Part 3

Palming his face, Jean-Luc lowers himself onto the side of his bed, groaning audibly. It had seemed to him as if the night had been infinitely long. He had picked the four children up from Wes and Marta's cabin, where Marta had picked the children up from school and taken the boys to their mok'bara lesson. After he had brought the children back to their cabin, he had bathed the girls and made a snack for the four children before getting them ready for bed. He had only moments ago settled the boys down in their room, and already Jean-Luc is exhausted.

Three days, three days Q had kept Beverly hostage without a single word, and Jean-Luc is growing agitated, worried and restless. The children are anxious, constantly inquiring when their mother will return, and Jean-Luc cannot provide a satisfactory answer because Q refuses to show himself. Helpless, powerless and feeling defeated, Jean-Luc climbs into bed beside his dozing toddler tucked soundly in his bed.

"Papa?" Claire's tiny voice pipes up from behind the bedroom door.

"Yes, cherie," Jean-Luc calls, flopping his head onto his pillow.

Claire opens the door and walks across the darkened room. "I can't sleep, Papa."

"What's wrong?" Jean-Luc inquires, sitting upright.

Climbing onto the bed, Claire is mindful of her slumbering sister sleeping next to her father. "I miss Mama. I'm worried."

Drawing her into his arms, Jean-Luc frowns. "Hey, don't worry, cherie. I'm sure your mother will come back soon."

Curling into his chest, Claire nods. "I wanna sleep here."

"Since when do you sleep here?" counters Jean-Luc, wrapping one arm around his daughter securely.

"Rene's slept here every night with you!" protests Claire.

"She's just a baby," explains Jean-Luc patiently, brushing the hair from Claire's face. "She's all out of sorts without your mother. She doesn't know what's wrong."

Pouting into his neck, Claire squeezes Jean-Luc around the torso. "If she gets to sleep here, so do I."

Exhaling audibly, Jean-Luc kisses her crown. This is not a battle he is going to fight tonight. "Oui, cherie. Lie down and close your eyes."

"Papa?" Maurice pauses in the doorway, Paul standing behind him swiping at tear stains on his cheeks.

Jean-Luc glances over at the boys in the dimly-lit room. "What's wrong?"

"Paul's crying," supplies Maurice simply. "He misses Mama."

Sobbing, Paul hangs his head. "I don't miss her…I'm just….worried."

Resisting the urge to sigh, Jean-Luc waves them over. "Come here, Cadets."

Maurice leads them over to the bed, Paul's lips quivering.

"Let's be quiet," instructs Jean-Luc, making room for the boys beside him. "Rene's sleeping."

Claire curls possessively into Jean-Luc chest, reluctant to forfeit her place as the current centre of her father's attention. Right in the middle of two energetic, growing twin boys and a demanding toddler, Claire is constantly battling for her father's attention.

"What's wrong, Paul?" Jean-Luc asks, reaching for Paul's smaller hand.

"Why didn't the magician bring her back yet?" Paul asks quietly, swiping at his runny nose.

Half-smiling, Jean-Luc considers how to address the boy's question. "I'm sure he will, Paul. Unfortunately, we have to be patient. I am confident that your mother is safe and well."

Paul, accustomed to his father assuming command and being able to implement solutions, merely pouts, resigned. "Okay. Can we stay here tonight?"

"Oh, why not?" exhales Jean-Luc. He's far too tired to argue with the children, and if the girls are already sharing the bed, he might as well include the boys, as well.

Jean-Luc re-arranges the blankets as Maurice and Paul settle into the bed beside Rene. "Just lie down and close your eyes, Cadets. Tomorrow is a new day."

As the boys settle in, Claire nestles into Jean-Luc, yawning. "Papa. I really miss Mama, and I want her to come home. But, that magician is wrong. I think you do good all by yourself."

Chuckling softly, Jean-Luc smoothes Claire's red locks from her face. "You think so, cherie?"

"Yep," Claire whispers. "You even took care of me and Rene when we got sick. Now, we're all better."

"And, you helped me get through my presentation at school," Paul points out, lying between Rene and Maurice.

"And, Wes thought it was a miracle that we were even all fed and dressed," deadpans Maurice.

Jean-Luc cannot help but smile at that sly remark, because he knows that most would probably not have the confidence in him to solely care for all of the children. Perhaps he had proved them all wrong, after all. "Well, I guess we showed , now didn't we?"

