Her Black Rose - Rework!


Dark Dragen.

Disclaimer: I do not in any shape or form own Harry Potter, be it characters, spells, items, or anything else that's connected to the Harry Potter books/movies; they all belong to J. K. Rowling & the Warner Bros Pictures. I don't even earn any money from this. The only characters that I do own are the ones that you haven't read about in the books. Although, I wish I did, that way I could come up with a more believable way for Harry ending up with Ginny or someone who is better for him. Also I would made Hermione less trusting of people like Dumbledore and less bossy. Anyway, onto the story.

Summary:One night of paradise soon turns into a hellacious nightmare for Harry as he finds himself married and exploring a side of himself that he had denied for so long. Even worse, his wife is the last person he'd even consider calling his love!

Warnings:Dark Fic, Underage Sex, Strong Language, Characters Bashing, Violence, Fem-Slash (female on female) and Character Death, OOC, OC's, Sub/Dom, Male Dom, Bestiality and many, many more, I'll place them when needed. If you don't like any of these, then stop reading now, as any flames that haven't got a point will be told where to get off.

Author's Note:Before we start, I would like to inform you that this story belonged to DZ2, who put this story up for adoption when he got too many annoying reviews, where they told him to stop writing the story, or rewrite it and so on. So not to lose a good story, I've decided to take it upon myself to write this, but because of my other works, I should warn you that this'll be a SLOW update. I'm going to looking over his reviews for the story, and see what I can add. The one thing that I'll be change is the pairings, it'll still be Harry/Bellatrix, but like many of my stories he'll have a few others. Who? I'm not sure, but he'll be with at least three people, don't think it'll be more than five, but we'll have to wait and see. Possible Veela or two.

One other thing before we begin, you all know the kind of stories I write, and so you know what to suspect from me. So if you don't like the dark and twisted story, than you should stop reading now, and unless flames if can't be removed, I'll ignore or if they are too bad tell you to fuck off. So you have been warned.


§ 'Parssseltongue' §

Chapter 1 - Teenage Lust


Harry had spent most of the summer running, but then again, given how his school year had ended, you couldn't really blame him.

He didn't know where he was running to, but he knew all too well what he was running from: he was running from the pain, the sorrow and the nightmares. He was running from lies, bigotry, discrimination and people who switched sides faster than a flash of lightning.

Most of all, Harry was running from two things: the Order and from the influences of the one-man mouthpiece, Albus Dumbledore! And running from himself!

Ever since Sirius had died, Harry had been alone without so much as a word of real apology from Dumbledore: all he'd gotten was some bullshit excuse about blood wards and the true reason of the prophecy and then, as always, he was being shipped back to Privet Drive as though he was just some sort of cargo. Where he begun to think about his past, and about what happened during that night.

During the week Harry came to realize how much he was holding back since he got to Hogwarts. Before Hogwarts, he was smart, not scarey smart like Hermione, but still smart enough to get great marks. But the problem was that he had to hold back, all because his aunt and uncle didn't like the idea of a 'Freak' like him doing better than their son Dudley. He would be punished whenever he done better, no food for a week, or/and locked in his bedroom (the cupboard under the stairs,) and or the odd occasion beaten. This was the reason why he held back.

But seeing that he was going to Hogwarts, he had no reason to hold back, but yet he did. After a few days thought he realized why: his friends - and he used the term loosely. Ron was a jealous git, and hated anyone who done better than him. Hermione, she was a friend yes, but she was a bossy boat, who likes to be number one at everything she does and didn't like it when she wasn't. So to keep them as friend, he held himself back once again. Although Harry begun to wonder why he did so, they didn't seem to act like friends should act. As over the last three weeks, they had once again blacklisted him again, making him feel he was a persona non grata (an unwelcome person) as far as his so-called friends were concerned.

Not that he was all that bothered, as with them treating him like that, and his relatives doing everything that they could to stay out of his way - it allowed Harry to think. The first was that why hadn't he had more friends, sure he didn't help the matter, but he would have thought seeing that he was the Boy-Who-Lived, many of the students would be flocking to him to become friends - but yet none did. Harry had to wonder why this was; did he do something that people wouldn't want to come near him?

Apart for not having more friends, Harry thought about the shit about what happened during his school years. His first two years didn't add up: first year why was he and three other students sent into the Forbidden Forest. They had no knowledge of how to defend themselves, it was only luck that he wasn't killed when he face the shade of Voldemort that year. Another thing he now realized was the so-called protection for the Philosopher's Stone, if three children could get around how would they stop a Dark Lord? Harry had to wonder if it was a set up, and if so set up for what?

And then his second year, why did Dumbledore hired Lockhart Harry would never know, didn't he knew that Lockhart was a fraud. All the signs were there if you looked, why hire someone without making sure they were on the up and up, the Muggle World would make sure that a teacher had the ability to teach and not just hire someone because they were famous. Also how couldn't the Headmaster know that a Basilisk was attacking the students, Hermione once she had the clues found out in a day, and the Headmaster had fifty years to find out. So Harry had to wonder what the Headmaster was thinking.

