AN: Wow! Sorry this was so very late. My birthday just passed and I got wrapped up in reading and finished the Bloodlines series and a couple of other books that I got sucked into. All I've wanted to do is read, and my natural nagging to write was put on the back burner. I've also been busy planning out the chapters to come. I find that my difficulties in writing stem from my lack of forethought and planning. I know the major plot points and I know what happens in between, I just need to put them in sequence and what happens for the characters to get to that point. That way, I know where to start. Hopefully this will make the process go much smoother. Thank you all so much for being so patient with me. I know I am not the best at keeping up with updating.

Disclaimer: I only own any original characters. Richelle Mead owns Vampire Academy.

Black Ink

Chapter 7: Gods and Monsters

"You've certainly made a name for yourself young one," Juliana praised him shuffling forward a couple of steps. Her cold, gleaming eyes scanned over him as if assessing him. Those orbs searching for something unknown to anyone but her.

Dimitri did not appreciate her scrutinizing stare. It unnerved him. This was mostly due to the nostalgic feeling her appearance stirred within him. Much like Rose had noticed, she looked eerily familiar. "You are unwelcome here. Leave," He ordered her pointing towards the door to his office which led into the hall. He wanted nothing to do with this woman and wanted nothing more than for her to leave and crawl back under the rock she had crawled out from under..

The dark chuckle that rose from her throat at his command echoed throughout the room. In a second, she crossed the room stopping directly in front of the tall Russian. It all happened in the blink of an eye. She lashed out, grabbing Dimitri by the throat. With unnatural ease, she lifted him up and slammed him into the wall much like he had done to Adam days before. Such a feat seemed impossible due to her smaller stature and thin frame, but with her supernatural strength she preformed the action with no difficulties. A vicious snarl tore from her throat and her face contorted into one of rage and fury. The beauty she had radiated before vanished leaving an ugly monster in it's wake. That horrifying expression made Rose's heart stop in fear. Her stomach dropped and suddenly she felt ill.

"Who are you to order me around," She growled her fingers tightening around the man's throat as proof of her superior strength. "I am much older than you," She snapped before stepping away and tossing him to the floor like a rag doll. She sneered at him using the aggressive display as a tactic to assert her dominance over him much like a wild animal would. "I will not tolerate your disrespect," She added coldly crossing her arms over her chest once more. Her expression relaxed and a calm settled over her. The quick emotional shift proved that she was not here to play games. She meant business and would not entertain his egotism.

He paused looking up at her in slight surprise. He had not expected the outburst. However, his surprise did not last long and he gracefully rose to his feet. Feeling slightly humiliated by her manhandling, he glared at the older Strigoi with hatred and malice. He now understood why his underlings hated him when he asserted himself over them. "Why are you here?" He asked squaring his shoulders and did his best to look intimidating.

Such gestures were useless on her. She was unaffected. She looked down inspecting her perfectly manicured nails completely unfazed by his brashness. "I've heard you've eliminated Galina and have taken over the area," She mused a hint of amusement sneaking into her voice. She seemed almost pleased at the knowledge of the other woman's demise. There was a gleefulness shining in her crimson laced orbs. "I wanted to meet her successor," She informed him with a subtle shrug of only one of her thin shoulders. "I've heard he's a tyrannical brute."

"Well, here I am," He stated finding her expression to be irritating. She did a good job at seeming both charming and infuriating. Her attempts to intimidate him failed and nothing would satisfy him more than to throw her out into the merciless rays of the sun and see her burn. He scowled at her, "Now if we are quite done here, I want you to leave," He remarked gesturing towards the door again, scowling at her.

This made Juliana let out a laugh though it sounded hollow. "You don't seem so tough to me," She taunted. His attempts to brush her off were futile. She was a woman of purpose and would not leave until she got that which she wanted, and she was no where near done with the man before her. "Did you really think that she was the one in charge here?" She asked gliding across the floor, to the plush loveseat located next to the fireplace. She sat down, crossing her legs elegantly. The split in her dress parted at her thigh revealing the creamy flesh beneath it. Dimitri watched her with renewed intrigue, but did not respond to her question. He was certain, given time, that she would answer it herself. This assumption proved correct moments later. "Galina answered to me. I own this compound," She revealed lifting her palms up and gesturing to the room around them.

Dimitri snorted unimpressed by the revelation. She was trying to get under his skin, and he wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of achieving her goal. "That's funny," He remarked following her sitting down on the sofa adjacent to where she sat. "She never mentioned you," was his callous retort.

His sharp words did not go unnoticed, but again, she chose not react. Juliana was a patient woman and simply scoffed sitting up straighter and pulling her shoulders back. It was an elegant pose which was only accentuated by how neatly she folded her hands in her lap. Rose couldn't help but notice the similarities in her posture to that of Lissa. Juliana screamed royalty, and it was very possible that she had been once. "Of course she wouldn't," She spat back tossing her long chestnut locks over her shoulder. "Galina and I never saw eye to eye Most Strigoi don't, as I'm sure you've noticed," She carried on casually resting her gaze on Dimitri. "Our race is very self destructive. A pity really."

She was dancing around the subject revealing as little as possible. He knew this tactic. She only gave him enough to pacify him, retaining all the information for herself leaving him in the dark. This was a game he had no interest in playing. "What are implying?" He asked hoping it would spur her on to her true intentions. He highly doubt she had sought him out simply to meet him. She had a purpose, and he needed to know what it was.

She smirked sensing his impatience. It was amusing to her. "In this world we live in, you need to establish yourself quickly," She remarked running a hand along her long chestnut locks. She pulled them over her shoulder, twirling the ends around her fingers as she spoke, "You've done well for yourself and, to be honest, I am quite impressed by your tenacity," She stated, relaxing her pose and leaning back against the loveseat. She shifted slightly as if to make herself more comfortable before allowing her hands to rest flat on the seats on either side of her. "You remind me a lot of myself when I awakened."

Dimitri growled in frustration. This was going no where fast and he was not going to entertain her games any longer. There were many things that he would rather be doing than playing word and mind games with this infuriating woman. Most of them involving a certain dark haired Dhampir in the next room. "You're wasting my time," He snapped at her. "Get to the point. I have other matters to attend to."

The smirk on her face faltered and her expression turned to stone. His quick dismissal of her displeased her greatly. She had such high hopes for him and he was disappointing her immensely. Against her better judgement, she allowed his insolence to slide one more. He didn't know better and was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Hr would learn his place with her soon enough. "Oh, the Dhampir?" She remarked crossing her arms over her chest. Instantly, Juliana glanced passed Dimitri towards the door leading into Rose's apartment.

