A/N: Many thanks for supporting my first Olicity fic. Your comments and encouragement kept me going. So thanks again!

Sorry to any Laurel fans out there. I just really hate her character. And that hate has nothing at all to do with Olicity. I've never been a fan. And oh how I tried to kill her off. I tried so hard ... but I just couldn't. I don't think Oliver could do it, no matter what happens.

Now that I've been bitten by the Olicity bug, I hope more stories churn in my head. This was fun! Thanks for taking the ride with me. Now onto the conclusion.

Chapter 13

Still in A.R.G.U.S lock up, Laurel looks incredulous at Oliver and Felicity. They're standing together, hand in hand, with annoying, smug expressions on their face.

"What do you want? Came to gloat?"

"No, Laurel. We've come to get you out of here," Felicity explains.

"So he can kill me?" she asks, pointing to Oliver. "No thanks. I'll take my chances in here."

Oliver and Felicity give each other a look. Clearly, Laurel has no idea what being here with A.R.G.U.S means. One day she might actually thank them for what they're about to offer.

"I'm not going to kill you," Oliver tells her. "Not for this, anyway."

"I'm supposed to believe all is forgiven?"

"Never," Oliver growls, baring his teeth and leaning dangerously close to her face.

Felicity calms him with a gentle touch to his arm. Laurel smirks when she notices.

"She's tamed you, I see." The snarkiness is there to hide the hurt. With every encounter, it becomes more and more clear to Laurel that Oliver has never loved her like this. She didn't think him capable of this kind of love. And she can't believe has has it now for someone like Felicity Smoak.

"You really don't want to stay in here," Oliver warns. "If I were you, I'd shut up and listen to what Felicity is about to offer."

"By all means." Laurel gives her the go ahead gesture.

"This is a jump drive," Felicity says, tossing Laurel the device. "It contains video proof of what you did to me. And proof of you being the Black Canary, if any of your future actions make that information valuable."

"And you're giving this to me, why?"

"Insurance. You keep our secrets, we keep yours. That's not the only copy. Anyone finds out about Oliver being the Arrow and all your dirty little secrets are revealed as well."

"Fine," Laurel agrees. "Your secret is safe with me."

Felicity nods, then turns to leave. Oliver has one last thing to say.

"If it were up to me, you'd be dead. Remember that the next time you want to threaten my family," he warns. "I don't think even Felicity will be as forgiving the next time."

And with that they leave her. She's Amanda Waller's problem now. Let A.R.G.U.S do with her what they like. Oliver has washed his hands of her.

"See? My way works too," Felicity says when they get outside the building. "Killing her wouldn't have been right. I couldn't have lived with that."

"I know," Oliver tells her, pulling her in for a hug. "No matter what, her blood would have been on your hands. I don't want that for you."

"You hear that, Baby? There may be hope for Daddy yet," Felicity giggles.

"Daddy," Oliver smiles. "I'm going to be somebody's Daddy pretty soon. That's wild. Talk about new adventures. You think we're up to it?"

"I think that together, we're up for anything."

She leans in and kisses him. She knows the road won't be easy. She's seen the struggles Diggle and Lyla face with Baby Sara. But so long as she has Oliver, they can handle whatever comes their way. He came back from the dead for her. If they can get through that, then nothing can stop them.


"Talk to me, Felicity. Where is this guy headed? I've lost visual."

"I got him," Roy says over the comms. "About to cut him off on this cross street."

"Oliver, take Smithson Ave over to Eagle Street and you should catch up and block his escape pa-"

Her sudden pause is cause for alarm.

"Felicity?" Oliver calls to her. "What's going on? You okay?"

"Uh oh," she murmurs. "Guys, we have an issue here."

"Felicity, you're scaring me," Oliver starts to panic.

"My water just broke."

"Eww," Roy cringes. "Go to her. I've got this guy."

Oliver barely acknowledges and turns his motorcycle around, headed back to the lair.

"On my way, Felicity. Hang on. I'll be right there. Are you okay? Are you breathing? How far apart are the contractions. We have to …"

"Oliver!" she raises her voice, having called his name several times already before being able to get his attention. "I am fine. I swear. Lyla is here and she's already called my doctor. Thea is going to the house to get my bag. We have it under control. You just get here in one piece."

"Right. Under control. Good. You're good. I'm good. We're all good. Get out of my way, Idiot! My wife is having a baby," he screams to the car in front of him.

Felicity just laughs at him, listening to him swear more and more creatively the closer he gets. She looks down at her wedding ring, focusing on it when a contraction hits. She doesn't want to distract him with her pain because then, God only knows who he'll kill to get to her.

Six hours later, she's no longer laughing. She's no longer calm or in control. She's now the one screaming.

"Tell me to breathe one more time," she threatens Oliver. "This is all your fault. This kid's head is ginormous!"

"I love you, you can do this," he continually says to her, making sure not to remind her anymore to breathe.

"One more push, Mrs. Queen," the doctor calls from his position at her feet. "One more push and we'll meet your baby."

"Come on, Felicity," Oliver encourages her, marveling at the strength she possesses. She makes what he went through on Lian Yu look like a vacation. "You can do this. Bring our baby into the world."

With one last cry, she bares down with all her might and the doctor grabs hold of the newly born baby.

"Good job, Mrs. Queen. It's a boy!"

"A boy," Oliver gasps, his eyes watering. "We have a son, Felicity."

He sweeps her hair off her face and kisses her forehead.

"You did it! I'm so proud of you."

The nurse places him in her arms and she grabs on tight, not wanting to let him go.

"He's so small," she cries. "He didn't feel so small in there."

"He's perfect," Oliver whispers. "He's beautiful. He looks just like you Felicity."

The nurse gives them a few more moments before taking him off for his tests.

"Go with him," Felicity orders Oliver. She blinks, barely able to keep her eyes open anymore. She feels Oliver press one more kiss on her face.

"Rest now, Angel. I'll watch out for him."

By the time Felicity is back in her room and cleaned up, she's exhausted, in pain, but so happy.

"Somebody's ready for Mommy again," Oliver says, peeking his head into the door. He pushes it open and hold it for the nurse pushing the bassinet inside.

"Here you are," the nurse says cheerfully. "Congratulations, you Mom and Dad."

She leaves them alone with their son.

Oliver gently lifts him up and gives him to Felicity. She scoots over and lets him climb on the bed with her.

"Did you hear that, little one? We're your mom and dad," Felicity whispers, not wanting to disturb the baby. "He really is perfect, isn't he?"

Oliver can't argue with her. He really is the most perfect baby he's ever seen. It's the most perfect moment he's even lived. After all the pain and all the suffering. After everything he's been through the since that ill fated boat trip. It's all led to this perfect place in time. And for the first time ever, Oliver realizes he wouldn't dare dream of changing one second of it.

The end.

Thanks again for all the support. I really appreciate it.