Hello! I'm really sorry about the long wait! I have a full plot and now just need to actually write this! Don't worry, this will be completed. I love writing this. Anyway I hope you enjoy this next chapter!

"How many?" Kate growled through gritted teeth.

"Every one of our allies are reporting their streets are overrun with them, we can't get an exact figure ma'am." One of the technicians replied. The Doctor ripped the phone off the technician.

"Just keep your eyes on them, don't look away. If you do, you'll forget you ever saw them." He ordered.

"Doctor, haven't I seen them before?" Clara asked. He turned to her.

"Yes, but the Silence made you forget. You only met them briefly so you'll feel a small sense of déjà vu." He answered.

The majority of the group had moved into the main control room bar River and the children who were in the meeting room, filling River in on the events before she woke up.

"Have you got a visual on any of them?" Kate asked the technician after he had procured the phone back of the timelord who due to losing the wrestling match for the phone, had slumped into a swivel chair and folded his arms, yet again resembling a toddler mid-tantrum.

"Yes Ma'am!"

"What are they doing here? They don't seem to be doing anything." Madame Vastra also asked the technician, he seemed rather irritated at all the attention.

"How would I know? I've been in this room the entire time you have!" he snapped back.

"Well Jenny, now you see why I decided to stay in the Victorian era, the only pleasant people I've met from this century are the Ponds, present company excluded of course." She said out of earshot of the technician.

"Ma'am," The technician spoke again "We're receiving a communication request from the largest ship."

"Let them speak. Everyone out now." Kate ordered, the entire control centre emptied bar the group and River and the children in Kate's office.

The group lifted their faces to the screen and a few moments later the many images of silence priests vanished and one huge video feed appeared. The group's reactions were mixed. Some remembered the eye-patched Kovarian's sneering expression and others recognised the cold glare of Missy, only the Doctor knew both.

"Hello again, old friend." Missy sing-songed, her voice booming across the vast and now nearly empty control centre. The Doctor raised an equally icy glare in response.

"You! You tricked me!" He shouted abruptly, standing so quickly the swivel chair careered into the desk behind, making a loud clanging noise that echoed around the room.

"You believed it." Missy answered.

"Demon's run all over again," Kovarian proudly added "The ease of taking baby Melody from right under her father's nose, her mother's gaze and your chin!" She laughed. The Doctor's eyes were now slit like, anger radiating all over his body, his breathing hard and uneven.

"Which rock were you hiding under?" He growled out.

"Oh, when time returned to normal I discovered my plan was a success, until of course, when Tasha Lem found me. She told me she'd seen you on Trenzelore. I sent my priests to be rid of you, but that failed as well. Tasha was killed by the Daleks a few weeks later and I went into hiding. So when your old friend approached me with a plan to raise the dead and control you, I couldn't resist. Imagine you own pet timelord. I didn't have to imagine though, I had one for a while." Kovarian sneered again and Missy's lips twitched upwards.

"River was not your pet, she always despised you and yet again you failed. Seems to me, you're not good at this evil scheming. Maybe you should take up bee-keeping?" The Doctor said, shrugging off her explanation.

"We only came to talk." Missy batted her eyelashes, the Doctor shuddered.

"There's never just talking when you're involved." The Doctor muttered.

"Still not a fan of the touchy-feely then?" Missy giggled.

"Well actually he's been…" Strax stopped talking when everyone gave him a death glare.

"Why are you here?" The Doctor snapped.

"To take over the Earth of course, you silly old man!" Missy said cheerfully.

"But why now?" He continued.

"It felt like the right moment," She stared at him strangely. The Doctor felt he was close now, he needed that final clue. "Speaking of right moments, good time to make an entrance to the conversation my dear, I've heard so much about you from Madame Kovarian here." Missy said, looking past the Doctor. The group turned to see River scowling at the screen, the children hidden behind her legs.

"You're not supposed to be here." She said all-too calmly.

"Well we couldn't resist saying hello, you are extremely hard to kill. Do you know that?" Kovarian replied.

"Apparently so." River responded, the Children hung back with her team while walked to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Doctor. "Not friends of yours, I take it?" She whispered to the Doctor.

"I thought one of them was a long time ago." He whispered back.

"Why did you destroy the Library?" River spoke to the two woman now.

"Why would we tell you?" Missy lashed back at her.

"So it's something I can find then?" River beamed, the two woman looked nervously at one another. They were on the back foot now.

"No of course not!" Kovarian nearly screeched.

"Well the only reason you would destroy everything in a planet sized library would be that you didn't know where exactly the thing or things you are looking for were so, to be sure, you destroyed everything," River paused to see the looked of understanding on their faces before continuing. "Except you didn't destroy us because something got to us first, I mean I say us, however the something seemed only concerned I was alive therefore I know I can find it and therefore in case I were captured, I made myself…" The Doctor shook his head at her, his eyes wide. "I made myself reappear to help these people whom are trying to stop you." She finished and looked at the Doctor, he smiled encouragingly.

"My My, Kovarian, You said she was pretty, but you never said she was clever. Shame you chose the wrong side, I could've liked you." Missy hummed.

"Something tells me I'll never like you." River said, matching the Doctor's suspicious glare he was giving the screen. The two woman masked their former nerves and iron expressions took over.

"No matter, we need the Earth now, so off you all pop!" Missy smiled a predatory smile.

The screen went blank.

"Well that went well." Jack said sarcastically, slumping ungracefully into a chair. The group let out a collective sigh of relief.

"What's going to happen Doctor?" Kate said, setting watery eyes on him, Missy must have reminded her of Osgood.

"I not sure but we shouldn't stay here." He replied blankly.

"The base is secure." She answered.

"It's not that Kate. River is right, the silence shouldn't be here, history is wrong. We need to go somewhere where we can get the information. Come on." He turned and grabbed River's hand. She froze at his touch. The Doctor turned back, his grip lessened.

"We need to go to your house, you may have the information there." He spoke softly. She nodded.

"They're hurting you. I'm sorry I can't do more to help." She said sincerely.

"Believe me when I say you're helping me more than you could ever realise. Come on." He tightened his grip on her hand again and they walked back towards the hanger where the TARDIS was parked, The group, now joined by Kate, followed on silently behind. None felt like speaking, all they could hear was the Earth's final hours as a free world as screams echoed across the walls from news reports and live footage and as the last scream ended, the World was once again occupied by the invasion of Silence.

As always, any reviews and areas of improvement are gratefully recieved and I will update soon. I swear on fish fingers and custard! xx