Maurice, Paul and Claire erupt into a fit of giggles at their father's good-natured jest at their older brother, and Jean-Luc has to warn them to keep their voices down.

"Shsh. Alright. It's getting late. Time to settle down," implores Jean-Luc.

Claire curls up to him and Jean-Luc inhales deeply, trying to calm his reeling mind. Maybe, just maybe, they'll all make out just fine.


Picard is reviewing a report on the console on his Ready Room desk when he's interrupted by the sudden apparition of Q in a Starfleet uniform, grasping the hand of Beverly in the same tunic and leggings she had sported three days ago when Q had made her vanish. Jumping out of his chair, Picard's eyes flash in alarm.

"Oh, mon capitaine! I love what you've done with the place!" gushes Q. "So…regal!"

Eyes dilated, Beverly drops Q's hand like a hot potato. "Wha…What's going on?"

Jean-Luc circles the desk, dashing for Beverly. "Beverly…"

Stepping toward the desk, Beverly reaches for Jean-Luc. "Jean-Luc…"

Rolling his eyes, Q sighs. "So dramatic."

"Are you alright?" Jean-Luc demands, appraising Beverly as he grabs her hands, pulling her toward him.

Furrowing her brows, Beverly steps into Jean-Luc's embrace. "Yes. What's going on?"

Incredulous, Jean-Luc runs his hand up her arm, needing to confirm that she's solid, that his wife has actually returned. "Are you injured? Did he harm you?"

Half-smiling, Beverly looks at Jean-Luc in bewilderment. "Uh…of course not. But, how did we get here?"

Giving his head a shake, Jean-Luc stares at her, thoroughly bemused. "Beverly, you've been gone over three days!"

"What?" exclaims Beverly, thoroughly shocked. "What are you talking about?"

Turning to Q, Picard eyes the entity suspiciously. "What the devil have you done, Q?"

"Relax, mi capitan," sighs Q in annoyance. "She's been in stasis since we left. She had no idea she wasn't in your universe. I didn't harm her in any way."

Whipping his head back around, Jean-Luc studies Beverly carefully. "Is Q telling the truth? Are you certain you're alright?"

Flummoxed, Beverly shrugs. "The last thing I know we were arguing with him in the living room. You're saying it's been nearly four days?"

"Yes," confirms Jean-Luc, running his hand along her arm, visually and physically examining her to ensure that the entity is telling the entire truth.

"Are the kids okay?" Beverly asks, taking Jean-Luc's hand and squeezing it gently.

"Oh, fine," smiles Jean-Luc warmly. "They miss you."

"Yes, " Q interjects, folding his arms across his chest. "Papa here made out just fine without you, Mrs. Picard. He lived up to the challenge. Congratulations, Daddy. As promised, the Missus is yours."

Turning to Q, Beverly fixes the entity with a look of daggers. "That was awful, Q."

"Awful?" Q counters, padding over to the couple. "I was only trying to help my dear friends. You, my dear doctor, can feel secure taking a vacation knowing Jean-Luc, the ever doting Daddy, can make do without you for a period. And, our fine captain has confidence that he can manage your offspring in your absence."

Whipping back around, Beverly looks at Jean-Luc earnestly. "Are you okay? The kids?"

"We're all perfectly fine," repeats Jean-Luc, half laughing.

"Where are they?" inquires Beverly urgently.

"In class," supplies Jean-Luc simply.

Eyes widening, Beverly's lips part. "What about Rene?"

Frowning uncomfortably, Jean-Luc stiffens. "Uh…Lwaxana is watching her at the present time."

Unimpressed, Beverly's face falls. "You left my baby with Lwaxana Troi?"

Putting a hand up defensively, Jean-Luc grimaces. "I had very few options, Beverly. I was grateful to have the support. Deanna, Wes, Marta, they all helped with the children. "

Exhaling in a controlled breath, Beverly places her hands on her hips. "Okay. I'm going to go get my baby."

With a bored expression, Q lowers himself into the visitor chair in front of Picard's desk. "So much for a reunion. I expected fireworks. You two just get duller with age. Well, if you're not going to celebrate your reunion, I'll be on my way."

