Spike sat in the chair next to the hospital bed, his elbows on his knees and chin in his hands. He was mindlessly studying the patterns in the tile floor when he heard Cassy rustle. He sat and placed a hand on her shoulder. Her eyes opened and wandered over to Spike.

"Hey Cassy," He said quietly. He hit the call button.

"Hi," She replied, accidently whispering. Spike could tell by the way she looked at him that she didn't recognize him. She looked around the room, searching for an explanation of where she was and why she was there. She rested her gaze on the purple cast encasing her leg and took note of the bandage covering her stomach.

"You have fracture in your leg," Spike said, responding to her unasked question. "You also had some internal bleeding in your stomach so they did a surgery to repair that. The doctor said you are going to be just fine."

Her face fell flat and eyes widened a bit and darted around. She turned her head and looked at him for a moment. "Spike," She said as an instance over clarity came to her. Her breath came to her quickly.

"Okay, okay, you're okay Cassy," Spike said reassuringly rubbing her shoulder. "You're safe, okay? They're both in jail,"

She laid her hand on his arm, taking a controlled breath and nodded at him. Spike gave her a soft smile.

"Where are my, um, my parents?" She asked, carefully stringing together words as she was released from her confused state.

"They're about an hour and a half away, on the plane from Vancouver," Spike told her.

"Can you… Can you stay until they get here?" She asked, her voice becoming smaller.

"Of course I can Cassy," He replied smiling at her kindly.

"Thank you." She said quietly while looking him firmly in the eye, hoping he understood she was thanking him for everything.

The doctor gave a compulsory knock on the door and entered. "Hi Cassandra, my name is Dr. Yumen," he said gently. "I'm glad to see you're awake. How are you feeling?"

Cassy really hadn't thought about it. She took a moment to take a mental inventory and found pain in her stomach. "Um, my stomach is a little sore."

"Okay, we can get you some pain relief for that," He said as he reached out to her wrist to take her pulse. Cassy swiftly pulled away from him and tightened her grip on Spike's arm, letting out a whimper.

"Alright," Dr. Yumen said quickly as he withdrew, comforting her. Spike stroked the top of Cassy's hand. As fast as the panic had come, it disappeared with a sigh as she relaxed.

"Are you having pain in your arm there, Cassy?" Dr. Yumen asked with concern. Cassy brought the hand over her eyes and gave a sad and embarrassed chuckle.

"No I'm sorry, I just got scared," her voice cracking as a tear ran down her face. She uncovered her eyes and wiped it away with another sad chuckle, avoiding eye contact with both of the men who now looked at her with sympathetic faces. She slid her other arm down Spike's and held his hand.

"It's alright Cassy," Spike said supportively.

"I'm so sorry about that," Dr. Yumen said sincerely. He took note of Cassy taking Spike's hand and he was happy to see she had someone with her that she trusted. "Why don't you get some more rest," He suggested with a smile. She nodded at him and he turned to leave.

Cassy released Spike's hand as she readjusted herself into a semi-comfortable position and looked at spike. Spike sat back into his chair.

"I'm right here," he replied her look. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

(A/N Please, please review if you have a chance! It makes my day :) I hope you guys are enjoying!)