Some background info:

This is the future.

Ain't no such thing as Disney World.

There shall be action!

Alright, hope you guys enjoy!

"Mr. Whitman."

"It's Finn," Finn corrected for about the hundredth time today, slumped in a chair. Today was that dreaded time of year.

State of the Union.

Finn had a good life. He had a rich and powerful father, he was incredibly smart for the age of sixteen, and he lived in a big house. A really big house.

The White House.

Finn's father was the 54th president of the United States of America, and it was the State of the Union, one of Finn's least favorite times of the year because he had to dress up nicely and listen to a bunch of old men talk for hours.

There were other times he hated as well, like when meeting with ambassadors and other such events, but Finn had to admit being the president's son was really fun.

Standing in front of him now was his father's assistant, Kelly Something-Or-Other. Finn rarely kept tabs on people's names, they usually turned out to be bad people anyway. He learned the hard way that he couldn't get close to anyone. Kelly was a neat, pinned-back sort of gal, with her brown hair tied into a neat bun and sharp brown eyes that always seemed to be focused. She wore a neat purple blazer and pencil skirt, and stood with the poise of a princess.

"It's time for you to get dressed," Kelly said, holding up his suit. Hiding behind the well-dressed assistant was Sarah Whitman, Finn's younger sister. She stepped from behind the assistant, realizing it was only Finn in the room, and put both her hands on his knees.

"Finny, tell Kelly I don't need a dress," Sarah frowned up at her big brother.

Finn chuckled, ruffling Sarah's pixie cut hairdo. "Does she really need to wear a dress, Kelly?" Finn asked, looking up at the assistant with giant, begging green eyes. "Yes," Kelly was not fazed by the puppy-dog look, holding out a dress with one hand and the suit with the other. Finn looked back down at her little sister, who could pass for a boy with her short hair, muddy face, and grass-stained jeans.

"Yes," Kelly was not fazed by the puppy-dog look, holding out a dress with one hand and the suit with the other. Finn looked back down at her little sister, who could pass for a boy with her muddy face and grass-stained jeans.

"You heard her," Finn whispered to his sister, sadness tainting his voice. "I need to get all dressed up too."

"Come, Sarah, it's time to get ready," Kelly held out her hand to the child. Sarah looked at her brother one more time before taking Kelly's hand and exitting Finn's room. Finn looked at the suit, which Kelly left laying on his bed, and sighed.

Rising to his feet, Finn raised his arms and leaned backward, stretching his back with a groan. Time to give the public what they wanted.

Philby sat on his mother's private jet, looking out the window with disdain. "Must we really head so early, mum?" he asked, swiveling his head to look at his mother. "The meeting isn't for another month!"

"We were invited to the State of the Union, Dell," his mother said, drawling in a formal British accent. "Not to mention your uncle was invited to be seen on famous American television."

"Granny?" Philby looked over his shoulder at his grandmother, sitting behind him.

"Relax, Philby," his grandmother smiled kindly, "You'll have some fun. You are to meet the son and daughter of Mr. President after."

"Their boy sixteen like you, Dell," his mother said, eyes never leaving her book, peering over the top of her glasses.

"At least he'll understand a little bit of what life is like," Philby shrugged, tugging at the collar of his shirt and looking back out the window at the clouds.

"Being the son of the President is hardly like being a Prince, Dell," his mother finally decided to look up at her son.

It's true, Dell Philby was the Prince of a small kingdom, Disnedria, right outside of London, too small to be noticed on maps. In fact, no one has really cared about Disnedria until their sudden scientific discovery of a new element to be added to the Periodic Table, which was dubbed Disney. Now, the whole world knew about the element, and about their small kingdom.

Philby was very much interested in the element Disney. It's symbol was Dy, atomic number 119. His uncle was the one who actually discovered Disney, and was going to be interviewed on some show called Maleficent's.

It was the only reason the world suddenly focused on their kingdom, and Philby knew it. It was the only reason they were going to America.

"I would assume being the son of a President it quite like being the son of a Queen," Philby argued.

"Their clothes are less nice, though," his granny couldn't help but joke, grinning with a sparkle in her eyes. His grandmother was the old queen, before the title was passed down to his mother. Queen Wanda was what she was called.

Philby chuckled, mentally praying that this boy, and this whole experience, wouldn't be as dreadful as he was expecting it to be.


Terrance Donnie Maybeck, a dark-skinned boy with a childish sparkle in his eye, shot to attention at the sound of his aunt and caretaker, Aunt Jelly, screaming his name. He wore a paint-stained apron, and his hands were caked in pottery clay. He had been pounding on the clay for a while, trying to start a new project.

"IT'S ON!" Jelly burst into the art room, still dressed all neat and tidy. She fumbled with the remote before turning on the TV. A new animated movie came to life on the screen. Maybeck's aunt was a director for Pixar, and her newest movie just aired on television after being in theaters.

"They put it on TV?" Maybeck asked with surprise, stepping away from his project and approaching his aunt's side, eyes never leaving the TV screen. HIS VOICE was going to be heard all over America?

Maybeck was a voice actor for his aunt, and was now dabbling in the animation arts himself. He had been a voice actor in quite a few of Jelly's movies, and had grown to be pretty famous indeed. But his voice had only been heard in theaters. Now people can watch it whenever they want?!