"No!" shouts Picard, pointing to Q. "You're going to apologize to my children for kidnapping their mother and disrupting our lives. You've upset them."

Shrugging, Q crosses his legs on top of the edge of the desk. "Very well. If they think I'm a magician, I'll give them a little….magic show."


""Me! I wanna try!" Claire cries, giggling excitedly. She jumps out of her spot between Jean-Luc and Beverly on the sofa to join her twin brothers and Q in the middle of the living area. Q, in a top hat and black top coat, is currently levitating Maurice and Paul in a circle above his head, eliciting a ruckus of giggles from both of the boys as they fly through the air.

Beverly sits on the sofa with Rene in her lap, holding the hand of Jean-Luc, who is indulging Q in a spectacle of a magic show that the entity is performing for the children's benefit. Jean-Luc would have rather seen Q disappear, but Beverly thought it would be fun for the kids to be entertained by the omnipotent being and his over-the-top bag of tricks. After the children had been worried for several days about the whereabouts and condition of their mother, Q is now making it up to them by regaling them with a magic show.

Once the twins have been lowered to a standing position on the ground, Q bows to them. "Thank you, my brave assistants. I have another volunteer from our audience. However, I will call upon you for our dismemberment demonstration later."

"No!" interjects Jean-Luc. "No, you most certainly will not, Q. You are not dismembering any of my children."

Rolling his eyes, Q puts his hand on Claire's shoulder. "Relax, Jean-Luc. I was going to use a new saw."

Eyes dilating, Jean-Luc leans forward.

"If I can't get their two halves back together, I'm sure the good doctor can stitch them right back up," Q deadpans.

Chuckling, Beverly grabs Jean-Luc's shoulder before he leaps at Q. "He's joking, dear."

Face white, Claire glances up at Q in fright. "I changed my mind. I don't want to fly anymore."

Laughing wildly, Maurice nudges his little sister. "He's just kidding, Claire. Go on. It's fun."

"Q, do you have kids?" Paul asks, walking over to the armchair.

Turning his attention to Paul, Q half-smiles. "Yes, I have a son."

"Do you play games like this with him?" Paul asks, climbing into the chair.

"Oh, no," laughs Q. "Junior's too busy blowing up planetoids and stirring up intergalactic feuds. Little bugger."

"That's too bad. You seem like a great dad," remarks Maurice, following Paul's path over to the arm chair.

Looking up at Q, Claire purses her lips, appraising the entity cautiously. "You should bring your son here to the Enterprise. Our Papa's the best."

Smirking, Beverly tilts her head to catch Jean-Luc's expression.

Eyes illuminating, Q beams. "That's a wonderful idea! I'll send Junior to spend some time with the Picard's."

Expression flat, Jean-Luc is clearly not amused. "You know, on second though, I'd like to see that dismemberment demonstration. In fact, I'll volunteer."


"You okay?" Beverly whispers into Jean-Luc's ear, draping her arm across his bare chest as she intertwines her leg with his later that evening as they lay in bed, finally alone.

Taking her hand on his chest, Jean-Luc brings it to his mouth to kiss. "I'm just glad everything's back to normal."

"I am, too," agrees Beverly, tilting her head to kiss his shoulder.

"Beverly," begins Jean-Luc, turning onto his side and drawing Beverly into his chest. "I can't let anything happen to you. Promise me you'll never leave. Even if I can get by without you, I never want to want to live a single day without you by my side."

Pressing her chest against his, Beverly wraps her arm around his back, pressing her lips to his gently. "Don't worry, love. I'm not going anywhere."

Resting his forehead against hers, Jean-Luc peppers her lips in tender kisses as he encircles her back with one arm. "Good."

"Except, maybe on that little trip with Marta for a few days next month?" teases Beverly, rubbing his back.

Opening his eyes, Jean-Luc grins playfully. "Of course. The children and I will be fine without you. In fact, maybe I'll invite Mrs. Troi to stay on the Enterprise even longer. She was a tremendous help, you know. I'm sure she'd be thrilled to babysit while you're away."

Playing right into his trap, Beverly's face falls. "On second thought…."

Laughing, Jean-Luc, takes Beverly's arm and flips her over, pinning her on top of the blankets. "Forget that. Right now, you're not going anywhere."

Leaning up to kiss him, Beverly moans her acquiescence to this course of action.