
March 27th, 2026

2:30 PM

Woodlawn Cemetery

Lima, Ohio

"I hope they show up."

There was a hint of hope in her voice that everyone kept their promise they had made ten years ago. Sure, they still talked to each other, but with everyone moving on in their lives and getting married and raising families, the calls and emails went from frequent to once in awhile.

"Don't worry, they will be," Blaine reassured her.

"I'm glad you guys remembered," she replied smiling at him.

"Well, who wouldn't? It's Finn," Kurt replied.

"Dad, I'm getting restless, what's the whole purpose of this? Who wants to meet at a boring and creepy cemetery?"

"You'll see soon enough, Bud," Blaine replied, patting his eight year-old son on the head. "Why don't you and Christopher kick that hackysack around for a few minutes?"

"I'm so bored, when does Momma Quinn get here? I wanna show her my missing tooth," said the boy's twin sister with her arms crossed as she stood with her cousin.

Oh those preteen years...now I know who she gets the Diva mode from. Or is it the Head Bitch In Charge personality from Q? He thought.

"Tracy Quinn and Hepburn Nicholas Anderson, for once in your life, just be quiet," growled Kurt.

"Look! There's Puck and Momma Quinn!" said Tracy. The group watched as Puck and Quinn climbed out of their large van with Beth and their other eight children in tow.

"Look alive, Kiddos, the Puckerman Squadron is here," Puck announced. "Janie! Madison! Respect the graves, this is a cemetery. You'll wake the dead!"

Quinn rolled her eyes at the youngest of their three sets of fraternal twins.

"That's it, time-out you two!" growled Beth as she hoisted the two three year-old girls by the back of their pants and hauled them back towards the van.

"Whoa and I thought Christina had issues at that age," murmured Rachel as she hugged Quinn.

"I thought I was done after William was born," Quinn murmured. "We had Beth and him and my family was complete and then my body decided to bless me with Allison and Amanda. I had to try for another boy just to please Puck and look, I ended up with three sets of fraternal twin girls within a six and a half year span. I keep praying to God this one is a boy." Quinn rubbed her round stomach.

"Seriously, you two are the most fertile couple I have ever met," Kurt muttered. "Puck, you should get a vasectomy."

"Nana won't allow it," replied Beth as she returned from putting the terrors in their three minute time-out. "Says it's a sin to waste pro-creation."

"Mommy!" wailed a little girl sitting near a grave. "Michael and Matty pushed me and Nichole down!"

"MICHAEL! MATTHEW! Stop picking on Noelle and Nikki!" cried Rachel, paying attention to her brood. "Ugh, I swear, those boys are all Finn!"

"Momma Quinn, look, look!' started Tracy as she smiled and pointed to her teeth. "I lost another tooth!"

"So you did," smiled Quinn, cupping Tracy's face and pinching her cheek. "My goodness, you are growing up so fast. Kurt, Blaine what are you feeding them?"

"Certainly not Rabbit Food," came Mercedes' voice and the group turned to see Sam and Mercedes walk up the path with their four kids.

"Hey, you made it!" said Rachel, hugging Sam and Mercedes.

"Just like we promised," said Sam.

"We're here too," came another voice and the group turned to see Kitty, Artie, Mike, Tina, Jane, Mason, Madison, Spencer, Roderick, Brittney and Santana walk up the path with their families.

"Yaye! You guys made it!" said Mercedes, running over and hugging Santana.

"How're you feeling, Quinn?" asked Madison.

"Ready for this one to be out," said Quinn as Puck and Rachel rounded up the Hudson and Puckerman offspring to walk over to Finn's grave. "Two and a half weeks to go, I'm just glad it's one baby. I hope to God this one's a boy."

The group walked over towards Finn's grave.

"So who's grave are we visiting, Mommy?" Seven year-old Sadie Hudson was the spitting image of her father.

"I'll tell you in a minute, Sadie," said Rachel as she walked with her children. They approached the grave and Noelle gasped.

"Mommy, this person has the same last name as us!" said Noelle.

"Of course he does," Rachel said. "Hudsons, front and center, I want to introduce you to the man who gave you life and who you will always call Daddy."

The seven Hudson children gathered near Rachel, lining up from oldest to youngest.

"Dear God, it's the Von Trapp family," muttered Kitty in horror.

"Hey, we're not as bad as those ones over there," teased Rachel, pointing to Puck and Quinn, who were ordering their brood to line up at attention. "They've got the Air Force training."

"Are we late?' asked a voice. The New Directions turned to see Will and Emma walk up the path with Daniel and their ten year old daughter, Rachel Emma Schuester (named after her godmother and mother of course).

"No, you're just in time!" said Rachel.

"Hi Aunt Rachel!" said her namesake, giving her a big hug.

