Chapter 30 – Epilogue

"Sometimes there are no words, no clever quotes, to nearly sum up what happened that day."

The TV droned on along to a Criminal Minds re-run. Hope was seated on the couch, facing the TV, but not really watching. Her parents went to bed not 30 minutes before. Deeks was asleep at the other end that worked as a pull out, Kensi cuddled next to him. Sam and Callen were at the hotel.

There was a finality to everything around them. They caught Tanevski. Or better, Tanevski caught a bullet.

It was almost Christmas, Hope reminisced. Or, well, Christmas to those that celebrated on December 25th. Hope celebrated on January 7th, her parents opting to keep to the Orthodox Christian traditions and holidays. If all went to plan (which Hope really needed to happen just this once), it would be a second year in a row that she'd be spending her Christmas holidays in the States. This one last mission proved to give useful intel on what Hope felt about going back home to permanently work in SVR Bitola.

Hetty said that pending an investigation around the mole and with what happened to Joelle, Granger, and Tanevski, it was more than welcome for her to relocate to Los Angeles permanently. Everyone agreed that in the months she worked together with them, she was a valuable asset.

Hope didn't know what to think in the face of what was dubbed as a great win for the NCIS, but Hope saw only as a failure. She failed to do her mission right. But, she wasn't before looking a gift horse in the mouth so she decided it would be the best to reflect on somewhere else than Bitola. Possibly out of LA.

Hope sighed. The road was long ahead of them. No one was going to be the same. But, they had each other. They've all come out of it battered and bruised, but still standing.

It has come a full circle, what started almost a year ago.

Hope was thinking of taking a leave of absence and go somewhere to clear her head. So many people needed her, but for the first time she gave voice to what was supposed to be her first priority, but the Tanevski case completely numbed. She was her first priority now. And no matter what came at her, she would heal herself first, and then help everyone else.


Deeks stirred from his nap. At first he didn't know where he was, those first few moments after waking up where you were completely unaware of what day and year it was.

He looked at Kensi asleep next to him and smiled. Her belly was getting bigger every day and even with everything that happened, he was looking forward to meet his daughter or son. They opted out of knowing the gender of their baby, wanted it to be a surprise. God knew they needed one after all the hell that was the past year.

Deeks noticed Hope was watching them with a pensive look on her face. He knew she would have to stay few more days to finish all the pertinent paperwork before she joined the NCIS now on permanent basis.

It was a long way from how their relationship started. She came as an Inspector working her way through a case, following her leads and her hunch, and along she became Deeks' confidant and it turned out she was also his cousin.

Deeks couldn't be happier that the Tanevski case was over. He knew that there was a fat chance the trauma all of them encountered would be easily erased from their memories, but they were there for each other, and throughout this year particularly Deeks found out how it hurt less if you share with people close to you.

One didn't have to carry the burden alone when they had someone to help with the weight of it.

"So this is it, then. It's over." Deeks finally spoke.

Hope nodded. She still looked pensive.

"What time do we go?"

"In another hour. I'll drive you to the train station, and then after you arrive in Skopje, you'll go with a cab to the airport."

It was Deeks' decision they go to Skopje with a train.


Hope smiled, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"It's not your fault. If it is anyone's fault then it's Tanevski. It's over, Hopes. Breathe. Don't let him have this hold over you."

"I'll do my best."

"That's my girl."

Hope smiled again, this time a real one.

Deeks hugged his cousin and after making last moment check on their luggage and other paraphernalia, he counted the minutes till their trip.

It felt like things were finally settling.

Somehow Deeks was optimistic that they'd be okay. A little worse for wear, but okay nonetheless.

Deeks wasn't ready to give up.

A/N: That's all folks. Hope you liked this story as much as I liked writing it, although I've hit few bumps along the road. Sorry for the delay once again and thank you for reading it.