A/N: Hallo! :) I'm back, with one of my old Danny Phantom stories! Please don't hate me-! This story is from a while back, so don't judge the writing! The story changes back and forth between Danny and Vlad's POV (Point of View), but it's pretty much just the same scenes from different perspectives. That way, each side gets different information.

As usual, Please try not to curse in your reviews (it makes you sound poor and dumb), please don't beg me for updates (I do that on my own time), and please check out my other stories! :)

Help Me

Hi! My name is Danny Fenton. Lets see, I'm fifteen. I go to Casper High. I live in the very haunted town of Amity Park. What else? Oh yeah! I have an alternate ego that has super powers and fights ghosts.

It was 11:03pm, an hour after my curfew. I had just gone on ghost patrol and bumped into the box ghost. It took me a while to finally get him into the Fenton Thermos. Then I had to rush home or my parents were going to kill me!

I switched back to my human half in an alley near my house. I quickly jogged down the street and up the front steps to the front door of Fenton Works, my house. I opened the door to find the lights off.

I expected my parents to be waiting in the darkness, so I prepared myself when I opened the door all the way. No lights turned on. No one was there. No parents were hiding to scold me; there was just darkness.

I sighed and closed the door behind me. My parents had stopped waiting for me a while ago. They were tired of waiting and scolding me. They had gone to bed, and I knew that they weren't going to talk to me in the morning.

I was saddened by this thought. My parents had stopped caring anymore. They had stopped needing to punish me anymore. It actually made me feel better when they lectured me, because I knew that it meant they cared. No one was here to give me that comforting lecture, so therefore they must not care anymore.

I quietly trudged up the stairs to my room. I opened the door and was ultimately shocked by what I saw. Sitting next to my bed, was my mom. She had folded her arms on my bed and rested her head there, waiting for me.

I silently closed the door behind me. Then I snuck across my room and changed into my pajamas. Now came the most difficult part of all, I had to figure out some way to move my mom into her room without waking her.

I realized that if I picked her up and started to carry her, she would most likely wake up and ask me about how I was able to lift her despite me being so small. I decided that gently waking her and walking with her to her room was probably my best option.

I strolled calmly to my mother's sleeping body and hesitated. She had waited for me in my room. She probably wouldn't want to leave so soon, and she did look like she was sleeping rather peacefully...

I gently wiggled my blanket from underneath her head and wrapped it around her. Then I moved my pillow under her arms. After making her comfortable, I worked my way onto my bed.

I was cold without my blanket and uncomfortable without my pillow, but at least my mom was sleeping nicely. As I started to fall asleep, my mom abruptly reached out and pulled me into a hug.

"Danny," she started. "Where were you? I was starting to get worried! I mean, you usually come home past curfew, but you took too long this time!"

"I know, Mom. I'm sorry. I won't let it happen again," I sighed happily. She had no idea how happy it made me feel for her to be hugging me and telling me that she was worried. She pulled back from our warm hug, making me cold again.

"You're right! It won't! You are grounded Mister! I am getting more than enough phone calls about you being late to class and so on!" She cried more angrily. Then her face softened and she gently stroked my hair.

"Why Danny? You're so smart and capable! You could have very nice grades and no tardies if you put some more effort into it. Your teachers say that you fall asleep during class... Are you having trouble sleeping, Daniel?" She asked quietly. I sighed. She only called me by my full name if I was really in trouble or she was really worried.

"No Mom. I don't have trouble sleeping. I'm just very tired," I lied. Of course I have trouble sleeping! I spend most of the night fighting ghosts!

"Danny," she warned. She narrowed her eyes and stared at me intently. She knew that I was lying, but I wasn't about to tell her that.

"Mom," I replied in the same tone. She sighed and leaned back. She could tell that I was going to be stubborn and not tell her what was going on.

I wanted to tell her about my ghost half, really, but every time Danny Phantom was brought up around my parents, they started discussing all the ways they were going to tear him apart molecule by molecule. I was afraid that they wouldn't accept my ghost half, or that they would think it was some silly lie to protect him. My parents are ghost hunters! Their main belief is that all ghosts are evil forms of ectoplasm and post-human consciousness!

"Danny, why won't you just...tell me? We used to be so close," she whispered. She didn't mean for me to hear her, but my ghost half enhanced my senses.

I heard what she said and I wanted to cry. I wanted to break down right then and there and tell her everything. I wanted to tell her all of my stories and adventures and about all of my strange, mysterious scars and bruises that I came home with every day.

"Mom," I whimpered. I wanted to do all of those things, but even if my parents did accept me for my ghost half, I would still be putting them at risk with all of my ghostly enemies.

"Goodnight Daniel," she said firmly. She stood up.

"Night mom," I replied sadly. She exited the room, leaving me sitting on my bed. A single tear came to my eye and I quickly wiped it away. What was I?! Some little emotional girl?!

I flopped down on my bed and listened to my mom's footsteps. They walked down the hall to her and my dad's bedroom. There she paused. She turned around and walked back to my door. She paused again and I heard faint crying. Then she walked back down the hall and into her room.

