This time, this really is the last chapter. I had so much fun writing gender-bent Luffy and Zoro, I wanted to do it one last time before I ended this story.

Unfortunately, this one-shot is much rougher than the others. I learned half way through writing this one that one of the major inspirations in my artistic development had recently died, and it really shook me. I might come back to fix this chapter up at a later point, but for now, I want to get this out as a sort of homage to him.

He was an inspiration to all of his fans, and all I can hope is that his passing was a peaceful one.

Name Explanations;

Mari; Female Zoro, short for Marimo

Sara; Female Luffy, comes from the Japanese pronunciation of Salad.

Neither of these names were thought of by me; I got them from a gender-bent One Piece Doujin, and if I can find it, I'll include the title of that Doujin.

Female Zoro hates Male Sanji

(Because it frustrates her that he will never fight back)

They were the Monkey twins, and Mari and Zoro were swept up by them the moment they'd stepped into the school for the first time. Luffy and Sara were all wide grins and loud laughs, gangly limbs and excitable personalities, and they tugged the green haired twins into their life without considering their opinions. Luffy liked Zoro because he was cool and strong, and Mari because she snuck him snacks during class. Sara liked Zoro because he didn't hold back when they fought, and liked Mari because the girl beat up the first guy who tried to grab her butt in the hall.

And somehow, Zoro and Mari found themselves liking the younger twins as well. They liked how Luffy and Sara would fight every time they saw each other in the corridor until the teachers came out to scold them. They liked how confident they both were, how strong they were, and how naive and innocent they were to the harsher things in life.

Or they thought the Monkey twins were innocent to the harshness of life, until they were invited to Luffy and Sara's home for the first time.

Luffy and Sara lived in the Grey Terminal. The place was a shithole; Zoro kept his eye on Mari, Luffy and Sara the entire time they were walking, as if worried that something would happen to one of them the moment he looked away. Mari kept Sara close to her, never letting her friend move more than a few steps away from her.

They knew it was ridiculous; Luffy and Sara passed through Grey Terminal twice a day to get to and from school. They lived here, so clearly they could take care of themselves. But the idea of sweet Sara or forgetful Luffy being in a place so dangerous, a place where every alley could be hiding a killer, was just alien to the older twins.

Mari drew a little encouragement when they reached the Monkey twins home; although the two of them lived with thugs and bandits, who clearly believed in survival of the fittest, their foster family clearly loved the twins, and wouldn't let anything too bad happen to them.

And then, there was Ace and Sabo.

Zoro got along quite well with Ace and Sabo; they drank, they slept, they fought, they were like kindred spirits. Ace and Sabo would joke about Zoro becoming Luffy's new big brother, from the way their younger brother clung to the green haired man.

Mari... Mari didn't get along with Ace and Sabo. Ace and Sabo hated Mari.

They hated the way Sara held her hand. They hated the way Sara insisted on Mari sleeping over for the night, in her bed even! They loathed the way Sara would randomly tackle Mari or kiss her cheeks.

And for her part, Mari thought Ace and Sabo were a bit creepy. She didn't like how protective - how possessive - they were of their little sister, especially when they all knew Sara could kick all of their asses without breaking a sweat. It was bordering on a sort of complex, and Mari ended up spending more and more time with Sara, just to make sure her brothers didn't try anything funny.

To the dismay of all three of them, this was a relationship that would continue for the rest of their lives; long after Luffy decided Zoro would be his boyfriend; long after Mari turned up at Dadan's door to take Sara to prom; long after Luffy and Zoro left to travel the world and Mari and Sara got their first apartment together.

It was something Mari learned to get used to. She resigned herself to waking up in the morning to find that Sabo and Ace had broken in during the early morning to make sure she hadn't done anything to Sara, and having date nights ruined by the men's presence. She didn't care that Ace and Sabo didn't like her, because she loved Sara, and Sara loved her.

Although she didn't tell Ace and Sabo about Sara's asexuality; she would let the brothers fret over their precious sister's virginity for a few years longer.