Hey everyone! Didn't think I'd stay away too long, did you?

Ariabev7- yes, it's out tomorrow. I'm Glad your on edge. I always am trying to get to parts parts I love! Right now I want to do… never mind. Here's eight cookies for you! 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

Esrelda Snape- good, I'm really glad.

have a great day I do not own hp.

Fifty years ago ago, three people named the Riddles were found dead in their manor. A team of doctors had examined the bodies, and concluded that none of the Riddles had been poisoned, stabbed, strangled, suffocated, or, (as far as they could tell) been harmed in any way.

A man named Frank Bryce was arrested, then let go for lack of evidence.

Now, he was nearing his 77th birthday.

He Still took care of the grounds of the old manor, though no one ever stopped to thank him, and stayed well away from him. They all thought he was a murderer.

the local boys still liked to break into the house on occasion.

That was what had happened tonight. He had looked up and seen a light, flickering in the old house. He grabbed his coat, and headed up to see what it was.

At 1:43 A.M. He was killed. A high, cold, fearsome laugh could be heard, and the Next morning, Frank Bryce's body was discovered in the same place where he had dropped dead.

200 miles away, a boy named Harry Potter woke.

He sat up suddenly, breathing hard.

The Room came into focus sround him. He thanked Merlin Hermione had convinced him to get magical contacts and thrown away his glasses.

Speaking of his beautiful girlfriend, she stirred beside him in the twin bed they shared.

"Harry?" She said sleepily.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you."

"Sokay." She yawned. "Are you alright? What happened?"

"It was just a nightmare, I'm fine. My scar hurts, though."

"Your scar?"

Hermione untangled her legs from the sheets.( Harry had been tossing during the nightmare.)

"Are you sure, was it-"

but she didn't get a chance to finish her sentence. The door to the trunk that led down to the Twins' room swung open, and James and Lily hobbled over.

Having as strong magic as they did, it both progressed and slowed their growth rates. They could walk, and we're understood when talking, but by the time their first birthday rolled around, they still had no clue what was going on.

All that they knew was that they liked cake.

"James, Lily? What's wrong?"

James started."We 'ad a bad dweam." "Da same dweam daddy!"

Harry picked up his son and Lily climbed into her mum's lap. "Oh what happened?" Hermione asked.

"Dis bad man wit'out a fach put gween white at a man and he died." "We didn't now he tow,"

"a man without a face?"

"An' a cut off node." James said knowledgeably." And wed eyes wike t'is!" Lily streatched the corners of her eyes with her fingers."

"'e did'n look vewy nis."

"Oh, I'm sorry, come on, let's go read the story of the fountain of fair fortune."


Hermione took both their hands and led them down the stairs again.

Harry thought for a few seconds, just a few! Could it be possible, that James and Lily had the same dream as him?