Isla Sorna

"This isn't possible!" The Doctor said, looking at the readings on the consoles monitor.

"The only thing I got wrong on the initial reading is the year, which is 1994! Dinosaurs had last walked the earth sixty five million years ago!" The Doctor sat down in a chair. "And that animal, the…" the Doctor snapped his fingers together a few times, trying to remember the name. "Apatosaurus. It lived about one hundred and fifty million years ago."

Rory walked over to him from the door, Amy was still by the TARDIS door, looking outside and the several grazing Apatosaurus.

"Well, what about that idea… from the Conan Doyle book? The uh… The Lost World? In the book, dinosaurs had survived on an isolated island, right? Couldn't that have happened here?" Rory asked.

"No, no, no…" The Doctor stood up and put his hands on his head. "Well, maybe. I suppose anything is possible." He walked over to the console and adjusted the monitor. "But it just doesn't make sense! This island, Isla Sorna, isn't very isolated. It's apart of an island chain called 'Las Cinco Muertes' and only about twenty miles from Costa Rica."

"Las cinco muertes… Doesn't muerte mean…"

"Death. Yes, it translates to 'the five deaths." The Doctor told him and Rory sighed.


"It was discovered by the Spaniards in the sixteenth century, but never colonized because of local superstitions. But they definitely would have at least taken a look at the islands! You humans are too curious. They would have found the dinosaurs here."

Amy joined the conversation.

"So, what? The dinosaurs somehow appeared here between the sixteenth century and now? How?" She looked at the Doctor expectantly, but he just shrugged.

"I don't know! I guess a rift could have opened between here and the Jurassic period. That would have let whatever dinosaurs were in the area of the rift opening to travel to this island, today." The Doctor smiled and ran down to the door. "So lets go find out!" Amy smiled and ran down, but Rory stood at the console.

"But what about our relaxing day at the beach?" He asked.

"Oh, come on, Rory!" The Doctor shouted up at him from outside the door. "People find time to relax all the time; but when do get dinosaurs in the twentieth century?" Rory rolled his eyes and started down the stairs when the Doctor and Amy came back into the TARDIS, shutting the door.

"Although we should probably move first. We seem to be in the path of another Apatosaurus. Don't want it to get curious or irritated and swat us out of it's territory with its tail." After turning knobs, and whirling what looked like a fishing lure, the Doctor pumped a lever a few times and the TARDIS dematerialized and rematerialized on a cliff overlooking the valley.

"Right!" The Doctor exited the TARDIS and turned back towards Amy and Rory as he walked backwards towards the valley, but soon spun around to watch where he was going as he stumbled a bit while going down hill. "Apatosaurus is from North America during the Jurassic period, so we may have to look out for predators from the same place and time, like Allosaurus, Antrodemus, Brontoraptor…" Amy was looking at the Doctor as he listed the dinosaurs, but looked to her left when she heard a chirping noise as they neared the bottom of the hill. She looked down, and gave a startled jump.

A little, green, lizard like creature emerged from tall grass next to the edge of the trampled brush they were currently traveling through, and was about five feet from them. It was about a foot tall stood on its hind legs with its tail-sticking strait out behind it. Several more jumped out of the brush. As they walked forwards, their heads bobbed as they walked, like chickens. Their long, little, faces seemed almost quizzical as they looked up at time travelers as they chattered and chirped like a flock of birds.

"Uh, Doctor." Amy interrupted him and pointed at the creature. "What about those ones?" The Doctor jerked his head towards the small, bird-like animals.

"Those..." He walked closer to the dinosaurs, which didn't budge from their positions, and crouched down to get a better look at it. The Doctor knit his eyebrows together and pulled out his sonic screwdriver. "Nah… It can't be." He pointed it at the head of one of the little critters. It at first pulled its head back, but then moved forward and sniffed the tip of the screwdriver out of curiosity; then it rubbed its face against it, feeling the smooth glass emitter.

When he activated the tip, the flash of light and noise surprised the animal and it jumped backwards as it chirped in response. The Doctor flicked the screwdriver open and read the readings.

"Well, I was right. They're Procompsognathus Triassicus. But they should have small feathers… It says here," he said as he waved his screwdriver in the air, standing up, "that there seems to be a slight genetic difference. Not big enough to be a different species though." The Doctor scratched his head.

"Wait, those are dinosaurs?" Amy asked, smiling and chuckling a little. "But they're so small! And kind of cute."

"Try and keep your distance…" The Doctor told them as he started walking away.

"Why? Are they dangerous?" Rory asked, and he pulled Amy back a bit. The Doctor smiled at his gesture towards Amy.

"Not too dangerous. They're only scavengers, this lot. Well, the ones I knew back in the Triassic were anyways. My screwdriver also tells me that these ones are a bit poisonous; and they have some sort of disease." He told them as something caught his eye on the ground.

"Wait," Rory said as he and Amy followed the Doctor, "You said the Procompo… the procompsa…"


"Right, those things, you said they came from the Triassic period, right?" The Doctor nodded and Amy caught on to what Rory was getting at.

"So how could both a dinosaur from the Jurassic and the Triassic be here?" She asked. The Doctor snapped his fingers and looked back up at them.

"Exactly what's been troubling me. I mean, two rifts could have opened in two different times, transporting these dinosaurs to the same time… But for them to come to the same island? Especially regarding Procompsognathus. I can understand how a rift could move them from northern North America to southern North America; but these little guys are from what today is Germany! That's quite a reach." The Doctor looked back to the ground.

"And this," He pointed to the ground. "Might lead us to some more answers." Amy and Rory looked down and were surprised to see what looked like an unkempt, over-grown dirt road leading up the opposite side of the cliff. "Looks like some people were here before us. Come on." The Doctor said as he led the way and Amy and Rory followed.