I have no excuse just infinite apologies T_T so no rambling lets get to it. Apologies for oocness, be gentle with flames, and enjoy. \(^u^) Oh I am though changing Francois name to his actual 2p name which I just recently found out. I don't have the time to go back and edit but just remember that Francois = Louis.

Of Cupcakes And Sword Fights

Chapter Twelve

You're My Hero?!

*Louis's POV*

The first thing I thought as I started to come to was that I had to be alive still...otherwise if I were in heaven my head couldn't hurt this damn bad. Why is it so dark though...? The fuck happened? Let's see...I remember I was led out to the gallows...the rope was placed around my neck...last words were asked about and given...lever was pulled...what the fuck happened?

My eyes slowly cracked open a little and I groaned quietly. Rolling over and pulling the pillow over my head to block out the merciless early afternoon sun that was pouring through the porthole window. Judging by the rocking motion I was feeling I was obliviously on a ship of some sort but...what?

As if on cue I smelled something that smelled rather sweet...but not at the same time and I could feel my stomach growl the slightest bit. Guess it was to be expected since prisoners who were to hang the next day didn't get a last meal. Whatever though. I was still to lazy to roll over and see the source of the smell. "Merde...pull the shade over the window or something...the - sun is annoying..." I grumbled upon hearing the slight faint clatters of a tray being set down and to my relief the harsh light disappeared and was replaced with the bearable light of two lit candles placed in lanterns. Now I could go back to- "I'm so glad you're finally awake!" A rather loud...all too familiar...English accent chirped as I found myself being pretty much tackle hugged by a something pink and hyper.

"Merde keep your damn voice down!" I shouted quietly as I shoved him off. Although I did notice the captains outfit...was that the one that I had gotten him? Whatever. Not my problem. Off to- "Ahh~ come on Louie don't be like that..." Again the I felt the bed shift and then clambering about and then something stopping in the space between wall and myself. Knees folded on either side of him and his hands resting on the sheets and tangled comforter in front of his lap. his ridiculously bright and frilly captain's coat hanging all baggy around him. His hat tilted...admittedly adorably...on his head. With a sigh I looked up at him a bit and found a rather cute little apologetic and guilty pout on his face. "I'm sorry..." He mumbled.

I wanted to tell him to beat it. I wanted to tell him that I didn't forgive him. I wanted to forget about it. But...damnit the guy was just too adorable for his own damn good and finally I just settled on a sigh. "Tears are too unfitting for your face...so don't start fucking crying...I hate it when you cry...and get rid of the pout too..." I grumbled as I pulled the pillow back over my head. "Now can I please go back to sleep?"

He said nothing for a moment and I figured that I could take that as a yes, happily letting my eyes droop shut for the unth time, starting to slowly drift off and let- "Thank you Lou!" He cried happily as he once more tackle hugged me and wound up on top of me. "And no. You have to eat since you've been asleep forever...well actually its only been like two days...but still I was worried..." He said with a bit of a pout.

Hearing this I sighed and took the pillow from over my face, setting it aside while I pried my eyes open. Again. "Merde...two days? Whatever...I guess I am kind of hungry...and are those croissants?"

He nodded with a smile as he pulled over the tray. "Yep! I made them special just for you." He set the tray down on the side and took of the fluffy pastry treats and tore off a bite. "Open wide." He said with a cute little giggle...but I coulnd't help feeling a bit suspicious. Holding up my hand to stop him.

"Not so fast. A couple questions first. You know I wasn't thinking the straightest or the clearest when I was in that cell right?"

With a bit of a confused tilt of his head he nodded. "Yeah I understand...I can't say my mind would have been the clearest either."

"Okay, so you know that I didn't mean the things that I said, right?" I continued. Dismissing the innocently confuzzled look he gave me.

"Of course. I may not have liked some of the things but I did kind of deserve it..." he admitted with a bit of a sheepish grin. "Now will-"

"Almost. But just to be clear, you aren't angry at me and you don't hold anything against me so I'm not gonna get fuckin tight pantsed touch high on anything...right?"

Oliver blinked again before he seemed to recall a similar incident with chipper "Oh that~" and laughed before he leaned in a bit. "I don't know poppet. You'll have to find out yourself." He murmured with a bit of a mischievous smile as he put a bite of bread to my lips. I was reluctant at first...something about that mischievous little smile of his and the rather suggestive air and demeanor about him just gave me a bit of an off feeling. But soon enough it was forgotten when I smelt that smell. His scent. Damn...I didn't realize just how much I had missed it until now. Taking in a deep breath of it my eyes closed a little and my lips parted. Apparently just enough for him to slip in a bite of bread. It tasted amazing better than anything I had tasted in awhile. Or maybe it was just because I was hungry. Either I gladly accepted the next couple of bite and sure enough I started to feel hot and a bit light headed. My vision blurring the slightest bit. "Son of a bitch..." I muttered.