"Oh mom. I wish I could tell you," I sighed to myself. I moved my pillow under my head and pulled my blanket around me. Then I drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

At about 3:30am, my ghost sense went off, jerking me awake. My eyelids shot open. I quickly climbed out of bed and raced to my window.

"I'm going ghost!" I whispered. The familiar white ring appeared around my waist. It spilt in two; one ring traveled up my body to my head and the other went down to my feet, transforming me into my ghost half.

I couldn't help but glance towards my mirror on the wall. My usual raven black hair had changed to a chilling snowy white. My (handsome) blue eyes had switched to my ghostly, neon green ones. My pajamas had become my black and white HAZMAT suit. I was now Danny Phantom.

I phased through the window and out into the chilly night air. I swiftly flew through Amity Park until I came to the literal park. I looked around cautiously for the ghost. I couldn't see one. Then an ecto-blast hit me from behind.

I tumbled forwards through the air. I quickly readjusted my flying and turned around to face the ghost. Skulker was floating there with his mischievous, creepy smile plastered onto his face.

"Since you don't seem to have time for me during the day anymore, I figured that I would finally get your pelt during the night!" He cried. I huffed in annoyance.

"Can't you guys ever, you know, let me sleep? I mean, I know that you can't sleep, but why does that mean I can't?" I practically whined. Skulker's face fell for a moment, and he looked like he had never considered this before. His evil smile soon returned and he aimed his guns at me.

I rolled my eyes and got into a fighting stance. Then the battle began.

Skulker shot at me. I dodged his missiles and punched him. He kicked me in the head and fired at me with his new machine gun. I turned intangible and the bullets passed harmlessly through me.

Then he pulled out some sort of rifle. He aimed at me and fired it, just like all the other weapons, but this one was different. It shot out a single dart.

I started to dodge it, but it followed me and hit me in the shoulder. I winced and pulled it out. Suddenly, the rings formed around my waist and changed me back to my human half.

"No!" I yelped. I fell straight down, into the woods on the outskirts of the park. I tumbled through a tree and landed flat on my back on the ground.

I lay there as quietly as I could. Slowly, pain began to engulf my whole body. I whimpered just a little. The pain was worst in my legs. I chanced a glanced down at them and realized that I had landed on a flat rock.

I pulled my phone out of pocket very carefully. "Help!" I texted to Sam and Tucker. Then I slid the phone back into my pocket. That's when I fell unconscious.

"Daniel! Daniel!" A familiar voice rang out. I slowly woke up and cracked open my eyes. Most of the previous pain from before was gone, but my legs felt even worse. I looked up at who was calling my name.

Vlad was standing over me. Let me rephrase that. My arch nemesis was standing over me. I noticed that he was standing near my feet, and a tree was near my head. I quickly sat up and pressed myself against the tree, but I didn't take my eyes off of Vlad.

"Really Daniel?" He asked, giving me a taunting look. I silently tried to go ghost, but the rings didn't even appear.

"Here, let me give you a ride home," he offered. He sounded concerned, but he is a very good liar and I most certainly do not trust him.

"First of all, I can't get up," I told him, trying to find an excuse to not have to go with him.

"Then I'll carry you," he countered. My eyes widened in horror. If he carried me, he would probably use it as blackmail or tell the other ghosts! I couldn't let him do that!

"What?! No! I don't want you to carry me! Second of all, there's no way I would ever willingly get into your limo or car or whatever the heck you drive!" I cried. He laughed and walked to my side.

"Daniel, let me help you," he said softly. His eyebrows furrowed together in concern. He seemed genuinely willing to help me.

"I...I...fine!" I replied. I huffed and crossed my arms. "But we are never telling anyone about this!" At that, he laughed again.

"Okay. I won't tell if you don't!" He smiled. He slid one hand under my knees and the other under my back. Then he started to lift me.

"Vlad, you're hurting me," I tried to explain. My back was still very sore and my legs were still in pain. His touching them didn't make them feel any better. It made them feel worse. Vlad just kept carrying me in the same way.

"Vlad, you're really hurting me!" I yelped. I clenched my fists as he took another step. Every step he took felt like a bullet shooting through my back.

"Seriously! Vlad! You're hurting me! This is causing me pain! Stop!" I finally yelled. He lowered and gently laid me on the ground.

"Well, how am I supposed to carry you then?" He asked irritably. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know!" I answered. His face suddenly lit up as though he had an idea. He picked me up by my waist and threw me over his shoulder. I gasped for air as my chest hit his hard shoulder.

"Vlad! Stop! Put me down!" I yelled. He arms held firmly around my knees, stopping me from kicking him. I hit him as hard as I could on his back and the back of his head.

"Without your powers, that really just tickles," Vlad teased. I growled and slapped his head.

"The other way was better! I guess I'm just gonna have to deal with it," I sighed. He switched me back to my previous carrying position. It hurt less, but that didn't stop the pain.

A/N: Okay, so next chapter is from Vlad's POV! I tried to make them as "in-character" as possible... One of my friends read this story and she said she cried really hard. ANGSSSSTTTT ANNNGGGSSSSSSSSTTTTTT ANNNNGGGSSSTTTT! (It's coming up soon!)