Whilst nothing really happened during his third year other than Sirius escaping Azkaban, not much happened that year. But he had a few questions, like why the hell would someone give a thirteen year old a Time Tuner. Sure at the end of the year he was glad about it, as he save himself, Hermione and Sirius from the Dementors, but still why give a teenager a time travel device, especially for schoolwork? And thinking about the Dementors, why did he allow them near the school, they proved they couldn't trusted when they invaded the Quidditch Match between Gryffindor Vs. Hufflepuff. One other thing, why couldn't Dumbledore gave Sirius a trial, he had the power to do so, but yet done nothing to help Sirius.

Than Harry's fourth year, and the Goblet of Fire, Harry had to wonder why Dumbledore didn't realize that his old friend Mad-Eye Moody was an impostor? Not only that though, but the business with the Goblet of Fire, Harry suspected that they could have disqualified him for being under age, or come up with another reason to get him out of the Tournament - but for whatever reason they didn't. But then as he thought about it, maybe he could use the fact that the Tri-Wizard Tournament was meant for those of age to enter to his advantage, he would have to go to Gringotts and see if the Goblins could help him out.

And last year, it was the worst yet, after seeing a student, Cedric Diggory, die, he was once again forced back to the Dursleys. It wouldn't be too bad, but with the nightmares of what happened at the end of the Tournament, having his so called friends not writing to him, the Dementors attack and the trumped-up up charges for defending himself against the Dementors - it wasn't the best summer he had. And that was only the summer, it got worse when he got back to Hogwarts.

When he got to Hogwarts though it got worse, first off, thanks to the fool Minister of Magic, Minister Fudge who had The Daily Prophet writing rubbish about him, no one believed him about about happened to Diggory - even though they did at the end of last year. Then there was Professor Umbridge, or many called her behind her back Umbitch, the new Defence of the Dark Arts Teacher.

By far she was the worse of the Professor that Harry had, she wouldn't allow anyone pritice any magic, but force them to read useless books that taught them nothing. He learnt that Dumbledore wasn't able to find someone to teach Defence of the Dark Arts Teacher, and so Minister Fudge forced Umbitch onto the school thanks to a new law that he put through. But as Harry thought about it now though, he started to think otherwise, as if he could hire the fool and fraud Lockhart, he could find anyone to teach Defence of the Dark Arts Teacher. And if worse came to worse, he could have had one of his Order Members teach Defence, so Harry had to wonder why the Headmaster hadn't done so.

During the year, she even forced him, and rumoured to do so with a few others, to use Blood Quills, when he tried to tell everyone about Voldemort's return. The Blood Quill made the person write in their blood, and scar them with whatever they wrote, in Harry's case it was 'I must not tell lies.' When Harry tried to tell his Head of House, Professor McGonagall, at the start of the year about how unfair Umbitch was, McGonagall told him that he should keep his head down and not bother with Umbridge.

Thanks to the fool Fudge, she first became Hogwarts High Inquisitor, where she and Fudge created Educational Decrees to make life at Hogwarts difficult. One Educational Degrees that Fudge created, made it so that Umbitch as the Headmistress.

Apart for Umbridge, he had to learn something called Occlumency from Snape, when he dreamt that Arthur Weasley was being attacked by a huge snake. He went to Dumbledore about it, which sent someone to look into it to see it was true or not, when he found out it was, he had Snape teach him Occlumency. The Headmaster didn't really explain why he had to learn it, other than to stop such dreams again, as he was seeing into Voldemort's mind.

Harry didn't know what Dumbledore was thinking having him and Snape together, seeing that they hated each other and that Snape wouldn't teach him anything thing. Then again, the Headmaster was acting strange since the summer, he never looked Harry in the eye, or spend more than a few minutes with Harry in a room unless he was forced to. It wasn't until after Sirius death that he learnt why, Dumbledore feared Voldemort would use the link that Harry and he seemed to have, to kill or attack the Headmaster. Which is why the old Headmaster had Snape teach Harry Occlumency.

As Harry thought about the so-called classes, Harry had to scoff, Snape wasn't teaching him Occlumency, but was torturing him. As before Snape attacked him mind, making him relive his most painful and embarrassing moments, he would shout out, 'Clear your mind,' and attack his mind, never explaining how to clear his mind. It was no wonder Harry couldn't learn Occlumency, and was fooled to go to Department of Mysteries, where Sirius was killed.

That night when Sirius was killed apart for himself, he blamed four others, Voldemort, without him none of this would have needed to happen: Bellatrix Lestrange, for casting the fatal blow: Snape, Harry had warned him about Sirius, but it took them hours to get to the Ministry of Magic, where they should be waiting for him and the other: Dumbledore, for not warning him that the Dark Lord might be able to send him fake versions. If the old Headmaster had warned Harry that that might have happened, he would have been more careful and done more before going to the Ministry of Magic.

Not only that, once he learnt about the prophecy, Harry blamed Dumbledore for not training him to face Voldemort and his forces. Whilst he could grudgingly agree about Dumbledore wanting him a normal childhood, 'Yeah what childhood?' Harry thought when the Headmaster said that, he could have started his training the moment Voldemort returned.

