It's here guys! It's finally here! After months of writing and rewriting the new season 4 of Hellmouth starts today! Yay! Now there are a couple of things that you NEED to know. If you followed the series you know that I didn't do some of things that the show actually did, therefore things will be different. Especially with two of the characters, that were gone in canon, still being in the series. So they maybe slightly OC. I tried my hardest with them and that's all I can really say. Let's get this season started, yeah?

In Mexico, there was a village that sat on top of a mesa right in the middle of the desert. Right now, both Stiles Stilinski and Landon Martin found themselves in the heart of the town walking around casually. If your definition of casually was sticking close together like siamese twins, then yeah they were. The town was busy as the residences were all minding their own business as they seek relief from the desert sun.

"This doesn't seem so bad." Stiles commented to Landon as they walked through the town square. Landon had been on guard and agitated the moment they entered the town.

"It's not the town," Landon muttered looking behind them, "It's the plan."

"What's wrong with the plan?"

This caused Landon to stop and stare at Stiles, "Stiles. This could be the stupidest plan we've ever come up with." Landon claimed her, "You're aware of that, right?"

Stiles knew that Landon had a point. What they came here to do was borderline a suicide mission. Especially for those that were involved in the making and the actions needed for the plan.

Stiles looked around at the town, "I'm aware it's not our best." She confessed to him and continued on walking.

"We are going to die." Landon told her as they neared their destination. He continued to look around them. It was like the townspeople had no idea about the kind of things that went on in their own backyard.

"Are you saying that as a Reaper," Stiles asked, "Or are you just being pessimistic?"

"I'm saying it as a person who doesn't wanna die." Landon corrected her.

"Okay." Stiles completely understood. Aside from all the other plans they have conjured up over the past year, this plan was probably the most stupid one. These weren't normal people they were about to deal with.

"Would you just mind restricting any talk of death to actual Reaper predictions?" Stiles asked, "Besides I put a force field around us. No way is anyone going to be able to hurt us."

"Are you sure that was good idea?" Landon questioned. This time Stiles stopped at the question, "With everything going-"

"We'll be fine." Stiles assured him cutting him off, not wanting to talk about what had been happening over the past two months.

"But your condition-"

"The sooner we get this done the better." Stiles cuts him easily before the conversation could go any farther.

Landon didn't hide the worried expression that he felt falling on his face, "This plan is still stupid." He shared with her and led them back to walking.

"We've had worse."

They approached a doorway, but their entry was blocked by two men. Both of them had their arms crossed giving them a clear message that they weren't going to get in so easily. Out of a familiar leather jacket, Stiles removed a large card with a stylized skull on the front. She showed it to the men and looked directly at the security camera in the corner. Via radio, the two teens were allowed to enter.

As they walked down a darkened hallway, "That was nerve wrecking already." Landon whispered to Stiles as they made their way to two large wooden doors down the hall.

"And we haven't gotten to the hard part yet." Stiles agreed with him.

When they reached the double doors, Stiles was just about to push them open when Landon took a hold of her wrist. Stiles knew what was about to come next, "Stiles just try not to overdo it." Landon advised her.


In the vet's office everyone is outside the examination door, while there's thrashing going around in the examination room. Thankfully, the actual office is closed.

"Are you sure that was such a good idea?" Isaac Lahey asks as he stood up to put his weight against the door.

The sound of Stiles screaming and glass shattering fills the air from inside the room. He peers into the window of the door and sees that the metal examination table, which is usually placed in the middle of the room, was now being levitated in the air.

"Probably not, but in order for the plan to work she needs to learn control first." Deaton tells them.

"How long do you think she can keep this up?" Landon asks. The last time he had seen Stiles like this was when she attacked and killed Kali and nearly attacked Aiden.

"I'm not sure," Deaton tells them, "Without the link to him she could go on for hours."

"What if she has an anchor?" Scott McCall suggests to Deaton and Deaton looks quite impressed at Scott's suggestion.

"You mean like a werewolf?" Isaac asks him.

