"Alright, we're here." JJ said as they arrived.

JJ handed Kate the key to open the door so she could help Emily out of the car.

Kate opened the door and went in as JJ and Emily did the same.

Once they were all inside, Kate locked the door behind them before they all sat down on the couch.

"So, who wants to watch some TV?" JJ asked.

Emily looked at Kate and Kate shrugged.

"Okay." Emily said.

JJ turned the TV on and put it on the NBC channel. Chicago PD was on.

"Is Chicago PD okay or do you want to watch something else." JJ asked.

"It's fine with me." Emily said.

"What about you, Kate?" JJ asked.

"It's fine with me too." Kate said.

The watched the episode until it was finished.

JJ stood up. "I'm going to make us some lunch." She said with a smile.

"Okay, thanks honey." Emily said as she smiled back at her wife.

JJ went to the kitchen, leaving mother and daughter alone in the living room.

"So...I'm not very good with beating around the bush, so I'm just going to be straight forward with you. Ask me whatever you want." Emily said.

"O-kay. Well, I just have one question, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but why did you put me up for adoption?"

"I was 15 and I didn't actually have a choice." Emily said.

Kate looked at Emily skeptically so Emily sighed but decided to go with the honest truth.

"My mom didn't give me a choice. She said that either I gave you up for adoption or..." Emily didn't want to tell Kate the entire truth, but Kate figured it out on her own.

"Or abort me." She finished the statement for Emily.

Emily just nodded looking at Kate.

"I'm sorry." Emily said sincerely.

"It's not your fault. You were 15 and you made the right choice."

Emily looked at Kate in wonderment. How could this girl be so understanding?

"I mean, yeah, life is tough, but it's better than not having a life at all." Kate said with a smile as she hugged Emily.

"I don't blame you." Kate whispered in Emily's ear, making Emily cry and hug her tighter.

When they pulled back, Emily wiped her eyes as they stood up.

Kate took Emily by the hand and gently pulled her towards the kitchen, mindful of Emily's injuries.

When they got to the kitchen, Kate turned to Emily.

"Come on mom, let's go help mama." Kate said with a wink to both of them.

They both smiled with tears in their eyes. They knew everything was going to be alright.

It was just a matter of time.