Harry had to wonder what the old Headmaster was up to, don't get him wrong, Harry didn't think Dumbledore was evil or he was dark - although with his actions one would wonder at times. But at the same time, he had to wonder if the old man was setting him up for something, as it would explain some of the Headmasters actions towards Harry.

Getting back to the present though, the summer seemed to look like it would be the same as the last, no mail from his friends, and they won't contact him until they wanted something or Dumbledore was ready to free him from his prison. The reason for running wasn't only being bored with nothing to do, but because of his frustration with his thoughts about the Headmaster, his friends and thinking about Sirius's death, for a short time he was able to forget it all.

It was kind of funny that the place he had chosen to run, he had taken a bus to London, where he would run the endless spider's web division of London otherwise known as the Underground: on the trains and with as many caffeinated drinks and breaks as he could get down him, Harry didn't sleep, or if he was honest with himself he didn't want to sleep.

As when he did sleep, he would have nightmares, memories of times he'd much rather forget while he also saw things he'd thought better left undescribed - like the deaths of Sirius and Diggory. Not only were there memories, but dreams/nightmares of seeing people he cared for, even though they didn't seem to care about him, dying and being tortured. So he would try and stay up as much as possible, so he wouldn't have those nightmares.

But the other than the nightmares though, when did slip into a sleep for a few minutes to hours when he couldn't keep himself awake any longer, he would see through Voldemort's eyes. Over the last few weeks, he had been seeing more through Tom's eyes now than he had ever done before. But a part of him had a feeling with this dark point, a feeling that he would sooner not admit to anyone.

Maybe it was because Harry knew that, thanks to that fucked-up prophecy, the bastard Order of the Broken-Winged Chickens and his love-you-one-minute-then-leave-you-the-next asshole friends, he was exposed to the very power that he had sworn blind he would never use. And the reason he was running from himself: The power of the Dark Arts!

Using the Cruciatus on Bellatrix Lestrange had stained Harry's already tinted soul, making the part of him that was like a snake forged in dark magic stronger. At first, it was a shuttle sibilant hisses, whispering in his ear and moving within him more when he slept. He had this dark whisperings as long as he could remember, and he believed it was down to the abuse from the Dursley.

The hissing wanted Harry to beat Dudley up for what he done to him, and it would want to make his aunt and uncle pay too. At first they were faint whispers, nothing too bad, but as time went by the whispers got stronger and worse, so much that he had to fight not to hear them. There was a reason that the Sorting Hat wanted him in Slytherin, and it wasn't only because he was cunning.

However though, since Sirius's death and casting the Cruciatus on Bellatrix, as he slept, the realisation hit Harry, as he knew that above the Dark Shard inside him, and above his own personal spark of delight at using the curses, there was something else.

And that something was that he had failed!

He'd failed Sirius!

He'd failed his parents!

He'd, essentially, failed the magical world.

But, most of all, Harry had failed himself: he'd let himself be tricked, used, abused and hurt by friends, family and foes for so long that, over time, the part of Harry that he had sworn never to use had grown strong. As when he cast the Cruciatus on Bellatrix, the whispers had strengthened, and were there most of the time unless he fought it, which seemed to get difficult as time went by.

Strong, intense, all-consuming, and even worse, it had grown hungry!

Like a parasite on his soul, the dark side of the Golden Prince of Gryffindor had grown fat on his negative thoughts, his doubts and fears about Slytherin and Tom and on his decisions not to let that power out for anything in the world.

Yet, when he'd used the curse on Bellatrix, Harry had also felt an air of glory rise up in him that, though he never confessed it to anyone, had actually excited him.

As in really excited him, if you know what he meant.

So, with no way back, Harry had only gone forwards: running meant he didn't think about the darkness or about the cold side to him that had spawned itself from that one moment of weakness. He didn't think about the excitement or how, following his return to Hogwarts, he had returned to Hogwarts and, in laymen's terms, he'd let himself reach the teenage normality for climax at the thought of screams, pain, power and fury.

He'd gotten himself off to the thought of his dark nature and yet, in the aftermath, when he had time to think, Harry had looked at his reflection in the mirrored walls of the Room of Requirement, with its sweat-caked face, tired eyes and lustful stare, and, like a crazy person, he told himself, "I hope you enjoyed that, Harry, because it will never happen again."

So, in running, Harry had ensured he distracted himself long enough not to think about it, but when he slept, even for an hour or two, his thoughts were aroused by the memories, the power, the lust, the… well, the darkness would be the perfect way to describe it.


13th of July 1996:

Either way, it has been three weeks since Harry returned from Hogwarts and a two weeks since Harry started to run, and we find Harry running in the Underground of London. With fatigue really starting to show on his face, and his body starting to wear out her him, Harry entered and sat in a Whistle-Stop Café in the Underground that he sometimes used when he was in the area running. But this isn't the only reason that Harry was there though, Dumbledore wanted to see him about something, and so wanted to meet there. Harry wasn't bothered about it one way or another, but if he was lucky enough Dumbledore might get him away from the Dursleys sooner than he thought. So seating there as he waited for Dumbledore, he took out a copy of the Daily Prophet from his backpack, and open it on his lap as he read through the headlines, if he could call them that anymore.