Those hollow, red eyes locked with the honey brown hue of the spying Rose. Surprised by this Rose gasped scooting back away from the gap between the door and it's frame. The woman had known that she was listening and had shifted her attention for the sole purpose of letting Rose know that her presence was known. She swallowed hard creeping slowly towards the door again. She ascertained that she remained hidden by the door. Leaving no room to be seen. Rose easily picked the conversation back up, but was aware of the pounding of her heart in her chest from the adrenaline rush.

The expression on Dimitri's face fell as he followed Juliana's line of sight. The gleeful sheen in her eyes indicated that she was pleased by something. He noticed the small gap in the door and silently cursed Rose's inquisitive nature. She was constantly unaware of the dangers she was exposing herself to in this world they were living in. During this, their conversation paused. After a moment, Juliana's eyes shifted back to his and that irritating amused smirk returned to her face. "I've heard about your little pet. Rosemarie Hathaway isn't it?" Juliana more stated than asked. She was fully aware of the Dhampir girl's identity, she just wanted him to confirm. When he nodded, she continued."Not the wisest choice in personal feedbags," She remarked with a small chuckled offering her unwarranted input.

"What do you mean by that?" Dimitri spat out trying his best to disguise his anger. She was speaking of matters that she had no business becoming involved in. He felt this overwhelming urge to protect Rose from this woman. She was a threat and the monster that he was flared up to square off with the other immortal. Rose belonged to him and no one else. His stormy crimson eyes glared at the her as she remained seated across from him.

"Calm down, no need to get all bent out of shape over me," She chastised him lightly with a small wink. It was obvious that her words were meant to get a reaction from him, but he was buying into it regardless. She quirked an eyebrow crossing her arms under her chest. "You do realize who her parents are?" She questioned shifting her legs so that they crossed in the opposite direction than they had before.

He nodded without hesitation, "Her mother is Janine Hathaway, a Guardian," He answered flatly finally gaining control of his rising temper to slid his mask back into place. She was quickly discovering which buttons to hit to get a rise out of him and he didn't like that. He needed to remain as stoic as possible when dealing with this woman.

Juliana nodded in acknowledgement. "Yes, that is common knowledge," She dismissed his statement quickly moving on to the more pressing topic in which she desired to discuss. The answer to many of the questions he had been trying to unlock. "Do you know her father?" She asked covertly acting completely disinterested in their conversation.

He paused for a moment. She was up to something and he didn't like it. "Rose doesn't even know her father." He informed her slowly, his voice lowering slightly. He didn't like where this conversation was going.

The mischievous glint returned to her eyes and the matching grin stretched across her crimson painted lips. She leaned forward in her seat, straightening her posture once more. "I've heard you've been collecting intelligence on one Ibrahim Mazur," She began coyly, pretending to brush dust off of the sofa cushion. "You're wondering why he's so interested in your little pet," She continued on watching his expression shift into annoyance. "Don't look at me like that. You're not the only one with ears all around," She stated interrupting her own train of thought by mildly scolding him. As soon as she had called him out, he glared in her direction. She didn't respond to it, but merely continued feeling as though her point had been heard. "The reason for his concern is that Rosemarie is his daughter."

A faint surprised gasp could be heard from Rose's place behind the door and it became obvious that the young Dhampir had continued to listen despite the fact that her presence had been discovered by their unwanted guest. By the slight glance Juliana shot towards the door, he knew that she had heard it too. Her smile widened and Dimitri's mask returned as his resolve hardened. "You're lying," was his stony response to her implication.

Juliana tsked and shook her head a hint of disappointment appearing on her elegant features. "Now what do I have to gain by lying to you?" She questioned crossing her arms underneath her breasts. When he failed to respond, she continued on spurred on by her previous question. "Janine called Ibrahim to watch out for their wayward daughter when she left the Academy. She knew he'd be able to track her movements better than she could. As usual her instincts were correct and he's been watching over her since she arrived here in Russia," She informed him glancing towards the cellphone resting on his desk, where he had left it when he gone to visit with Rose. "You're free to check that information if you like. The sun should be coming up and I have all day to wait," She remarked gesturing towards the small electronic device.

He glanced back to see what she was gesturing towards. Only seeing his phone, he shook his head silently cursing his rotten luck. Had she shown up earlier, the sun would not have left her stranded here until nightfall. Despite the unfriendly emotions swirling within him, he managed to keep his face blank lest it betray his thoughts. She didn't need to be fully aware of his growing disdain that he felt towards her. "I don't think that will be necessary. I'm sure you're right."

"Indeed." She appreciated his faith in her, but she was no fool. Over the years, she had grown to be an expert at reading body language. His true feelings regarding her were no mystery as he had hoped. He was no enigma. Still, it did not sway her enough to change her intentions. In fact, it had the opposite effect. It only intrigued her more which made her more certain. She smirked again slowly rising to her feet, "Don't worry though, he has no idea that she's here," She assured him growing tired of sitting alone.

His eyes narrowed and his eyebrows furrowed at her statement. That had been his main concern over the last few weeks since he had noticed the Moroi mobsters strange interest in his captive. He could not afford to have Zmey picking up on his trail. "How do you that know for sure," He questioned with uncertainty.

"I have my sources," was her simple and dismissive retort. "You'd be surprised by what a woman of my calibre can achieve," She continued on in an unneeded explanation to her previous statement. As she spoke, she slowly approached swaying her hips tantalizingly from side to side as she sashayed her way towards him. His posture straightened and he eyes her with skepticism unsure of her true intentions. He didn't have to wait long before she began to speak again in her usual, slow, and sultry drawl. "You know, if I had wanted to, I could have killed you the second you walked through this door, but I didn't," She remarked stopping mere inches in front of him. Her hands rested at her side and she cast her eyes downwards, meeting his. "Do you know why?" She poised the question with a straight face.

He let out a small annoyed sigh. Her tactics were growing both predictable and frustrating. He didn't like her game of beating around the bush. Though her skills were masterful, he wasn't biting.. "No, but I'm sure that you're about to tell me," He retorted gesturing to the empty seat beside him.

She dipped her head in acknowledgement, "People fear you, while they idolize me," She said shifting to the side and slowly sitting into the empty spot after having been politely prompted. "We'd make a good team."

He scoffed, "An alliance?" He questioned earning a nod from the dark haired woman. He chuckled darkly for he could see where this was going. "What's in it for you?"