"Hi sweetheart!" she replied. "Okay, so we're all here then. Hudsons, Puckermans, Lopez-Pierces, Hummel-Andersons, Changs, Abrams, McCarthys, Porters, Schuesters, and everyone else. For those of you, who do not know why we are here, this is the gravesite of my late husband and one of the original members of the New Directions, Finn Hudson. Hudsons, this is where your father was laid to rest thirteen years ago."

"Wait, if he died thirteen years ago, then how did we come to be?" asked Christina. "And yes Mom, I had the birds and the bees talk last week at school."

"Ugh, do they still do that so early?" moaned Puck.

"Well Christina, several months before your father died, he found out he had cancer," said Rachel. "We went through a rough patch for several months. A month before he died, your dad told me that he was dying. I was devastated at the words that had come out of his mouth. I was the only person he told. Then he asked me to marry him before he died. The next day, we eloped. Then he asked me if I would be willing to go to a special doctor that would help me and your dad have children after he died. That's how I got all of you. Christopher, Christina, after I told Grandma and Grandpa Hummel and all your aunts and uncles the truth at Uncle Puck and Aunt Quinn's wedding, I went to the clinic the next day and had the doctor perform the procedure that put you two in my stomach. It was ten years ago on this day that I had the InVitro done. All us adults came here to tell your father he was going to be a daddy and we made a pact to come back here ten years later with all of our families."

"So we're test-tube babies," Christina muttered. "Angel told me all about that process and how her parents went through it."

"Yes, but you're still 100% Hudson-Berrys," said Rachel. "Your father wanted to make sure we carried on his legacy after he died. I loved and still love him very much. I wanted to tell you guys about your dad before you met Jesse."

"Oh no, please don't tell me," moaned Mercedes. "Berry, you're dating St. James and his inflated ego?"

"As a matter of fact, yes, and he's actually on his way here now with his two kids," said Rachel. "Believe it or not, Jesse and I reunited at my therapy group for widows and widowers last year. His wife died in childbirth after they had their second child. We've been going out for seven months now. He's changed a lot you guys."

"I'm glad you're dating again," said Quinn. "Finn wouldn't want you to be miserable your whole life."

"I know," said Rachel. "And Jesse said he felt like Finn was giving him permission to take care of me. Anyways, kids, and this goes for all you kids, including you, Daniel Finn Schuester." Rachel gave her godson a knowing look and the twelve-year old blushed, having been called out for being Finn's namesake.

"Finn was the greatest man to have ever lived," Rachel continued. "He was a gentle giant. Kind, compassionate, caring, talented, had the most handsome smile, and overall, was the biggest soul at heart. He always put others forward before himself."

"Yeah, before Uncle Puck used to throw me in the dumpster, your dad used to save my designer clothes and satchels," said Kurt. "Your dad knew I was gay way before anyone else did."

"I did too," Mercedes added. "I knew no straight white boy liked Marc Jacobs THAT much."

"You knew I used you as a beard then?" Kurt asked.

"Of course I did," said Mercedes.

"Guys, we're getting a bit off topic here," said Rachel, intervening before another Kurtcedes fight erupted.

"Sorry," Kurt and Mercedes replied.

"Anyways, when Mr. Schue started the Glee Club, it was originally me, Uncle Kurt, Aunt Mercedes, Uncle Artie, and Aunt Tina. And then one day, your dad was in the locker room after football practice, and he was singing in the shower, and Mr. Schue heard him singing."

"And then he blackmailed him into joining and the New Directions were born," Puck added. "One by one, us cool kids joined and then we all became a full Glee Club."

"Anyways, we brought you here so we could tell you who Finn was and how we all became best friends," continued Rachel. "We used to all hate each other. Seriously."

"She's telling the truth," said Quinn. "And Blaine, if you're ever wondering about Tracy's attitude, yes, she gets it from the HBIC." Everyone laughed, including Will and Emma.

"Rachel, sorry I'm late!'

Everyone turned at the voice of Jesse St. James as he walked across the cemetery holding the hand of a blonde-haired little boy, no older than three, and carrying a little girl in his arms. The little girl was no more than two.

"That's okay Jesse, you have good timing," said Rachel. "Hi Ella!" She held her arms out to the little girl and Ella immediately latched on to Rachel.

"Are you being good, Ethan?" Rachel asked the little boy. He nodded as Jesse looked at the other New Directions and shook his head, mouthing the words, "No".

"Hi guys, it's been awhile," said Jesse to the original New Directions. "Don't worry, I'm not the guy that I used to be." He held his hands up in surrender at the glaring looks from Tina and Mercedes.

"It's cool, Dude, just don't break my Jewish American Princess' heart again," said Puck.

"Yes Sir!' Jesse mock-saluted him and everyone else laughed.

"Anyways, kids, this is Jesse St. James," Rachel introduced to the Hudson brood. "And these are his kids. This is Ethan, he's three and a handful, and this is Ella, and she's fourteen months."

Jesse felt a tug on his pant leg and he looked down to see Sadie tugging on his pants.

"I like you. Are you gonna marry my mommy?" asked Sadie.