It seemed that Voldemort had orchestrated an assault on Diagon Alley with a handful of Death Eaters, whilst the rest of his Death Eaters had spread panic through London, and most of the South with attacks on towns and cities. He read that people were going missing in greater numbers and, in the midst of all this, the people were asking themselves the same question over and over.

Where was our Chosen One?

With a snigger, Harry shook his head as he considered their question: he wasn't much for betting, but he was willing to take any amount of money on the possibility that, if he looked up the word fickle in the dictionary, he'd find a nice little picture of the Daily Prophet's newspaper editor as well as the Minister alongside it.

Just a few months ago, they'd been calling him a liar, a glory hound and other such names under the sun; and now, all because Cornelius Fudge, the idiot that he was, had seen Voldemort in person in the Ministry Atrium, they were hailing him as their saviour again and calling him The Chosen One.

The world was either getting stupider or people were literally losing their minds.

"Harry Potter…"

Harry's blood suddenly ran cold as he heard a voice, other than Dumbledore who he was suspecting, using his name: had someone found him?

Looking over the paper, Harry was both awed and a little relieved to see an attractive young girl with dark skin and darker hair looking at him; she was dressed in a sexy Muggle clothing and held a pad in her hand. He had seen her a few times when he came into the Café.

'Of course,' Harry thought, remembering then where he was: sitting on the Underground in a Whistle-Stop Café about to have a bite to eat, 'She's the waitress that you've been eyeing up when you're here: stupidity there, Harry… Moody's instincts are getting to you.'

"Who's Harry Potter?" asked the girl, a warm, welcoming smile crossing her face as Harry lowered the paper.

"No-one special really," he lied, trying to avoid a blush creeping over his cheeks as he realised this girl was actually pretty nice-looking, "He's a bit of a tosser, but a friend of mine who want to be a journalist, thought it funny to make up a fake paper and add him into it. I'm reading it to see how good it is."

The girl gave a soft laugh, a pen in her hand, as she looked to Harry before she added, "That's good of you, but it is a strange paper; a couple of nights ago, I could swear that I saw one of the pictures move."

Harry just laughed and nodded in unspoken agreement with her disbelief as she added, "Thought I was going around the twist… anyway, hungry?"

"Just a sec," Harry laughed, reaching for the menu when, to his surprise, the girl leaned in close, her hair falling around her shoulders and giving her a rather devilish, but beautiful look. As he turned, he saw her cleaves and blashed.

"Between you and me," she whispered, "Food here's a bit naff; only somewhere you can eat if you don't really care. I know a place, though: I could show you… maybe you could tell me a bit more about that tosser, Harry Potter."

"Oh," Harry gasped, a part of him wondering what area of heaven he'd just walked into - he was a teenage boy after all - as he answered her, "Okay… yeah, sure; thanks: I'm… James, James Evans."

"Ella," the girl replied, shaking Harry's hand and making the boy's instincts go to another level as she told him, "Ella Noire: so, while you make your mind up, how about a drink… on the house?"

She whispered the last part and Harry could only smile and thank her silently as he sat back in his chair and, reaching into his pocket, he withdrew a mint and lightly sucked it as he tried to freshen his breath.

His teenage hormones were being taken to another level as Ella returned before she handed him the cup and told him, "I finish in five minutes, so you might want to gulp that before I leave you here."

Now Harry had to wonder what to do, on one hand he meant to be meeting up with his Headmaster about something, but on the other hand he had a sexy, and by the looks of it older, lady hinting she wanted to go out with him in a few minutes. And it only took Harry a minute to decide, he was a teenager being asked out by a sexy older lady, it was a no brainer - also it would be fun to turn the tables on Dumbledore. So Harry drank his drink down so quickly that he may as well have swallowed the cup itself; after Ella had finished her shift, she accompanied him up and out of the station, both of them laughing and having a good time much like…

Well, in Harry's mind, it was much like a normal couple going out on a first date.


Surprisingly, about after half an hour after Harry had left with his date in tow, the inhabitants of the station saw a man in strange clothes and with an impossibly-long beard appear out of nowhere. He was Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts.

As Albus entered the Whistle-Stop Café, he looked for one of his students that he meant to meet, but as looked round the small café, he was unable to see his student. He had wondered if Harry was running late or something, and so he walked up to the counter and asked the man behind it, "Excuse me sir, but I'm looking for a young man with black hair, and green eyes. I was wondering if you saw him today?"

"And who might you be mister?" asked the man.

"I'm Albus Dumbledore, I'm the Headmaster to a private school in Scotland," explained Dumbledore in his grandfatherly tone of voice, "I meant to be meeting a student of mine here, to talk to him about his next year at the school."

"In that case Mr. Dumbledore, you have not long missed him," explained the man, "he left about half an hour ago with a young lass who works here, a Ella Noire. It looks like they went on a date."

"Do you know where I can find Miss. Noire?" asked Albus.

"Sadly no, and the manager of this place is away for a few weeks so I can't ask him." explained the man behind the counter.

"Thank you for your time sir." The old Headmaster said with a growl of disdain and disappointment escaping him as he considered the loss of his quarry, before he left the small café.

