joined in Steve really let loose. He crooned at the best parts and even threw in a few added yeahs. By the song's end he was grinning and out of breath but still holding his beer mug that had never sloshed over.

"Damn, Captain! That was pretty badass!" Tony called, clapping a little too enthusiastically.

"Thanks, Tony," the soldier said sheepishly, wiping a bit of sweat off with his discarded over shirt that had somehow removed itself during his show. Thor and Clint kept the applause going.

"The competition is pretty steep, man. I'm feeling it over here," Clint called. Thor nodded.

"Aye! Friend Rogers shone greatly!"

"Well, you're up, Thor," Steve said, jerking his thumb to the stage. The warrior whooped as he rose to his feet.

"Aye," he announced again. "The Eye of Hawk has chosen for me - " Clint immediately began laughing, " - and he has selected Welcome to the Jungle."

Thor placed his mug aside as he took the stage, entirely unperturbed by Natasha's gasp and Tony's loud chortle. Steve selected the song for him and sat next to Clint. The god took the mic in one hand and set the stand aside. His look of sheer determination made Loki snort.

The second Thor began to sing, Tony buried his face against Loki's neck. Loki felt Tony's chest trembling against his arm as his goatee tickled the god's skin with each laugh. Loki looked over at Natasha. She appeared frozen, eyes wide and unmoving with a hand covering her mouth. Bruce appeared much the same, leaning against the arm of his chair and shaking his head.

Across the room, Steve and Clint were just loving it. They whooped and cheered Thor on, lulling the god into moving around on the stage in jerky dance moves. Between Tony's laughing, Natasha's horrification, and Thor's fumbling lyrics and monotone voice, Loki couldn't take it anymore.

He hasn't laughed so hard in years.

When the song ended and Thor took his bow, Loki and Tony were practically holding each other.

"Brother!" Thor demanded, voice hurt. Loki giggled a few more times, dabbing his eyes.

"That was, ah, wonderful, Thor. Truly," Loki said. His comment only made Tony laugh harder, which pulled Loki right back down with him. The older god huffed and stomped off the stage, snatching his mug as he went. He settled between Clint and Steve on the couch with another huff.

"You did well, Thor," Natasha called. The god perked his head up from where he had been staring into the last sip of his beer.

"Thank you, Lady Natasha!" He announced, and just like that his cheery attitude was back. Natasha jabbed her elbow into Loki's side. The god cleared his throat and sat up straighter, patting Tony's knee to do the same. Tony sat up, chest still heaving with giggles, and straightened his tie.

"Yeah, great job, Axel," Tony added. Clint snorted into his beer, struggling to swallow. "It's your turn now, Big Bird."

"Yeah yeah," Clint answered. He downed the rest of his mug and stood. "I'm doing Juke Box Hero. And I better have another beer when I'm done, Stark," he added with an extra collar pop.

As Clint took the stage, Tony looked over towards the door. "Shit, those drinks still aren't here. What the hell?"

"I shall go see to them, Anthony," Loki said, patting his knee.

"But you'll miss Clint's - " Tony was interrupted by loud feedback from the microphone. He slapped a hand to his ear and cringed, adding his groan to Bruce's.

"I shall be fine," Loki answered as he stood. He felt lucky, actually.

"Now I'm jealous," Tony grumbled. Loki grinned and slipped out of the room just as the first few notes of the song played.

Loki walked the short hallway slowly, not really in any hurry to get back. After having to endure Thor, he felt he deserved a bit of a break. The bar facing the hallway was empty, so Loki rounded to the front and stood much in the same spot as he and Natasha had earlier. Loki was immediately aggravated to notice the bartender - Lance - was no where to be seen. He groaned and drummed his fingers on the countertop.

After a moment he pushed himself away and walked around the bar again. When he came back around, he noticed their drink order sat on a screen. It was nearing the ten minute mark, and all the drinks were bright red. Even the second beer Tony had added as he left was hitting yellow. Loki scowled and surveyed the room.

The bartender wasn't at another table and he didn't see the girl that had brought their drinks the first time, either. The noise level wasn't deafening out here like their room (he made a note to have Rogers lower the volume), and Loki found the woman singing to be quite talented. He watched her move across the corner stage, eyes locked on the screen and singing something soft about lights and hanging innocent men. Loki was surprised he clapped when she bowed after the song ended and stepped down.

"Well, I suppose I can't have you looking so lost." Loki turned, looking for the source of the voice. The man in the white hoodie stood from his seat, which Loki noticed hadn't changed from when he and Natasha had left. He downed the rest of his bottle and dropped it back on his coaster, pushing up his sleeves. The man slipped under the half door with practiced ease, standing up fully behind the bar.

Loki narrowed his eyes as he watched the man work. He moved with the grace of a man that had been behind the bar for several years, pouring two mugs of beer in one hand and mixing a White Russian with the other. After what could have only been thirty seconds, the drinks were on a tray and sitting in the well. The man never turned his back from Loki, even as he cleared the screen and popped the cap off of another bottle for himself. It wasn't until he leaned back and took a long draw that realization finally dawned on why Loki felt he appeared familiar.

