Chapter 1: Meega Nala Kweesta! -or- The Great Escape

The two-dimensional castle for Disney appears in parts, similar to the opening of Stitch Has A Glitch. A blinking green dot moves above the castle in an arch from right to left before disappearing, leaving behind the arch line. A green light shines over the logo and sends it into the air like it's being abducted. The black screen turns red to reveal a curtain. From the left side, a raven-haired Hawaiian girl steps out wearing a hula outfit. From the right, a blue kawala-like creature rolls out and stands by her to show himself wearing the same clothes. Both of their entrances earned an applause from the crowd, excluding the villains.

The middle of the curtain parts for a second as a slightly taller, brunette-haired girl steps out wearing a black suit and tie with black sunglasses on. She takes off her glasses and shows off a pair of hazel eyes. She puts the glasses in her pocket and clears her throat. Many experiments, Hawaiians, villains from the franchise sit down and stop talking to each other. The instruments' players stop tuning to wait for their Que. The smaller girl and the blue animal walk over to stand next to the girl in the suit, each on one side of her.

"Lilo," she gestured to the smaller girl, "and Stitch."

As she snaps her fingers, the music began playing "Love You Always". The two identified characters began acting out whatever the girl spoke about, but only when there ques were spoken.

"There once was a lonely girl who wanted a friend," she stood stationary while Lilo made the hula gestures. "She wished on what she believed was a star and was later acquainted with what she believed was a dog."

Stitch began to move with Lilo but the girl never once moved from her spot. She stood like a soldier with her arms behind her back, which contradicted the almost joking manner of the two dancers.

"The dog was actually an alien," she continued the story. "Made by a mad scientist to cause mass destruction. The galaxy sent troops after the alien-dog but he managed to fight them off without anyone figuring it out, except for the girl. With Lilo's help, Stitch found not only more to himself than chaos...he also found a home. This is the story you're all probably used to right?"

In the crowds there are simultaneous nods of agreement, villains even chime in on the unanimous thought. The musicians also nod, remembering the initial mess personally. The girl smiled to herself at the responses the question had.

"This is that same story you all know and love," she smirks. "Except with a few added bonuses and twists you probably never knew about. So without further ado, I present to you what could have happened if a few changes were made to what you all remember."

Lilo, Stitch and the unnamed girl exit the stage as the curtain opens. The screen behind it fills with life as an alien message is decoded to say "PLANET TURO" in English. Inside a large building, a meeting of the Galactic Federation was taking place. A hovering plate flies up to the desk of a group of highly ranked officials, referred to throughout the galaxy as the Grand Council. On the side of the judge-like alien council stood a shark-like bailiff. He was the commanding officer of the large fleet that caught these criminals, however missing the others involved.

"Case number sixty-five," the leader's voice echoed. "Read the charges, Captain Gantu."

"Dr. Jumba Jookiba -lead scientist of Galaxy Defense Industries- and Experiment number 626," Captain Gantu read. "Dr. Jookiba is charged with Illegal Genetic Experimentation. Along with creating the most dangerous creature in the universe, he and 626 are charged with over twelve thousand counts of hooliganism and attempting to enslave entire planets."

"How do you plead?" the Grand Councilwomen raised an eyebrow at the scientist in question.

"Not guilty," Jumba defended himself weakly. "I am being shocked to think that federation is thinking I am to be committing experimentation. That would be irresponsible and completely unethical."

"We believe you actually created something," the Grand Councilwomen told him.

"Created something?" Jumba faked a surprised expression. "My experiments are only theoretical...completely within legal boundaries. I would never...ever..."

Before Jumba could finish, a blue creature in a containment pod was hoisted in front of him on a hover pad of it's own. The blue kawala-like creature stood there to make Jumba's argument irrelevant by the proof.

"...make more than one," Jumba finished his sentence with the evidence in front of him.

Jumba began explaining and bragging all about the creature in the pod, experiment 626. 626 stood and looked at Jumba at first before jumping at the council. The pod kept him form causing harm, adding to his danger level by shouts of "monstrosity" from various aliens -mostly from Captain Gantu. Seeing as 626 couldn't break free, he began moving about the pod. 626 scaled the smooth wall of the pod and smiled rather cheekily at the aliens in the room. 626 climbed down and licked the glass, soon wiping his head on the slobber.

"Go ahead, 626," the Grand Councilwomen caught his attention. "Give us a sign that you understand. Show us that there is something inside you that is good."

"Ahem," 626 cleared his throat as he stood. "Meega nala kweesta!"

Outraged gasps were given throughout the room. A robot-like Grand Council member clutched their heart before barfing oil and bolts of the edge of the council table. 626 laughed at the small panic he caused. In the eyes of the Grand Councilwomen, this act of naughtiness proved that 626 was not a true civilized being like the populace of the room -while also proving Captain Gantu's case. For the good of the universe, they had to get rid of him. She voiced her opinion to the room as she made her final judgement on the case.

"Place that idiot scientist under arrest," the Grand Councilwomen narrowed her eyes at Jumba.

"I believe the term you are to be looking for is evil genius!" Jumba screamed with a smile.

