
Written by Eternitys End

Edited by Felicity Honenburg

Disclaimer: I do not own Weiss Kreuz, nor am I trying to infringe upon the rights of whoever owns it, etc. etc.

Warning: Yaoi, aka Male x Male Relations.

A/N: This is a really weird chapter. Its also in first person, which is really odd for me. I apologize in advance, but I must admit. It was fun to write! Please review.

Chapter Eleven

Youji's Point Of View:

A key part of being an assassin is relying on instincts. Hell, who am I kidding, a key part of me is relying on my instincts.

I can count on both hands the number of times they've led me astray. If you disregard all instinctual decisions involving Asuka, only one hand is needed. Discredit alcohol-related incidents and they've never led me wrong.

I guess that's why I'm taking this so badly.

My instincts aren't working lately. I'm jumping at the slightest movement, cringing at the slightest touch. I threw flowers at my doctor! Its embarrassing and unnerving and I just can't seem to adjust.

They say its normal after a trauma such as mine.


Right. Rape. Weird, huh. You'd think I would remember that. Funnier still is the fact that I think I do. Or at least, I did remember it. But not now. Maybe it isn't so funny. A blow to the head can induce amnesia. Internal bleeding and all that, the effects can be devastating. I'm lucky to get away with however little that I have. Lucky. Me. Raped with no memory of it. Right.

The others, they've noticed that my instincts are out of sorts. Or at least I think they did. Maybe they just think its me. Aya's being weird about all of it. He was a bastard to the doctor. Not that he's not normally a bastard, but he was really bastard-y. He doesn't like doctors. Hospitals either. Guess its too much to ask that he actually care or anything.

Yeah, definitely too much.

But he's getting me out of here. They're filling out papers right now. He's handling the bill. I wonder how much extra he's going to tag me for doing this generous service. Ugh, so much for the new interior for Seven.

Omi's looking at me. I don't know what's so interesting. I looked in the mirror when they let me change. Guess they think that a male rape victim doesn't want to be walking around with his ass bare to the world. Stupid gowns, why do they make them like that?

Omi's still looking at me. Ken went with Crumple-Nose and Aya. Okay, so that was mean. He's my doctor, even if he has a funny nose. There's a story behind that, I'd bet. There's always a story.

I wish Omi had gone with them. I really don't think he wants me out of the hospital. He's an expert at the puppy dog eyes. Its really weird to be on the receiving end of them. Especially when they're pitying you, not begging.

I wish Ken had stayed. He seemed to find this entire situation entertaining. No sympathy. Even if I want to hurt him for laughing at me.

Even Aya would be better than these puppy eyes. But he's handling billing. Crumple-Nose…er…the doctor said something about the shop being an unsafe environment. He's obviously never been there. We keep up with all the safety regulations. Being sued would be a major pain, it'd attract too much attention. Anyway, Aya will take care of everything. He's good in professional mode. Even if he's a bastard about it.

They're back. Doctor Splint, ah yes, a much better name, Doctor Splint is looking disapproving again. Aya's keeping himself between the doctor and me. Omi's keeping himself between the doctor and Aya. Ken's looking out of place. If this weren't so uncomfortable, it'd be funny. But I'm back in my clothes. Modest ones at that. It's not nearly as uncomfortable as it had been. Maybe I'm back in control?

No, spoke too soon. That was stupid of me. Flinched. Coward. He was just giving me a paper to sign. Kudou Youji. There, done and done. No reason to squirm. Nothing to be afraid of.

Can I get out of here now? The doctor nodded. He's giving me more directions. Aya has them all apparently.

Aya. Why Aya and not Omi? Don't they know Omi likes playing mother hen? No, apparently not.

Bed rest is in order. I like those words. Sleep. Being doted on. Having my every whim catered to. Being able to complain freely.

Only a few days of bed rest, though. Nyeh to him.

I have to work out my aches and exercise is the best way to do so? I don't like where this conversation is headed. I get plenty of exercise on missions. Until then, I'm allowed to be lazy.

No heavy lifting, don't move too fast, reading might make me dizzy? Okay, these I can work with. Excuse fodder.

Post Concussion Syndrome. PCS, heh, phone company.

Am I comfortable walking out of here? Hell, yes!

Too enthusiastic? Oh well.

I'm free to come back any time. Remember that. Yeah, yeah, I will. Not. A hospital is the last place I want to be. They're beds are so tiny.

If anything goes wrong, contact them immediately. I'm being released strongly against their recommendation. Their? When did my doctor become a plural? Oh well.

Omi's leading the way. They brought Aya's car, enough seats for us all. Do I want shot gun? Am I comfortable sitting in the back? The girls missed me. Great. Now even Ken's dishing out sympathy and acting all awkward.

Omi's already in mother mode. He has soup for me at home. Joy of joys. The creamy kind, I've gotten too skinny. And he threw out my cigarettes? Since when has he had the right to do this! Can we please, please, please stop at the convenience store on the way home? Aya won't respond. Probably safest for him, I know he's secretly siding with me. He just doesn't want to oppose Mother-Omi. He's scary when he's like that.

Ha! Ken's cowering. I guess the tension's getting to him. I'm being a snotty brat. Aya's being a cold bastard. Omi's being an overprotective chicken. Poor guy, but at least he's not laughing anymore. Or sympathizing.

Home. A nicotine free home. I don't think I like this place anymore. If I stayed at the hospital, I'm sure I could have at least gotten the patch. Its amazing how many doctors smoke. But I'm home at least. Familiar surroundings. And no work for a while. I'm sure I could even sucker Ken into bringing his little personal television set into my room. I should really get one of those for myself. Ah, well, there's always time for that later. Mooching is just as good.

A/N: REVIEW! Its been a while, hasn't it? And its really jumpy and weird to boot. I don't know why, but I had an insane urge to do this chapter this way. I hope at least someone understood what was happening. A few chapters from now there's going to be an Aya PoV like this. And a few after that is an Omi PoV. Poor Ken, I don't have plans for any insane first person ramblings! At least its an update. One step closer to the end! *Cheers for self!*

Lately, I've been working on two things. One being a sadistic Farfarello piece that is also a Schuldig x Farfarello fic (with Schu actually IN CHARACTER!!! *pointed cough at cold child*). I'm not sure I'll even post it on considering its goes into some pretty intense stuff that could get me in trouble with even an R rating. But that leads me to the second thing I've been working on! MY WEBSITE!!! Its basically just intro pages right now, with very few fics actually posted, but its coming along. Eventually, all my fics (or at least the ones I'm not considering deleting) will be posted there, and I'm LOOKING FOR SUBMISSIONS!!! If you would like to have any of your work hosted on my site, please leave me a review saying so or email me at [email protected]

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