"Volpe," the god hissed. The man smirked, pushing his hood back to reveal those bright blue eyes and dark brown hair. The smirk showed his teeth, and still they appeared far too sharp at the canines. He hadn't aged much at all, and that cut from Tony smashing his face with his ceramic mask was now just a faint scar.

"One and only!" The thief answered, shoving one of his hands in his pocket. "Fancy seeing you here."

"I doubt that," Loki snapped. He paused, waiting for the young waitress to take the tray from the well. When she was gone, Loki leaned forward on the bar. "What are you doing here?"

"Same as you - having a night out," Volpe answered with a shrug. "Well, not really the same. I may or may not have something - hey, what the fuck!?"

Loki had latched on to the man's collar and roughly pulled him forward. Bottles clinked in the speed racks below as Volpe's balance was lost, pressing his thighs against the racks. "Not here, you fool. Too many ears."

"Alright, fine. That's all you had to say, geez," Volpe answered, straightening his hoodie and running a hand through his hair. He slipped under the half door again and came to stand beside Loki. This bartender was the correct height, hair colour, and eye colour. Loki felt a bit of nostalgia at the thought.

Volpe turned away, heading for where Loki remembered the bathrooms to be. Apparently that hadn't changed either, and Volpe locked the door behind them. Loki reached out with his magic, noting there were no others in the room, before silencing them with a few wards.

"So, how you been?" Volpe asked, leaning against the wall by the urinals. At least the bathroom was cleaner this time.

"How did you find us?" Loki asked instead. Volpe rolled his eyes.

"Well, you're dating the guy worst at keeping his own secrets. I'll admit that this was circumstance, too. I was following Banner, and you guys happened to be along."

"Why are you following Banner?" Loki asked. Volpe held up a finger and wagged it.

"My secret, Mr. Norse," Volpe taunted, a sly smirk on his face. Loki squeezed his fists together and took a menacing step forward.

"He isn't in danger!" The fox added quickly and held up a hand in good will. Loki quirked a thin eyebrow.

"I suggest for your well being that you are correct," Loki said, tone even. Volpe shook his head.

"No, I'm keeping him safe. Don't worry about it." Volpe paused, head tilted in thought. "You know, you haven't changed much at all in the last six months. Well, your hair is a few inches longer and you've still got that weird growth on your side - "

"Again, I suggest for your well being you are not referring to Anthony."

"Ah, details," Volpe grinned, waving his hand. They both knew he was, and Volpe knew Loki knew, but he didn't have the time to kick his ass for it.

"What do you have for me?" Loki sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Clint is surely done with his song, and someone else will likely go up soon. Tony will be wondering where he is, and Loki would be lying if he said he wasn't already out of patience.

"Fine, we'll catch up over brunch or something," the mercenary said. He shifted his weight and took another swig of his bottle. "The Triad are trying to find a way to liaison your little team. They're going to take a crack at Mr. Right when you aren't around. They know you're what really stands between them and Stark. I'm telling you now, man - it's going to get ugly."

"Why now after months of silence?" Loki asked. His stomach churned with dread. Tony was more than capable of defending himself. In fact, Loki rarely went on any of the Initiative's crusades. If the Triad is specifically targeting Tony through Loki, then they must have acquired something otherworldly.

"Building up the plan, I guess," Volpe said with a shrug. He dropped his gaze to the silvered tile floor, bouncing the heel of his sneaker against the toe of his other. "You're a real tough cookie with a long history of breaking shit and destroying lives. They know you're the real deal, the big kahuna, and they've got their sights set on disrupting you." He pointed at Loki, pausing to take another swig. "It's a catch twenty - you either need to be on Stark's ass like white on rice, or keep yourself as far away from him as you can. If they attack him without you around, then they can't use the big guns. If you're there and you go down, Stark is as good as dead."

Loki felt a shiver run up his spine - he quickly suppressed it, schooling his features to mask his displeasure. As much as he didn't want to admit it, Volpe was right - Loki had no way of knowing what the Triad was planning without Volpe's help, but he couldn't very well leave Tony after hearing this news.

"I shall stay, for now," Loki said. He heard the hollowness in his voice at the suggestion of leaving Tony. He didn't want to. "Can you find out more?"

"I can try," Volpe said, pushing himself away from the wall. "But I want something in return."

"And what may that be?" Loki asked, tone guarded. He would never fully trust Volpe again any time soon, unless the man could prove his worth again in aiding Loki to protect Tony. Loki had not forgotten the curse he had placed on the thief, and knew that neither did he.

"I want some one-on-one time with Doctor Banner," Volpe said. Loki narrowed his eyes.

"Are you ill?"

"Nah," Volpe answered. The thief dropped his gaze again, and Loki immediately got the feeling he was acting bashful. "I just wanna talk to him. Me doing all this shit for you has put me in a bit of a predicament. See, all of my contacts think I'm dead, which is great because that means so do my enemies. I hope Doc doesn't think I'm dead, either, but I basically need a check up, I guess. I can count on one hand who all thinks I'm still kicking, and he's the only doctor."