Albus was disappointed in Harry, the Boy-Who-Lived knew that he was coming, but the young man went off with some Muggle girl instead. The old man sighed, this wasn't what he planned for the young man, he would have to 'talk' to Harry when he find him. But right now he had a bigger problem at hand, how was he supposed to convince Horace Slughorn to come to Hogwarts?

Horace was an important part to his plans, he had information that Albus needed to defeat the latest Dark Lord. The problem was that couldn't use his normal means to get the information, but Slughorn knew Occlumency. Whilst not powerful, he was strong enough to hold the old Headmaster off and escape. So he had to make new plans to get the information, and seeing how Horace was, he was planning to use the fame of Harry being the Boy-Who-Lived to get the information.

So as he Apparate away, the last thought the Headmaster of Hogwarts was what to do with Harry, and how to convince Horace Slughorn to come to Hogwarts, without Harry?


It was a few hours later where we find Harry and Ella in Ella's apartment, the apartment was rather small, but had a quaint sort of feel to it. It had a bathroom, a kitchen, a small living room, and a small bedroom.

Once they left Whistle-Stop Café, Ella took Harry for a meal at a proper restaurant, a drink at a local bar and afterwards, a bit of a dance at a nearby nightclub. Harry hadn't really cared for the fact that this dark goddess from heaven - again, his teenage thoughts going mad with lust - wanted to be so close to him most of the time they were out. And when she'd asked him if he'd walk her home, it had been the icing on the cake to the best night Harry ever had, and as more than happy to agree.

Taken to her living room, Harry sat down on a small sofa and, leaning back in the chair, he asked nervously, "So… what do you want to do now, Ella?"

"How about a drink and a movie?" suggested the girl, earning a nod from Harry; however, as she left to get change in her bedroom, the young Gryffindor found his eyes going to the door as something about the events of that night set alarm bells ringing in his mind. The fear of putting Ella in danger with Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

"No," whispered Harry, closing his eyes and breathing deeply, "Stop it, Harry: no saving-people-thing tonight: for Merlin's sake, this girl's hot for you! Once in your life have some fun."

He had to breathe deeply to try and silence the alarms, but by the time he was calm again, Ella had returned and she was wearing an outfit that was showing off a fair bit more flesh than when she'd been out on the town with him. Curling up next to Harry, they flipped through the channels until a movie was shown: taking their drinks, the two settled in.

It was a slash horror of some sort and, every time something scary happened, Ella's head disappeared into Harry's chest, earning her a soft smile from the young wizard while his teenage hormones were driven into high gear. When this happened, Harry would have a glimpse of her cleaves.

Never before, not even when he'd kissed Cho in the Room of Requirement - if you could call that tear-soaked, pity-seeking sorry excuse for intimate contact a kiss - had Harry felt so comfortable by the presence of another person with him. Especially someone who was as sexy, and wearing so little as Ella was right now.

And yet, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Ella: she hadn't asked him a single awkward question all night and, whenever Harry saw her smile, he felt like everything was going to be all right.

He didn't know why, but it was something that he just knew to be true, even with those annoying alarms ringing in his head to get the hell out of Dodge as fast as he could, so that he wouldn't put her in danger.

When the film was over, he stroked her hair gently before he told her, "Is my chest really that comfortable?"

Ella let out a soft giggle as she looked up at him with dark-blue eyes, her voice edged by amusement as she asked, "Is it my fault you're such a hottie?"

Harry blushed, but he said nothing as he told her, "It's okay… you don't have to be afraid; nothing can hurt you… I won't let them."

Ella looked into Harry's eyes as he said the last part; he must have noticed it too because he suddenly flew from her side, rising quickly and clearing his throat as he muttered, "I'm sorry… I shouldn't say that…"

"I'm not embarrassed," Ella explained, lifting herself from the chair before she put a gentle hand on Harry's shoulder as she told him, "I trust you, James; you're definitely not a common guy, I could tell that when I saw you. So don't be so afraid to… be what you are: I saw how you looked at me and it's okay: I don't bite. Unless you want me to." Ella added with a playful smirk.

Despite the fears of letting someone else in, Harry couldn't help but smile at the feel of someone who was here to be here for him: they weren't here for prestige, value, personal gain or anything like that.

Not like his so-called friends, anyway.

"It's not that," Harry sighed, lowering his head and holding his near-empty bottle in his hands, "It's… it's complicated: but everyone that… that's gotten close to me… before now; they… they get hurt and… it's my fault. I don't… I don't want to hurt anyone else, but… things change."

"Yes they do," Ella agreed, her voice soft as she turned him around and took the bottle from his hands, setting it down on the table as she added, "You've been snared, James: this time, it's you getting close to someone else… to me. And I'm not afraid of being hurt; I'll keep you close, safe… free."

Then, without another word, Ella led him through to her bedroom, as they move into the bedroom, they removed each other clothes as their lips wrestled for dominance; as they seemed content to surrender themselves to the emotions of one another's passion, Harry barely managed to acknowledge a small voice in his ear as it whispered, 'What am I doing?'

And yet, at the same time, the other part of him seemed to dominate these doubts as he pushed them aside for a two-worded response;

'Who cares?'

Certainly not him…

Lemon Begins!

Harry pulled back a bit, and whilst he didn't care what was happening to him, this would be his first time, and he suspected this wasn't Ella's first. "Ella, th-this'll my first t-time." Harry warned Ella.

