Chapter 19: A Whole New Story

A few weeks later, things had I changed, Headmaster Grimm was arrested on charges of kidnapping and attempted murder, and was sentenced to life in Mirror Prison, and Giles was made Headmaster of Ever After High.

Ashlynn and Hunter were living a whole different life. Now every morning, she and Hunter woke up to the sound of Jake. One morning Ashlynn and Hunter woke up to the sound of cooing on their baby monitors.

They got out of bed, left their rooms, and went to his room.

"Good morning, Jake." greeted Ashlynn, as she and Hunter looked over his crib.

Jake just lied in his crib, looking up at his parents with curious eyes.

"Sleep good, buddy?" Asked Hunter.

Ashlynn took him out of his crib, and went to go get him cleaned up while Hunter went back to his room to get ready for the day. She changed his diaper, and dressed him in a cute forest green onesie.

Hunter came back dressed and ready for school.

"I'll take him down to breakfast, so you can get ready." He offered.

"Thanks, see you later sweetie." Said Ashlynn, and she gave Jake a kiss, and handed him off to Hunter.

Hunter took him to the castle-teria, and got out his high chair, and got some of the baby food from the lunch ladies. When he got everything set up, he began feeding him. Ashlynn came down, and then the two had their breakfast.

When the two finished, they each clipped a portable baby monitor to their clothes, and took Jake to the nurse's office. At first the two were wondering who could look after Jake while they were in class, the school nurse said that she could do it.

The two accepted, and to show that they could both be responsible parents they clipped the baby monitors to them, and stopped by between classes. After they dropped him off at the nurses office, the two went to class.

"So how's it going with Jake?" Asked Apple, in Princessology.

"Good, I admit I miss staying out late, sleeping in, and goofing around on weekends, it's not that bad." explained Ashlynn.

"I have to admit Jake's a quiet baby, he only cries when he needs something." Briar pointed out.

"I know." Agreed Holly.

Suddenly the sound of Jake crying came on Ashlynn's baby monitor.

"Everything okay?"

"Don't worry, dear, it's under control." Said the nurse.

"Okay, then."

"So how goes it with the kid?" Asked Sparrow, in hero class.

"It's good, with me and Ash working together, it's not that hard." Answered Hunter.

"Even when he cries?" wondered Daring.

"Yep, even then." Said Hunter.

"Hunter are you there?" Asked the nurse over the monitor.

"I'm here, everything okay?"

"Yes, I was just calling to see if you had anymore baby wipes."

"They're in the diaper bag."


The day went on smoothly, when it was time for lunch the two picked Jake up, and took him back when it was over. At the end of the day, Ashlynn and Hunter took Jake outside to get some air. While they were out, everyone wanted to see baby Jake.

Then Cerise came up.

"Hi guys." She greeted.

"Hey, Cerise...ahhh!" Everyone (except Raven and Kitty) screamed.

Because the Big Bad Wolf was behind her.

"Don't worry, everyone, I'll protect you." Said Hunter, standing up.

"No it's okay, he's on our side." Cerise assured.

"Our side?" wondered Ashlynn.

"Yes, I know you all know he's the Big Bad Wolf, but he's dad."

The others looked shocked.

"Your dad, but you're the daughter of Little Red Riding Hood." Cedar pointed out.

"I told you, Cedar, I'm living proof that stories don't have to be told."

And with that she pulled down her hood, and everyone gasped, when they saw her wolf ears. Cerise explained to them that she had had them all her life, but didn't show them because of Headmaster Grimm saying on how she couldn't be, and was afraid that she'd be treated badly.

"Ashlynn if you don't mind, may I?" Asked the Big Bad Wolf, holding his arms out towards Jake.

"Of course." answered Ashlynn, as she handed Jake to him.

As he held Jake, it brought back memories of when Cerise was born, how something that wasn't meant to be had happened. Later that day Headmaster Giles called all the students together for an announcement.

"Well, everyone, I'm very happy to say, not we've seen two people can go follow their own destinies without a worry, we won't be needing the Storybook of Legends anymore." said Giles holding up the book.

"I will be donating it to the Ever After Museum of History, where people can see what we used to do. And also here at Ever After High we won't be focusing so much on following our parents stories, but writing our own. So therefore whatever path you wish to follow whether it be your parents or your own, you'll be able to follow it."

All the students cheered with happiness, finally they could all be what they wanted without worry.

This was the start of a whole new story.

The End, thank you all for following, favoriting, and reviewing this story, I'm glad you all enjoyed it, and be sure to sure to look out for my new story Ever After Elementary, check it out, and leave me your reviews