She shrugged, "I have no desire for possessions," She replied sliding over so that the side of her leg touched his. He shifted over slightly uncomfortable by her close quarters. She did not seemed bothered by the action. "I deal in knowledge it is more powerful and useful than any inanimate object. What I desire, is information," She further explained sliding her fingers through her long, flowing hair.

"What information could I possess that has captured your interest?" He asked finding her request rather unusual. The Strigoi world was all about getting ahead and squashing your competition and taking what you want. Juliana seemed uninterested in any of this. Perhaps it was her ego, or maybe there was more to the situation than he had originally anticipated. Either way, he was intrigued enough to hear her proposal.

It was strange how she seemed so eerily calm when he had seen so abrupt and harsh with her. Her patience was rather unexpected. It only solidified the fact that she was different than most Strigoi. Thre was an air of strength about her that he couldn't help but admire. "There are some facts that I would like to know," She mused. "Insight that only you and your precious little pet could provide for me," She related, shifting closer so that she was pressed up against his side.

He tensed, uncomfortable with her close quarters. He grew more weary the longer he remained in her presence. He resisted the urge to push her away not willing to risk her wrath should she be offended by the action. He needed to tread lightly. So far she had tolerated his belligerence, but it would be unwise for him to push his luck. "I'm listening," was his gruff response.

"I want to know about my family," She announced without missing a beat. His lack of immediate response and flat expression must have been unexpected, for she continued after only a moment. "Now I'm sure that there are many other people that I could ask, but you my dear, are a direct link," She clarified scraping her bottom lip against her top teeth as she leaned closer to him. Her pointer finger stretched out and she gently pressed her well maintained digit against his forward. Slowly, she slid it down between his eyes and down his nose as she spoke again. This time her voice was low and suggestive as she spoke . "You and your pretty, little pet."

It was that simple touch, the slightest and most insignificant thing, that collapsed the shroud of mystery surrounding her. It was a mannerism he had played victim to before, from an old friend from his school days. Dimitri's eyes widened as the picture finally came to life. She indeed looked familiar and not for the reasons he had anticipated. In his mind's eye, her face morphed into that of a different woman, but the vague resemblance was there. With that, he knew who she was. "You're Juliana Tarus," He stated trying to hide his astonishment.

She smirked, amused by his sudden realization. She eased back, shifting away from him putting some much needed space between them. "The one and only," She confirmed gesturing towards herself.

Out of all the possibilities, he had not been expecting this. He found himself rendered speechless. It took him a few seconds of floundering before he found the means in which to speak again. "You turned yourself Strigoi after your parents disowned you," He began recalling the story that had been relayed to him many years before when he had been a teenager. One he remembered well. Told from a reliable source, which meant it was the closest to the truth as anyone could get without speaking to those immediately involved. Juliana tilted her head listening to his words intrigued and made curious by his knowledge of her. She was far from infamous, but this stroked her ego. With silent encouragement, he continued. "You had a mental breakdown and you were en-route to Tarasov for psychiatric treatment when you killed the guardians escorting you." It was very rare for Moroi to turn Strigoi by choice, let alone ones of Royal blood. Perhaps that is why she held so much power in their world. Why the others seemed to submit to her. Maybe even the Strigoi respected the royal blood lines.

One single nod confirmed that his version of the tale was indeed correct, "You've heard the story I see. Not surprising considering." She remarked glancing down into her lap and brushing the pretend dust off of her skirt like she had the cushion of the loveseat earlier. "I don't endure well. At least, I didn't when I was a Moroi." She sighed and shook her head at the unpleasant memories this conversation was drawing up. Her expression fell and darkened as all the anger and hatred for her former life rose to the surface. She clenched her fists in her lap, pursing her lips. "I became a Strigoi to escape that life, to escape that fate," She explained needlessly as she rose to her feet. "They thought I was crazy. A danger to myself as well as others. They wanted to lock me away." A cold chuckle escaped her as she shook her head at the nonsensical thought."Do you have any idea what that could do to a child especially one as fragile as I was?" She asked. It was a rhetorical question so she quickly moved on. She shook her head dismissing these memories and the discussion entirely. They were not her prerogative. She re-routed their conversation away from herself and back onto the topic at hand. "No matter. That is all in the past now. What is important is the future," She remarked, the crazed grin returning to her face along with the mischievous shine in her eyes.

He was taken a back by her statement. "The Future?" He probed ensuring that he had heard her correctly.

She nodded confirming this, "Yes. My future, our future. The future of the Strigoi," was her grandiose response.

He paused to consider her words. The way in which she had spoken had peaked his interest and now he found himself wanting to know more. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "You have my attention."

She smirked knowing that she now held all the cards. He was intrigued, but in order to learn any details, he had to prove his worth, "All will be revealed in due time," She informed him. She had never intended to reveal her plan, and knew that she didn't have to in order to win his support. "I can't tell my master plan to just anyone you know. You need to gain my trust first. Show me that you are worthy to be my confidant," She explained before he could comment. He would bend to her will and do her bidding like the others. They all did, given time. "I can give you all the power you could ever ask for, if you give me the information I require. Do we have a deal?"

He didn't like the secretive way in which she operated. Her clandestine affairs made him reluctant to align himself with her. He preferred to have all the facts up front so that he could make an informed decision. He had no idea what he could possibly be getting into, and yet, her offer seemed promising. "You have peaked my interest," He admitted considering her words carefully. "I think we may be able to come to an agreement."

"Good," She said with a nod. She slipped her fingers into the top of her dress and produced a card from within the garment. He suspected she had hidden it inside of her bra. "I'll be in touch," She remarked handing the small piece of card stock to him. He took it, glancing at the elegant script. It bore only her name and a phone number in blood red hue. She smiled waving as she turned towards the door. With no further discussion, she silently glided from the room just as swiftly as she had arrived.

Hearing the door in the next room both open and close, Rose bolted up from her spot behind the door. She rose to her feet, scrambling and almost tripping over herself in her haste. She had grown too comfortable in her spot which made her leg muscles stiff. She quietly shut the door and scrambled over to the couch. She didn't want him to know that she had been listening in on his private business. She was certain that it would be something that he wouldn't like, and she had hoped Juliana hadn't given her away. She grabbed a random book and flopped down on the couch pretending to read the pages.

