Hello all :D so this is a hurt/reveal merlin (hurt Arthur too), one-shot, but if you guys really want I could carry on and make it a series, just review or PM your thoughts and ideas :D because I'm welsh and I couldn't be asked to make the spells up their going to be in Welsh.
character may be out of character , sozzy XD
so any way on we go?...

Merlin POV:

"Merlin..." a voice breaks through the mist of fog that seemed to cloud my tiered brain as if a pair of arms were hugging, enveloping it in a tight embrace.
"Merlin, please wake up..." the voice says again, its quiet tone a buzzing sound in my ears as if an bee was hovering, annoyingly around my head.
"Merlin, you've got to wake up...you cant leave me!" the voice says again but stronger and clearer this time, the fog of confusion that wrapped my brain into unconsciousness dispersing.
"Merlin! please! There coming...Mer-" the voice starts, and I finally recognise it as Arthur's voice. My still confused brain slowly processes Arthur's words.
Merlin. please. there coming...
wait...who's coming? why did he stop mid sentence? Danger...Dagr!...Arthur!

And with those thoughts I shoot up, standing on wobbly legs as if they were ones of a newly born lamb. My left wrist felt on fire and my head throbbed, pounding like if some annoying mini people were pounding on drums in a repeated, in a non-stop circle.
I finally look searching for the blonde king but when I finally do it was like my world slows to a stop, Arthur was stood pinned to a large tree, struggling as a man's large hands tighten around his neck, and he gasps for the much needed air.
But I had no time to think of a way to save him as foot steps come towards me, and my sharp, keen eyes spot them, around 20 other men materialize from the shadows the substantial trees cast upon the forest, and they lurked towards me, their evil eyes set upon their prey.
"me..merl...merl..in!" Arthur gasps as his hands struggle too pull the hindering hands away, from his blocked air way.
"Me...Merlin... ge...get h..help!" He gasps again, however I do the complete opposite, and start to walk towards the men, he should have known by now that I never listen.
"mer...ge...away!" Arthur tries again but I block his voice out concentrating on the anger that built in me, as my magic begged to be released, and I focused it on my target. Anger towards the man who was strangling my best friend fuelled my magic and before I could stop I was shouting out words of the old religion.

"Rydw I yn galw yr elfennau I ddod a Marwolaeth I bawb sy'n braduchu ei'n brenin!
((I summon the elements to bring death to all who betray our king"))

