Hey everyone. Originally this was part of my oneshot collection "With You", but I separated it. It's the same oneshot, just with a few errors edited. Enjoy. :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail.

~Two Word Challenge~

-A Fairy Tail Oneshot-

It seemed like an ordinary day at Fairy Tail. Everyone was fighting, drinking, screaming, and stripping (okay, that last one was just Gray).

Mirajane watches the commotion from her usual place behind the bar. Everyone is starting to take a break from the fighting, and soon everything is calm again. Natsu, Erza, Lucy, Happy, Gray, Elfman, Juvia, Levy, Jet, Droy, and Gajeel all were standing around in a group. Seeing them, a great idea sparks in Mira's mind.

"Hi everyone!" she giggles, walking over to them. "Guess what! I have something fun we can do~"

Everyone sees how excited and happy Mira looks, and nods.

"Okay," Gray says. "What is it?"

"Your clothes," Erza hisses in his ear.


Mira ignores the interruption and continues, "Well, it's a game called the Two Word Challenge. Basically, you choose someone in the guild, and you have to describe them in only two words! Then they move on the next person! However, once somebody has been said, they can't be said again!"

Jet and Droy instantly shout, "LEVY!"

"Now, now," Mira laughs, "you'll have to get chosen first."

"Who'll go first?" asks Levy.

All of the boys instantly shout, "ME!" except for Elfman, who shouts, "GOING FIRST IS MAN!"

Mira giggles, "Elfman, why don't you go?"

"Okay! My big-sis is 'TOTALLY MAN'!" Elfman yells.

Everyone sweatdrops.

Mira smiles, "My turn! I think Juvia is 'super kind'!"

"What gave her that idea?" mumbles Macao, who was listening to the conversation. Wakaba shurgs.

"Beats me."

Juvia blurts, "MY BELOVED GRAY IS 'ALL MINE'!"

"Creepy..." mutters Natsu.

"Aye," Happy says weakly.

"AH!" Gray looks horrified. "Um, Erza is 'really intimidating'!"

Erza responds with, "Gajeel is 'overly stiff'."

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" Gajeel roars, but he calms down to speak his. "Levy is a 'little Shrimp'."

Levy turns a bit pink and says, "Natsu is 'destructively loyal'."

A few people laugh at that. Natsu clears his throat.

"Lucy is 'beautiful in-every-way'!" he exclaims fearlessly.

Lucy turns as red as Erza's hair, not believing what she just heard. Natsu is grinning ear-to-ear, obviously pleased with himself.

Of course, the others had to ruin the moment.

"That's FOUR words, you idiot!" yells Gray.

"No it isn't!" Natsu retorts. "I used those little minus thingys!"

"You mean hyphens?" Erza sighs.

"HYPHENS ARE MAN!" Elfman shouts randomly.

"You're still breaking the rules!" Gray shouts. "Jeez, you're such a moron!"

"What did you call me?!"

"Does it matter, Flame Butt?"

"Sure does, Frozen Face!"

"THAT'S IT!" Gray tackles Natsu to the floor, the bench they were sitting on crashing to the floor. All around them, others began smashing into each other and destroying things.

Mira giggles, "Oh my!"

"So much for the game," Levy sighs, looking at Lucy. The blonde wizard was still staring straight forward at nothing, her face bright red and her eyes wide. "Lucy?"

With that, Lucy faints.