Jumba laughed as he was pulled down, beforehand winking to 626. While they lead Jumba to his cell inside the planet's underground jail, Jumba dropped an ovular, silver device. The device rolls along the floor, stopping at Jumba's cell. As Jumba was pushed inside and the dinosaur-like guards left him, he pressed a button on his lab coat. The device doesn't move so Jumba continued. Pressing the third button from the top, the device split into four other copies. The five devices float to the ceiling, blinking as they form a square with a center dot.

Miles away in space, flashes of red were seen on the monitor of the SBS. Aboard the Small Blue Spacecraft were four members. Each one nodding to each other as the signal was given for phase two to begin. You see, Jumba and 626 weren't acting alone in their many acts of mischief. With them, they had three experiments and their gang's sixth member. Two of the experiments were his predecessors, while the third was 626's direct descendant through Jumba. Now only Jumba and 626 knew this truth however, leaving the rest in the dark about the creations' creator.

"Le je impordement," experiment 624 got off the copilot seat. "Isa ramid to baaheth jihadi."

"We know," 621 said in a Russian accent. "Time to save your boojiboo."

"Khalifaud isa naga meega bojiboo," 624 insisted. "Hakkiah isa toobaga."

627 laughed on his side of the ship while they argued. 627's sense of humor was a bit stale if you would ask...anyone. It was his only weakness, knocking him out and leaving him powerless to do anything else. 627 getting knocked out was not part of the plan. In the pilot seat was a squid-headed alien named Ramthar. He knew the plan well and didn't want any mistakes from them. A large part of the plan rested with them getting 626, anything to mess it up at the moment would be a cause for failure. Ramthar didn't take to failure, neglagence or treachory.

"621, 624!" Ramthar yelled at them. "Stop setting off 627's fail-safe! Remember, get in, grab 626, destroy Captain Gantu's power-grid and get out so we can get Jumba."

"We smish," 624 told him as the experiments got to the smaller break-away battle cruisers. "Ika patooka."

"I'm not stupid!" Ramthar called as they shut the doors to the cruisers. "Break-away cruisers disengage in off."

The three out of four experiment sized battle cruisers broke from the SBS and set a course for Captain Gantu's ship. They engaged hyper-drive and only broke out of it when they were close enough to go undetected. Many spaceships were around Gantu's ship, none as big but the numbers alone could make up three-fourths. The experiment cruisers stealthily hooked themselves to the undercarriage of the ship, putting on their spacesuits and climbing in through the ventilation. 621 and 624 were doing this at least, 627 took the garbage chute as his entrance.

621 and 624 crawled through the vents to the location of 626, all the while 627 was creating chaos by fighting armed forces. 621 was more of the toolbox of the group, having everything they need at a moments notice. His only limit was how many gadgets and weapons Jumba creates for him. One particular gadget was helping this duo find 626, a tracking device that locked on to 626's spacesuit. So far phase two was working without a hitch, Ramthar standing by for his Que to enter.

626 learned that every move he made got a response from the ship's prison blasters. They were programmed to lock onto 626's DNA, making escape for him near impossible. Unfortunately for the warden in the room, it didn't matter what or who the DNA was on. 626 spat at the guard and the security system fired at him. He ducked out of the way leaving the large blasters to fire at the door. 626 saw his chance and broke out of his confines, using them for a shield. 626 ran out the door while getting blasted, coming face to face with the dinosaur-like guards.

The vent opened behind them causing 626 to stand upright and grin at them. The guards were confused, he looked unnervingly confident for someone who was a split second decision away from being shot. 626 pointed behind them and the two guards turned to see two experiments. The first was a pink experiment with two snake-like antenna. She was standing next to a green experiment with a Mohawk, two bug-like antenna and three back spines handling two blasters in his subset of arms.

"Batookah," 624 waved at the guards. "Ikata, Hakkiah."

"With pleasure," 621 fired at the guards.

The guards were too slow to react and ended up getting blasted into the containment room. More guards came out from the hallways so 626 threw his makeshift shields at them to buy the experiments time to leave. Some guards jumped over and cornered them away from the escape vent. 624 stepped up in front of the experiments, a sign that 621 should cover his ears. The guards didn't let down their stances, but they were curious where this was going. 624 cleared her throat and looked at the guards.

"Acoota chi-meeto igatta no mootah," she sang to them, "nagga to nala itume tidooka."

The purple-suited female experiment stepped back as her trick was beginning to take affect. 627 brought in a group of guards that were chasing him. The red experiment in the dark green spacesuit joined the other experiments as they watched the newly turned evil guards attack the new group. 627 was almost laughed unconscious if 621 hadn't used his grappling hook to get them to the top vent. 624 used her antenna to rip open a vent to escape through. She climbed in with 626 following. A guard attempted to shoot at them but they already escaped.

"Security to Bridge," the guard used a circular space-phone to alert the pilots. "They're in the ventilation system."

The experiments crawled through the ducts of the ship, 627 destroying wires and fuse boxes on their way to the power source. 621 lead the way over the bridge of the ship, causing them to pass the three pilots overhead. Captain Gantu took out his blaster and shot at them but missed his three shots. Reaching the power-grid, the experiments pulled all the wires from a giant blue ball of contained electricity. They successfully unplugged everything causing the ship to malfunction and shut down.

