Chapter 27

"Are you sure about this bruder?"

"Oh, shut it west! I got it!"

It was a day after Poland's death. Everyone had gathered in America's base. Germany and America were busy talking on his tall rock, but now, it was someone else's turn to speak.

"Hey, you losers! Eyes up here!"

Everyone looked up to see a grinning Prussia at the top of the tall rock, America and Germany sitting on either side of them. Some of them shared looks of: "oh lord, Prussia's gonna speak."

"Everyone! I have a proposition for you!"

Everyone looked.

"I am willing to train everyone to fight. We're obviously being watched. And we've been attacked. And being an experienced fighter I am, I will train you."

Everyone nearly gagged at his pride.

"It's true. Training can do us all good." Norway spoke. "What if we run into them again? We have to be prepared, don't we?"

"Yeah! And I've thought of some great strategies to teach you all."

"Listen to him!" Estonia called out, standing up. "He's telling the truth!"

"We learned how to climb the trees! And jumped from them!" Latvia joined in.

Everyone flinched and began to murmur. "Jump?"

Prussia could see the interest in their eyes and licked his lips. "You can all learn that from me, Prussia-san!"

Everyone looked hopeful, but doubtful. Then America stood up: "I'll learn."

Everyone gasped. A leader had spoken!

America glared over the crowd, "If no one will, I will. And I plan to."

Everyone was moved by the leader's plight. "Me too!" Denmark shouted, standing and jumping up and down, "Me too!"

"Me as well!" Italy called. Everyone flinched. Italy? They didn't expect that!

"Me too!" New Zealand stood up.

"Me as well." Australia crawled out of Norway's den. Everyone eyes him in awe. Australia gave them all an amused look. "What? Just because a leg is lame doesn't mean I'm dead."

Everyone laughed a little. The leaders were extremely moved by the kindness their groups were showing each other. America turned to Germany. "Well then. How about a truce?"


"Germany, our groups are separated. But for now, as we train, let's be one big group. What do you say?"

America held out his tail. Germany was shaking, not knowing what to do. They were leaders! This is what separated them in the first place! And his land! But...a truce for now?...there were many dangers right now. Help is usually a nuisance in his eyes, but now was the time for it. He sighed. "I agree."

And they shook tails. Everyone cheered. Germany flinched, blushing. Were they watching him to make his decision? Huh. Guess he made the right one.

Prussia laughed loud. "Kesesesese! A truce it is! Now, who's ready to come with me now?"

Estonia, Italy, Denmark, New Zealand, and Japan stood up. America held back. "I'll have to stay with your brother and chat a bit. I'll come later, ok?"

Prussia nodded. "I understand." He turned and jumped into the middle of cats. He turned to Australia. "We are going tree climbing. I can't bring you now."

Australia snickered. "Next time I'll get you."

They all laughed again.

"Alright, males! Follow me!" Prussia ran out, the few running after him.


"Ok, all you have to do is put your claws into the tree like this."

Prussia was giving a demonstration. Everyone began climbing the trees like mice. Once they were all steady on a branch, Prussia taught them how to balance. Sitting own, and standing up. Italy was shaky at first, but he got it.

"This is no different from the way of the ninja." Japan said, "It just takes balance and skill."

Prussia licked his lips. "I suppose you've done this before?"

"Many times. You said you know how to jump from branch to branch?"

"Of course. Watch." Prussia proudly demonstrated how he was able to run across the branches like ground. Everyone gasped in awe. Estonia began the same, as he had already done this before anyone else. Prussia and Estonia landed. "See? Easy." Prussia smirked.

Japan chuckled. "Not bad. But can you disappear?"


Flash! Japan was gone from his spot.

"EHHHH?!" They were terrified.

"What happened to Japan?! Did he fall?!" Italy shouted, looking down below them.

"No, I'm right here." Another flash and Japan was behind Italy. Italy shrieked and nearly lost his balance.

Everyone gasped. "Japan! Teach us that!" Prussia shouted.

Japan nodded. "With pleasure." Japan stood up. "The trick is, all it is is speed. You jump and run, even fall so fast your opponent wouldn't even see you coming." Japan demonstrated again, this time appearing from behind Denmark.

"That's it! Jumping down!" Prussia turned. "I forgot to mention this. If your careful, you can jump down from the trees onto your opponent. It even works on catching prey!"

"Wow!" Italy jumped up and down. "Teach me, teach me!"