"I understand James, but it'll okay." Ella said as she kissed him, and placed her hand down Harry's boxers, the only part of clothing he had on, and her fingers slid down the shaft and cupped my balls massaged balls. Harry moaned as she her hand grabbed his cock and begun to stroke it.

"If you like that James, you're going to like what I have planned for you next." Ella said as she pushed him onto his bed, and pulled his boxers off. To her amusement and lust, she saw that James had a thick eight inch cock, it was much bigger than she had ever seen and had to lick her lips when she saw it. "Wow James, I haven't seen a cock that size before, I'm going to have fun with that."

"Th-Thanks Ella." Harry said with a red face, embarrassed at the thought, he never really thought about the size of his cock.

Ella just smiled as as she put her hand around his manhood once again, and begun to stroke it again. After a few minutes, she stroke Harry's cock slowly, but soon Ella tightened her grip on his hard dick and began to move her hand faster.

Ella let her free hand slide down to the front of her and trace over her hot cunt. She could feel the heat coming off her. Ella stared at Harry's cock as her fingers traced over the outline of her pussy. The more she did it, more excited she got.

Harry couldn't believe the feeling he was having, what Ella was doing to him felt great, it was unlike anything he ever before. If this was how it felt to have sex, or a hand job at the moment, he had to wonder why he never thought about having it before. He could have kicked himself, he had heard people of his age and younger having sex before, but for some strange reason he never thought about it. Now he was regretting it all, as he had been missing out so much fun.

As he was thinking about the miss opportunities, he heard Ella say, "James, would you like me to give you a Blow Job?"

"Sweet God yes," Harry moaned in pleasure as Ella kept up the hand job, as he watched her now putting her fingers into her pussy, giving him a nice show.

Ella just smiled as she lowered herself, but still playing with her pussy - something Harry's lustful mind was happy about. As she got to her lovers cock, she nibbled at it roughly and drew an urgent but precise design over her lips, spreading the precious few drops of pre-cum over her lips like a bitter/sweet lipstick. As she did so, she had her first orgasm, but yet she didn't stop as her fingers covered with her cum - she couldn't stop as she was enjoying what she was doing. She moaned as she did so, "Oh Jammmmes, yesssss!"

As her world slowly began to come back into focus, she looked up at James for a second and give him a smile. She then pulled pulled her soaking wet hand from her pussy and slid her slippery fingers around his rigid dick; a warm, moist glove around his aching hardness.

"Oh my God Ella that feels good!" Ella heard James moan in pleasure.

"Mmmmmmmm…" Ella liked it as much as he did. "I wanna blow you now." She told him with no qualms. Ella wanted to suck his dick. She wanted to make him cum. And she wanted to taste it.

James moved his hips forward, as Ella opened her mouth to take his cock inside her mouth. They both moaned as Ella swallowed his dick all the way to his balls. God she loved the feeling of having a hard cock in her mouth, as she begun to bob her mouth over the entire length of his dick, from the very tip until his soft pubic hair tickled her nose. The feeling was indescribable.

"Ella! Oooooh Ellllllla!" Ella heard James screamed in pleasure, and that was the only warning she got as he cummed into her mouth.

The first explosion of hot cum threw itself down her throat nearly choking Ella… the second shot out of his throbbing cock as she tried to recover. Ella lips held tight to the crown of his prick as it splashed the inside of her mouth with considerable force. She swallowed but there was just too much. She grabbed his cock as quick as she could and began jerking it; pumping him into her open mouth.

"OH Merlin Ella! OH MERLIN!" Ella heard James shout out in pleasure as she did this.

Ella knew that there was no way she was going to swallow all of it. It came to fast and too much. It poured out over her bottom lip and ran down her chin. Unwilling to lose it all and sure there couldn't possibly be much more, she closed her mouth around him again and sucked. She loved the feeling. Ella let her other hand find its way down her pussy again. If Ella could smile at the time, she would, there she was... she front of her new lover, sucking the cum from his cock whilst she fingered herself to another unbelievable orgasm.

She must have swallowed three or four times before James stopped shooting cum in her mouth and down her throat. Ella continued sucking and mouthing his empty cock anyway. Ella closed her eyes, as she wrapped her lips around his cock again and caressed it with her tongue, licked up any traces of his thick cum, made love to his cock with her mouth…as she strummed her clit and rubbed her hungry pussy.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm..." Ella moaned as she reached between James's legs, cupped his ass in her free hand and drew him to me as she sucked his cock back in her mouth and held it there, unmoving, frozen, a statue of lust as she came again.

When she finally let James cock slip out from between her wet lips, she whispered in lust, "I don't think I ever came that hard." And seeing that James was still hard, she couldn't help to have a bigger smile on her face at this, "Oh goodie, you're still hard, that is good, we can have still have some fun. Now put it in me and fuck me."

"Yes we can…" Harry said with a smile of his own, as he pulled her towards him and kissed her neck. What just happened was the most amazing thing he ever done, and he enjoyed it a lot. And seeing that he was still hard, and Ella was wanting more, something awoke within him.

