Sorry for the delay in updating! I got sick and spent yesterday on my bed. I definitely cannot be a doctor if I fail to recognize when I shouldn't go to school…Turns out I had a fever and had to take another day off from school to rest. Yeesh. I hate missing school. You know, I have a headcanon that Maki's training to become a doctor but can't diagnose herself.

And...this is probably why I shouldn't be on my computer right now. Thank you Msmusicful for pointing out the mistake.

Review Responses

Nexus Infinity: I kinda rushed it. I'm sorry.

Msmusicful: And then I'll move on to something else! :D

Revengermajestyliberator: I usually write afterschool, if I have the time.

MiloMilkshake: If you still have any questions after this chapter, feel free to PM me.

Enya Talisman: Reincarnation Niko is more mature than her past self. :3

ch3n: By Kaku sisters you mean Shokaku and Zuikaku, right?

GAT-X105VividPanzer: I'm glad you liked it. :D

anto334: Thank you!

Game has been decided and the winner has been PM'd for their request. Please look forward to that one-shot.

Disclaimer: I do not own Love Live.

~A Few Years Later~

Maki smiled as she opened up yet another text from Honoka. Didja get in? :D She swiftly typed a response back. Well, duh. What do you think? Her thumb hovered over the send button as she glanced both ways on the busy street. But the light hadn't given her a go sign, so she tapped the send button. She kept one eye on her phone as she started to cross the street. It vibrated, signaling another message. Party at my place then! XD Maki nodded and put the phone to sleep, deciding not to reply until after she had reached the sidewalk. She ran the rest of the way, and just in time. Behind her, a car sped the red light and careened over the crosswalk. A few seconds longer, and Maki would have been caught in an accident. She turned her phone back on, finding another message. Please tell me you didn't get run over. Maki laughed. Of course I didn't. Idiot. I'm on my way. She tucked her phone in her bag and dashed off to Honoka's home.

Kotori stood at the airport, all by herself. She checked her phone for the fifth time in the past minute, wondering if someone would come to stop her. Going abroad would be nice, but so would staying with her friends.

"Kotori!" Umi ran into the airport, dodging other passengers and security guards who didn't approve of her running.

"Umi-chan! Why are you here?!" Kotori asked as Umi came within hearing range. "Wait-"

"Hanayo, Rin, and Maki have made it into the same college as the rest of us! Honoka's throwing a party at her place and you need to be there too! Come on!" Kotori smiled hugely.

"Yeah, Umi-chan!" Kotori followed her childhood friend away from the airport. She wouldn't go abroad. She would stay in Japan with the rest of her friends and they would continue to have fun together.

"Congratulations on getting into college!" Honoka shouted, pulling a popper that blew streamers into the high school graduates faces. "Congratulations!" The older girls of Muse echoed cheerfully, raising glasses of what Maki hoped was grape juice. But with Rin and Hanayo nudging her on both sides, Maki found no reason to ruin the celebratory atmosphere they were under.

"Sorry we're late!" Umi called as she and Kotori came in to the party. Maki grinned. They were all together; no one leaving for places the others couldn't follow.

Looks like they're having fun. Honoka commented. It makes me want to join them. She sighed, knowing it was impossible for her to do so.

Why would you do that, when you can have a party with all of us? Kotori asked.

I never thought I wouldn't have died had I not tried to message Honoka as I crossed the street…I was careless. Maki sighed.

Eri-chi owes me money now. Nozomi said, grinning mischeiviously.

Why is that? Niko asked, stuck in the middle between the other two.

I bet that Honoka would be the one who stopped Kotori from leaving. Eri responded sullenly. Because it happened before.

And I bet that Umi-chan would get Kotori-chan. I win~!

Um…I don't want to burst your bubble, but we don't have any money. Or even need money anymore. Niko said. You forgot, didn't you? She continued, taking in the expressions on her two friends' faces.

But I still win! Nozomi said, refusing to be knocked down by the revelation.

We can rest now. Hanayo said, drawing the attention of her friends. I mean, they've changed from the path we followed. We don't know what will happen to them anymore, so I think it's best for us to just rest now. They don't need us anymore.

Kayo-chin's right nya. Rin continued. It's time for us to leave them behind.

Alright. Let's go. Hibiki, are you coming with us? The artificial spirit shook her head.

I'm staying here. I'm waiting for Honoka to fulfill my wish. Honoka smiled and tousled Hibiki's hair.

You're a good kid, Hibiki. I wish I could have learned that when I was still alive. Honoka turned to the rest of Muse. Time for rest. She walked to the front of the group and led them away from Hibiki. One by one, they faded into nothing, leaving for good.

Honoka felt a throb in her chest, and judging from the expressions on her friends, they felt the same throb at the same time. She dove into her mind, searching for the presence that had existed within her for years. But she found nothing but her own memories.

"They've left us…" Umi stated, her hand over her heart. "They finally went to rest."

"And they've left the future to us."

~25 years later~

Maki smiled tiredly as she was handed her newly born child. Honoka and Maka, their first-born child, were by her side the moment the doctor stepped aside.

"Are you okay, Mama?!" Maka cried, stretching up on her toes to reach her mother. The five-year old had inherited Honoka's ginger hair with Maki's violet eyes, along with Honoka's worrying nature.

"I'm fine, Maka." Maki said. "Look, Honoka, it's her." She held the bundle up for her wife to take. Honoka took the bundle and held it gingerly in her arms. A tuft of brilliant red hair had already sprouted, no doubt inherited from Maki, but neither of them could have given her the eye color that the baby possessed. Ice blue eyes gazed upwards, revealing the intelligence and knowledge that she already possessed.

Honoka bent down to her daughter's level. "Look, Maka." The child's attention was drawn and she turned to her other mother. "It's your little sister…Hibiki."

"Hibiki?" Maka paused. "I'm an older sister now?! I'll have to treat her better than Yusa-nee treats me!" Honoka smiled and handed the bundle back to Maki.

"Do you think she likes this?" Maki asked, already starting to nurse her second child.

"I think it beats being a robot." Honoka shrugged.

After this, I was thinking about writing an AU Fanfiction where the anime was a documentary about how students were willing to work together to save their school, and the characters were chosen simply because they were students there. But their tv personalities don't match what they actually are in real life. What do you think?