Only a couple of minutes passed by before Dimitri re-entered the small apartment. He glanced around the room, noticing her laying haphazardly on the couch, the book in her hands. He approached her, noting that the book was upside down. He knew that she had not been reading, and found it annoying that she thought she could deceive him. "You don't have to pretend," He informed her taking the book from her hand and carelessly tossing the hard-covered volume aside. It landed with a loud thud on the floor. "I know you were listening," He remarked as she pulled herself up into a more comfortable position. "So does Juliana," He added when she failed to present the reaction that he desired from her.

Rose visibly paled at this. She deluded herself into thinking that she had scooted away from the door fast enough that she had remained undetected. It was lie, and she knew it. She had made direct eye contact with the dark haired vixen before she had fled. Silently, she cursed herself for her prying as well as her naive stupidity. She bolted up from her seat instantly launching into an apology for her snooping. "I'm sorry, I was just..."

"Curious?" He finished for her, quirking an eyebrow. He was unamused.

She felt her cheeks get hot signalling the blush that was most likely forming on them. Her embarrassment was evident. "Yeah," She admitted sheepishly shifting her feet nervously. He had this uncanny ability to make her feel like a child with just one condescending glance.

He let out a small sigh, disappointed but appreciative of her honestly. "Your eager listening could get you in trouble," He mildly scolded crossing his arms over his chest. Rose fell silent, turning her gaze downwards, a frown forming on her face. Dimitri decided to cut her some slack and relaxed his stance slightly. "It doesn't matter. You were already on her radar," He remarked letting his arms fall back down to his sides.

"Do you think what she said is true?" Rose spoke up recalling what had been said earlier. However, without clarification, he could no offer her a response. Instead, he just stared at her expectantly awaiting for her to elaborate. Realizing her error she backtracked, "That Zmey is my father."

His response was carefully constructed as he pondered the plausibility of the concept. "I would be lying if I said that it didn't make sense," He remarked after a moment of contemplation. All the pieces fit into place and it was easy to see how, in theory, it all went together. "It would explain a lot of things."

She nodded accepting his reasoning. All along she had though there were ulterior motives to Zmey's meddling. She felt slightly comforted in knowing that he had been watching out for her with genuine reasons, even if her estranged mother was responsible for it. It seemed both held some semblance of love for her if they were keeping tabs on her. She cast these thoughts a side and refocused on the main issue at hand. "What are we going to do? About Juliana," She clarified realizing that her question lacked a topic yet again. It was an increasingly growing bad habit of hers. Perhaps it was due to all the time she spent alone with only her own company to keep. One did not need to clarify things to ones self.

"You aren't going to do anything," He informed her his tone firm and resolute. "Not yet," He added rounding the couch to come and stand closer to her. "I'm going to get to know her, play along in her little game. See what she's all about," He explained finding that playing into her hands may just be their best option. It was most certainly the smartest in their situation. He did not want to get on that woman's bad side.

Rose's eyes narrowed and her jaw clenched tightly. "Then what?" She demanded her mood shifting suddenly without warning. That had been happening frequently and it was rather irritating. Her mood swings were never this bad. "Get me to stake her, like Galina," She suggested. There was a bitter tone to her voice that Dimitri took note of.

A scowl formed on his face. He did not appreciate the insinuation in her words. "You know that, that was for your benefit, as well as mine. Right now it is in our best interest to placate Juliana and cater to her whims. Get close to her while still keeping her at arms length. At least until we know more about her and what she is really up to. We need her alive." He concluded leaving no room for discussion on the matter. He had decided how to handle the situation and nothing would dissuade him.

Rose frowned feeling her anger and hurt fizzle away as quickly as it had come upon her, "I don't trust her," She stated firmly finding no point in saying anything other than her opinion.

"Neither do I," He agreed without hesitation.

"She scares me." It was a hard thing for her to admit, but it was the truth. It was even harder for her to allow her insecurities to show through her usually tough exterior. Although lately, she had allowed herself to become more vulnerable. With Dimitri, the tough act wasn't necessary. The truth was that there was definitely something deeply disturbing about the dark haired Strigoi woman that didn't sit right with her. It was much different from the usual feeling she felt around the undead beings. Something more intense and repulsive laced with an unmeasurable fear that seemed to grow the more she thought about her.. "She hurt you, and she'd have no problem hurting me," She voiced her concerns while wrapping her arms around herself as if to shield herself. "I don't feel safe with her in the compound."

He frowned, concern filling his features. He reached out to her, placing his hands on her shoulders gripping them gently. "No one can get in this room without my approval," He assured her keeping her at arms length. His fingers messaged the flesh of her shoulders where he could feel knots of tension forming. "You have nothing to fear."

"How do you know?" She fired back instantly. Barely a moment had passed by before she launched into a rant. "How can you be so certain. I'm all alone here," She informed him shrugging his large hands off of her body. They were distracting and she refused to be manipulated when she wanted to make a serious point. "When you're gone, no one checks on me, no one brings me anything. I have no contact with anyone, save for you. If something happened, no one would know," She continued in tangent, shaking her head as she felt an irrational fear swelling inside of her. Something could happen, and she had no way to defend herself. She could fend them off, but eventually she would tire and the concept of being powerless is what truly terrified her.

He shushed her in an effort to ease the panic that was rising in her face. She was over reacting. Still, he couldn't blame her with what she had witnessed. Juliana had no problem manhandling him to make a point. He could only imagine what she could do to Rose if threatened or challenged. Juliana may even torment her just for the fun of it. He wouldn't put it past her. Still, he didn't let those thoughts linger. His hands gently cupped her face, his thumbs stroking her cheeks in an effort to soothe her fear. "Don't worry about her. She won't hurt you. I won't let her," He assured her his tone gentle and comforting.

His words did nothing to pacify her. She frowned unhappy with his attempts to appease her. There was honesty to his words, but he was only one person. He could not be everywhere at once. Therefore, his assurance was lacking. "You can't promise that," She informed him with a simple and stiff shake of her head.

"I can, and I will." He insisted running his fingers down the side of her face, locking eyes with her. She could feel the gentle pull of compulsion, and she gave herself over to it knowing that it would ease the growing tension between them as well as her rampant emotions. "As long as you are in this compound, you are safe. I will protect you," He assured her, his voice doing it's best to remain soft and soothing. He pulled her into an embrace, wrapping his arms around her. He felt her melt into his arms, her body relaxing against his as she embraced him back. "No one will take you away from me," He whispered fiercely wrapping her hair around his fingers idly as he hold on her tightened slightly.

