Hey guys. LaLu is one of my favourite pairings so I'm hoping to write some short one shots even though I should be working on my stories. To be honest I have a bit of writers block so maybe this can help inspire some ideas. Anyway the prompts are 1) trouble 2) wedding 3) kinky 4) purple 5) busted 6) snuggle and 7) desire. I'm going to try and make it related to the prompt without a predictable plot and hopefully they will link with each other a little bit! Anyway, I hope you enjoy!


Day 1 - trouble-

Lucy slumped over the bar, her head resting on her arms. She had a massive headache and the general chaos of the guild didn't help her situation at all. She let out a sigh before taking a sip of her strawberry milkshake. She'd been having lots of these headaches recently. With all the stress over her rent and her team's constant lack of respect for her privacy, it had become near impossible to get some time to herself to just relax. 'To be honest,' she reasoned with herself, 'What I really need is some time away from my team's destruction. Some money for the land lady would also take a weight off my shoulders.' She swung her legs slightly as she finished off her milkshake. 'I could take a mission, a small one that I could easily do myself without worrying about destruction levels. I could get the full reward for once and manage to pay my rent on time.' Lucy slipped herself off the bar stool and over to the mission board. 'Hmmm…defeat a wyvern, accompany a merchant, rescue a cat? No…' she scanned the board. 'Oh! This one has a silver key as part of the reward! 14,000 J…thats enough for two months rent. Get rid of a small band of bandits near a trade route outside Clover. Doesn't seem too hard…' she pulled the mission down and headed over to the bar. Halfway there she remembered that Mira was out doing a photo shoot for Sorcerer's Weekly and would have to see master to get the mission approved. She changed course and headed over to another part of the guild where Master was sitting on a table with a mug of beer.

"Hello Master!" she called as she approached.

"Lucy! What is it?" he asks setting down his beer.

"Master, I was hoping to get this mission approved."

Master took the request and looked it over.

"Going with the team?"

"No actually, I was hoping to get a break and receive the whole reward for once."

"Ah, so you've been struggling with your rent lately?" Lucy nodded, sweat dropping slightly at his perceptiveness. "To be honest i'm not surprised with the mount of repair costs you team produces. You can take the mission, but stay safe!"

"Thanks Master!" Lucy says before leaving the guild to pack her stuff. Not long after she left, Master called Laxus over.

"What do you want old man?" he asked gruffly.

"Laxus I want you to follow Lucy."

"Why? She should be perfectly capable of doing a mission herself. She managed to defeat Bixlow, over a toy store, with only half the strength she has now."

"I know that and I don't doubt her abilities but I have a bad feeling. I want you to follow her but don't alert her to your presence. She is quite perceptive so be extra careful. Don't interfere unless she is out of magic and/or her life is in danger."

"Fine. But you have to do your own paperwork until I get back. Don't just let it pile up for me to do later."

"Of course, of course. Now off you go." Master watched as his grandson left the guild. 'I hope nothing bad happens.' He thought 'Plus this way he might het that extra push.' Master to another swig of beer before extending a hand to squash out a fight between Natsu and Gray.


It didn't take Lucy very long before she had finished talking to the client and was fighting the bandits. They weren't particularly strong and none were mages so she managed to get most with her whip before they knew what hit them. Once they realised of course, that they were under attack, they managed to get a few hits in before Lucy called out Loke to help her. The bandits were defeated in no time and Lucy stood panting slightly with limp bodies all around her. She sent Loke back before he could start flirting with her and started to tie up the bandits near her. She was on the third one when one of the bandits behind her came back to consciousness. She heard a noise only to turn around to see one of the first ones she defeated looming above her. She quickly reached for her whip but her hands fell limp by her sides once she got a hit to her temple. The last thing she saw as she slumped to the ground was the swish of a black coat with fur lining.


Lucy groaned as she moved her body. Her head hurt and she could feel a massive headache coming on. She opened her eyes as she sat up and looked around. She was on a single bed in what looked like a hotel room. She heard the door open and turned to see a large man leaning on the door frame.

"You sure know how to get into trouble Blondie."

So that is what my brain got from 'trouble'. I hope there weren't many mistakes!