It had been a long day for you, with classes being almost completely back to back since early this morning. You quickly packed your bag and left the classroom, eager to just get home to some relaxation time with your roommates. Before you knew it, your car was pulling into the parking lot of your apartment building. Turning off the ignition and grabbing your backpack, you stepped out of the car. You took a couple of steps towards the building before pausing to look back and lock your car. The lights flash confirming the car was now secure. You continued making your way across the parking lot, thinking about pulling on comfy pajamas and calling it the end of the day.

Just before you reached the side entrance of the building, a tingling sensation formed on your back, creeping up to your neck. I'm probably just tired and imagining things.Let's keep going. You took a deep breath and continued to move towards your destination. Just before you reached the door, the urge to look behind you was too strong. Pausing your footsteps, you turned around to take a glimpse behind you. There was nothing there. See your mind is just playing tricks on you. Even though you tried to keep a logical mind, you couldn't help but feel that something was wrong. You quickened your pace and as fast as you could unlocked the side entrance door and closed it behind you. Feeling a bit safer behind the locked barrier, you turned around to peer through the window one last time. Taking a few moments to really take in the surrounding area, there was still nothing to see but the wind rustling the leaves on the trees and bushes on the opposite side of the parking lot. Confident that it was all in your mind, you proceeded to head on up to your apartment. The elevator ride to your floor had never felt so long as the fear refused to completely leave.

Stepping out of the elevator you took another deep breath and just focused on relaxing with your roommates for the remainder of the night. With a few more breaths, you were opening the door of the shared three bedroom apartment. Closing the door quietly, you spotted your two roommates laughing and lounging on the couch watching Friends. You smiled and gently tossed your bag onto the counter before joining them on the couch. It didn't take long until you were losing yourself in the comfort of your friends and the silly antics of Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Monica, Joey, and Phoebe.

The rest of the evening was spent laughing and joking with your roommates and sharing a pizza amongst the three of you. You had completely forgotten all about your earlier scare. At least until your roommates headed off to bed and left you alone to your thoughts once again. You were able to stave off the fear for a few minutes longer as you focused on your bedtime routine. But too soon you were sitting in bed thinking about going to sleep when the tingling sensation came back. You tried to ignore it, but it wouldn't go away. So you stood up and went to look out the window again, if only to prove that your mind was being overactive today. However, as soon as your attention was drawn outside the window you saw a shadow running across the street. Almost as if it seemed to know someone was watching, the shadow stopped in the middle of the road and turned around looking right towards you with yellow eyes. You jumped backwards and almost tripped over your own feet, causing you to look towards the ground. Once you had your balance again, you quickly returned your sight to the street. However, it was a normal street once again.

You let out a long sigh, unaware you had been holding your breath. You stood there for a minute longer, before crawling back into bed and wrapping yourself under the covers. For a few minutes you stared up at the ceiling, willing sleep to come but it never did. Giving up on that idea, you made your way to the kitchen, bringing your laptop with you. While your laptop booted up, you pulled out a mug and a tea bag to make yourself a cup of tea.

Sitting in front of your computer, you began scrolling through various social media to entertain yourself. After an hour or so, you started to feel tired and going to sleep was calling your name. Unfortunately the short walk back to your bedroom was enough movement to wake you up again. With a sigh you pulled open your laptop once again. Maybe I can find something to watch and fall asleep to. You opened up a new browser. The usual news article suggestions were loaded on the homepage. Ignoring them as usual you started to type Netflix, when one of the articles switched and a its headline caught your eye; "Sheriff Warns Locals to Stay Inside after Sunset Due to Vicious Animal Attacks"

With nothing else really to do, you decided to click on it in order to learn more. Unfortunately the article was very vague in the information it gave out. The majority of it was just the sheriff asking for people to be cautious and take heed of the warning. It stated that there was an animal on the loose police believed was responsible for the death of four locals. The bodies were found with bite marks and oddly missing their hearts. Experts were looking into these markings in order to narrow down what kind of animal they were looking out for. The biggest takeaway you had from the article was that all four of the victims were found within a mile from your apartment.

After finishing the article you decided to try and do some of your own research wanting to know what kind of animal you might want to keep an eye out for. Keeping in mind that the news would share all the details, you turned to the internet for answers. After dealing with a few gruesome pictures, the only animal you could find that would be slightly similar to these attacks was a wolf. Which struck you as odd, knowing that wolves hadn't been in this area for a long time. You scrolled a little farther down the results when a page about werewolves popped up. Deciding it would provide some entertainment, since you had always enjoyed learning about mythical creatures, you clicked on the link.

