A/N of Contents: Welcome to Eternally Fluffy Collection. This is where I will be posting various one-shot stories that I do not necessarily want to post on their own, generally due to length of story or how common/uncommon the Ship happens to be. Below, you will find a table of contents, which will be updated whenever a new story is posted with the title, any ship, and 1- to 2-sentence summary. Please enjoy, and if you do enjoy, please let me know!

(Contents start from chapter 2, since this is chapter 1 technically…)

2. Seducing Emmeline Vance – Marauders short story

Sirius Black sets out to seduce the one girl who won't give him the time of day. His friends doubt he can, and put their money where their mouths are. Hilarity ensues.

3. A Little Too Awake – Hinny

Newlywed Harry and Ginny have Teddy over for the night, a normal occurrence. However, apparently nobody can sleep that evening, and cookies need to be made.

4. Twist of Fate – Draco/OC

Draco never imagined that he would be able to marry for love, much less the most extraordinary, unexpected woman he had ever met.

5. About a Boy – Rose Weasley/Ron Weasley letter POV

An overly-formal 11-year-old Rose Weasley writes a letter to her father about a classmate she was not supposed to befriend. Her father replies.

6. The Longest Goodbye – Hinny (Minor Romione)

In which Hermione and Ginny have to say goodbye to their loving boyfriends in order to return to Hogwarts for one final year.

7. The Junk Drawer – Fred and George short story

Every family has a junk drawer at their house, filled with odds and ends that somehow is never organized. Well, Fred and George have one of those in their dorm at Hogwarts, and it is finally time to clean it out. Hilarity ensues.

8. Outside the Bubble – NextGen short story (pre-Hogwarts)

A lot of famous people like to keep their children sheltered in a protective bubble, outside the public eye. The Weasley-Potter clan is one such celebrity family, but like most bubbles, the sheltering does not last forever.

9. A Grandfather's Love – Young Scorpius POV

In which we learn that the rules for being a grandparent are much looser than those of parents. After all, what good would a grandfather be if he didn't spoil his grandson?

10. Wedding Trasher – Lily/Sirius friendship fic

When James is out of town the weekend of Petunia's wedding, Lily has to find a suitable replacement to accompany her and keep her sane. She found company, though the "suitable" moniker is debatable.

11. Good in Goodbye – Cho Chang Post-Hogwarts POV

Inspired by the Carrie Underwood song of the same name, Cho realizes what she missed out on many years ago.

12. Burn Book – Marauders-era short story

Peter is a horrible snoop and finds something he shouldn't under the bed of one of Lily's roommates. Lily has to decide who her real friends are. Loosely inspired by the 2000's movie Mean Girls.

13. Meeting Padfoot – Harry drabble (seriously, 422 words)

In which Harry adopts a pet.

14. Undercover – Ron/Tonks friend story

Ron is assigned an undercover job with the Aurors, and is partnered with Tonks to try and discover the cause of mysterious muggle murders in Cardiff. If you don't think Tonks and Ron in the muggle world would be funny, you're wrong.

15. I'm Not Broken – Young Harry POV

At home, Harry is starved for affection while witnessing Dudley get everything he wants. What's a young boy to think? Loosely inspired by the song Secondhand White Baby Grand from SMASH.

16. Dusty Papers – Romione Drabble

As Hermione cleans out her school trunk for the last time, she comes across old school papers and fond memories. Only 433 words.

17. Little Love Story – Lily/Scorpius Drabble

Lily Potter has a crush on her brother Albus's best friend. Maybe he could return her feelings? 872 words.

18. A Little Next to Normal – Young Hermione POV

Hermione keeps a journal about accidental magic, and a home visit that changes her life. Drabble, 1169 words

19. The Right to Party: AKA Millicent Bagnold and the Time I Was ALMOST Removed from Office

The story behind the most famous quote of Former-Minister Bagnold on the night of Halloween, 1981.

20. (We) Belong Together – Teddy/Victoire Short Story

Christmas time is a great time for couples to get together, is it not? But Victoire's father is overprotective, even if the boy she likes is family-friend Teddy Lupin.

21. A Knight in Shining Armor – Luna/Neville

Because there is no way that shared trauma of living through the Carrows does not cause emotions in everyone's second-favorite trio. Luna is OOC, but aren't most girls when they fall for a guy?

22. After a Long Day – Post-war Parenting Drabble

In which Hugo plays a FANTASTIC prank on his father. Only 632 words.

23. How They Found Her – Jily

The short story of how Lily and James found their apparent pet cat.

24. Pyromania - Seamus/Dean friend story

Seamus and Dean have detention with Filch because of Seamus's obsession with fire. Dean is exasperated. Hilarity ensues.

25. What a Woman Wants – Pansy/Theo

Pansy was never expected to do anything except be a good pure-blood wife and host little tea parties. Too bad for society, this witch likes to rock the boat.

26. The One That Got Away With It - Twins/Ginny childhood story

Ginny's first attempt at learning how to fly does not go the way that she planned. What is she going to do when her brothers find her injured from playing on one of their brooms?

27. Seven Flights - Ginny and her siblings childhood story

Unrelated to the prior one-shot, Ginny manipulates her brothers into teaching her to flight through a game they call "Favorite Brother."

28. Adventures in Motherhood - Ginny/Luna adult friendship story

A calm day at Godric's Hollow is interrupted by Lysander's inability to control his accidental magic. Ginny and Luna must find their two missing seven-year-olds while their rambunctious siblings.