So he flipped her onto the bed and teased the opening of her pussy just a little with the head of his dick, sliding it up and down, and then slapping her clit with it. Ella squeezed him tighter with her legs and bucked toward him trying her best to catch the end of his cock and hook it into her pussy.

"Please James, please just fuck me! Don't tease me." She begged him after she realized Harry knew what she was trying to do, but he wouldn't let her succeed - but he wanted to have some fun before he fucked her. But still, Harry took some pity on her and slid the first inch or so of his cock inside and paused to make sure she really wanted me.

"That's not fair, you're still teasing me. I want your cock inside me James, deep inside me. Please!" She pleaded and rotated her hips around trying to get more of him inside her, or at least some satisfaction.

Harry just smiled as he gave her a little more of his hard cock, as he grabbed one of her gorgeous breasts with each hand and pulled on them so he could suck on each of them in turn.

"Ungh…fuck me James, please fuck me."

Harry straightened up and looked into Ella's eyes, and then shoved his cock all the way into her to the hilt.

"Hunh…oh my fuck…Fuck!"

Harry pulled his cock out of her then shoved it back in again. She grabbed him, and pulled him against her, and planted her mouth on my neck. He stroked his cock into her only twice more before he felt her pussy convulse as her orgasm started. She just screamed into Harry's neck and sucked harder. Giving Harry his first hickey. Harry kept fucking her slowly and let her ride her orgasm as his my cock and her pussy got wetter and wetter with each stroke.

Soon Harry pushed himself in and out of Ella faster and faster, with each stroke he felt himself nearing the edge of cumming. And as he felt this, Harry went faster and harder into Ella. Both were enjoying what was happening, and both were moaning in pleasure. After a few more moments, both Harry and Ella came and both laid next to each other.

Lemon Ends!

"That was great," Harry said with a happy smile, "I don't know why I waited so long to have it."

"For your first time you were great," Ella said as she kissed his neck, and played with his cock, before smiling as she said, "and the night is only young and you can only get better."

Harry just smiled at this as Ella once again begun to suck his cock, he was amazed that he could continue after round one. But Harry suspected he had to thank his magic to be able to carry on, not that he was complaining, he would be a fool to do so. And so, until the early hour of the morning, Harry and Ella had more fun over the night.


A warm smell of fresh cooking roused Harry from his sleep the next morning, his eyes straining against the light that burned; slipping his glasses from the bedside table, he actually smiled when he saw Ella, wearing only his boxers, but leaving her top bare to him, bringing breakfast into the room.

"Morning," he whispered, watching as she sat down with him, setting a plate of fresh breakfast in front of him. He couldn't believed that the night before really happened, he feared that he would wake up any second only to find out that Ella and what happened was only a dream.

"Good morning, sleepy lover," Ella smiled, placing a gentle kiss against his lips as she asked, "Did you sleep well?"

"Ugh…" groaned Harry, pulling himself up as he tucked into his breakfast, "Best night's sleep I've had in months maybe the year…"

And it was true as well: for the first time in a long time, his mind hadn't been plagued by nightmares or fears of Voldemort coming through the door. Instead, he was just content to be with this girl, her intentions taking him all the way while, at the same time, Harry admired how willing and open she had been to him.

As he tucked into the breakfast, a feeling of contentment crossed Harry's face as he muttered, "Mmm… this is really good."

"I'm glad," Ella whispered, placing a soft kiss against Harry's lips as she told him, "Come on, eat up, my love: can't have you going soft on me when we've only just started having so much fun."

As Harry ate, his eyes then drifted around the room, not really noticing anything out of the ordinary; instead, he just saw a window, discarded clothes, an empty bottle that… wait.

Looking back to the bedside table, Harry's eyes narrowed as he saw the bottle: it was about as big as a vial of potion with a single drop of blue liquid inside it.

For reasons he couldn't understand, given the mother of all nights he'd just had with this girl, Harry's alarms were now unavoidable: finishing his breakfast, Harry walked out of the room with his hand holding the small bottle.

Ella was packing things away from making breakfast, but when she saw Harry, she smiled as she asked, "How was it?"

"Good," nodded Harry, holding up the vial as he asked, "What's this?"

"Well," Ella sniggered, now moving closer to Harry before she traced her fingers over his semi-naked form - Harry having slipped his own trousers on in the bedroom - as she asked him, "What do you think it is, love?"

"Something that can't really be true," answered Harry, "Unless… unless you're really…"

"A witch?" asked Ella, smirking knowingly as she told him, "I am, but I'm not your enemy, my sweet: I also should confess that I know you're not named James Evans, but Harry Potter."

As Harry stepped back, Ella laughed with a slight maniacal look to her as she told him, "Don't be scared: I've always known, but I didn't buy into what they said about you. I didn't mind the lie: it was obvious you wanted to be someone else lately… and I hope I was good enough for you. You were certainly good enough for me and, since it was your first time, I knew you didn't want any problems getting in our way, so I gave you that lovely little potion. It's completely harmless, I promise."

Harry's eyes narrowed, his hand still holding the vial as he asked, "So, if you're saying what I think you're saying, can we see each other again?"

"I know you would like me to say yes," Ella replied, heaving a dramatic sigh as she told him, "But that's not my decision."

