okay i got all my votes in so this chapter will be long i really want as many reviews as possible i love reading them thay make me very happy so please review.

Rileys pov .

Its are last night in Texas. Im so upset that are summer here is gone we have another month we are going back to school for are senior year .

Its 8pm when lucas knocks on the door i tell him to come in . He smiles when he sees me and takes my hand . I smile back . Then he tells me that he has a surprise for me we go out to the lake . And i smile as soon as i see it . The trees have christmas snowflake lights hanging from them and theres a blanket on the floor . We go and sit on the blanket . We talk for a long time when i just cant take it anymore . I kiss him we kiss like this for a long time i can feel his heart beat agianst me . He kissis my neck and wispers how mutch he loves me . And after that it all starts to happen . I slip my hands under the bottom of his shirt and pull it up . It all happens so fast before i know it im closer to him than ever before and im glad i am

Its late when i feel lucas wakeing me up . We go back to the house and lay down in his room maya and josh are asleep on the couch. So we decied to sleep in his room i fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat agianst my ear . I never knew i could love some one so mutch


Rileys pov .

Weve been home a month now . I wake up to a sharp pain in my stomach. And i run to the bathroom. Ive been throwing up sence last night and i dont know why its saterday morning so i know mayas up . I text her quickly to get over to the house . Shes here in ten minutes holding my hair mom dad and augie are visting grandma and grandpa for the weekend so im alone . When im done i sit on the bed . With Maya when she turns to me . And looks me in the eye and ask if im still a virgin i tell her no . She then looks worried she ask when my last period was thats when i realize . I scream . And start to cry . She ask agian and i tell her a week before we left Texas. She says she will be back and for me to call lucas . She heads out and i dial up luas he wakes up and answers . And hears me crying and ask whats rong i tell him i think i might be pregnant. He says he will be right over . Its ten minutes when mayas back with a pregnancy test . When lucas comes in hug him and strt to sob into him . Its been twenty minutes sence i took the test i took three to be sure when maya goes in to look they all come up positive . I start to cry and lucas imbraces me .

Lucas pov.

Riley is crying into me . I dont know how this happend we had sex once . But i guess thats all it takes . Maya agrees to stay over and so do i . . Riley and i are on the couch mayas taking a nap and i stay up with riley in case she gets sick agian. She picks her head up and looks me in the eye . And tells me shes keeping the baby and that she understands if i leave. I kiss her and smile and tell her im never leaveing especially now and that we need to figure out how were telling everyone. We talk it over and decied to tell everyone tommorw.

Its 1:30 when we call a meeting with my mom and dad and mr. And mrs . Mathews. And of course josh maya and augie . Riley is holding my hand tight when she tells them shes pregnent and is keeping the baby . Everyone gasp but soon there are murmers and then there are the surprising. Supportful talks and everything . Soon we all eat dinner and riley goes with her mom to make the docters apointment . We also decied to finish senior year . At home less stress for riley .

Rileys pov

Its been a week sence i found out about the baby . Todays my ultra sound . Lucas has been staying with me . So he takes me to the apointment . We talk a little intill i brng up names. I tell him . For a girl i thought clasrisa maya friar and for a boy adrian lucas friar . He smiles and agrees with me we kiss and pull up to the clinic . We walk in and the docter sees us right away . And put the gel on my belly. He soon has a photo of are baby on the monitar . He ask if we want to know the gender of are baby lucas nods as do i . The docter takes a moment. And says its a girl. I smile and cry a little . We get are photos and text maya that its a girl .

Lucas and i go to the store to buy me some merterity clothes my stomach is already getting a baby bump and i wont for in my clothes mutch longer . I was so scared at first being 18 and pregnant but im growing to love my baby already . . We also go out to lunch . Its 5:00 when we get back to the apartment. And open the door. And. I see it its a baby shower . Every one is there shawn katy maya josh mom dad augie mr . Mrs friar. I smile and we walk in . Its about half way threw the party. When finally ask and i tell her we have her name picked out .

Her name is clarrisa maya friar . Maya starts to tear up . And says her middle name is after me . I tell her i wouldnt have it any other way . We all stay and talk for a while and open gifts . It isnt intill after the party that my mom and dad talk to lucas and i one on one , they tell us that we can stay here as long as we need at that they talked to mr and mr friar and that lucas can move in if he likes. We both thank them and then go to lucasas apartment to pack . He decied to move in with me intill we can save up for are own place . Im starting to really exept this baby and im kinda happy this happend

Time jump there will be time junps in this chapter just letting you know

rileys pov

Im now 6 months pregnant. My bump is now hudge the baby will be here in to months about . So maya and i decied to go shoping for the babys nursery while josh and lucas go get paint and start painting it. Lucas and i found and apartment in the same building we could afford so we moved in there about two months ago . We walk into a small little shop first to order a crib . After a little bit i find a dark brown crib i like i buy it and have it set to deliver along with a rocking chair tonight. After we go to get some baby clothes . We get a few hours were done shoping and we home , were im surprised to see the nurseys done painted a light teal blue the crib and rocking chair have arriaved the crib just needs to be built . So i sit in the rocking chair and watch maya josh and lucas try to build the crib i take a video and send it to my mom . Within five minutes shes over and has the crib built in twenty minutes . We are all talking and goofing around when i feel a kick and i gasp. Lucas comes running over asking whats rong i place his hand on my stomach. When she kicks agian he smiles and kissis my forehead . Soon my mom and friends leave and lucas and i fall asleep . Talking about are new life

Rileys pov

Im 8 1/2 months pregnant and im at the house with maya lucas and josh . Josh and maya have been staying with us for a week now incase i go into labor . Maya and josh are now 19 and engaged . Time has flown im thinking all this when a sharp pain hits .. i wait about an hour and then my water breaks i scream from the living room its time . Soon ihave maya helping me to the car and lucas grabing my hospital bag and a bag of baby stuff and then josh going to get mom and dad. Soon were all on the way to the hospital.

Its now 1:32 am may 28 and i give my final push and its over . My little girl is here . I hear i cry and soon im holding her in my arms . Lucas and maya with me crying the nurse ask her name for the certificate. And i tell her clarissa maya friar. She smiles and continues her work .

Me and clarrisa have been in the hospital for two days and are leaveing im putting he in her pink onsie . And im almost ready to go when i get a call to settle in from lucas he wont tell me whats rong . I get worried so i pit clarrisa in her hospital crib and lay and wait four hours later maya walks in and has a baby in her arms she smiles at me and days she had no clue she was pregnant. I ask the name she tells me his name jonathan luke Mathews. Soon lucas maya and josh and are getting the kids and ate selves ready to go . We talk when josh says somthing unexpected. He says u know im adoubted guys so the kids arent realeted what if they grow up and fall in love maya and. I smile and like always at the same time say a girl can dream . We soon get home were we have a exstra crib set up for jonathan till josh and maya get there nursey made soon we all drift to sleep