Hey lovlies! So this is a collab I'm doing, I didn't actually write this chapter, but this adorable person did! I promise to update with the next chapter asap! Love y'all~ T. .

A/N hey everyone! This isn't weaver, this is Blubble :3 weaver and I are doing a collaborative piece! (Hope you like it) anyway reviews are great 3

And yes, when I wrote gentle wind, I did mean fart.

I like soup.

Lukas glanced down at the piece of paper in his hand, 3752 Gentle Wind was written on it neatly. Lukas hadn't wanted to move, he liked his old house, he had his own room where he stored lots and lots of books. Stupid Emil, blowing the family budget! Lukas glared at the house number as if he could melt it, 3752 it read. It can't be all that bad... I've heard bad rumors about rental houses, but I'm sure those were just petty rumors.

He sighed, after a doorbell ring and multiple knocks, a tall man opened the door. The man was wearing a black and red hoodie and his hair was a spiked mess, he looked like he could be 19 or maybe 20.

"Yo! I'm Mathias! What 'cha want?" The stranger said casually.

"Uh... I'm here about the house."

"Aren't you a little small to be repairing windows?" Mathias frowned.

"No, there was an ad in the paper for a rental room." Lukas said, beginning to feel self conscious.


"Well what?"

"Come in! We gotta go over the rules and stuff I can go get Tino to give you the full set."

Reluctantly the Norwegian walked in. Looking around he spotted a couch, TV, small kitchen, and... A giant stuffed dog sitting in the middle of the floor. Interesting.

As he glanced up, he noticed Mathias talking to another man, about his same height. The man walked, well, more along the lines of bounced, over to where Lukas had parked himself on the couch.

"Hi! I'm Tino! Mathias calls me Finland for some odd reason, probably because that's where I'm from, but I'm here to give you a quick tour!"

Lukas followed the Fin through the house, it had two floors with a total of six bedrooms and three bathrooms. There was a small kitchen adjacent to the living room.

"And here is where you'll be staying." Tino pointed into a room that had a large bed, bright blue walls. There was a futon in the room, as well as a desk. But what Lukas found really strange was the amount of lights in the room. There were at least three that seemed to have no purpose whatsoever. Not to mention all the drawings of the man who had greeted him at the door.

"Um.. This is already decorated, does someone else live in here?" Lukas couldn't help but point out the obvious.

"Yes, this is also Mathias' room."

"The ad said nothing about a roommate."

"I'm sorry, but Feliks, the owner of the house, raised the price and we needed someone else to help pay the rent, I'm sure it's not as bad as it seems, I share a room with Berwald."

After a bit of unpacking, Lukas took a long shower then changed into his Norwegian flag pajamas. There was a knock at the bedroom door so Lukas went to go see who it was. When he opened the door, an apologetic looking Tino stared back at him

"Uh, there isn't a spare bed in there... Sorry Lukas, you'll be sleeping on the pullout couch, but I did bring some extra blankets."

"Thank you Tino."

"I'm home~! Didja guys miss me?" Mathias burst through the door.

No one answered of course, it was 12 in the morning, but Mathias liked the sound of it so he yelled it made his way to his room to find a sleeping Lukas on his bed. And so he did what anyone with the name Mathias would do... He found a pencil and poked Lukas with it. Lukas, being the light sleeper that he is, woke up to a pencil being jabbed into his forehead. And rolled over.

"I'm tired, go sleep on the futon. Tino brought extra blankets and everything." Lukas seemed to not hear him. Mathias, being Mathias, poked Lukas again with the pencil. The other seemed to still have not heard, and only clutched the blankets closer.

With a resigned sigh Mathias climbed into bed beside Lukas. He was tired, and honestly this could wait til morning. Lukas instinctively snuggled closer to his roommate.

At least he's kinda cute, thought Mathias before falling asleep.

A/N- ok yea, I'm not the best writer out there, but weaver said she could work with anything... I'll have to try my best to keep up with her .-. Anyway, she's writing the next chapter so you can look forward to that! Thanks for reading! -blubs

(Ps: if you don't like it, I can solve that with the magic metal pipe of pain.)