"They're going to interview me on Maleficent's in a week," Jelly said, turning to her nephew. Maleficent's was the most popular show since Oprah!

"That's so great!" Maybeck reached out to embrace his caretaker before realizing he was covered in a layer of clay, and decided against ruining Jelly's nice dress.

"Would you like to join me?" a smile reached the dark-skinned woman's face, the same mischievous smirk that had been handed down to her nephew. The identical smile crossed the sixteen year old boy's features.


Charlene was an actress. Indeed, she had heard of the famous Jelly, she had even voice acted for her once, but Charlene liked to be seen. It made sense, she was dubbed America's Most Beautiful for two years in a row. Charlene, with her long, flowing blonde hair and striking blue eyes and perfect complexion, not to mention just enough curves in all the right places. It was enough to make the men go wild, and BOY DID THEY!

She loved the spotlight, she loved the attention, she even loved the paparazzi. Charlene Turner was a starling at a whopping sixteen years old. She was a two-time Grammy-winning actress who even did her own stunts, and she just finished her newest movie, Island of Treasures 2, a gripping sequel to the Academy Award-winning film Island of Treasures, in which Charlene played the rough-and-tumble Jessica Jones, a young adult with a taste for adventure and a habit of looking perfect while battling skeletons brought back to life.

"Ms. Turner, smile!" a paparazzi yelled, popping up from behind a car. Charlene, faking a candid, posed while putting her groceries in her car. The driver, Dillard, yelled at the paparazzi to 'take a hike'.

Charlene, with a dramatic flip of her hair- making a great photo op for the fans- stepped into the car and slammed the door shut, placing her giant sunglasses on her nose to mask her eyes.

"Sorry about the weirdos, Charlene," Dillard said as they drove off. Charlene just laughed.

"It's fine, I'm all for the fans."

Amanda and Jess Lockhart, the two fifteen year old sisters that took America by storm with their newest teen-team-written novel Fairly Human, were now headed towards Hollywood!

"We're going to be on TV!" Jess sang over and over in their taxi as they drove through California. "We're going to be on TV!"

"Try to be the slightest bit professional, Jess," Amanda couldn't help but chuckle at her sister's goofy antics.

"Maleficent's is like, the biggest interview show in the history of the world ever!" Jess practically screamed. Amanda laughed.

"And you're one of America's best writers. You have such a way with words," Amanda joked, nudging her sister in the side with her elbow.

Jess scoffed. "America's best writers, sure."

"Hey, how many authors do you see going on that show?"

"We're fifteen, Manda."

"But we're going on Maleficent's! Do you KNOW who has been on that show?!"

"They are also going to be interviewing that director, Jelly! The one from Pixar. She made Island Fever, Amanda! That's like, my favorite movie!"

"Well, we aren't the only ones being interviewed," Amanda pointed out. "There's also that British man who discovered that science thing. What was it called...Diznee? Dysay?"

"Disney?" Jess guessed. "It's just some stupid science thing, who cares?!"

"Maybe we can write a book about it," Amanda shrugged. "We could give it supernatural powers!"

"A superhero, starting out as a regular girl who falls into some toxic waste but learns later that it wasn't toxic waste; but DISNEY!" Jess threw up jazz hands, grinning brightly.

"Right, we'll think about it," Amanda rolled her eyes before looking out the window. They were going to be on Maleficent's!

"Ryan! Ryan, slow down!" Willa had to sprint to catch up with her brother. Her brother was a tall boy with wild brown hair and an electric guitar, standing on the sidewalk in Hollywood.

"Look at it all, Wills," he breathed, his grasp tightening on his instrument. "My band. Getting its own movie," he seemed to be in a trance, staring at the large building. His eyes trailed over to the side. "LOOK, WILLA!" he screamed, causing the girl to jump. "A BUS! WE ACTUALLY GET A BUS!"

Sure enough, a large blue bus pulled into the parking lot. The Magic Kingdom was painted on the side in fiery letters. The Magic Kingdom was the name of Willa's older brother's band. Willa was just fifteen, but her brother was twenty and on the verge of being a huge music star. His band already had sold out concerts, and they were eventually going to perform at Times Square on New Year's Eve! And now they were getting their own MOVIE?! Willa breathed, trying to take it all in. Her famous brother and her, on a big Hollywood adventure!

"C'mon, the band is already at the bus," Ryan motioned for Willa to follow before sprinting down the hill to the bus.

"Woah. This is mega legit," Ryan gasped, running a hand along the side of the bus. Willa chuckled, rolling her eyes at her brother's terrible grammar.

"RYAN! LITTLE W! WHAT'S HAPPENIN'?!" a loud, booming, Boston voice interrupted Ryan's inner fangirling as a boy sprinted up to them, twirling a drumstick.

"Animal!" Ryan laughed. Willa smiled, recognizing her family friend and drummer for the Magic Kingdom, Animal Muppet, a boy with crazy red hair and a crazy personality to go with it.

"Wazzup, little w?" Animal fist-bumped Willa with a snarky grin. "Ready to hit Hollywood?"

Willa laughed. Her brother and his friends had such a strange was of talking. "I'm ready!"

Questions, comments, criticisms?