I don't own Harry Potter nor the obvious reference to the movie coming up... although it's been awhile... Is this movie public domain yet?

Eh, either way, I own nothing


"Hem hem"

Everyone turned, stunned at the toad-like witch in pink. No one in living history could remember a time when Albus Dumbledore was interrupted.

"Thank you, Headmaster for those kind words of wel-"

She was immediately cut off by a loud sound outside. Everybody looked out the stained glass windows to see what looked like a large, gray funnel wreaking havoc on the grounds.

One muggleborn student had a cousin from the Mid West.

"TWISTER!" She screamed. Everyone unfamiliar with the term or the phenomenon was puzzled as she got down under the table, cowering.

Ms. Umbridge spoke up. "Now Ms., there is no reason to-"

Once again she was cut off, though this time a bit more…


The majestic roof of the Great Hall caved in above her and the witch was flattened by-

-a Kansas-style farm house…

The entirety of Hogwarts was stunned by this turn of events and even more so when hundreds of small *pops* surrounded them as house elves suddenly apparated in.

The door to the farmhouse opened and a very confused muggle girl and her dog stepped out, gaping at the Great Hall.

One elf squeaked out "She killed her!"

There was stunned silence for a few seconds, before it was broken by loud cheering by every elf. "We knew that mean toad woman was bad! We knew!"

Soon after, a still-stunned student body and faculty of Hogwarts watched as the small elves proceeded to start dancing around the house and corpse of Dolores Umbridge while singing at the top of their lungs.

"Ding Dong the Witch is Dead!..."

AN: I remember thinking how some of these characters in the Harry Potter series should've made a reference to the Wizard of Oz. Well, I supposed that Umbridge was as good a Wicked Witch to off.

I was kind of inspired by my mother. Not as an Umbridge, but she loved the Wizard of Oz and we watched it often as a family. A family story is that her family couldn't afford a color television for a while. She was in college by the time she figured out that it the whole movie wasn't all in black-and-white!

I'm always open to suggestions of torture for various hateable characters from HP.

I hope you enjoyed this!


-The Smiling Crow