"Scott maybe onto something." Landon tells them, "When Stiles was about to attack Aiden I managed to bring her back somehow."

"Think you can do it again?" Scott asks him.

"Not with her not knowing if he's actually okay." Deaton tells them, "However, the closest thing to him could work." Deaton suggests while everyone turns to eye at Isaac.

"Oh not again." Isaac states, "He isn't even an Alpha anymore."

"He's got a point," Deaton realizes, "It may not work since the change of status."

"We have to at least try." Landon tells them as the sound a blue suddenly fills the examination room, "Isaac, you're the only one here that had a connection to him just as strong as Stiles."

Isaac looks thoughtful for a moment, "Well as long as it's not to a sacrificial tree." Isaac comments just before he quickly makes his way into the room.

Everyone stays out in the lobby as another scream and the sound of a roar fills the air just before a blue light and a loud crash fills the air. Then it is dead silent. Scott and the others are just about to go into the room, when the door suddenly opens and Isaac and Stiles both come out breathing heavily.


Stiles gave him a nod and pressed ahead, opening the doors on a packed dance club. The music was loud, the lights were flashing and dozens of people were dancing. From a bird's eye view Stiles and Landon were spotted by Severo, who alerted someone by walkie-talkie.

Landon grabbed Stiles by the hand and lead them to the bar, where they were served two shots. Both Stiles and Landon pushed away their glasses.

"No." Severo greeted them as he appeared from behind them, "On the house. Most American teenagers don't cross the border to refuse a drink."

Landon gave him a deadpanned look, "We didn't come to drink." and without a word he dropped a brass bullet casing stamped with the stylized skull image into the shot glass.

Not a moment later, Stiles and Landon found themselves in a room with a female hunter named Araya and two other hunters that were armed. The music from the dance floor could still be heard.

"Severo hates this music." Araya shared with them while using a small, curved blade as a seam ripper, intently working a piece of cloth as Stiles and Landon sat quietly on the other side of the table from her. "Me? I've always loved the music of youth. This kind, especially. It has a savage energy."

"We're here for Derek Hale." Landon voiced in a business-like tone.

"Is that so?" Araya inquired with a hint of amusement.

"We know you have him." Landon remarked not breaking his tone, "We've heard you can be bought."

At his side, Stiles wordlessly produced a stuffed envelope and placed five stacks of cash out on the table. Araya remained unfazed.

"It's 50,000 for Derek." Landon negotiated to her.

Araya gave him a pointed look before turning her attention to Stiles, "Now, where does a teenage girl get money like this?" She inquired with a small smile not missing a beat, "Japanese mafia?"

Behind her, Severo and the two other hunters cocked their weapons. "Not smart to come alone." Araya advised them, leaning over the table.

Stiles twisted the ring that laid on her left ring finger and leaned forward herself, "What makes you think we came alone?" Stiles challenged her.

At Stiles' statement Araya looked at the girl with a grasp of understanding.

In the club on the dance floor Micah Tate was dancing. He was seemingly enjoying himself with a smirk right on his face, but if anyone was paying close attention they would see his eyes glowing blue and Kira Yukimura was sitting along the side of the dance floor tapping her foot to the beat of the music as her eyes glowed orange.

Araya stood up from her seat in an outrage, "You brought a wolf into my home?" She declared at them.

"Actually," Stiles countered coolly, "We brought an Alpha."

In a darkened corner of the dance floor stood Scott McCall red-eyed and ready.

Hunters with walkie-talkies started searching the dance floor. Kira noticed the sudden activity going on and approached the dancing Micah on the floor, "Something's happening." She told him.

"I know." Micah said as he continued dancing.

"What do we do?" Kira asked worriedly.

"Blend in!" He told her, but Kira doesn't exactly start moving, "Dance with me." He gestured to her. Kira started dancing awkwardly, losing feeling of the beat from before and Micah simply rolled his eyes at her and grabbed the small of her back and pulled her closer.

"Oh." Kira commented completely caught off guard. The pair grind on the dance floor all smiles and having a good time. It was noticed by the patrons of the club and soon resulted in them drawing a small crowd around them.

