So... Long time to update. I have no real excuse except that I blame uni and the fact that all my assignments leave me with no free time. Anyway, enjoy!

LaLu week – day 7


Its been a month since Laxus saved Lucy during her solo mission. During that time they had gotten much closer. They started going on small missions once a week and on the way back Laxus would help Lucy with some physical training. Lucy really enjoyed her time with the blond dragon slayer, and so did Laxus, but for him, things kept getting harder. Lately his dragon instincts have been harder to control, especially when he was around Lucy. So he does the only thing he can think of, and talks to Gajeel.

"Yo metal breath, you got a minute?"

"Yeah, whatcha want?" Gajeel replies, motioning for Laxus to take a seat.

"Its about my dragon lacrima. You see, when I got it implanted, not only did I receive the slayer powers, but also their instincts."

"Ah, and I suppose that's what's bothering you?" Gajeel asks while stuffing iron bolts in his mouth.


"Let me guess, there's a certain girl, ho makes you happy just by being around her?"


"And you get angry, jealous and protective when she's around other males?"


"Well, you're either a lovesick puppy, or you've found your mate."


"Yep, all dragons and their slayers have predestined mates. Your soul mate, other half, etc."

"Okay… and how do I know for sure?" Laxus took a drink form his beer mug.

"Do you want to f*ck her?" Laxus chocked a bit, "Not just do it, but impregnate her and reproduce with her?"

Laxus growled low in his throat before answering, "If I do, does that mean she's my soul mate?"

"Yep, I'd tell her soon if I were you, before your instincts take control and you do something you will regret."

"Okay, thanks." Laxus got up, ready to head back to his normal table, but froze at Gajeel's question.

"It's Bunny girl, isn't it?"


"Bunny girl's your mate right?"


"I ain't stupid like flame brain. We can tell if someone's destined for another dragon slayer."

"Right, talk to you later"

"Sure, whatever." Gajeel stuffed more bolts into his mouth as Laxus walked away.

Laxus headed up to his traditional table on the second floor, leaning over the railing to watch the guild from above. It didn't take long for his eyes to land on the head of blond hair that occupies his thoughts. What was he supposed to do now? He knew Gajeel was right, he had been having a lot of trouble keeping his instincts under control. 'I need to tell her,' he thought, 'but hat if she freaks out?' Laxus sighed before going into his office and starting in the dangerously high pile of paperwork on his desk.

It was bout an hour and a half late that Laxus' door was opened by Lucy. She walked over and placed a beer on his desk.

"You ok Laxus?"

"I'm fine Blondie, why do you ask?"

"I'm starting to be able to read you Laxus. I can tell you're worried about something." Laxus as surprised, only his team could read him, and that was only 80% of the time. He took a sip of his beer.

"You can talk to me you know." Laxus sighed. He didn't know how to go about telling her.

"Sit down Luce." She sat, alert due to his use of her name, rather than 'Blondie'.

"How much do you know about dragon slayers?"

"Well, I know the basics of their magic, appetite, motion sickness – which I know you have as well – and a bit about mating customs." Laxus noted that the last item on the list brought on a faint blush to her cheeks.

"What exactly do you know about these 'customs'?"

"Well, the courting slayer has to prove to his/her intended that they have the ability to protect them both mentally and physically, provide for them, and must also provide a token to symbolize their understanding of what is most important to their intended."

'You just happened not to mention that, didn't you metal head.' Laxus internally ranted.

"You're pretty well informed."

"If it hasn't escaped your notice, I'm not stupid. When four of the guild's power base are all dragon slayers, it makes sense to have a good understanding." He loved how smart she was, and her next statement was a testament to her intellect and deductive skills. "So you've found your mate then?" The look on Laxus' face as enough for Lucy so, heading towards the door, she called over her shoulder, "Better get a move on sparky, cos unless you've been doing secret rendezvous with a stranger, or Evergreen's your mate, you've got some work ahead of you. I've never noticed you speaking to any other girls so… Good Luck!"

As she slipped out the door, Laxus' mind as going a mile a minute. 'How do I prove those things to her? Have I already done it without realizing it? Wait, she did not just call me a loner!' Laxus glared at the space Lucy was just a moment before. 'Okay, lets go through this logically. Physical protection – saved her loads of times on missions, check. Material protection – treated her to a meal often enough to prove that I have enough saved up for a long time, check. Mental protection. It's a bit harder. To be able to protect her mentally, means that I can help her through trying times, fearful encounters or emotional overloads… that night in the hotel, she was really scared, but she relaxed enough in my arms. She must really trust me. I guess that checks that box then. What is the most important thing to Lucy? The guild, loyalty, her Spirits, her word.' Laxus dropped his head to his desk. He had no clue hat to give her to show he understood her values. He pushed away from the desk, intent on going down and getting another beer from the bar when something caught his eye, and a sly smirk spread across his face.

Heading out of his office, Laxus leans out over that balcony, surveying the brawl on the ground floor. There was furniture flying everywhere, and his eyes were drawn to the head of golden locks sitting at the bar, chatting to the guilds resident book worm. Laxus' eyes widened in alarm as a stray chair came sailing through the air, headed straight for Lucy. Within a split second he zapped to the ground, sheltering his mate from the danger and debree at the same time.

As the dust cleared, Laxus slipped a piece of cool metal into Lucy's hand.

"I thought you would appreciate this," he began, as she looked at him questioningly, "Lucy, you value your promises and honour as a celestial spirit mage. Your word is your bond, and your bond to your spirits is unbreakable. I believe what's in your hand represents hats most important to you." Lucy looked don, uncurling her fingers to reveal a silver key resting in her palm. She gasped suddenly, hat he as saying and the meaning behind the gift suddenly made sense. She quickly looked back up to the dragon slayers eyes, asking silently if he was saying what she thought he was saying. He looked directly in her eyes, before giving a short curt nod.

Lucy's gaze was suddenly filled only with desire, and it was reflected tenfold as the slayer looked lovingly down at his mate.