He chuckled and set aside the plate. Leaning down to straddle me both his arms planted on either side of my head pushing down the pillow a bit as he stared down at me. "I th-thought I didn't...m-make you angry..." I mumbled as I a bit greedily leaned into the hand that carressed my cheek with.

"I'm not love. This is different." He purred as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips. "I'll make sure to pay good attention to you this time hmm~?" He murmured. Leaving another trail of feathery kisses along my jaw down to my neck which i easily tilted to the side to give better access to as he attacked it with a barrage of kisses and nips and I'm pretty sure he marked me a couple of times but I didn't care. I just didn't want it to stop. Moaning out faintly between pants and gasps of pleasure as I quickly found my eyes half lidded...his scent swirling around me as I tried to bite them back as best I could. Cheeks flushed a faint red. Trying to hold on to what little dignity I could. I mean...I couldn't just let my will be crumbled so easily...but that was pointless as I let out a loud moan of pleasure. My fingers digging into the sheets loosely as he grazed over my sweet spot. "I knew it was around there somewhere." He hummed triumphantly as he started to roughly nip and and suck. Making a nice love mark all the while I squirmed and panted and moaned underneath him until I felt two somewhat cold hands trace up my chest from underneath my shirt and roughly take hold of the hardened buds. Pinching and rollin them and tugging on them as he started to more roughly pay attention to my neck.

He smiled a bit after a couple of moments and pulled away to straddle me once more. "Seems you're enjoying yourself. Hm~? Where's the big scary pirate who acts so prideful all the time~?"

I felt grow slightly warm as I looked away a little. "Sh~shut up...anyone would crumble easily if they were like this..." I muttered. Though he could most likely read me like an open book. He seemed to be able to do that a lot. Which means he would know by now that I like someone who can dominate and force me to let go of my pride. Who could humiliate me.

He chuckled and reached up and took my shin somewhat roughly in his hand. Forcing me to make eye contact again as his hand trailed down and started to rub the inside of my thighs through the material of my slacks teasingly. "Seems to me as though you enjoy it~ Someone else dominating you like this~" He stopped and let go of chin. Reaching up instead he swiftly undid my the buttons on my shirt and kissed and nipped all along my chest before start into slowly lower. Stopping as his fingers loosely took hold of the waist band and he paused looking up at me with a bit of a mischievous smirk. "Oh my~ something's in my way~"

"Mon dieu please~" I moaned desperately. Wanting nothing more than for him to continue and to also get the blasted piece of clothing already.

"Oh I suppose.." He said with a chuckle as he finally rid me of them as well as my briefs. He sat up a moment and removed his pants as well pinning my hands above my head as he moved back up and stole another kiss. Locking our lips as I let out a rather loud moan. Feel in something warm and hard rubbing and grinding quickly up against my own length.

…(AN: sorry to sell you guys a little short but I kind of want to get this wrapped up once and for all so that I can have it off of my mind for the time being. Please don't get to irritated with me…...also sorry for the constantly switching povs….' when I type fanfics I used first person but when I rp I use third person narrative so...I've been having trouble sticking to just one lately...)

I looked beside me where the pink haired chipper guy laid panting. His captain's coat and shirt still on but unbuttoned to let everything be seen. Panting myself and I smiled a little. A truer one than I had smiled in years...another first for the feared and cold hearted Louis Bonnefey. Was he a miracle worker or something? Either way though he moved over and wrapped an arm around him. Planting a kiss to the back of his loved marked neck. "Now could I please go back to sleep?" I mumbled.

He nodded and snuggled up to me a bit more and for once it appeared that I had finally tired him out for a little while…..noted for a little while. He would be probably be back to bouncing up and down and all around soon enough.

Later that evening I pried my eyes with a yawn and slowy sat up. Rubbing at them and blinking a couple times before they adjusted in the small light of the cabin. I looked around for a moment, vaguely wondering what time it was before I noticed the shade over the porthole to notice that the shade had been pulled up again and the sky was a deep blue. Riddled with stars. Next to me I felt an empty space that had previously held an angel at sleep so with a sigh I got up and stretched again. Realizing how utterly I stiff I was from not moving much the last couple of days then ventured to the the deck and smiled a little...okay it was more a smirk but it still counts...as I easily picked him out at the bow of the ship.

"When did you get up and sneak away?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around him from behind and laid my head on his shoulder. Chuckling a little at his startled squeak.

"Don't sneak up on me like that..."

"But you're adorable when you're startled..."

"Lou you're such a meanie..."

I just chuckled a little before I gave another sigh. "I'm sorry...for what I did…all those years ago. I knew it wasn't going to bring her...but...it just...at the time made me feel better. And I know saying sorry can't...even begin to amount to a slightly decent repentance...that it won't bring them back...but its all I can give at the moment...and it makes me feel a little better saying it...which is weird because I've never apologized in my life before."

He reached up and rested one of his hands on mine. "And I still think it will be a while before I'll truly be able to forgive you but it still doesn't change the fact that I want to sail these seas with you forever."