"Eegalagoo," 624's eyes widened. "Ziz-ziz butifa."

"Emba-chua," 626 agreed. "Oketaka, ah-chooga moopa!"

"BY to T," 621 called through his communicator. "Move in for attack."

"Roger that," Ramthar responded.

The experiments got in their battle cruisers with the exception of 626. With his cruiser still on the SBS, he made his way to a red police cruiser that stood out among the others. He laughed to himself as he hot-wired the vehicle. The guards were making there way to the cruisers to defend the ship. The pilot of the police cruiser 626 was inside was the team's commander. He hopped inside the red cruiser only to be immediately pushed onto the floor. Sitting up in a confused state, he and his team looked up to see 626 hover in front of them.

"Mockeecha," 626 laughed as he flew out of the large ship.

Joining 621, 624, 627 and Ramthar in the air, the five of them caused damage to the other police cruisers. 626 lead the gang in ruthless attack strategies, leaving the police cruisers to evade multiple near misses. The commander of the police cruisers ordered an attack wherever a possible chance came. Each police cruiser firing at the high-jacked cruiser and the battle cruisers it lead. One police cruiser managed a direct hit on 626's new weapon system. His ship sparked and remained altogether fine, except his navigation systems were offline.

"Choota!" 626 cursed under his breath.

At the moment it looked like he was going back to jail. A flash of red distracted his shudder at the thought of prison and an idea popped into his head. 626 smiled as he broke the glass in front of him. He turned a knob to the right and pulled out. The computer called warnings to remind 626 of the failed navigation system, but the reminders fell on deaf eyes. 626's main concern of the moment was getting out of the battle, limbs intact and free as a bird. He pushed the knob back into place, engaging the hyper-drive function.

As the red police cruiser fled the scene faster than light, 626's team was mortified. Their leader had abandoned them in a desperate gamble for his own life. The experiment's battle cruisers attached to the SBS and they flew out of the fight in their own hyper-drive. Their location was Planet Turo, just because 626 had fled they had to make up the rest of the plan. In outrage, 621 rigged the wires to attempt to contact their "fearless leader". Finally, a faint signal was shared between the two ships.

"626?!" Ramthar yelled into the com. "What is the meaning of your failure?!"

"Soka meega shirq," 626 replied halfheartedly. "Meega taaksi ziz-ziz."

"How's your energy supply," 621 questioned.

"Allanet," 626 read the monitors in front of him. "Talenet. Zitnet? Naga butifa. Meega ikata jaalba. Meega...aka-choota...jalipaa...japdelua."

With that, the connection cut out. 621 tried to get the feed back but they were moving to far away. Ramthar got them out of hyper-drive and landed the ship on a deserted asteroid. 627 and 624 were confused why they weren't moving. Since 627 was only gonna laugh or speak without anyone understanding, 624 took it upon herself to ask them why they were taking an unscheduled break. 621 was still working on the communication while Ramthar was checking their systems.

"Gaba we aggaba?" 624 asked them.

"We're trying to get our leader," Ramthar turned around to face them. "621, where is he?"

"Still in hyperspace," 621 tapped a location pad. "Same as last time you asked. Though, I think I can track him. How much power do we have?"

"Enough to get 626 and still make it to the nearest cap off," Ramthar answered in a deadpanned voice. "But not enough for hyperspace."

"And Jumba," 621 had to question it.

Ramthar shook his head, he wasn't the most sensitive member. He did have a point in this matter. It was a decision between their leader and the head technician and it made more sense to go after 626. With Jumba, they wouldn't have enough power to fight of -and if they did they wouldn't have enough power to leave Turo. So with 621 as their guide, the SBS flew in the direction the signal came from. 627 caught sight of something in the window and alerted the rest of his team.

"Gaba isa Kavi?" 624 asked him like he was a dog.

"Evil," 627 pointed out the window.

Ramthar, 621 and 624 stared wide eyed as a red spaceship flown by Jumba flew by the asteroid. Ramthar powers the ship and they follow close behind Jumba. 621 tried to connect the communication for Jumba's new ship, but it was moving to fast for him to work with. The SBS couldn't keep up to the ship as it entered hyper-drive. They flipped around in space until 624 climbed along the walls, strapped herself into the pilot seat -something Ramthar forgot to do- and turned them uptight again. Ramthar, 621 and 627 stood upright dizzily.

"I think we found Jumba," Ramthar earned a nod from the experiments.

A/N: Thursdays will be update days, I'm just posting it now because I missed my chance yesterday. My older sister showed me the original pitch and deleted scenes from the movie one day. So I though to mix it into the movie and even add a few of my thoughts into that. So to be clear...

Disclaimer: Disney owns the Lilo & Stitch movie, Chris Sanders owns Ramthar and his original pitch, and so far I own the improvised dialog of this story and the direction this story is going for Ramthar, 621, 624 and 627.

Next Time: The name of the game changes with 626's team and creator. Meanwhile, Lilo and Nani meet a social worker.