She sighed nuzzling her face against his chest. She shouldn't feel so comfortable or comforted in the arms of a Strigoi, but she did. He wasn't like the others. At least, that's what she kept telling herself. She knew that he was a killer, a monster, but in moments like these, she didn't care. He was Dimitri. Her Dimitri. They stood like that in silence for a few moment, enjoying the closeness as the fear slowly ebbed away into a nothingness. Another feeling replaces it and she found herself voicing it without restraint. "I'm lonely here," She whispered addressing the matter. One that had been bothering her for quite some time. Something she had neglected or forgotten to mention until now.

He pulled away looking down at the forlorn expression that had overtaken her features. He placed his hand against the left side of her face again sliding his thumb over her cheekbone. "That is something I can easily rectify," He replied finding this matter an easy fix. In fact, he had considered this fact and had been meaning to ask her how she was adjusting to her new life. Isolation didn't suite her. She was withering before his eyes and he couldn't allow it to continue. She required more than what he was currently offering her. She did not need to beg, or plead. He understood her need for companionship. "I'll find you someone who you can spend your time with while I'm away," He assured her with a nod, his thumb moving down to slide over her bottom lip. "And when I come back, it'll be just you and me," He added his voice deepening taking on a more husky quality. Desire filled his eyes as he gazed down into her eyes. "Would you like that?

The lustful tone in his voice sent pleasant shivers down her spine. She met his dark eyes and a bliss filled smile formed on her lips. "Very much so," She replied with a small, but happy sigh.

Pleased by her response he leaned down placing a gentle kiss upon her forehead. "I love you," He stated, his lips hovering here millimetres from her skin.

Her reply was soft and came almost instantly, "I know," She breathed leaning into his embrace, pressing her body against his.

He knew what she wanted. He could read it in her body language, and he wanted it too. He smirked sliding his hands underneath the fabric of her shirt. She breathed in sharply at the unexpected touch, tensing slightly at the zap that shot up her spine. She shivered letting out a small breathy moan as this expert finger brushed against her breasts. Her body instantly responded as a pool of thick heat began to form between her legs. A sensation she was growing increasingly familiar with. The delicious ache the preceded the ecstasy he could bring upon her. "Now where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?" He asked cupping the mounds in his hands and rubbing his thumbs over her hardened nipples. She closed her eyes enjoying the sensation, her tongue sliding over her bottom lip. The smirk never left Dimitri's face as he watched her wanton response to his caress. "Oh yes, I remember," He stated before leaning down and capturing her lips in a bruising kiss.

The long plane ride over the western United States and the Pacific Ocean was highly uneventful. Initially, it had been tense due to the unexpected last minute addition to their crew. However, it quickly melted as everyone began to relax and become acquainted with the older Guardian. The anxiety and uncertainty of the daunting task ahead of them remained, but their camaraderie eased the brunt of it. The feelings still festered, but were forced to the back burner until a more appropriate time. Even typically brooding Adrian found some solace within the company of friends, though he still dwelled on the odds they faced. While they were on their way, their objective was far from sight. The quest they were on was seemingly impossible, but no one in their six-man group was deterred by this. On the contrary, they were emboldened by it. There was little doubt as to whether or not they could overcome the odds against them. As soon as they had stepped through those gates, they had reached the point of no return. There was no going back now, and they were not about to leave empty handed. They would succeed or die trying. Whatever fate had in store, they would be ready to accept the outcome whether it be good or bad.

After quite a few hours, they reached their destination. Saint Petersburg. The second largest city in Russia. The cultural and business epicenter of the large country. A city rich in history and a highly desirable tourist destination. They blended in well. With a few maps, Adrian's credit card, and Alberta's navigational and language skills, the group ran into very few obstacles. Without that help, they would have been at a serious disadvantage. Lissa silently thanked her lucky stars for the older Guardian's insertion into the group. She was a great asset. To make travel easier, they had rented a vehicle. One that could fit all of them comfortably with extra room for a couple more people and their gear. It was an SUV and thankfully, also had a GPS device. A perk that had come along at an extra expense. One that Adrian had not argued with. They needed all the assistance that they could get. Which is also why he had not bothered trying to convince Alberta to let them leave without her. He would never admit it out loud, but they needed her and her wisdom.

With these tools at their disposal, they had no difficulty locating the hotel where Rose had last stayed. It had also been one of the largest expenses on her expedition through Russia, aside from her plane fare. This hotel was posh, lavish, and very pricey. Valet parking, doormen, bellhops, room service, and a large lobby were a number of staff members waited to fulfil your every whim. These were only a few of the services this particular hotel had to offer. Alberta parked their rental in a parking lot a bit down the street. It would just get in the way and cause complications with the valet. A complication that they did not need. Instead, they approached the grand hotel on foot. They walked in silence with Alberta in the lead. These types of situations were her area of expertise. It was only appropriate.

As they approached, they got a better look at the outside of the structure. Everything about it screamed high class and expensive. The valets stood waiting for patrons so they could offer their assistance, and bellhops helped guests with their bags either by putting them inside vehicles, or putting them on a trolley to help them inside. Inside the glass windows you could see the staff rushing about their duties.

Christian looked up at the tall building taking it all in and whistled appreciatively. "Fancy," He remarked in appreciation of the rogue Dhampir's tastes. "Rose sure knows how to travel with style," He added watching the people move about.

Lissa winced at the extravagance of it all. "Looks expensive," She added wrapping her arms around herself to ward off the slight chill in the air. It was unlike Rose to be so frivolous. She didn't like to spend copious amounts of money and usually only got the essentials that she needed. This was something new, then again, the money hadn't technically been hers either. Perhaps that made some sort of difference.

Adrian confirmed her statement with a nod, "Oh, it is," He assured patting her on the shoulder taking the time to admire the building on his own. He could still feel the dent in his account for the expense, but he had to applaud Rose for her choice. This was certainly a place he would have chosen for himself.

This comment encouraged Christian to putting his own, unwanted and unneeded, two-cents. "Right. You paid the bill," He remarked in a very snark tone.

Lissa shot the Fire user a warning glare,"Christian, don't start," She preemptively scolded him. She was growing tired of his near constant negative and smart-allelic words with Adrian. There was always something, and Adrian always felt obligated to respond. This usually led to stupid ego-filled arguments that did nothing but irritate those around them. However, both boys seemed oblivious to this fact.

Christian rolled his eyes at her snappish tone. "I was just making a statement Liss'. Don't get your panties in a knot," He shot pack wavering her off.

She glared at him. She hated it when he made comments like that. It was condescending and disrespectful. "Now that was inappropriate," She spoke up, her annoyance obvious.

