Lory Takarada sat in his magnificent office. It was unusually dull, if this word can even be used in any matters concerning the eccentric old man. Walls were colored in drab dark grey color, the floor was laid with surprisingly monotonous carpet, which did nothing to stir the gloomy atmosphere up. The table was placed directly opposite the door and overlooked a small leather sofa with a coffee table in front of it. There sat she. The number one LoveMe girl. However even her outrageously acidic pink jumpsuit was replaced by the formal looking suit, which consisted of a grey knee-length skirt, white short-sleeved blouse and a matching blazer, that laid on her knees. Her usually spiky hair were neatly put down into Natsu s hairstyle. The air was charged with tensions. The young woman was staring into presidents wrinkled face, that seemed to look paler and older than usually. The man sat still in his chair and was returning her gaze with the same intensity. Then he suddenly cut the silence of the room

«So Are you sure you can handle this? Mogami-san»

His voice was cracky and slow, somehow cautious. He started tapping his fingers on the wooden surface of a table, still looking straight into the eyes of a girl in from of him. Mogami tried to hold up the stern look on her face, however her nervousness was visible through little actions, that were done unconsciously. She gripped her blazer a little bit tighter an squeezed her legs together in attempt to close off from the problem that stood before her.

«I will understand, if you wish to decline that mission, however that will inevitably mean that your promotion for LoveMe would also be declined»

The man continued:

«I have no doubt in your acting skills, however I still need to see the proof of your femininity and deeper romantic related understanding that you have to have in order to succeed as a first-rate artist»

He sighed heavily, shot a quick glance back at the young girl and started speaking again, this time with a much softer voice and much more informally to try and take the tension off of the young actress

«Look Mogami-san, it s not that not that bad. I mean you are not going to interact with a complete stranger, it s just Ren, and I can assure you that I would t give you this test if I didn't t believe in you»

The girl finally moved and after several attempts she finally started speaking. She spoke rather quietly, almost inaudible

«I understand that Takarada-san, and I will take that task up, however, do you think that we should do this wit him?»

She asked obviously thinking about the possible reaction she would get from her senpai after he would become aware of that stupid «femininity test». She blushed as soon as she started thinking about what he would think about her, probably something like promiscuous, immoral, loose, immodest, indecent, shameless, unblushing, unchaste or even WANTON! She shook her head trying to get rid of such thoughts. how could I even think of such shameful things! He is my Senpai after all, there should be a way to complete the test without bringing to much shame on my side, but I still need I still need to do this to Tsuruga-san, oh damn you, President! Why would you give someone a task such as that, how is it going to test my acting abilities and femininity? URGHHHH I really have no choice, do I? While Kyoko was lost in her trail of thoughts, the President decided that it was time to finish their little talk and asked her the last question to confirm the answer of an actress.

«So, Mogami-san, will you be able to seduce Tsuruga-san?»

He bluntly asked and smirked, bringing both of his hand together on a table and leaning forward, looking straight at Kyoko. The young girl looked up at him challenging the man s gaze, then she said in a stern voice

«I will»

And with that said she smirked at the President, stood up and turned to walk out of the cabinet with her head up and her posture strong and sure. She disappeared, with a loud thud of a closing door. Lory Takarada sat in his chair, smiling mischievously, already sensing that it was going to be hell of a month for certain someone.

«Let s see how far you can go now with this infamous self-control, Ren».