AN- I love this anime. So why not make a one shot with my favorite pairing? I used a song as inspiration, so if you look at the lyrics, it's practically what I want to show in this story. The song is Somewhere by Within Temptation. This is the first story I put out in public, so please read and review. I would love to know what you think about it. If you really like it you are welcome to leave a favorite. :3


Three Months Ago

"Ichinose Haru. The target of the Black Class made up of assassins at the private girl's boarding school, Myojo Academy."

Haru Ichinose struggled against the ropes that tied her to the cold metal chair where she unwillingly sat. She looked up at the dark figure with hot tears streaming down her face. Haru's mind was clouded with thoughts. Thoughts about the girl she had left behind, Tokaku Azuma, how she was probably going to die in this dark lit place, and how she could never tell the blue headed beauty how much she loved her.

"Don't try to struggle dear, you will have a quick, and painless death."

Haru looked at the dark figure in pure horror. More tears came down at an impossible rate, and if it weren't for the ducktape over her mouth, she would be screaming her lungs out. In this darkness, she wondered if Tokaku would hear her.

Another figure made an appearance, and whispered to the one who wanted to kill her so badly. She was relieved at whatever the figure had said as they both left, and left her alone in the dark. Though, that didn't stop Ichinose from crying. She was scared, not only because she probably didn't have much time until she died, but also because the last time she saw Tokaku, her guardian was in the middle of a fight between the assassins. She was outnumbered, could she really make it out alive? Haru shook that thought away, of course she would make it out alive.

Suddenly, Haru drifted into darkness. It wasn't the darkness she was already in, it was one much more terrifying. One that was much darker if even possible. One that she could only describe as death.

Three Months Later

Tokaku looked through every single file that Kaiba gave her. Even though he was a total douchebag, and still is, he offered to help Tokaku. He said that he knew what it felt like to lose someone you held dearly. So maybe he wasn't as bad as he looked. Though he still scolds Tokaku for showing emotions as an assassin, but really, Tokaku just couldn't help it. Ever since the moment she decided to protect Haru, she just couldn't see herself without the redhead. And even so, here she is. Three years after Ichinose's disappearance, and she still didn't have her in her arms. Just what kind of cruel joke was life playing on her?

Tokaku sighed, and decided that she should take a nap. She got up from her desk, and threw herself onto her bed. She had been awake for a little over 24 hours, but she couldn't risk it. She needed to find Haru. She needed to find the person who took her away… She needed to make them feel all the pain she has felt until now.


A few days before the disappearance of Ichinose Haru.

"Hey, Ichinose."

"Yeah?' Haru looked across the table at Tokaku who was looking at her phone.

Without taking a glance at Ichinose who was doing her homework, Tokaku replied softly, "I got another riddle, and no matter what I send, I don't get the right answer."

Haru put down her pencil, and moved towards Tokaku, "Let Haru see."

Tokaku smiled, "Of course." She then passed her phone to Ichinose.

Haru scrunched up her nose slightly, she then recited the riddle out loud, "What gets broken without being held?"

Tokaku smiled even more at the redhead next to her. Ever since the time at the pool where they kissed underwater, even though it was to save her, Tokaku has been getting feelings towards Haru. It wasn't just trying to protect her for the sake of protecting her, no, it was now like protecting the most valuable treasure in the world. Her most valuable treasure.

"Are you okay Tokaku?" Haru looked at her friend who looked like she was in a daze.

Tokaku blushed lightly, "Of course." She turned her attention the homework on the table. The one she hasn't even started yet.

"Hmm, Haru doesn't really know the answer…" Haru said, before giving the phone back to its owner.

Tokaku took it, and shrugged, "Maybe we'll know the answer soon."

A wide smile spread over Haru's face, "Yeah!"

Tokaku ruffled Ichinose's hair, "I sometimes don't get how you can be so cheerful." With that Tokaku started to leave the room, but the redhead grabbed her wrist in an attempt to stop her.

Haru blushed, wanting to spend more time with the assassin. When Tokaku turned around, Haru blushed even more, so she quickly made an excuse. "You haven't done your homework," she said as she pointed towards the blank question sheet on the table.