"After this." Prussia said, jumping from branch to branch. They had a lot of training ahead of them.

After a while they bean to practice fighting moves. Even fighting moves in the air were useul.

"Huwah!" Japan dodged Prussia's attack in the trees. Fighting from branch to branch was dangerous, but it proved useful. Japan and Prussia both landed on opposite branches, but Japan was clearly upset. "Prussia! Where did you get that thing?!"

Everyone noticed a sharp stick in Prussia's mouth. It was almost like a scyth.

"Prussia, that is dangerous!" Italy called. "We're not fighting, we're training."

Prussia grinned. "This is my new weapon! How do you like it?"

Japan narrowed his eyes in annoyance. "We can care less right now. Let's continue!"

"Alright!" Prussia and Japan leaped back at each other. Soon it was Estonia vs New Zealand, and soon Italy and Denmark in training.

Everyone was panting. "Great work, men!" Prussia called. "And thanks Japan, for the extra tips."

Japan coughed. "My pleasure." And went back to panting. Prussia looked at all his tired comrades.

"Come on, everyone. Let's get some water."

"PLEASE." They begged. They were getting ready to jump down when Prussia flicked his tail to stop them.

"No. We're branch jumping to the lake."


"What's the matter? To-a tired?" He snickered. "Losers."

Suddenly a flash went by him. He turned back and saw Denmark standing on a branch, looking at him. "Not in the slightest." And kept jumping.

Prussia smirked at the challenge. "Alright. Everyone! Follow Denmark's example! Jump!"

"Aww..." They moaned. Japan and Prussia were not ones to complain as they jumped ahead of the others.


Denmark was the first person to get to the lake. Everyone joined him as they lapped up the water gratefully. Prussia was congratulating Denmark.

"Well done, Denmark. You actually beat us."

Denmark blushed and rubbed the back of his head with his tail. "Well, nothing too powerful for the king of Europe!"

They all laughed and continued their water drink. Italy was drinking so much they thought he would explode. "Easy there, Italy! You're gonna suck the whole lake down your gullet if you're not careful!"

Italy stopped and gasped. "Sorry."

Prussia stretched and yawned. "I'm hungry. Food?"

"Yes please!" Italy jumped up and down, starving. Denmark's perked up to the word food, as did Japan's.

"Wonderful! Now let's all go hunt."




"By tree!"



Everyone went back exhausted. Everyone had flinched and gasped to the small group who had been out all day, now looking tired.

"Fratello! You're filthy!" Romano dragged himself up and began to lick Italy's fur. "And you stink!"

"Heh heh, guess it's the sweat then." Italy giggled.

Denmark ran up to Norway. "Norge! I had a great time today!"

"Augh, you stink!" Norway gagged. Denmark laughed. Australia held his nose as New Zealand came near.

Germany jumped down from the tall rock and looked around. "Where's my bruder?"

"Over here, west!" Prussia called from his left.

"Ahh, ok bruder-EWWWW! YOU SMELL THE WORST!" Germany gagged. Prussia laughed loudly and dropped the mouse he was holding in his jaws.

"I brought a mouse for you!"

"No, thanks. You can have it."

America laughed.

Latvia shrugged. Estonia seemed fine. Taiwan sniffed Japan. "He smells like he never went training."

"Like cherryblossoms." Japan giggled.

Prussia looked around and smirked. "Anyone wanna come learn tomorrow?" He offered. It was late, and the sun was gone.

England jumped off the rock and padded up to him. "Me."

America jumped down. "Me as well, as I promised." He grinned.

Prussia smiled. "Allriigghhtt!" He cheered. "I would also like to declare Japan my second in command teacher! He knows much about this."

Japan flinched with a blush. "W-well don't have to...thank you..."

Taiwan nuzzled his chest fur. "Well done, Japan." She purred. Japan blushed.

America chuckled. "Eat, everyone! We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

England grabbed himself a mouse and bit into it. He glanced at Prussia, who was gloating about his success to everyone else. He rolled his eyes. Prussia was going to have to teach him? Oh boy. Let the games begin.

Author's note!

I know it's short, but I've been busy you know!

Anyway, I know how many people wanted an update, so here it is! I've been planning this one for a while. I've just been doing thigs that's all. And plus, new house and all.

I have a song that I think would go great with this chapter! Here it is: watch?v=UDxpDX-sCrc I think this song would go well with them training.

Hope you liked it!

See you in the next chapter! :3
