Hello there!

Welcome to the first chapter of troublemaker!

I got some supporters saying that the idea seemed interesting, so, here it is :)

I really hope this IS interesting and you guys enjoy!

In my stories, I like to put things totally the opposite of how people usually make. So, you'll never see me putting Len as the player and Rin as the innocent/shy/nerdy girl. In this one, Rin is a troublemaker and Len is like her nanny!

Disclaimer: I do not own vocaloid :C


Chapter 1 – One sided love?

He arrived at home, feeling really tired, after a busy days at his part-time job. He still had to do his homework. He told that he arrived, but got no response. The house was empty. Again.

He didn't even need to ask where Rin, his step sister, was. She was a troublemaker. She didn't have a job, because her mother spoiled her too much. It looks like the two of them has a shady past and the woman blamed that for Rin's behavior.

His dad and his wife were always travelling around. Leon, his dad, was a rich business man that couldn't stay in the same place for too long and Lola, his wife and Rin's mother, would always go with him. There was no need for Len to work, but he chose to, so he could stay away from home a little.

Len sighed, looking at the clock. 9h:30m pm. Should he go look for her? He knew where she would be, probably, and what she was doing. No, he didn't have time to keep taking care of her, he wasn't her dad.

When he reached the staris to his room, the front door opened. Surprised, he went to the entrance hall. There she was, his supposed worst nightmare. She was taking her shoes off, which were dirty with… Was that blood? She turned to him, there was a bruise on her cheek and her clothes were dirty.

He went to social bathroom and took a small first-aid box. He went back to the living room and told her to sit down. Rin grumbled something unintelligible and stood still. Sighing, he forced her to sit.

Why does he care so much? He wondered to himself. Oh, yes. He cared because, even if he hated her way of living, he couldn't deny that he was in love with her. He was in love with the troublemaker girl that was the daughter of his dad's new wife.

"I'm fine!" She retorted, sitting.

"You're hurt." He said calmly.

"It's just a scratch. I'm sure that my opponent is way worse than I am." She laughed, feeling triumphant.

He said nothing. She winced when he began to clean the wound on her cheek. They stayed silent while he did the curative. It was always like that, a heavy air wrapped them.

"There, I'm finished. How are you going to explain this wound at school, tomorrow?" He asked, putting the tools in the box.

"Why do I need to explain?" She laughed, but stopped when she saw his expression, "They won't even bother asking, Len. They already know me".

He stood up and stared at her for a few seconds. Even dirty and hurt like that, she was beautiful, he thought. When he realized that he was staring, he looked away, blushing. He took the box and, with his back turned to her, he said to Rin:

"Go get changed and give me those dirty clothes so I can do the laundry." She only nodded.

He had already finished his homework when she appeared at his room's door. Her hair was wet and she had some clothes on her hands. Without saying anything, he got the clothes and took them to the laundry room downstairs.

When he went back to his room, the door to Rin's room was already closed. He entered, closed the door and pulled himself to the bed. They were so different. Why did he fall in love with someone so different from himself? He had no chance. And it was terrible to live in the same house as her.

While he thought about his unrequited love, he fell asleep.


The classes passed very slowly to Rin. When the bell of the end finally rang, she ran away from the classroom. The other students got out of her way quickly. The new bruise on her face only served to feed their fear of her. It proved that she came victorious of another fight.

While she waited her other friends together with Miki (only Miki went to the same school as hers, out of all her friends), Rin saw Len leave the school with his friends. Illuminated by the midday sunlight, he was beaming. She loved him so much, but she thinks he hates her, because of her little "habits".

Everything began because of her father. He was a drunkard and couldn't get a job. Not rarely, he would beat her mother. To relieve the stress she lived at home, she ended up getting involved with the "wrong people" and ended up finding comfort at the street fights.

One day, her mother couldn't get it anymore and called the police. He father was arrested, but left the two broken. Two years later, Lola met Leon. Many may think that she was with him only because of his money, but she really loved him. Leon saved her mother from a deep depression. Two years of dating later, they got married.

Rin met Len only at the wedding Day and it was like Love at first sight. However, even with the changing of air, Rin's demeanor stayed the same. She still continued being a part of the street life. But, now, she had a different reason: it was to stay away from Len, whom she considered unreachable.

"Rin." A voice woke her from her reveries.

"Ah, hi Rei." Rin answered.

"You know, today you'll be able to have some fun, again." Rei said slyly.