Haru watched as Tokaku sat down again, and started doing her homework.

After a few minutes, Tokaku started to look frustrated on one of the questions. Of course, Haru quickly noticed, "Do you need help Tokaku-san?"

Tokaku unintentionally ignored Haru, she was too concentrated on the question.

Haru looked at her friend's expression, she just looked so cute with her brows furrowed, and slightly biting her lip. Suddenly Haru turned beet red. She shook it off quickly, and decided to help Tokaku with her assignment.

Haru got behind Tokaku, and with her own pencil she pointed out a few things. This time Tokaku did notice, and listened to Haru. Time passed by like a gust of wind.

Time always passes by like the wind.

End of Flashback

Tokaku sat up on her bed. She missed Haru. She missed her too much, she didn't think she could bear it any longer.

"Ugh!" Tokaku threw her pillow towards the wall. She then laid down again. She had remembered the time that Haru was helping her with her homework. The time she had received one of her lasts riddle…

Suddenly, everything made sense. She had uncovered the answer a day before Haru disappeared. The answer was "a promise". She had technically broke the promise she made to Haru, that she would always protect her.

A day after the battle she had received another riddle. It read "It's more powerful than God. It's more evil than the Devil. The poor have it. The rich need it. If you eat it you will die". Kaiba always sent a riddle that had to do with her. The answer was nothing, and she understood why he sent it to her. She was nothing, she had nothing after Ichinose disappeared. The only thing she had to live for was the hope that wherever Ichinose was, she would find her.

Tears started falling down Tokaku's cheeks. "Haru… If anything, I almost hope you're in heaven… Just so no one can hurt your soul…"

Tokaku fell to her knees, something that has been a habit lately, but not for long. She had an idea of at least who knew where Haru might be.

Tokaku had tried everything, and came back with empty hands. She had fallen asleep immediately after coming back. She was moving around her bed, as if she were having a bad dream. She woke up with a jolt, and after she managed to even her breath, she wiped the sweat off her brow. "Same dream again…" She whispered to herself.

Tokaku got up from her bed, and made her way across the dimly lit room toward the dark bathroom. She didn't even turn on the light as she opened the faucet, and splashed her face with a handful of water. She then looked at her darkened reflection on the cracked mirror. It was cracked because she had punched it one night when she was frustrated to the point that she could have actually killed someone.

She put her wet hand on the mirror, and whispered into the cold night air, "Ichinose, just where the hell are you?"

She couldn't take it. Yes, Tokaku was giving up. Something always told her that Ichinose was long gone, but she didn't want to accept it. Well now, now Tokaku was accepting it.

The blue headed assassin left the bathroom, and went straight to the nightstand. There she picked up her gun. "I'm sorry…" Tokaku put the gun to her head, if anything, she might see Haru again. Maybe they would meet in the afterlife.

Tokaku pulled the trigger.

Nothing happened. The gun didn't have bullets. Maybe it was a sign, maybe Haru was alive. Tokaku broke down sobbing again. What was she thinking?

I will never leave your side Tokaku-san.

Haru's voice ringed through Tokaku's mind.

No matter what, we will always find a way to be together.

That was it. Tokaku did everything to stop her tears. She got up, gun in hand. She then looked at the nightstand, and took the bullets that were sprawled over it.

With a voice as cold as death, and a glare as dangerous as a mystical dragon, Tokaku spoke, "Kaiba, you bastard. I will find you, and I will make you wish you had told me three months earlier where the hell Haru is," Tokaku hissed into the now warmer night.

There was no doubt about it, today a virgin killer would shed more blood than any other assassin in their lifetime. And somewhere, someone was waiting for her knight to come to the rescue.

AN- Okay, I know it wasn't that good, but it was a first! I'm not fond of one shots! I mean, they just have such great ideas, and then they are just one chapter! I mean, they leave you yearning for more! Nonetheless, tell me what you guys think. I would love to make a better story in the future thanks to you guys.

Thank you for reading, and please leave a review with your opinion if you like! You are also welcome to leave a favorite, and yes. I may break and turn this into a multi chapter… (That goes for all of you who were left with wanting more!)