Yay I'm back! Hopefully I can stay back too! :D

I don't think anyone will be disappointed with this story. I personally think it'll shock a lot of you. Please enjoy!

Bronze and Silver struggled slightly as they tried to help Gold over to the car, frowning at the sight of more blood dripping for the angels mouth. They hated seeing him like this... why did those demons have to do this to him...?

The brothers had been on a mission. A mission where they had a massive amount of demons and hellhounds. And whilst they won, Gold took a heavy amount of damage. Since he was an angel, the demons could deal more damage to him. They needed to get him some help, and they needed to do so quick.

Bronze slipped into Golds car, scooting to the far end and grabbing the angel as Silver passed him over, letting the angel lay down with his head in his lap. Silver frowned lightly before teleporting to the other side of the car at the passenger side. Quickly he hopped in, Septimus hopping into the drivers side quickly after. Silver wanted to question how the other even knew how to drive, but didn't because Septimus was always a bit unusual when it came to his knowledge. He always seemed to know things you wouldn't expect him to know. But it was also useful in this case, so Silver wouldn't DARE question it.

Septimus quickly put the car in drive, and thankfully they were off and going.

" ... Ngh... "

Gold groaned, scaring the others even further. The drive had been so silent except for the occasional noises being heard from Gold. And it terrified them horribly. They were almost worried that they wouldn't be able to get him some help in time. He was fading so fast... they were just so lucky a hellhound hadn't bitten him...

Septimus looked back at Gold from the mirror before looking back at the road, seemingly picking up some speed. Though no one could blame him for speeding. They were just as afraid and anxious as he was.

Silver turned back to look at Gold from over his shoulder, finding the angel bleeding even more now, Bronze trying to wipe it away with the sleeve of his jacket. The demon bit his lip, feeling more and more terrified with each passing moment. He couldn't help but feel terrified... Gold was bleeding far too rapidly... and it was all internal... Flash he prayed they could make it to Jenette before he bled out...

" ... Septimus, can you go a little faster please...? "

Silver asked gently, tightly gripping his jeans. Septimus looked at him briefly before laying his eyes back on the road.

" Silver, I can only go so fast before someone pulls me over. And I think it's safe to say that's the LAST thing we want right now. "

The snowy haired demon sighed, pulling his knees close and looking out the rainy window. He felt cold just thinking about what might happen if they didn't get there in time... Gold seemed like he wouldn't last much longer...

Suddenly something SLAMMED into the car on Septimus' side, sending the car right off the road. And everything went black.

" Urk... "

Septimus growled, kicking the door off it's hinges and crawling out of the car, turning around and looking at his unconscious brothers. Silver had apparently gotten hit on the head, blood pouring down his face, Bronze was pinned between the seats, and Gold looked like he was getting worse.

The fire demon groaned, lightly touching his forehead and lowering his hand, finding himself bleeding heavily as well. He guessed he wasn't that surprised... he felt horribly lightheaded. He would pass out any minute now...

Turning to the left, he found a truck not far from him, obviously the people who had run into them. The driver of the truck was rushing out, no doubt checking to make sure they were alright. And thankfully the driver was a humanoid. All Septimus had to do was lose his demon features...

Using the rest of his strength, he made his most likely broken wings burst away in flames, his fangs to shrink and round out, and his eyes turn into normal red irises.

The humanoid from the other truck knelt down in front of him in a panic, looking Septimus right in the eyes.

" I-I'm so sorry sir! "

The humanoid apologized, but Septimus paid it no mind. He turned his head in the direction of his brothers, trying to get the man to look at their state as well.

" Pl-please... "

Septimus muttered, looking back at the other

" C-call for help... "

As the man grabbed his phone and backed away, Septimus slowly lowered his head to the ground, finally losing his grip on reality.

Oh... oh... poor little Winchester's... hope this was an ok chapter though. ^_^"