Araya was sitting back in her seat completely composed and gave both Stiles and Landon disappointed look, "My friends..." She said to them with a heavy sigh, "I don't think you're aware of your poor timing. Do you know what the dark moon is?"

"The part of the lunar phase when the moon is least visible in the sky." Landon answered.

"But do you know its meaning?"

"Some people say it's a time of reflection." Landon continued to answer, "Or grief." He said softly.

"Grief and loss, mijo." Araya corrected him, watching him specifically. Stiles and Landon knew exactly what Araya was talking about. Araya noticed the sober expression on their faces and used it to her advantage, "I wonder why, when you and your friends have suffered so much loss," She looked between the teens, but mainly at Landon. Landon just gave her a blank look, "You would risk it again for someone like Derek Hale."

"'Cause we don't like to lose." Stiles finally spoke in a serious tone.

Back out on the dance floor hunters were still canvassing the area. One of the hunters called on the radio, "Front door clear." The East Guard shared with them.

"South clear." Another guard radioed in. All the hunters were at the checking points in the club, but there was someone who didn't answer on the radio.

"North?" Severo asked. When he didn't get a response Severo then spoke in Spanish.

At the north entrance Scott picked up the unconscious hunter's walkie-talkie.

Back in the room, Scott's voice rang through the radio, "Stiles. Take 10 off the table." Stiles wordlessly removed one of the piles of money off the table.

"Maybe you should just take the deal." Landon suggested to her.

Instead, Araya laughed at the suggestion, "While I'm keen to follow the warning of a Reaper," She told him, "I'm going to have to decline."

Two armed hunters had spotted Micah and Kira, "Ready?" Micah asked her. Kira gave him a confirmation nod and the two were suddenly dancing back to back to each other. Just as a hunter was in close range to her, Kira kicked the hunter in the knee. The hunter fell to the floor while Kira also removed glow stick Nunchaku and whipped the nunchaku around her shoulders, while making impact to the Hunter's face knocking him unconscious.

Micah too was able to hold off the hunter he faced, with an easy punch to face as he took a hold of them and slammed their body into the floor.

Scott also managed to render a hunter unconscious as well. The trio then regroup and started their search for Stiles and Landon.

Stiles was close to losing her nerve. So she started to do what she did best, "Come on. Just give us Derek." She demanded to Araya. "You don't want him anyway. Haven't you noticed what a downer he is?" She asked trying to joke her way through, "No sense of humor, poor conversationalist." To her side, Stiles could see Landon agreeing to everything she was saying, "Just come on, take the money."

Araya wasn't amused by Stiles' pitch, "Never heard a mate talk about her wolf like that."

It didn't come as surprise. They learned over the year that any news pertaining to the supernatural tend to travel faster than the speed of light.

Stiles clicked her teeth and leaned forward to the table, "If you know what I am." Stiles said lowly, "Then you know what I can do."

Araya gave her a smirk, "I know what you can do mija." Araya told her, "The question is why you haven't done it, yet?" Stiles remained silent as Araya spoke through the radio, "Severo? Show them how the Calaveras negotiate."

Severo, in the DJ booth above the dance floor, nodded to DJ who took out a bullhorn that sprayed smoke when triggered. Smoke also began to spread from several points around the club.

In the hallway, Scott noticed the smoke as it rose from under a door and then as it poured out of all the vents near the ceiling.

"Wolfsbane." Scott realized, "It's Wolfsbane! Kira! Micah! Get out of here!"

Both Kira and Micah both cough and struggle against the smoke as they attempted to make their escape. From a hidden corner, a hunter was waiting and attempted to coldcock both of them with the butt of a shotgun. Just as he was close to actually make impact a force field appeared just as the butt of the gun was close to hitting Kira. But it didn't seem to matter as both Kira and Micah continued to feel the effects of the smoke and soon passed out.

With the were-coyote and kitsune down Araya appeared from the doorway, "For someone who has been an Alpha only a few months you should be more careful when facing a hunter of 40 years." She gloated at Scott.