And with the flash of golden eyes the wind around me picked up, rain started to pelt down on my face and lightning hit the unfortunate traitors who stood before me. The bright rays of the sun shone through the clear rain, creating a vibrant rainbow over the looming trees. Orange, blazing fire created a circle around the remaining men before the ground gave way beneath them and they succumb to earth's depths as calm returns again.
I look exhaustingly towards Arthur to see the hands of the scum, Dagr still wrapped around Arthur's neck his face a brightening red colour.
Anger refuelled caused my eyes to flash a marvellous gold and Dagr's hands started to loosen as I force them from Arthur's neck, and I send him flying backwards, hitting the floor with a thud and he falls into unconsciousness, before I rush to Arthur's side before he would collapsed to the floor. He leans heavily on me as I lower him to the floor and lean him on a tree, his head rest's on my shoulder as he gasps his lungs finally reunited with the oxygen around him.
"Mer..merlin..you ha..ve ma-" He started, gasping still, but I felt the need to explain myself and I blurt out:
"I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you, I just didnt kno-"
"Merlin...shu..shut up...let me think"he orders his voice authoritative, betrayal dripping from his voice.
He hates me! was all that went through my mind and I attempt again, not wanting to be hated by one of the people who I viewed as a brother.
"I'm so sorr-"
"I said shut up,sorcerer" he seethed, the word sorcerer spat out with such hate. To say his words didn't hurt would be a blatant lie, it stung. I felt tears start to water my eyes, I was a sorcerer and he hated me for it, in his mind I betrayed him, I was no longer viewed as his brother or even friend but as a Traitor. I let a tear slip down my cheek before I backed away, not believing that after years of knowing me he still didn't trust me, and that just one secret could change his views on me.
"I'm so..rry" I whisper and his face softens, turns from anger and betrayal to trust and kindness, but before I could stutter out any more apologies his face turns into one of horror.
"Merlin! behind you" but it was to late for when I turned a sharp pain shot through my stomach, I look down to see the end of a dagger sticking out of my body, blood already seeping out of the wound, leaving a sticky red river of crimson liquid it its wake. I look up once again and look into Dagr's dark, cunning eyes, a smirk of enjoyment across his face at my pain, but it was soon replaced with emptiness as my eyes flash gold and he soars through the sky, hitting a tree, dead on impact, his eyes never to open again.
I let out a breath of relief at the thought of Dagr finally dead, but the pain in my stomach became too much and I fall to my knees, crying out in pain as the dagger nestles itself deeper into my tender flesh. My hands reach for the dagger, intent on pulling it out but Arthur's voice stops my actions and he rushes over to me,
"Merlin?"He asks concern filled his voice, the betrayal long gone.
"hu...hurts" I moan pain taking over my body.
"I know, just hang on. The dagger needs removing. this is going to hurt" He says as he takes off his gloves and rips at his cloak.
"Gre...great" I mutter breathlessly.
"Shut up and save your breath. Here bite on this" He says as he shoves his glove to my face, and I bite down on it.
"Ready?" He questions waiting for my approval. I nod once.
"count down to 1?..." he asks himself more than me as if he was trying to reassure himself. "5...4...1!" He announces as he swiftly takes the dagger out of my stomach. I shout in surprise and pain the glove falling from my mouth.
"Wha..t...the he...ll...ha..ppened...to...3 an..d..2!" I exclaim my chest rising and falling quickly, as blood started to flow from the wound faster as if it was a stream evolving into a river.
"Nothing. Now quiet I need to concentrate and you need to save your breath..." He says his voice starting to quieten, distance away from me his words starting to slur and make no sense to my confused mind.
"just you wait we'll be back home in no time...Gwaine, Leon and Percy cant..long way off...bleeding...stopped nearly...who would have known...I'm still not fat..." He trailed off his voice a distant whisper.
"Mer..."was the last thing I hear before the voice faded completely and I let the inviting arms of unconsciousness, wrap its warm comforting grasp, around my sleepy brain and I let my exhausted, pain filled body slip into slumber, and the darkness over ran the light, leaving me in complete darkness, not knowing if I would ever wake up.

Merlin's POV still:

2 hours earlier:

We gallop after the trail a murderer called Dagr left, his footprints leading us to were he was hiding. We had been tracking him for days, he had already killed 7 innocent people, all for money. Arthur wanted him captured before he and his gang of thugs tortured any more innocent souls.
"Keep a look out men, he could be anywhere" Arthur announces turning towards the rest of the knights as he sits confidently on his large bay horse. It was less than 5 minutes before Gwaine, from the back of our group shouts.
"BEHIND US! THERE HERE! LOOK OUT!" And my magic instantly came alive my eyes darting around for any of Dagr's thugs, I look right then left and I spot a man about to stab Arthur in the back, I quickly mutter a spell and a discarded sword plunged into the man's back. I look around towards the other knights making sure they were all okay, before I felt myself being tackled off my trusty steed. I shout in surprise as I land, hard on the floor, pain erupting in my left wrist as I feel it snap, as if it was merely a twig.
"ow" I mutter before I jump back up ready to face the foe who tackled me to the floor but to my surprise something hard hit the back of my head, and I knew no more.

My eyes flutter open only to close again, as unconsciousness never let up, and kept me in the darkness.

When my eyes opened next, only green blurs were to be seen as someone carries me over their shoulder.
"Arthur?" I mutter
"Ah so your awak..." Arthur trails off as slumber reclaims me.

Present Arthur's POV:

