We went back to my house, and snuck through the back yard. I was doing it while still trying to process the whole 'my car is an alien robot, and I am apparently the only one who can save the world' discovery.

I then remembered that I was at my house, with a Michael and a bunch of alien robots.

"I need you to stay here, all right?" I said. Michael nodded but I continued, trying to get him to realise how important that was.

"You have got to stay here and you're gonna watch them." I motioned to the 'cars' that were sitting idly. He nodded and shooed me towards the house.

I nodded, heading towards my back door, thinking that I would sneak in, get the glasses, sneak out, give the robots the glasses, save the world by doing that, then demand a refund for my 'car'.

"All of them. Do you understand?" I said, whirling around and gesturing wildly throughout the backyard.

"Yeah, Yes, okay, okay!"

I looked through the shadows straight at the semi, also known as Optimus Prime.

"Five minutes, all right?" I said to him, causing him to flash his headlights then back up enough to hide from view. I was about to call out to Michael again, when I heard my back door open and my father's voice ring through the air.

"Thanks for staying on my path." Dad said sarcastically, I looked down and saw that I was on the grass. I looked over the grass and saw… footprints.

"The... Oh, the path. I'm sorry. I forgot about the path" I said while freaking out internally.

"You know Samantha, I buy half your car..." Dad said, trying to open the door, but, I slammed it shut, cringing internally at his use of my full name.


"...then I bail you out of jail and then I just decided to do all your chores" Dad continued.

"The chores" I repeated.

"Yeah. Life is great, huh?" Dad asked.

"Life... Life is fantastic, that's how great it is." I said, laughing nervously while eyeing Bumblebee, who was now in plain sight for me and probably my dad too.

"It's so... Oh, the trash cans. Sorry, Dad. I'm gonna do the trash cans now"

"No, no, I don't want you to strain yourself." He said trying to open the door again.

"No, no, I won't strain myself, Dad" I said, shutting the door.

"I'll do it. It would hurt my feelings if you do it for me." I said leaning against the door.

"You sure? I don't mind, I don't..." Dad tried to open the door again.

Doesn't he take a HINT!?

"I promise..." I said, slamming the door shut.

"No, no, no, I'm gonna do it" Dad said, trying to open the door but I forced it shut again.

"I'm gonna do the trash cans and scrape the grill and… and… and sweep up the whole house right now" I said. Dad seemed to be thinking it over.

"Tonight, right now?" He asked.

"Right now" I gulped, regretting my hasty response.

"How about you do the-" I interrupted him before he could give me more work.

"I love you. God, I love you just so much right now."

"You know, Mom wanted me to ground you. You're three minutes late."

"Oh, well, just another thing you did for me Dad, because you're such a ...swell guy" I said, pulling a face at the word swell, why did I say that of all things?

Dad seemed to puff up and gained a satisfied look on his face. he turned to walk away.

"All right, I love you!" I shouted. He waved his hand in acknowledgement

"Sleep good, handsome man!" My attention was turned back to the Autobots, who were coming into my yard.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" I shouted but then they were all stepping everywhere and it was a disaster.

"No, watch the path! Watch the path! Watch the... Please, please, please" I pleaded.

"No, no, wait. No, no, no! Oh, no!" I said, as Optimus crushed the fountain.

"Sorry. My bad." It should have been funny, a robot saying 'my bad', but I just threw my hands into the air.

"Oh, I... You couldn't... You couldn't wait for five... You couldn't wait for five minutes?" I hissed at him, then I caught sight of Michael.

"I told you to watch them. I told you."I stormed up to him and shoved my finger in his face.

"Okay, you know what? They seem to be in a little bit of a rush" He said.

"Oh, this is bad. No!" I rushed over to Ironhide, where Mojo had decided to relieve himself. "Mojo, Mojo! Off the robot! God!" I picked him up, and backed away.

"Oh, wet" Ironhide said, shaking off his foot, he then pointed his guns at Mojo and me since I was holding him.

"Hold on! Hold! This is Mojo. This is Mojo. He's a pet of mine. He's a pet. Okay? That's all. If you could just put the guns away..." I said.

"You have a rodent infestation" Ironhide commented.

"A what?" I asked not understanding the random comment because as far as I knew, we had no rodent problems or mom would be screaming day and night.

"Shall I terminate?" He looked at Mojo as he said that and it clicked.

"No, no, no, no. He's not a rodent, he's a Chihuahua" I said, backing away from Ironhide. "This is my... This is my Chihuahua. We love Chihuahuas! Don't we?" Michael nodded frantically.

"He's leaked lubricants all over my foot" Ironhide said disgusted.

"He peed on you? Bad Mojo. Bad Mojo!" I said.

"Bad Mojo!" Ironhide copied me.

"I'm sorry. He's got a male dominance thing. That's all it is" I said.

"My foot's gonna rust!"

"All right" Optimus said.

"Okay, okay" Ironhide said quite loudly.

"Shut up and go hide!" I hissed as I slipped through the house, and up the stairs. Avoiding my parents who were in the living room. I went to my room, as I wasn't too sure where I put the backpack.

"Where are they? No, no, no, no, no" I said, flinging things around my room. For a girl, I has a very messy room apparently.

"Come on, come on" In the corner of my eye I saw Michael at the window, sitting on Optimus' hand, very pale.

"What? What is this?" I said, rushing over.

"Time is short." Optimus replied.

"They really want those glasses" Michael said as I helped him through the window.

"Come on. What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm gonna help you" He said as if it was obvious.

"Uhhhhh." I didn't know how to respond. Michael Banes, most popular boy in school was in my room.

"Please hurry" Optimus said, snapping me out of my daze.

"Okay" I went back to work and threw a few more bits and pieces around, not seeing the backpack anywhere.

"Yeah, no, no. It's definitely gone" I said panicking.

"What do you mean?" Michael asked.

"The glasses were in the bag. They were in the backpack and now the backpack isn't here" I said biting my lip.

"Well, they're gonna be pissed, so what do you wanna do?" He said turning to me.

I glanced out the window behind him and saw that all the bots had transformed back into cars. I started shouting at them, and soon Ratchet slipped and caused a mini earthquake and the lights went out.

I heard my mom call out to me and panicked. I turned to Michael and freaked out.

"Sam?" I heard them walking up the stairs and turned to Michael who had an equally panicked look on his face.

"You have to hide." I said pushing him towards my bed.

"Where?" He hissed turning around to face me.

"Under the bed!" I whisper-yelled. He nodded and knelt down on one of his knees in front of me.

Unfortunately, my door wasn't locked so as he was doing this, my parents came in and saw what must have been an interesting sight.

Me standing up staring at a boy on one knee in front of me.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" My dad exploded. It went silent. Then my mom spoke, making everything worse.

"Was he going to propose?"