Scott was weaken by the Wolfsbane as well and was now on the floor, taking panting breaths, "All we want is Derek." He told her.

"My lobito, you're a long way from home."

It was the way Araya had spoken when Scott comprehended what she was actually saying, "You don't know where he is either." Scott accused her just before he passed out.


Stiles, Scott, Landon, and Isaac are at the Beacon Hills Animal Clinic standing around the examination table, "Ok, so how long has it been?" Isaac asks them.

"Weeks." Stiles tells them, "He told me he had an emergency and that he needed to leave immediately. Of course, I didn't question it. But that changed when I felt the link get broken."

"Has Derek ever returned your texts?" Landon then asks Scott.

"Once." Scott shares with them, "Definitely once, but this time it felt different." Stiles gives him an inquiring look, but Scott continues, "So I went to the loft. The alarm was on. Everything looked okay. But then I found these." He pulls out a container lots of brass bullet casings with the skull symbol, "I sent a picture of it to Deaton. He said that it's the mark of a family of hunters based out of Mexico. The Calaveras."

"What would they want with Derek?" Isaac asks.

"You don't think they killed him, do you?" Stiles asks him.

"I..." Scott stammers and looks over at Stiles, "I don't know." He confesses and glances at Landon, "That's why you're here."

He passes the container of shell casings to him. Landon reaches in a grabs a handful, working them back and forth in his fingers. After a moment, he drops them to the floor and each one strikes with the sound of a gunshot and Derek's scream. The sounds are loud enough it causes the Reaper to wince in pain.

"Landon, what?" Stiles asks worriedly to him, "Is he dead?" Stiles panics.

"No." He reports to her, "But I'm not sure he's alive either."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know." He picks up a bullet, but there is a feeling that he is getting. Something is odd about it, "There's something not right. I just... I don't know."

"So if the Calaveras have him," Isaac states, "How do we find them?"

"Mexico." Scott answers.


Scott came to and found himself in a filthy public restroom with his head in Stiles' lap. He noticed she was wearing a worried expression on her face, "Scott, you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. They don't have him." He told her, "They don't have Derek."

Kira and Micah then appeared at their side, "We know." Kira told him, "But right now, they've got Landon."

"Landon?" Scott asked confused, moving away from Stiles' hand, "What do they want with Landon?"

Araya was pouring tea at a table on the sidewalk in front of a cafe called "Consuelas." And it is next day, "I have to admit I've never come across a Reaper before. But Banshees I have, but I still don't have much experience with them." She told him, "All I really know is that you are the same."

"That makes two of us," Landon shared warily, not making eye contact with the woman, "Since I don't have much experience being one."

"I have a feeling you underestimate your abilities, Landon."

Landon gave her a sideway glance, "Trust me, you'd have better luck with tarot cards."

"Let's find out." Araya challenged him as she placed a gun on the table. She gestured at the three men who stood guard in front of them, "Tell me, which one of these men is about to die?"

In the bathroom, Scott attempted to open the doors, but it's revealed to be useless.

"We already looked for a way out." Kira told him looking around the room, there were blood stains, dirt, hands, and claws marks all against the walls and floor of the bathroom, "I think a lot of people have."

"I say when that door opens again," Micah offered, "We take out whoever's standing in the way and run for it."

"What about Landon?" Kira asked noticing that he left out a certain person in his plan. Micah seemed confused by the question.

"What about him?"

"We're not leaving without him." Stiles informed him.

"Why not?" Micah questioned now confused as to why no one was agreeing with his plan. As far as he was concerned his plan didn't actually suck as much as theirs.

"Because we don't leave without people. Remember, we talked about this?" She reminded him, "Rules of the wild kingdom don't apply to friends."

"Is that what you would do as a coyote," Kira asked, "Leave him for dead?"

"If he was weak and injured, yeah." Micah declared boldly, "If hunting had been bad that season, I would eat him. Then I'd leave."

"All right, guys, we're not dead yet." Scott interuppted, changing the subject, "And that means Araya wants something."

"But if the Calaveras don't know where Derek is, that means they didn't take him from the loft. Right?" Kira questioned.