"Oh, really? And how will I get my entertainment today?" Rin followed the playing.

"Some guy wants to challenge the Yellow Reaper." Yellow Reaper was a nickname that Rin got as a street fighter.

"Serious? What time?" Rin asked interested.

"Five pm."

"Okay, I'll be there."

Rin said goodbye, walking home, following from a few meters away, Len and his friends. She entered the house while Len bade farewell to his friends. The one who got Rin's attention was the blond with a side ponytail. Could she be Len's girlfriend? Well, Len had never mentioned having a girlfriend, but there's no way someone like could possibly be single.

Len prepared the lunch and they ate in silence. Rin didn't know how to do the house chores. She couldn't cook, wash, anything. She believed that it's unfair that Len had to do the lunch before going to work. He shouldn't worry about her. He is so kind, she doesn't deserve him.

Len left to his job and Rin was left alone. Without anything to do, she climbed the stairs and went to Len's room, lying on his bed, she sank her face into his pillow. It smelled like him. This was something she was used to do when she knew she was alone at home. Enveloped by his scent, she fell asleep.

Rin woke up and looked at the clock; she had an hour until her fight. She stood up, washed her face, put a hoodie, dressed her black shorts with fluorescent golden details. To complete her look, she put on a yellow mask with a face of a demon on it. She pulled on her allstars and ran to the place.

The fight would, like always, happen in one of the various abandoned warehouse of the town. Rin entered and noticed that everyone were already there. She went to Rei and Miki's direction, who, when saw her, shouted:

"Hey, Yellow Reaper, are you ready?" When Rin was wearing her mask, Miki and Rei called her only by 'Yellow Reaper', that way, no one would know that she was the step daughter of Leon Kagamine.

"Yeah, I am," Rin answered bored. "Against whom am I going to fight?"

"That red haired guy over there," Rei answered, point at a guy surrounded by many people. "He has been winning a lot of fights lately, every one of them at the first minutes. The bets are pretty divided today."

"Oh, really? I guess that a lot of people will lose money today, then," Rin said, cockily.

"That is my Rinny!" Miki embraced the girl tightly.

"Miki! My name!" Rin snorted, annoyed.

"Oh, sorry… hehe." Miki smiled nervously.

The Bell rang and Rin prepared to enter the improvised ring. The guy entered after her, towering, rising his nose as if he considered the fight already won. When he saw Rin's mask, he asked cockily.

"Are you gonna fight wearing the mask? It will probably hurt like hell when I punch you." Rin laughed humorlessly of his question.

"Don't worry, you won't be able to even touch it." Rin smirked when she noticed his face getting red with rage.

The Bell rang again, signalizing the fight's beginning. The redhead, which name was Akaito, was the first one to move, unleashing a combo of punches and kicks, but Rin dodged them as if they're nothing.

During fights, Rin liked to imagine that her opponent was her father. That every punch she gave, she felt as if she was striking her father's face. However, today she wasn't seeing her father. Today she was seeing the blond that was with Len when he left school.

The image made Rin want to laugh. She didn't even know who the girl was, but she was angry, jealous, only because she could be by Len's side like that. The idea that something was happening between them made Rin's blood boil and she put all that rage in one single punch.

The punch hit Akaito right in the face, whom was taken by surprise. The strength was so immense that pulled him to the ground, unconscious. The crowd started to cheer the Yellow reaper's 'name' and those who lost their bets were crying on the floor. Miki, who was the 'hostess' of the night, got onto the ring and yelled:

"WOW! Yellow Reaper is the winner of the night. Not that surprising, tho. But the fight only lasted 45 seconds!" The crowd cheered again.

Akaito regained consciousness and sat groggily on the floor. Rin approached him and eyeing hi as if he was a piece of junk, said:

"You're weak. You shouldn't have even challenged me, being this weak."

Akaito pressed his hands on fists; the audience was speechless, watching Yellow Reaper humiliate her opponent. Akaito stood and prepared to attack Rin, when the warehouse door opened.

"Everyone hands up, police!"


Rin leaned against the wall while she waited for her time to use the phone. She looked at the clock, 9h:00min pm, he probably was already home. When Miki hung up the phone, she took it and dialed her house's number.

"Hello?" Len's voice sound tired the other side of the line.

"Hi, Len. It's me, Rin… Can you pick me up? I'm in jail."


Can you call that a cliffhanger? I guess so…

Well, how you guys think it was? Good? Bad? Weird?

Review and make a potato happy :D