He shrugged it off not fully understanding why it was bothering her. "It's just a saying."

She scowled snorting in distaste, "Well, I don't appreciate it," She snapped. It wasn't entirely the comment that had irked her, there were many factors involved and they compounded upon each other souring her mood. It was hard to rise above.

"That's enough," Alberta interrupted stopping the conversation from continuing. None of that was relevant or important. "You're losing sight of our objective here," She informed them shooting both teens a pointed look. They heeded her words and shut their mouths.

"How are we going to approach this?" Eddie spoke up falling into step beside his new found partner. It felt strange to consider her as an equal instead of his superior, and he often found himself relying on her judgement instead of forming opinions of his own. He still held a student mentality and he often found himself scolding himself for doing it. However, Alberta neither acknowledged it or pointed it out. For that, he was grateful. "Will we even be able to communicate?" He asked glancing at the other Guardian once again appealing to her skills rather than his own.

A faint smile formed on her face at the question. "Don't worry. Most people working in the hospitality industry know English. In a highly touristed area like this, such a skill is a must," She informed him hoping to soothe the worries of those around her. She knew there would still be a language barrier and they would run into it, but there would be ways around that. That is what she chose to focus on. Still, if they travelled away from the main city, they would undoubtedly run into some problems in that regard. Thankfully, she knew a fair amount of Russian.

A small chuckled escaped Adrian, "You know what I just thought of Alberta?" He spoke up finding his particular thought extremely amusing.

She turned to him, her Guardian's mask firmly in place. "What?"

"You could potentially get arrested for this. You broke your oath as a Guardian and kidnapped underage Moroi," He informed her managing to maintain a serious face.

Alberta sighed at his childishness. He knew little about Guardian's and had no idea what he was talking about. His ignorance of such matters was a constant irritant. However, she was quickly discovering that this was no unusual behaviour from the Spirit user. He was always joking around and trying to lighten the mood. Still, she didn't particularly appreciate it most of the time. "My oath was to protect the Moroi. Four of you are Moroi. I haven't broken a thing."

"But you did kidnap them," He insisted.

Alberta shook her head completely dismissing his argument. "Nonsense. I merely decided to tag along to better protect you. It is a possibility, but I doubt they would pursue that. It's a stretch at best." She held up her hand and everyone instantly knew the meaning behind the gesture. It was then that she turned to face the younger people who had stopped a few paces behind her. "Eddie and I will scout the perimeter. Adrian and Lissa will go inside an ask around," She stated choosing the plan she believed would yield the best results. Adrian and Lissa were the dream team when it came to quietly accessing information without causing a scene. Their 'methods of persuasion' made them the ideal candidates for such matters. Eddie and Alberta could blend and be inconspicuous while they checked for any dangers lurking about the hotel. One could never be too careful.

"What about us?" Jill asked gesturing to herself and to Christian at her side. "What do you want us to do?" She pressed on eager to help in anyway that she could. She wasn't afraid to get involved and to prove her usefulness. So far on their journey, she had, had little insight or input into their situation. She itched show the others what she could do beyond her water magic.

Alberta was ready with an answer and did not waste time, "You two," She remarked pointing her fingers at the two remaining Moroi before her. "Are going to stay here until Eddie and I have finished looking around," She informed them glancing around to ensure that their group was not attracting attention. Jill opened her mouth to protest being left out of the action, but Alberta cut her off before she could utter a sound. "It would look suspicious if you followed them inside," She explained nodding her head towards Lissa and Adrian. "You guys can keep an eye out here and if we find anything, we'll let one another know."

Christian snorted also feeling annoyed at being left out of the loop. "Oh yeah, perfect plan," He remarked shaking his head in disapproval. "We'll just stand here, in front of the hotel like idiots," He complained acting, very much, like a spoiled brat. "That won't attract attentions at all," He added rolling his eyes.

Alberta shot him a pointed look unimpressed by his behaviour. She refrained from reprimanding him since, at this moment, she was no longer an instructor. She was merely a Guardian and Christian was one of her charges. She pulled one of the maps from her bag, "Here," She said holding the folded piece of paper out for him to take. When he neglected to take it, she practically shoved it at him.

Begrudgingly, he took it. He glanced down at it confirming his suspicions and raising an eyebrow in question. This expression was quickly followed by a verbal response, "What do you expect me to do with this?" He asked holding the folded map aloft.

Adrian rolled his eyes having pieced together what Alberta was getting at. "Pretend you're lost," He answered with a small shrug. He brushed passed purposely knocking his shoulder into the younger man. "Then you won't look like an idiot," He remarked lowering his voice slightly as he spoke in a vaguely mocking tone. Without another word, he strode towards the entrance of the hotel not waiting for the rude response that was sure to follow.

Lissa watched the other Spirit user walk away for a moment before slowly following his lead. She turned to glance at the others, walking backwards. "We'll call if we find anything," She assured them with a small nod before turning back around and picking up her pace.

"Hurry back," Jill called after her as she took the map from Christian's hands. Unlike Christian, she accepted her role and knew there was no room to argue. There would come a time where her skills would be useful, so she graciously accepted Alberta's reasoning. Wasting no time, she unfolded it and did her best at imitating a perplexed expression as her eyes randomly scanned the map. This wasn't hard for she had no idea how to read it.

Christian sighed in defeat as the two Guardian's took off, following the others lead. "This blows," He grumbled taking a hold of one side of the map. He had been hoping that during this mission he would

be more useful. Instead, he was standing outside of a hotel staring at a map. A very productive use of his time.

Lissa had little trouble catching up to Adrian's long stride. She effortlessly fell into step beside him as they headed towards the glass door. After a brief moment of silence, she spoke. "You know, you don't have to be a jerk to Christian," She informed him finding the building animosity between them unwarranted and completely juvenile.

He glanced at her through his peripheral vision, "If he dishes it out, he should be able to take it," He replied with another shrug. He wasn't about to let Christian get away with acting like a child. "It's not my fault he's easy to rile up."

There was truth to his words, but it didn't satisfy Lissa. She rolled her green eyes at his predictable response. "You're just feeding into it by stopping down to his level," She chastised him wrapping her arms around herself again having yet to get used to the lower temperature. "You guys really need to stop antagonizing each other."

Adrian sighed seeing the sense in her statement. "You're right," He agreed reluctantly. As much as Christian and his whining and, often, unnecessary comments annoyed him, he had to start acting more mature. However fun it may be to egg the Fire user on, he needed to be more serious in regards to their situation. "We're supposed to be a team, we should act like it," He added picking up on her train of thought easily.

