*BUZZ* Your phone quietly vibrated in your pocket. You gulped as Mrs. Dundy walked by, eyeing you. You smacked led nervously, although, it was the last day of school and you knew she couldn't do anything about a simple text message. She frowned snottily and walked on by. You got out your phone and read the message.

*FROM: Sam Winchester ~ hey. wanna come over after school? Dean + I are having a party over here. Bring your fav bracelet or something... c u there.*

You smile and hit reply.

*TO: Sam Winchester ~ sounds gr8! can't w8. c u there.*

The last bell rang and you grinned. You happily ripped all your papers in half and threw them in the air. You finally got home and started getting ready for the celebration.

"I wonder if (spn/b/f) will be there..." You caught yourself daydreaming and you mentally smacked yourself. "Really (y/n)? Really?!" You finally got yourself dressed in a violet dress that definitely compliments your curves.

*TO: Sam Winchester ~ on my way there now. c u n 5.*

You got to Sam and Dean's house and Gabriel opened the door.

"Hello, sweets." He said with a mischievous smirk.

"Hey Gabby." You said as you walked into the house. There was a sudden burst of cheering when you walked into the main room.

"Oh, crap," You thought. "They're all drunk!"

"Hey, (y/n). What took you so long?" Dean slurred out.

"Yeah!" Some of the other guys shouted while Gabriel tried to grab your butt. You blushed furiously and smacked his hand away.

"Awww, (y/n). Don't be that way!" Gabe murmured quite loudly.

Sam finally climbed up onto the coffee table and yelled, "Okay! Listen up! We should play a game. Anyone have any party favorites?" EVERYONE started talking all at once again. "Hey, HEY. HEY!"


"Raise your hands?" A few hands went up and a few games were listed. Then, Lucifer spoke.

"I have a game." Everyone stared and shifted uncomfortably and quietly. "I believe the humans call it the, 'seven minutes in heaven."

First Dean, then Gabe, then almost everyone else grinned drunkenly.

"Perverted idjits..." You thought.