The article started with cheesily written anecdotes pulled from different thriller movies, before going more into detail about werewolf mythology. A lot of it you knew already, like that they were humans who transform into wolf form on a full moon. One fact that was completely different in this article was that when werewolves hunted, they always ate the heart of their prey. Okay that's gross, but didn't the news article say the victims were missing their hearts? The more you read, the more it seemed to have some similarities to the victims from the news article. However, you knew that werewolves weren't real, so instead you just enjoyed expanding your knowledge of mythology. The last thing you read before closing, was a reminder that silver is one of the only metals known to have any effect against a werewolf. Deciding you had read enough, you finally switched over to Netflix to watch your favorite show.

The next day dragged on as you tried to go about your everyday life with only a couple hours of sleep. After tiredly finishing your first class, you were not looking forward to your two afternoon classes. You knew that an additional round of caffeine was going to be necessary if you were going to survive the day. During your free time in between classes, you walked down the street and entered the first cafe she stumbled upon. After buying your favorite drink, you found a spot to sit down to work on some homework. You hadn't brought your laptop with you so you pulled out one of your textbooks to try and get some reading done. After a few minutes of trying to focus on your work, you found your mind kept wandering off to someplace far away. Insistent that you were going to get some work done, you took another drink from your cup hoping the caffeine would kick in soon. Your attempts at getting some work done ended with having only read a few paragraphs and written down two notes. With your free time coming to a close you packed up and made your way to your next class.

The professor ended your last class of the day with a reminder that your papers were due next week. I really need to get some work done on that essay. Feeling even more tired after the lectures from your last two classes, you decided to go get another cup of coffee before heading home. Five minutes later, you had a hot drink in hand and were walking back across campus to get to your car. The sun was setting on the horizon, reminding you of the warning you read about last night causing you to quicken your pace. You were almost a block away from your car when the tingling sensation returned even stronger. The image of the yellow eyes flashed before your eyes, prompting your heart rate to increase and putting you on high alert. After a few more steps the tingling demanded that you turn around and look behind you. Taking a deep breath you turned your head just enough to glimpse behind you. A shadow slinked into the alley between a couple of buildings you had just passed.

Your pace sped up into almost jogging, wanting to put as much distance between yourself and whatever that shadow was. Before you made it even ten more steps, a growling was getting louder directly behind you. Instinct took over causing you to turn around and face the threat. You found yourself looking into the yellow eyes of a human like creature with claws and fangs. Werewolf, the word flashed in your mind. The creature sprinted directly for you. You dropped your coffee and backpack before taking off at full speed. Your instincts reminded you of your silver necklace. Knowing better than to ignore your instincts, you yanked the necklace off your neck, holding in your hands as you ran for your life.

Even with your best efforts, you found yourself stumbling over the curb of the sidewalk as you tried to take a turn. The stumble slowed you down just enough for the werewolf to pounce on you. You fell to the ground with an immense weight holding you down. Refusing to give up, you somehow found the strength to move the creature enough, so you could roll onto you back and at least face your doom. The creature made eye contact once again, before tearing it's claws down your front, mostly digging into your belly. You let out a scream of pain and tried to squirm away, but the other arm was pinning your shoulder. The creature took a break from slashing in order to lap at the blood that was pooling on your stomach under your shirt. Wincing through the pain, you knew this was the only chance you were going to have to do something to get out of this. You felt the triangle pendant still clenched in your hand. As quick as you could you took the point and stabbed as hard as you could into the arm that was holding you down.

Being a necklace, and not actually a weapon it didn't cause a whole lot of damage but it did manage to get it to loosen its grip and yelp out in pain. It's moment of distraction gave you the perfect chance to pull your legs up and kick it in the stomach, knocking it off of you. Pushing through your pain you managed to get back to your feet. Using one hand to apply pressure to your wound, you started running once again. Not fully paying attention to where you were running you turned down a street hoping to shake off the creature. After running a few more minutes of running, your lungs and muscles began to ache with the prolonged exercise. You also began to feel lightheaded as the pain began to scream out for attention. Despite your best efforts, your steps began to slow and you began to stagger.

The werewolf turned the corner and began to stalk closer and closer to you with a grin on its face. You tightened your grip on the silver pendant, and forced yourself to keep moving. You took in your surroundings trying to find a way to get out of this situation alive.

"Get down!" A voice yelled from behind you. Not needing to be told twice you ducked down, causing you to fall down on all fours. The creature was only a couple steps away from you when a gunshot rang through the night, hitting it right in its heart. With a groan, it collapsed to the ground. You stared at it making sure it wasn't going to continue it's attack. Taking a deep shuddering breath, you turned to face your saviors.

In front of you, were two men; one tall with brown hair that went to just below his ears, and the other shorter with short brown hair. "Hey are you alright?" The tall one asked, lowering the gun in his hands.

You struggled with forming an answer. Only half an hour ago, you were leaving a coffee shop, ready to get home. Your only worries were trying to get some homework done before crashing for the night. Then your night took a drastic turn as you had been attacked by something straight out of a nightmare. Now that the immediate danger was over the exhaustion and pain took over, making your answer for you as you winced and let out a small groan.