His statement did not phase her. She had gotten used to Adrian's rather acute sixth-sense. "I'm glad to hear it," She remarked as the approached the doors.

The doorman held the door open for the two. Lissa nodded in acknowledgement, offering up a friendly and thankful smile which was returned by the well-dressed young man. Adrian however, made no effort to acknowledge the hotel staff. Once they entered the lobby, they paused taking in their surroundings. The outside did not do it justice. It was much more glamorous and tasteful on the inside than it's outward appearance had led them to believe. After a moment of soaking it all in, they approached the front desk. Seated behind the tall surface was a young woman, not much older than they were. Her long blonde hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, kept neatly out of her face. Her brown eyes were fixed on the computer screen in front of her as she typed away. Hearing them draw near, she glanced up from her work. Her eyes lit up and she smiled brightly at them offering a friendly greeting in Russian.

Uncertain as to exactly what the woman had said, Lissa offered up a nervous smile in response. "Hello," She said her uncertainty showing through in her voice. She cleared her throat and continued on, not waiting for a response. "Excuse me, but I am looking for my friend. We were wondering is you could help us." The girl blinked, her smile disappearing as she stared blankly at the princess. Her confused expression led to only one assumption. Lissa turned to Adrian. "I don't think she knows English," She stated lowering her voice as she did so.

Adrian paused considering this, and when the girl made no attempt to communicate, he came to the same conclusion. Unexpectedly, he cleared his throat and carefully and tentatively spoke to the confused desk clerk in Russian. He was hesitant, and he stumbled over the words, but what he said seemed to make sense to the girl for she nodded and rose from her seat. She offered him another friendly smile before wandering off and disappearing around the corner.

The whole exchange left Lissa stunned. Of all things that could have happened, she had not expected this. She blinked before shaking her head to clear her thoughts. "You speak Russian?" She asked him softly. There was a slight accusation in her tone that did not go unnoticed by the older Moroi. The revelation was unexpected and, if she had not witnessed it herself, she would not have believed it. Her mind reeled from it, moving in a hundred directions at once all converging onto the same thought. It would have been useful if they had known this information beforehand.

He shrugged nonchalant, pleased that he had managed to surprise her. It wasn't often that he was able to accomplish such a thing. Then again, many people didn't think too much of him and often underestimated him and his abilities. Lissa was an exception. She was one of very few who seemed to believe in him. "I dabbled," He replied leaning against the front counter. "It's one of those skills that I learned but don't really have a use for," He continued on to explain sensing that his companion wanted a more in-depth answer. Thought it wasn't much of a story to tell, who was he to deprive her of that information. "My uncle taught me when I was younger. Not a lot, but it seems some of it stuck," He revealed with another small shrug as if the retained knowledge was nothing special. .

Lissa had heard of his uncle, but hadn't know that Adrian has spent much time around him. Randall Ivashkov did not have the best reputation amongst the royal families. She found the fact that he had taken time to teach Adrian Russian made her curious of their relationship. "Were you two close?" She asked tilting her head to the side slightly as she spoke. An innocent question.

He chuckled and shook his head, "Not really," He remarked sliding his into his pockets. "He was kind of a dick," He elaborated with another small shrug. It was the truth. Honesty was the best policy and he saw no reason to hold back. "No one likes him. He was practically disowned by my family. They call him a disgrace. Can't say I'd disagree." Normally, he would keep such information to himself and only reveal the least amount of information possible, but he trusted Lissa. She wasn't one to judge. "I haven't seen him since I was about eight. I think."

Lissa couldn't hold back the small laugh that filtered out at his short story. "Way to beat around the bush," She remarked enjoying the chance to have a casual conversation with her friend. Lately the only thing that had concerned them was Rose, so that tended to be their main topic of conversation. It was a nice change. "He sounds lovely," She added sarcastically which earned a small chuckle from her companion. They fell into a comfortable silence for a few moments while they patiently awaited the return of the blonde employee. "What did you say to her?" Lissa piped up after a couple of minutes.

It was obvious to whom she was referring and Adrian shrugged. "I asked her to find someone who speaks English," He answered I don't remember all that much Russian. "It just makes things easier than trying to piece together what is being said. Straight forward and to the point. Besides, that way, you'll understand too."

She nodded agreeing with his reasoning. "Sounds good to me," She offered with a smile.

It was then that the girl returned with another woman at her side. She was older, possibly in her earlier forties. Her shoulder length hair was dark brown and cut at straight angles in an attempt to add definition to her face, but the look did not suit her. She was much too old to be trying to sport such an edgy fashion choice. Although, the look did make her features stand out more prominently. She wore black, thick framed glasses that fit nicely with her professional looking attire. She approached them from behind the counter occupying the space that the younger girl had been before. However, she remained standing.

The woman fixed her stony gaze onto the pair. "Hello," She greeted flatly offering no smile or friendly gesture. Her voice was deep and her Russian accent was thick, which was not unexpected. She placed her hands on top of the counter, her posture stiff and straight. "How may I help you?" She asked speaking slowly and carefully as if to ensure that her pronunciation was correct.

Adrian nodded turning towards the woman and straightening his own posture. "Yes. Hello," He greeted in response. He shot her a charming smile, choosing to rely on his natural charisma. "I'm looking for my sister," He began. The statement was a bit of a stretch, but passing off Rose as his sister might garner more answers. "She stayed here a couple of weeks ago and we were wondering if you could answer some questions for us?" He asked politely, keeping a serious expression hoping that it would convey the importance of their request.

It seemed to have the opposite effect. Her brown eyes narrowed at the young man, a frown appearing on her face as she processed his words. There was a small pause as she translated it carefully. Once she accomplished this, her expression hardened and her body tensed up. "You police?" She asked glancing between the two Moroi with scrutiny.

Lissa was surprised by the question and was quick to recognize the accusation in her voice. She disputed this instantly with a response, "No, we're not police."

The woman's muscles seemed to loosen some, but her stony expression remained. "Guest information is confidential," She firmly informed them. Her quick dismissal made it obvious that she wanted them out of her hair and out of her hotel.

Sensing her attitude, Lissa tried a more desperate approach. She stepped forward, resting her hands on the top of the counter, "Please, it's really important that we find her," She began determined to let the woman see how urgent the situation they were in was. She needed her to understand. "She's missing. We wouldn't have come here if we had any other options," She explained biting her bottom lip allowing her anxiety to show on the surface. She always tried her best to keep it hidden.

