A/N: This is it, guys! The final chapter of Help Me. ENJOY OR YOU WILL DIE! :)

Danny's POV

"Skulker, Sam, Tucker, Vlad!" I screamed and fell out of bed again. It was dark outside my window, telling me that I had been out for a while. I frantically examined my surrounding. Where were Sam, Tucker and Vlad? Were they okay? Is Skulker still here?

"Danny!" Came an excited cry from outside. The door swung open with Vlad in front and Sam and Tucker right behind him.

"You're okay!" Sam screamed. She threw herself forward and hugged me. Then she pulled back and stared into my eyes for a moment. Next, she grabbed my cheeks and kissed me!

"Sam!" I gave a surprised gasp when she let go. Tucker just started laughing. Vlad gave a small smile. What was going on?

"I love you so much, Danny! Don't ever scare me like that again!" Sam lectured. I just sat there wide-eyed. What was I supposed to say to that? The girl of my dreams just told me that she loved me!

"I..." I stuttered trying to come up with an answer to give her.

"Sam, I think you killed him," Tucker joked.

"Haha," Sam replied sarcastically. She smiled and stared at me intently. I don't even know what I did. I just grabbed her cheeks and pulled her into another kiss. Vlad and Tucker cheered.

"Danny?" Sam gasped. I hugged her. How was I going to explain everything to my mom? Not only had I been kidnapped and attacked by a ghost, I had also kissed Sam twice! This was awesome!

"Daniel, I'm so glad you're alright," Vlad interrupted me and Sam's little moment.

"I don't feel like anything happened to me. Why are you so worried?" I inquired. Tucker and Vlad approached us.

"Dude, you turned pale as a ghost after that ghostly wail," Tucker explained.

"Pale as a ghost. Good one," I replied sarcastically. Sam laughed this time.

"Daniel, you can walk," Vlad announced.

"I can?" I practically yelled. I grabbed the side of the bed and slowly lifted myself up. When I was standing all the way up, I let go of the bed and took a small step forward.

"You can also go ghost," Tucker added. I grinned. The white rings appeared around my waist and traveled up my body. My hair turned from black to white. My eyes turned from blue to green.

"YES!" I yelled. I was back to normal! I could go home now! I grabbed Sam's arms and kissed her. Then I hugged Vlad. Finally, I gave Tucker a high five.

"It was nice to see you, Little Badger," Vlad smiled. He knew that I was going to leave now.

"Bye, Vlad," I grinned. I gave him another hug. Then I grabbed Sam and Tucker by their waists.

"See ya!" Tucker and Sam cried.

"I'll come and visit!" I declared. Vlad's smile grew even more and he waved. I took off and phased trough the roof.

"Are you sure you should be flying so soon?" Sam asked.

"Sam, I feel amazing. I haven't felt this good since before I had my powers," I stated.

"It's really dark outside. We should get home," Tucker commented.

"I'll drop you guys off. I want to talk to my parents alone," I requested. Sam and Tucker nodded. I dropped Tucker off in his room first because his house was closest. Then I flew Sam to her house.

"Danny, wait," Sam called as I started to fly away. I flew back and landed on her window sill.

"Yes, Sam?" I asked.

"Our kisses... What were those?" She asked quietly.

"They were real. Sam, I love you with all of my heart. I can't imagine life without you," I admitted. Sam grabbed my wrist and pulled me into her room.

"I love you for real, too!" She smiled. Smiling is something that Sam has never been known to do often. When she smiled, my whole world lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Sam, you are amazing," I complimented.

"I'm nothing special. You're the one with the ghost powers," She retorted.

"Ghost powers don't make me who I am. They were added. You're special because you don't need to ghost powers. I love you because of you," I grinned. She pulled me into another kiss.

"Thank you!" She beamed.

"I have to go. I love you, bye!" I declared sadly. Sam's smile grew the tiniest bit smaller. She gave a small wave and flew out the window again.

I changed back to Danny near my house. When I rounded the corner and started towards Fenton Works, I saw three police cars pulled up out front. They had called the police? I guess it could have already been twenty-four hours... I noticed my mom standing on the front steps. Her face was buried in her hands. Her shoulders were shaking from crying so uncontrollably.

"Mom!" I called. She looked up and glanced around before her purple eyes rested on me.

"Danny!" She screamed. She jogged down the steps and slid across the good of a police car. I tried to jog, but I guess I still had a bit of a limp. My mom got to me fairly quickly.

"Where have you been?" She breathed and she pulled me into a tight hug.

"It's a really long story. I'm just so glad to be home," I sighed.

"You are in so much..." She started to rant.

"I know, mom. Please ground me! Please! I need at least two months! And take away all of my electronics! Here's my phone. I need to get started on my extra chores huh? I'm going to clean the dishes for two weeks, do the laundry for a month, clean the lab everyday and vacuum the hall. No, that's not enough. What else should I do mom?" I questioned as I looked up at her. Her eyes were wide and bewildered.

"You want to be grounded? And do chores? My baby boy, what did they do to you?" She gasped. She pulled me back into her hug. I smiled to myself.

"Danny-boy!" My dad cried. He practically threw himself at my mom and I.

"Jack, he asked to be punished," my mom whispered to my dad. My dad stared down at me.

"Who are you and what have you done with my son?" He growled as he leaned into my face.

"I am your son. I just live you so much, and I made you worry. I deserve to be grounded and do extra chores. Also, my grades are in the toilet! I need to start studying and working hard if I want to get into a good college," I explained. My parents paled and just stared at me for a long time.

"Jasmine, something is wrong with your brother," my mom called. She didn't even take her eyes off of me.

"Danny?" Jazz wailed as she flew out the front door. Only I can actually fly. She just moved really quickly. Jazz was by my side in seconds, checking me for injuries.

"Jazz, he wants to be grounded, do extra chores and go to college," my mom claimed. Jazz laughed.

"Little brother, what crazy ideas are you giving our parents! Let's get you inside," she suggested. She steered me inside the living room. My mom and dad followed right behind. A few police officers were in the house.

"Haha, they found me!" I called. The officers looked at me.

"We're glad that you're safe. I think we can let your parents take it from here," One officer declared. The officers exited the building and drive away.

"Danny, where were you?" My mom finally asked.

"I wasn't feeling very good, so I kinda ignored that I had just been grounded and snuck out the window to the park. There was this accident, and I ended up getting kidnapped by this gang. Then Vlad was there and he totally saved me. He took me back to his mansion, and this big ghost attacked. Vlad and I managed to fend him off. Then Vlad let me come back," I retold the half truths of the story.

"You were kidnapped?" My mom asked.

"By a gang?" Jazz added.

"And there was a ghost?" My dad questioned. Suddenly my whole family came forward and wrapped me in a big hug. I smiled. Everything was going to be okay.

A/N: Aaaaaaannnndddddd- MUSHY ENDING! Hope everyone enjoyed this story! I know it isn't one of the best out there, so I want to thank anyone who actually bothered to read this all the way through! Watch for more of my stories that are a little bit better than these ones... *shameless self-advertising*