"Yes, I remember everything now." Regina said as Robin looked at her and saw the hurt in her eyes as he approached her which caused him to stop in his tracks. He knew then what exactly she was remembering, those cruel words he had been forced to say to her the night they had made love. He chose his words to her very carefully.

"Regina, first off that night meant everything to me you have to know this." Robin said but he could see her eyes were glued on their son. Please Roland, keep her attention for me until she hears me out, Robin thought. He didn't think she would kill him with their son so close but he wasn't going to take any chances.

"It couldn't of meant anything to you, you got what you wanted that night remember?" Regina asked as she flung his words back at him.

"Regina when you had me in your dungeon, a woman approached me. She told me how she kept us apart the night you didn't enter that blasted tavern all those years ago." Robin said as he saw Regina's eyes come to meet his face. "She told me all about my tattoo and what it means to you, to us. And she forced me to say those mean words to you so that you would hate me. Regina it was your mother who did this."

"My mother? That's not possible, she has been gone for a long time now. I made sure of that." Regina said as her mind starting putting all the pieces together. "Rumpel"

"Pardon?" Robin asked.

"Rumpel had to be impersonating my mother. It explains everything, he wanted to keep us apart so that I would be his apprentice." Regina said.

"I had a run in with him earlier and he pretty much said how he wanted you to be his monster that he created." Robin said as his anger at the imp for keeping Regina from him took a hold of him.

"What did he have on you? What caused you to say those things to me?" Regina asked.

"He threatened my mother's life, he said he would harm her if I didn't turn you against me." Robin said.

"Sounds like something he would do. Is your mother alright?" Regina asked.

"She passed away earlier this year." Robin said saddened that his loving mother would never know her grandchild.

"I'm very sorry for your loss, I know what that is like to loose someone." Regina said as she thought of Daniel and the others.

"Answer me honestly, you didn't mean anything you said to me that night?" Regina asked as she looked into his face wanting to see the truth there.

"When I said I wanted you more than life itself I meant that. I still do, the other cruel words were just false words to make you hate me." Robin said.

"I hear you got married not long after that night." Regina said as a streak of jealously went through her.

"One more thing you should know, the dark one used a potion on me to make me forget about our time together. Not long after that I met Marian and we did love one another." Robin said as his words caused hurt to flash in her eyes. "But know this, what I felt for you was always with me, I just couldn't remember it at the time."

"So what did you feel for me then?" Regina asked as she looked down at Roland who was sound asleep in her arms.

"As crazy as it may sound I think I have been smitten with you since the moment I was in your dungeons. Our hearts were connected as our bodies were that night." Robin said. "I'm in love with you Regina."

"I don't know what to say to that." Regina said as she started to pace back and forth. The inner battle inside of her raging, could she allow love back into her life? Could she take that risk again with him? Was she going to be enough?

"Tell me how you feel." Robin said as he stepped up to her and put his hands on her shoulders.

"My emotions are all over the place, I still remember the hurt from that night but I do understand why." Regina said. "No matter what happens between us I will never regret that night because of him." Regina said as she looked down at her son sleeping in her arms.

"Do you love me? Just tell me because I need to know." Robin said as he saw the fear in her eyes that no one has ever witnessed before, not since she became the Queen.

"Yes, yes I do." Regina said as a smile started on her face. Robin laughed a small happy laugh as he smiled back down at her and took her face in his hands and leaned down, careful of their son between them. He brought his lips down to hers in a gentle but firm passionate kiss meant to seal their love between them. The two adults would have kept kissing except their son decided just then to make his presence known as he let out a cry.

"What's wrong my little knight?" Regina asked as concern for him was evident on her face.

"I think he might be hungry." Robin said.

"What have you been feeding him?" Regina asked as Roland let out a very loud cry then.

"Goat's milk is all we had, Marian's milk never came in which now I know why." Robin said as a lot of things made sense now.

"Oh right, I wonder if..." Regina said as earlier she had felt her breasts were heavier than before. They felt like right after she had given birth, her decision made she waved her hand and the next thing Robin knew they were back in her castle in her bedchamber to be exact.

"Why did you bring us back here?" Robin asked as he turned around to see her sitting down in a chair and he watched as she pushed her top down to reveal one of her breast and brought Roland up to her. Roland needed no encouragement as he latched on quickly and started to suck.

"Is he getting anything?" Robin asked as he looked at the image of them. Mother and child.

"Yes, I guess when the curse was broken everything was the way it was right before." Regina said as she looked down at Roland's little face. "He's pretty hungry."

"Well he is a growing boy and merry men come in all sizes." Robin said as he walked over to kneel beside her and watched his little boy receive nourishment from his mother. This was what was always missing from his life. A woman who loved him and whom he loved and this beautiful son they shared.

"I have a feeling he will grow big like his handsome father." Regina said as she looked at Robin's face. What she saw there was what had been missing for so long. Love, she saw the love he had for her in his face and it was like his very soul was looking back at her.

"So milady, where does this leave us now?" Robin asked.

"You have to understand that what I went through earlier in my life changed me. The anger I felt was all I had to hold onto. But that's been slowly fading from me, I know I can never make up for all the bad things I have done in my life. But I will never let that feeling over-take me again." Regina swore to him and to herself. "I have more important things in my life now." she said as they both looked at Roland and then at each other.

"That's all I could ask for." Robin said as he leaned in for another kiss.

Roland had drifted off to sleep as his parents hovered over him and decided to get some sleep and decide on their futures tomorrow. Later that night as they all were asleep, Regina asleep in Robin's arms in the bed. Roland asleep in his new cradle, one that Regina had used magic to conjure which had an arrow carved into it at the foot of it. They were all unaware that a visitor had came by.

"I told you Regina, that pixie dust never lies." Tinkerbell said as she floated near the window looking in at them all. She took her wand and waved it and little Roland's birthmark glowed green for moments before returning to normal. Tink looked at Regina laying on the bed, asleep in Robin's arms.

"True love isn't easy, but it must be fought for. Because once you find it, it can never be replaced." Tink said as she flew away from the castle.

The End.