"I'm afraid I don't understand," Harry laughed, "Are you saying you don't control your life?"

"Not at all," Ella answered, "It's very restful."

"What?" asked Harry, amused at the thought that crossed his mind and, weirdly enough, even more amused as he voiced that thought to her, "Are you some kind of… I don't want to use the word, but… are you a… prostitute?"

"Not as such," Ella answered, looking to the door of Harry's room before she looked back as she added, "I have my own decisions, but not the outcome."

"I don't follow you."

Ella sighed and, with the smile that had captured Harry's attention in the first place, she explained, "I do whatever the Dark Lord tells me to do."

Harry's eyes widened and the potion bottle fell from his hand as he asked, "W-W-What?"

"Well," Ella replied, giving off another manic-sounding giggle that had Harry's ears ringing with alarm bells, doubly-more so now that he knew who she worked for, "Perhaps I should say I used to do what he said: now, my love, I only do what you want."

"Why would you…" Harry began, before the alarms in his head finally got through to him and, reaching for his wand in his back pocket, he asked warily, "Who are you?"

"You mean you never figured it out?" asked Ella with a sigh, "I guess it was inevitable: they always did say that my rituals and spell work were some of my best work, but I had to get close to you, to be with you again, sweet Harry!"

"Why me?" asked Harry.

"Because you made me hungry," answered Ella, her voice now holding a cold, dark edge to it as she told him, "Hungry for more of our little game: you do still know how to play our little game, don't you?"

Harry's eyes widened… 'No it couldn't be her.' thought Harry as the way Ella talked suddenly changed, changed into someone he hoped he wouldn't see again for a while.


"No," whispered Harry, watching as Ella lifted one hand.


"Not you!"


Ella's other hand removed a ring she was wearing, where with a shimmer, like a mirage being lifted, the dark skin and voluptuous looks vanished, revealing the horror of Harry's life.

The source of his dark side's birth. A lady who was taller than Ella, she had a gaunt and skull-like face, with long, thick shiny dark hair, thin lips, heavily-lidded eyes with long eyelashes, and a strong jaw. Whilst she wasn't as good looking as Ella was, but Azkaban Harry suspected would do that to a lady, but Harry still found Bellatrix beautful in a dark and twisted sort of way.

"Potter," Bellatrix Lestrange cackled, her eyes filled with love and lust as she told him, "Surprise: thank you for such a lovely night, my sweet, beautiful and darkly-delicious husband!"

"How in the he…" Harry began, before his eyes widened and his blood turned to ice as he asked shakily, "What… what did you just say?"

"You heard me, my love," Bellatrix cackled, approaching him before she picked up the potion vial and, holding it up in front of his eyes, she added, "Last night, my sweet lover, thanks to this lickle baby in here, your Bella became yours for real and you became mine."

Harry wanted to do a thousand and one different things at that moment, but since he was more stunned and disbelieving than he'd ever felt in his life, his mind went with number one.

He fainted.


"Well… that went somewhat better than suspected." Bellatrix said with a twisted smile, she was half suspected that he would have attacked her, hurt her when he found out about who she was - not that she would have minded if he did, she was now his and he could do what he wanted to her.

Bellatrix heaved a sigh as she bent down and, picking Harry up like he was her bride, she let him rest his head against her breasts as she whispered, "Rest now my love: your Bella's here now. And no-one's going to stop you again… not while I'm around."

Then, without another word, Bellatrix twisted on the spot and Apparated away from the apartment, taking nothing but her true form with her.

Well, that and her new husband, Harry Potter.

To be Continued!

Author's Note:Here ends the rework of DZ2's story, Her Black Rose, I would like to thank him for allowing me to adopt this story. It is a good story, and it shouldn't be left alone, I just hope I done it justice, you the readers let me know. I would like you all for reading, and for those who are DZ2's readers, I would like to ask if you could read some of mine if you enjoyed this. I hope you liked the few things that I've added, the show signs as to why Harry distrust the Headmaster and his friends. I've also wrote a tiny bit about his dark side that he has, and how he fought it for so long.

Now whilst this is Unbeta Read, I do have a Beta Reader for this story, but with him going to Uni, and also having four of his own fics he is working on, Beta Reading will be slow. So because of this, it is why I'm posting the story Unbeta Read, but will repost when it is Beta Read. But if you think you can help and make this better, and easier for my Beta Reader to work on when he gets to it, I would like to hear from you.

The next chapter will be like DZ2's Chapter 2, but like this chapter I'll be adding more to it, having Harry's Dark Side showing more, and not have him falling for Bellatrix as easy. I don't mind Harry/Bellatrix stories, but in this one, it would be strange to see Harry falling for her instantly. Bellatrix was the one who killed his Godfather, and made it so that his Dark Side that he fought against for so long was now free. I can see that to repay her for this, he would 'play' with her for a while. But I would like to hear your thoughts about that.

Once again, I would like you all for reading, and I hope you all enjoyed the story. I would like to ask though to spare a few more minutes and give me some feedback as to what you think of the story, please don't flame, I want reviews that can help and not hinder me. I would like to hear any ideas you might have for the story too… along if you think I done the story justice, and is better or not.