Quickly, both of the men ran over to you. The tall one helped pull you up to standing, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to help you balance "Hey. It's going to be okay. I've got you. Think you can walk?" He asked, making eye contact. You nodded as you used his support to walk in the direction he went. Focusing on your feet as you did your best to stay upright, you soon found yourself standing in front of a black car. Your helper opened the door before helping you climb into the backseat. Once you were settled, the other two took their seats and the car rumbled to life. Even though you were in a car with strangers, your brain told you were safe and the adrenaline began to fade causing exhaustion to take over.

When you woke up, you found yourself on a bed in an unfamiliar room. You sat up in fear. The quick motion caused a feeling of pain to run up your torso and stomach. Ignoring the pain, you looked around your surroundings and recognized it to be a motel room of some kind. As she continued to scan the area, your eyes landed on the two men sitting at the table next to the window. The memory of last night flashed in your mind, reminding you of your attack. You then looked down at your belly and lifted your shirt to reveal bandages that had been placed over your wounds. You also noticed a small assortment of band-aids scattered on your arms and legs.

"Hey look who's up!" A voice said, bringing your attention back to the other occupants.

"How are you doing? Do you need some water?" The tall one asked. You nodded her head, beginning to feel a bit shy now that you realized you were in a motel room with two complete strangers. He stood up and grabbed you a cup of water. You took a few sips, relishing the way it soothed your scratchy throat.

Needing to know more about the situation you found yourself in, you decided to start with the most basic of questions, "Who are you?"

"I'm Sam, and this is my brother Dean" The man who handed you the water replied.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N. Thanks for saving me last night" You replied with a slight smile upon your face.

"Hey, no problem. Now... this might seem like an odd question, but did you get bit at all last night?" The one named Dean asked, his green eyes piercing your Y/E/C ones.

"No it just scratched me and began to lick them. Why would you ask- Wait, I know this sounds crazy but was that creature actually a werewolf?!" You exclaimed as the pieces began to connect. It hadn't looked the way you expected but otherwise it fit all of the lore you had read up on the other night.

The two brothers glanced at each other. "What makes you think that?" Sam asked his brown eyes searching yours.

"Well... It was a full moon last night if I'm not mistaken. And the thing that attacked me wasn't human, it had claws and fangs. And after all of the animal attacks that have been in the area I did a little bit of research and it's the most accurate explanation since we shouldn't have real wolves in the area. Plus, although it wasn't a weapon my silver necklace did hurt it enough to make a distraction so I could run away... Besides why else would Dean ask me if I was bitten?"

The two of them shared a look of shock, clearly shocked by the detail of your answer. Once they got over their initial shock the brothers shared a quick glance with one another before turning their attention back on you. You could have sworn you saw the slightest smile from Sam before Dean continued the conversation. "Well I guess there's no getting around it. Yes, that was a werewolf. My brother and I came here to kill the sick son of a bitch."

You honestly weren't expecting that. Even though you had organized your thoughts and suggested a theory, there was still a part of you that said it was all crazy. Having others not only believe it, but also add to the tale took away any chances of this all just being a cruel trick of your mind. "This is all so crazy! It was just a working theory. I'd say you guys were crazy if I hadn't experienced it first hand. I mean werewolves are supposed to just be a mythological creature made for scary movies." You took in a deep breath before continuing your thinking out loud. "Then that means that if werewolves are real, what else is?" You turned your gaze towards Sam looking for the answer.

"That's a question better left unanswered. Trust me you don't want to get anymore involved than you have. Anyways, you've been with us all night, I'm sure there are people worrying about you. We should get you home" Sam avoided answering.

With the change in conversation, You figured you weren't going to get any more information so you decided to roll with it. "Yeah, my roommates are probably a little freaked, wondering where I'm at since I never stay out too late."

Before long you were stepping out of the black car, which you recognized as a classic Chevy Impala. Dean had parked in the same parking lot as your car, meaning only a small handful of steps until you were on your way back home. With a few brief goodbyes and thank yous, you began the short stroll over to your car. You unlocked your car with the keys you pulled from your pocket. You were grateful you had decided to put your keys in your pockets instead of your backpack last night. You were so busy running that you didn't pay attention to where you had dropped it. You only hoped you would be able to find it in a lost and found soon.

As you opened the drivers door Sam's voice called out, "Y/N! Wait a second!"

"What's up?" You asked, turning to look at him.

"Dean and I will only be in town for another night or so, but I wanted to give you my number. If something ever comes up, don't hesitate to give me a call, okay?" Sam said as he handed you a small note with scribbled writing on it.

"Thanks. Will do." You took the piece of paper and got into the driver's seat. You pulled out your phone which luckily managed to survive the night safe in your pocket. Quickly you saved Sam's number in your contacts before starting the engine. As you pulled out of the parking lot you gave the two brothers a wave, and then headed home.