A/N: Ages: Thor-8, Loki-5. Warnings for cute; may cause vomiting of rainbows and gold-spinning elves.

Little adorable Loki is adorable.

"Brother, I cannot reach that high~!"

"Thor, you are too fast~!"

"Big Brother, it is too hot~!"

The black haired five year old sniffled and wiped his eyes. His blonde brother knelt beside him and ran his fingers through his hair. Tears dribbled out of the smaller boy's bright green eyes.

"What is wrong, little brother?" The blue eyed prince questioned gently with a graceful smile.

"Why am I so different, Thor?" Loki questioned miserably. "Why am I so much smaller than everyone else? Why can I not run as fast or go out when it is hot? Why am I weaker than others?"

Thor's blue eyes widened in surprise.

He laughed lightly.

"None of that matters, brother! So you are different; there is nothing wrong with that. You are just special!" Thor grinned and patted Loki's head. "Even if everyone else calls you mean names and teases you, I will always love you and protect you. You are my little brother, and it makes me happy to do so. Lean on me brother, and I will not fail you."

Loki giggled and nodded, happy that he could always have his big brother by his side.