She didn't even bat an eye, unfazed by Lissa's pleading. "Sorry. I cannot help you," She informed them with a simple shrug, completely dismissing them. She stepped back preparing to turn away.

Adrian refused to accept her answer. He shifted over a couple of steps, placing himself directly in front of the hostess. This caught her attention and she paused. He made sure to maintain eye contact with her as he spoke, "Listen," He began glancing down at her name tag, which clearly displayed her name in an elegant black font. "Lida. How hard is it to help some foreigners find their missing friend?" He spoke slowly and softly coaxing her to bend to his will. This was a delicate process and he wanted it to go over as smoothly as possible. He gently placed his hand overs hers increasing his efforts with the slight physical contact, "Surely you could find it in your heart to help us out," He suggested.

She stared at him blankly for a moment. Her yes cleared and she blinked looking between the two for a moment before letting out a small sigh, "What is name?" She asked poising her fingers over the key of the keyboard hooked up to the computer. "I check computer."

Though Lissa knew that her sudden change of heart was thanks to Adrian's meddling, she couldn't help but feel grateful. "Thank you so much," She voiced her gratitude with a smile. "Her name is Rose Hathaway."

The woman, Lida, turned her attention to the computer screen. Her synthetic, gold-painted fingers glided over the keyboard with ease never once looking away from the screen. It was only a matter of moments before recognition flashed in her eyes, "Oh, dress girl," She remarked shifting her one hand from the keyboard to the mouse. Her words were met with confused looks, but the clerk paid them no mind. Her eyes scanned over the information on the screen and she read it off for the couple before her. "She stay here three weeks ago, paid in advance, no checkout. We force check out when payment expire. According to file, she left in hurry. Left things behind," She explained calmly with a shrug. Such a thing must be some kind of regular occurrence for she seem unperturbed by the matter.

Her curiosity peaked, Lissa probed further, "What kind of things?"

"Clothes, jewellery, some personal items," was Lida's immediate response.

This was the clue they had been looking for. Perhaps somewhere, with these items, they would find the lead that they required to continue on their quest. They were one step closer to finding Rose and Adrian could feel the hope surging within him. He managed to keep a lid on it trying not to set his hopes too high lest he be disappointed. "Do you still have them?" He asked eager to take a look. He prayed that there was some kind of policy preventing a guest's belongings from being given away.

The woman nodded, "Yes, of course. We put in box and hang clothes in storage," She informed him politely answering his question without delay. "When no one claims them after a month, we donate. Policy." She added with a firm nod.

"Can we see them?" Lissa asked hopefully, casting a glance at Adrian. By the look in her eyes, he could tell that she too felt the hope welling up inside her.

Lida nodded, relief filling her features, "Please, take them," She insisted gesturing for the girl that had originally been minding the front desk to approach. "Stupid girls fight over expensive clothes, drive me crazy. Do me a favour," She added before turning to the blonde and speaking firmly to her in their native tongue. The girl nodded vigorously before heading around the corner once more.

Lissa smiled warmly at the older woman, "Thank you so much, you've been very helpful," She genuinely offered up her gratitude. Despite their use of Spirit, she was pleased by the outcome of their mission.

Adrian nodded agreeing with his friend. "Yes, we truly appreciate it. "

The woman's firm expression gave way and the faintest smile formed on her lips at this. "It is no trouble," She admitted her tone of voice softening as well. She reached out and gently patted Adrian's hand, which still rested on the counter. "Find your sister, she was nice girl. Anya will bring the items up to you."

Lissa nodded and Adrian pulled his hand away from the older woman. "Thank you," both Moroi said dismissing the woman from their conversation. She merely nodded before sitting down in the chair in front of the computer and taking over Anya's job in her absence.

Adrian shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket, keeping an eye on their surroundings as Lissa sent a message to Christian outside. By now, the two Guardian's had most likely rejoined the effort and were awaiting instruction. Moments later, the other four entered the active lobby. They drew some curious glances, but no one paid any close attention the their presence. No one seemed to find it suspicious and after a moment, they resumed their business paying no mind to the small groups that had formed in their midst.

It wasn't long before the blonde hotel employee returned with a luggage rack with garment bags, and two small shoe boxes resting on the bottom shelf. The blonde girl, Anya, remained at their side for a moment before slinking off to preform another one of her duties. The girl had been startled by the other four people who had joined them, but she quickly forgot all about it due to compulsion. Adrian made she she would forget their faces. With their group re-assembled, they set to work sorting through the contents contained upon the rack. Lissa, Alberta, and Christian set about sifting through the eleven garment bags. All held designer dresses, mostly short, but elegant and stylish. All left in pristine condition, some still bearing tags suggesting that they had never been worn. Inside the first, larger box, there were two pairs of high heeled shoes. They were stylish and had been worn a few times due to the way the sides were mildly stretched. The second box contained mostly clutter. Small items that were easily lost and cast aside. Hair elastics, bobby pins, a Russian dictionary, scribbled notes that seemed to hold no meaning, some loose jewellery, and a couple of pairs of socks. There was not much of any use in the box. Adrian let out a frustrated sigh, silently cursing that their only clue had turned out to be a flop.

"I think I found something," Jill spoke up drawing the attention to the five others around her. Instantly, they all flocked around her as she pulled out the crumpled, crimson coloured flier from the box. It looked more like a scroll, fancy. She smoothed out the piece of paper revealing it for inspection. In gold lettering etched across the top of the page in a extremely elegant script, it read, 'The Nightingale.'

"In the land of Gods and Monsters

I was an angel, living the the garden of evil.

Screwed up, scared, doing anything that I needed,

Shining like a fiery beacon."

Gods and Monsters ~ Lana Del Rey

AN: Wow, I wasted so much time trying to get this done. Every time I sat down and tried to write, nothing came out for a long time, or I got distracted. I hope that doesn't happen like that again. It was very irritating. At least it's a long one and I hope that helps make up for some of my lack of progress. A good eighteen pages and nearly twelve-hundred words according to my word program. The longest one yet.

yunacarman: You're not supposed to like Strigoi Dimitri. That's the whole point. As for restoring him, well I haven't entirely decided what happens yet. I told you I was going to update.

Ilovesos9467: I always liked Alberta as well. I thought she'd make an excellent addition to the group.

Hateme101: Thanks for taking the time to review. I'm glad you like it and I apologize, once again, for the long wait. I hope it was worth it.