"Is this not the ideal way of life for a thief? Living life fully in the shadows?" Loki asked, slightly amused. Volpe rolled his eyes.

"Uh, duh. It's fucking awesome. Except that my friends think I'm dead, too. Well, you know I'm alive, but you haven't even texted me in six months," Volpe said, tone slightly hurt. He looked back up in time to miss the god's eye roll. Loki wasn't at all surprised that Volpe still counted him as a friend. The man was quite literally insane.

"My apologies," Loki drawled. "I must be returning. I shall set a meeting with the good doctor for you. I expect to hear something quickly."

Volpe nodded, throwing his hand up in a mock salute. "You got it, boss."

Loki nodded and waved his hand. The glamour around them fell, and the sounds from the club could again be heard. He turned and headed for the door, immediately concerned for Tony.

"Thank you." Loki paused, turning. The fox, usually so carefree in nature and high in spirit, wore a solemn expression. His eyes gave away exactly how much he appreciated Loki willing to speak to Bruce for him, among other things that Loki noticed but decided not to read into.

"You are welcome, fox," Loki answered, allowing the barest of smiles. Volpe grinned his lopsided grin, and his usual manic glee was back. Loki nodded and allowed the door to close behind him.

Loki remembered feeling that way, entirely alone in a world full of people who either thought you were gone or treated you that way while you still lingered. His actions before the Fall had been all for whom he thought were his family, only to have it thrown back as being wrong and rubbed in his face. The feeling of loneliness in a room full of others' happiness could be suffocating, and before Tony he always felt that way.

As Loki rounded the corner of the bar to the hallway, he felt a wave of determination settle over him. He would not be the cause of Tony's demise. He would stay as near as possible, accompanying them on all crusades from here on, until he heard back from Volpe exactly what the Triad was up to. He needed to be there for Tony more than the inventor would ever know.

Loki had not spoken a word of Volpe bringing light to the Triad months ago. Loki spent his time guarding Tony like he would his own life, never allowing any change in their relationship. In fact, the proximity had only brought them closer. Loki could not bare the thought of losing Tony, now or ever. He knew he would have to analyze exactly what these feelings were and meant, but for now all of his focus was on protecting the man he had come to cherish above all else.

Tony's laughter reached Loki's ears as he pushed the door open to their room. Clint was taking an exaggerated bow, beer sloshing slightly over the rim of his mug. Loki couldn't help his smile as he settled back a bit closer to Tony than before.

"Where were you, babe?" Tony asked, dropping his hand to Loki's knee comfortably - like it belonged there.

"The restroom," Loki answered smoothly, which wasn't a lie. He leaned over and kissed Tony soundly, suddenly needing the contact to quell his shaking nerves. Tony kissed him back with his lips spreading in a broad grin.

"Well, you're just in time," Natasha said, nudging Loki in the side. He pulled away and turned to her.

"For?" He asked, dragging his fingers along Tony's jaw. He felt the billionaire shiver.

"It's Stark's turn, and he picked something just for you," she said, winking. Loki felt his lips spreading into an exaggerated grin and looked back at Tony.

"For me, Anthony?" Loki cooed, enjoying Tony's laughter.

"Yup. I'll have to alter some lyrics, but I think you'll figure it out," Tony said with a wink. He pressed another quick kiss to Loki's lips and stood up, making his way to the stage. Loki settled back and Natasha leaned against his shoulder.

"You weren't in the bathroom." Loki recognized Natasha's tone, immediately reading its demand versus inquiry. He kept his eyes on Tony, watching the billionaire and Steve select his song. Natasha would be an asset to him once he learned more from Volpe, and she would keep his secret safe. Perhaps including her in the fold would be good.

"I was," he answered, leaning a bit more towards her. "But I shall explain later. Not a word to anyone, my lady."

She nodded and sipped her drink carefully. Loki knew he had her curiosity. Tony was snatching up the mic and set aside the stand, eyes locking on Loki. The god snorted softly and reached for his new drink.

"So this is for Loki," Tony said. A sultry guitar echoed over the speakers, and Loki felt Natasha chuckle beside him. A bit of a Spanish twinge worked into the chords and Loki recognized the song. "For my black magic...boyfriend."

Loki grinned and shook his head as Tony began to sing. Tony sounded far better than Thor and even Steve as he swayed softly from side to side with the beat of the music. He didn't look at the screen at all, knowing the song by heart. Loki wasn't surprised. As the chorus cycled through again, he locked his eyes with Loki.

The god's stomach flipped, and he smiled back softly. This man, this mere mortal, had quite thoroughly captured Loki in his very own form of black magic. Loki was more than happy to oblige him in any possible way, for Loki had done the same. He vowed again, then and there, listening to his lover's soft voice and eyes for only him, that he would never allow any harm to befall him.

Loki would protect Anthony at all costs.

A/N: There we go. Do let me know what you THINK. I need it. ;)