"That would mean someone else got to him." Stiles stated, "That means it wasn't just a nightmare he was telling me about," She realized, "It was a memory." She stated as it clicked, "I should've known." Stiles started to pace around the room and the lights in the room began to flicker.

"Stiles are you okay?" Scott questioned her as he stopped her in place.

"I'm fine…I fine." Stiles responded. Scott noticed a dark glow in her eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

At their table, Araya was peeling an orange with a wicked serrated blade, "How does it work? Do you need to touch them?" Landon watched her nervously as she peeled, "Maybe I give you something they own. Or is it just a... a feeling?"

"I told you…I don't know."

Landon watched as Araya started to fiddle with the knife, "Just how close to death do they have to be?"

She double-tapped the knife and Landon started to get that familiar sensation as he looked at the two men. Araya suddenly whipped the knife out at one of the men, striking him in the chest. Landon lets out a little yelp as he got up from his seat, while the hunter closer to him dropped to the ground with a grunt. The other remained unfazed.

"Why did you do that for?" Landon asked with his voice shaking.

"He stole from me."

At the statement, Landon's ears started to get filled with whispers and he looked curiously at the woman, "What do you want?"

"Right now?" Araya hinted, as she pulled a piece of the orange apart, "I want to know about Scott McCall. I want to know what kind of Alpha he really is."

Landon soon found himself being escorted to a room where Scott was bound to a chair with manacles, chains, and electric wiring.

"Oh, God." Landon breathed at the sight just as he was placed in a similar chair and was being chained in the same manner. They were in a large room that had three deer head mounted over a fireplace and the only source of light that they were getting was coming from the three windows that was faced behind them.

"Let him go." Scott demanded to the hunter that ignored him, "Look... you've got me. Just let the others go." He begged.

Severo then appeared with Kira at his side and forced her to stand by an electric box, "Your hand goes here." He instructed her as he forced her hand on the knob, "Let me explain what's about to happen. This one, the fox, has an immunity to electricity. So she's going to turn the dial on the Alpha. If she doesn't, I turn the dial on the Reaper."

"I'm not doing this." Kira told him removing her hand from the knob.

Severo gave a crooked smile, "I see." He told her, "Are you sure? One of your friends has the power to heal." Kira looked over at Landon who was now fully chained to the chair, "The other? Not so much."

Kira felt like she stuck in the same position she had been when they were facing the Nogitsune. She felt like she was going to throw up.

"What are you doing?" Scott questioned, "Is this a game to you?"

"This is a test, lobito." Araya corrected him, "Let's see if you pass." She placed Kira's hand on the knob again, "We're going to ask some questions. You answer them, nobody gets hurt. You don't answer, we turn on the dial."

"Do what they say. Okay." Scott told Kira. Kira looked at him with shock as she started to feel the sense of panic overcome her, "Whatever they want. I can take it." He assured her.

"So... We don't know where Derek is." Araya confessed to them, "We want to find him as well. His mate doesn't know where he is without the link, so she is useless." Araya shared with them, "That only just leaves you." She turned to Scott, "You know who took him." She expressed to him firmly.

"What?" Scott asked completely and utterly lost, "How would I know that?"

"That doesn't sound like an answer to me."

"We don't know." Landon repeated backing Scott up, "Why else do you think we came here?"

Araya ignored Landon's claim, "Kira, turn the dial." But Kira didn't move a muscle. Araya smirked at the lack of action, "Should we turn the dial on Landon instead?"

"Do it, Kira." Scott told her, "Do it."

Kira reluctantly gave him a head nod, "I'm sorry."

"Let's start at one." Araya said.

Back in their restroom prison, Stiles had started pacing again, "Do you hear them? Can you hear Scott?" She probed Micah, "Can you hear Kira, Landon, anybody? What are they saying?"

Micah had been sitting on the floor leaning on a column with his eyes closed trying to listen in, "I... I can't. I can't concentrate." He told her as he opened his eyes, "I... There's too many sounds and voices."