"No, no, no! Merlin!" I shout, pleading for him to wake up, but his blue eyes didn't open on request. I couldn't loose him now, not after all we'd been through, today alone he saved my life at least twice. My back ached after carrying him for hours but I would never complain, it was an honour to save him he was my brother. I felt guilt eating at me as it was my fault he ended up stabbed, if I hadn't reacted so arrogant and full of hate, he would still be standing next to me. I quickly finish wrapping his wound in the rips of my cloak before I hear distant shouting and footsteps nearing me and my fallen brother, and I jump up un-sheathing my swords ready to defend and attack anyone who dared threaten us, But to my utter relief the familiar faces of Gwaine, Leon and Percival.
"Thank god" I mutter as Gwaine runs to me followed by the others.
"Arthur! good to see yo...Oh my gods...Merlin!" Gwaine exclaims before running to his side, and sinking to his knees his hands shaking as he takes of his cloak and places it over Merlin, before ruffling his hair a sign of his brotherly affection.
"Sire? what happened?" I hear Leon ask
"After we were attacked, I saw you guys run after some of Dagr's thugs, but I didn't see Merlin with you, so I looked around and found a man dragging Merlin off, I killed him before running off. He was unconscious and his wrist is broken so I had to stop after about two hours, I tried to wake him up but we were ambushed, they came out of nowhere. Dagr an I fraught but he threw me back into a tree and I hit my head, dazed for a few moments I didn't see him coming until it was too late and his hands wrapped around my neck. All of a sudden Merlin wakes up just before Dagr's other men came, I told him to run but of course he didn't. Next thing I know he's shouting out words I don't even know and Dagr's men are dead, killed by the elements around them. I look up to Merlin and his eyes are gold-"
"ah ha! I knew it!" Gwaine exclaims before mumbling "Sorry, carry on"
"so... His eyes are gold and I feel Dagr's hands being released and he went flying backwards, I thought he was unconscious. Merlin ran to my side, helped me to sit, and I called him a sorcerer, he apolagises and before I could say anything Dag'r appeared behind him, I tried to tell him but it was too lat, Dagr stabbed him and Merlin sent him flying. He's dead, I checked. I went to Merlin's side, removed the dagger before he fell unconscious, I wrapped his wound, and then you got here." I finish and silence was all to be heared for a few minuites before Leon speaks again.
"We should get Merlin back to Gaius before his wound gets infected or worse"
"Yes, your right. Percival?" I ask and as if he knew what my question was he walked to Merlin and scooped him up in his large arm's, and start's to walk in the direction we came. We all walk for hours, long tiring hours before the wall's of Camelot came into view, and I let out a breath of relief. We enter the gates guards nodding their heads in respect, before being greeted by Gwen and Gaius.
"Gaius! Merlin's been stabbed!" I tell him and we all rush to Gaius's chambers, when we arrive at the familuar door, Gwaine pushes it open before Percival made his way through and lay Merlin on the bed Gaius pointed at.
Gaius shooed us away telling us to go get rest,train and do whatever king's and knights do, and he would call for us when Merlin woke. But I think he knew we wouldn't rest not when one of us was hurt, so that is how we ended up in the nearest pub drinking our day away,waiting for news of Merlin.
1 day's later there was no news.
2 day's later Gaius say's he's resting.
3 days later Gaius tells he should wake up soon.
4 days later why wasn't he awake?
5 days later Merlin appears while the knights an I train...wait a second...

Merlin POV:

I could feel my magic spinning around my body as if its was dancing underneath my skin, healing the whole in my stomach, but I didn't wake. That was until my magic stopped churning and my wound and wrist until it had healed. My eyes slowly flutter open, as if they were a butterfly, flying for the first time. A roof was the first thing I see. Then I move my head around and recognise the familiar wall's of Gaius's chambers. Then Giaus's face was right in front of mine and I gasp.
"Ah finally awake" Gaius comments as I start to sit up
"indeed...how long have I been asleep?"
"5 days" he says
"5 days! Is Arthur fine? the knights? how did I get back? where is Arthur? training?" I rush my words coming out so fast.
"calm down my boy, Arthur and the knights are fine, in fact they are training waiting for you to wake"
"oh good. I have to go tell them I'm alive!" I announce as I get up
"Slow down! you haven't healed properly yet!"
"Yes I have my magic healed me, I'm okay, honest" I plead
"Fine, but don't be out too long!" he starts but I was already out the door, and running to the training ground. I stood there watching them fight for a few minuites before Gwaine notices me.
"Merlin!" He shouts and soon I was suffocated in a hug.
"Gwa...Gwaine I can't breathe!" I say and he lets me go.
"Sorry, its just...I thought you were dead!"
"I'm fine. All healed." I say but soon I was suffocated in another hug, I wrap my arms around Arthur as his shoulders started to shake.
"I thought I lost you!" He whispers and I smile
"Nah you can't get rid of me that easily"

Yey finished! so remember to review, follow and favourite, and tell me if you want more!
Thanks for reading!
-Leggomygreggo2 x