A/N: Random chapter anyone?

Snape, Snape, Severus Snape

Harry looked at himself in the mirror of his dormitory in the Slytherin dormitories. The mirror had some carvings of snakes in the wooden mahogany frame of the mirror. The mirror was clean to perfection as if the house elves cleaned it regularly. There wasn't a single smear or stain on the mirror. Harry could barely recognise the man staring back at him, he had changed so much over the term that it terrified him. He knew he had to stay strong, but he couldn't help feel detached from the figure staring back at him.

For a start the trimmings on his robes, the crest on his robes, or the tie, they were all a distinctive Slytherin green. His attitude was different and he was viewing the world in a different light, something he never thought possible. It didn't seem natural that he was changing so fast, it seemed almost unbelievable. Harry held his hand out to look at his ring that branded him to Lord Voldemort. It was strangely beautiful and alluring, he seemed almost drawn to it. It wasn't the first time that he had stared at it for so long, but he had never touched it. He knew by simply his own touch would inform Voldemort, who would try to investigate why he touched it. Any other touch seemed to have no strong effect, but Harry guessed when one tried to pull it off one would alert the Dark Lord.

The ring was golden, obviously expensive, with a snake on top of it. Harry continued to stare at the ring a little longer and didn't notice the figure standing behind him. "Where did you get that ring?" Draco asked aggressively.

"It was a gift, after I won the Tri-Wizard tournament." Harry quickly lied convincingly. He didn't even stutter for a second.

"Who gave it to you?" Draco asked curiously.

"Your Father, remember?" Harry laughed it off.

"Ah yes, I remember. I thought I recognised it from somewhere. Father keeps a prize of possessions." Draco smiled moving closer, "Do you mind if I take a closer look. Perhaps if you took it off? It seems a curious piece."

"-I'd rather not" Harry interrupted before Draco got any closer.

"I'd only be a minute looking at it." Draco looked suspiciously, he felt that something wasn't right.

"Don't touch it." Harry negotiated.

"Ok… ok." Draco said looking at it. It was very interesting, but Draco snapped out of it quickly. "That wasn't so hard was it?" Draco laughed.

"Sorry, I… I… I don't know what came over me." Harry apologised refutably. Harry drew a fake smile; which Draco deduced was fake. He was a Slytherin after all.

Draco felt that there was a strong possibility that Harry was being manipulated by whomever gave him that ring. He wasn't worried for his friend though; however, that person must have been close to the Malfoy family – and his father doesn't make mistakes about people. He can judge a character and see inside someone's soul from a simple glance. Draco quickly dropped the subject and assumed it would be much easier to get this information from his father.

"Come here Harry, let's go for lunch." Draco brought Harry beside him. "As Slytherins, one cannot be weak, nor ever give the impression that one is weak."

Harry simply nodded, and Draco understood. Draco actually seemed like a pretty nice person when you got to know him a bit better. Under the guise of an evil boy he was just another normal person. Not only that but he was more understanding of the hard times than any of his old friends. When things got hard for Harry with Ron, Ron would sometimes turn his back on Harry and be against him. During the Tri-Wizard tournament he accused Harry of putting his name in, and refused to support him. Real friends simply didn't do that.

"Severus." The Dark Lord greeted the Potions Master. They walked into the basement of Malfoy Manor. The Dark Lord had not seen Severus since before he believed him to be a traitor. "Come on… I must ask you a few questions."

"Of course my Lord." The Potions Master acted his usual self. He felt quite dull and disinterested, but willing to serve in all of his capacity.

"I want to discuss what you heard on that night you heard the prophecy… Tell me what exactly you heard?" Voldemort demanded.

"You know everything…" The Potions Master didn't believe what he was being asked to do. "I have told you everything you know."

"Did you see Professor Trelawney give the prophecy?"

"No. I only heard."

"Lift your occlumency shields." Voldemort asked imperatively, with an impatient tone.

"We agreed this would never happen." Snape snapped back.

"Then I'll just have to curse it out of you." Voldemort laughed. "LOWER YOUR SHIELDS."

Snape obeyed immediately. The Dark Lord was getting angry. Don't worry, Snape thought to himself, I will continue to provide a light shield over the important areas, shit he can probably hear me.

"What important areas, are you hiding something from me Severus." Voldemort enquired. "I didn't want to do this Severus, I really didn't. But what you've done is betray me. You are working for Dumbledore, aren't you?"

"My lord, please." Severus cried out. "I can change."

"I don't know if you can Severus. You've already changed." Voldemort said coldly, and then saw everything in his mind. The vows made to Dumbledore, something Severus could never turn his back on. "I'm going to have to kill you."

Severus had changed permanently. He was beyond fixing. Dumbledore had forced him to make the unbreakable vow, to protect Harry. That sort of promise doesn't go unnoticed. The person who the prophecy is about may not have been Harry, but he couldn't afford to have a traitor amongst his midst. He couldn't believe the sight. He truly believed with question that Severus was always loyal, the only truly loyal follower. However, the rest were right – he had changed.

With that Severus apparated, a second before Voldemort could follow.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Voldemort shouted and cursed.

Lucius Malfoy rushed down the steps to try and see what the matter was, but it was too late. Severus was long gone and his master was in a furious mood. He wanted to rush back up the steps, but it was too late now. His master wasn't a good angry person, he would make rash decisions when he was angry.

"Severus was against us the whole time" Voldemort grunted.

Lucius bowed in front of his master and then stood beside him.

"I want them all back. I want my followers back. They must break free of Azkaban." Voldemort snapped, "Blame it on Sirius."

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, and ever sorrier for the long break. I found this uncompleted chapter on my laptop, after I was going through some old files. Enjoy! I won't be commenting on whether this is me back or not. I am much too busy to make more commitments.