"It's okay." She told him, but Micah could clearly hear the skip in her heart. Stiles then stooped down to his level, "Just breathe." She coached him, "You practiced this with Scott before, remember?"

"I'm trying." Micah told her, "You guys should've brought Isaac instead."


"Will you relax?" Stiles asks Issac, "I finally got it under control." Stiles tells Isaac while he stands at her doorway. Stiles is packing for the trip to Mexico and now Isaac isn't too happy about the plan.

"And when you don't people are going to get hurt," Isaac counters, "You guys will need me," Isaac repeats for the third time, "Especially you."

"I'll be fine." Stiles says to him.

"You said that last time and Deaton almost got stabbed with surgery equipment."

"Uh, almost" Stiles points out, but Isaac gives her his no sass face, "I'll be fine." She repeats to him just as Isaac stands in front of her.

"You don't know that." He tells her, "You can't control your power with you stressing and worrying about Derek. Deaton said we're even lucky that I can even bring you back."

"Look," Stiles tells him tiredly, "I promise I will not use more than necessary."

"I can smell and hear the lie all over you."


"It's okay, it's okay." Stiles assured him, "Just focus on something." Stiles coached him, "Here, look at my eyes." Stiles told Micah as she started remembered some of the techniques from when she first helped Scott. Micah does look at her with some kind of hope in his eyes, "Very good. Just focus on the sound of my voice. All you have to do is try to concentrate." She whispered to him, "Concentrate..."

Micah closed his eyes as Stiles continued talking to him. He started to focus on the sound of her voice and when he opened his eyes as they were glowing blue.

Araya had gone from patient to impatient to furious in a manner of minutes, "Tell me! Who actually has Derek?" Araya demanded to the Alpha, "Who had a reason, a vendetta particular to the Hales?"

Scott had already suffered through two rounds of electricity being shot through his body, "I said I don't know." Scott told her.

Landon could still hear the whispers in his ears as he watched in fear as Kira was forced to up the voltage, once again.

"Oh, you don't know because you haven't figured it out yet." Araya snapped at him, "So think! Who could've taken him?"

Araya signaled over to Severo, "Tres." He told Kira, but Kira could see that Scott wasn't handling the shock of the current anymore and didn't make a move.

"It's okay." Scott assured her once again. Kira turned the dial once more.

"Who had the power?" Araya question him, "The power of a shapeshifter?"

"I don't know." Scott told her.

"Oh! Someone who could have turned without you knowing." She started to yell at him, "Turned, but not by a bite!"

"I don't know!"

Araya pushed Kira aside and cranked up the juice to the maximum. Through his shock Scott's mind goes back in time.


It is the night of the lacrosse game that determines if the team makes it to state. Scott's enhanced hearing is in tune with a conversation between Kate and Chris Argent.

"Can you get turned by a scratch?" Kate asks Chris as they try to figure who is helping the Alpha.

"If the claws go deep enough." Chris tells her.

"Peter slashed Kate's throat right in front of us." Stiles tells him as they head back to the hospital after a failed attempt of finding Scott a cure for his lycanthropy.


When the answer came to him, Scott broke the manacles and was now free with his eye glowing the Alpha red. Araya gave him an approving smile.

"Say the name, Scott." She ordered.

Back in their prison room, Micah had related the message to Stiles. Stiles got up off the floor as the lights flickered once again, "That's impossible." She spoke to herself, "It's impossible. That can't be what he said."

"Why?" Micah questioned confused by the name, "Who... who is she?"

"She is supposed to be dead," She told him as she collected herself, "I can't…I can't believe...she took him."

In a dark, cobwebby stone hallway Kate Argent was standing in front of a disc shaped sculpture inlaid in the stone wall. Behind the sculpture, Derek Hale seemed to be unconscious, tied and covered in cobwebs.

There you have it the beginning of season 4. Now the updating schedule is going to be different. I unfortunately can't update both parts together due to school and work. Therefore, part 2 will be updated next Wednesday. So updates are on Wednesday with the parts separated. But don't worry I am really good with keeping my update schedule. See you next week! Until then you know what to do!