"Sadie Marie Hudson!" cried Rachel as everyone laughed at Sadie's question and Rachel's shock.

"Well, you know what Sadie?" asked Jesse as he knelt to her level. "That all depends."

"On what?" asked Sadie.

"Well, I wanted to meet you kids and get to know you a bit more," replied Jesse. "You see, I knew your dad too, and I wasn't very nice to him and I kind of regret that now. Had I known that your dad was going to die the same way my girlfriend from college was at some point, I probably would have apologized to him. Then, when I ran into your mommy, she told me about your dad and what happened and that she had all of you kids, and I felt like I owed it to your dad to keep an eye on her for him. But as for me marrying your mom? Well that depends on whether or not she says yes."

There was a gasp from the New Directions.

"Umm, Guys, can you take the kids and give Jesse and me a few minutes alone?" Rachel asked. Jesse saw that there was a bit of shock on her face.

"Sure thing," said Puck. "Okay everyone, I'm in charge . You heard your mother. Let's give them some privacy."

"She likes Itsy Bitsy Spider," said Jesse as Rachel handed a fussy Ella to Beth.

"That used to be my favorite too!" Beth smiled. "Come on Ella, let's go sing."

"Here's her diaper bag," said Jesse, slinging the bag over Beth's shoulder. "Ethan, you'll be okay with them for a little bit, okay? Help Beth with Ella, okay? Tell her what Ella likes."

"Okay," said Ethan as Beth held her hand out to him. As the two walked away with the rest of the group, Jesse and Rachel were left standing in front of Finn's grave.

"Sorry about Sadie and her big mouth," Rachel said. "She gets everything from Finn."

"I can tell," laughed Jesse. "Rach, I meant every word. I already love your kids because they're you and Finn mixed together. You two had something so special and no one could have ever changed that. If you don't want to marry me, I understand if it's too fast for you."

"No, I do want to marry you," said Rachel. "Finn would want me to move on in my life, and have a father-figure for all the kids. I love you. I might not love you just as much as I do Finn, but I do love you and I do want to be with you. Granted, this isn't exactly how I pictured you proposing to me..." There was a hint of teasing in her voice and Jesse laughed, reiterating the words he had said to her all those years ago in Chicago.

"Hmmm, cocky, I like it," Jesse replied teasingly. "So you'll marry me then?"

"If you properly ask me," Rachel replied with a smile. She gasped as Jesse reached into his pocket and pulled out a jeweler's box.

"I was actually planning to do this when we all went out to eat," said Jesse. "Do I have to get down on one knee?"

"Not if you don't want to," Rachel smiled, a few tears falling from her eyes.

"Good, because I feel weird doing this in front of Finn, but I wanted his approval," said Jesse. "Rachel Barbra Hudson-Berry, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?"

"Yes," said Rachel. "Yes, I'll marry you." Jesse slid the diamond ring on her hand and Rachel smiled as she kissed him on the lips, wrapping her arms around him.

Across the cemetery, Will, Emma and the rest of the New Directions had watched the proposal the whole time.

"I'm glad she's happy," said Quinn. "Rachel deserves it."

"Ditto," said Mercedes. "I might still not like the guy, but I think they're good for each other." A gasp came from Quinn and everyone looked to see her holding her stomach.

"My water broke," said Quinn.

"Oh thank God," muttered Puck. "Rach! Jesse! Get over here quick! Quinn's having the baby!"

Rachel and Jesse hurried over to the group among congratulations from their friends as Quinn was breathing through a contraction.

"Next stop, Lima Memorial!" said Puck. "On the double, everyone! On the double!"


"She says that every time, doesn't she?" Dr. Wu asked Puck as he prepped Quinn for delivery.

"I really hope this one's a boy, because we are overrun with girls and if they are anything like their mother," muttered Puck.

"Shit, shit, shit, I want this kid out of me, I swear Puckerman, you better hope this is a boy for your sake!' yelled Quinn as she pushed.

"That's it Quinn, good girl, bear down," said the nurse assisting her.

"Lots of dark hair," said Dr. Wu. "Suction, please."

As the head emerged, Dr. Wu suctioned out the nose and mouth. The baby was giving out tiny little sputters and coughs.

"Okay Quinn, big push and your baby will be here," said Dr. Wu. Quinn gave a final push, letting out a cry and she laid back onto the pillow behind her as the baby was delivered. Multiple crys came from the wailing baby as Dr. Wu laid it on Quinn's chest and the nurse covered the waiting newborn with a blanket.

"Oh, oh," murmured Quinn. "Hi Baby, we've been waiting for you, and honestly, I don't care what you are anymore because you are just so precious."

"Puck, would you like to cut the cord?" asked Dr. Wu.

"Sure," said Puck. Puck cut the cord and sat down next to Quinn.

"Ready to look?" Puck asked. Quinn nodded and Puck gently lifted the baby's leg.

"A girl, oh Puck, I'm sorry, I tried you know," said Quinn.

"That's okay Babe," said Puck, kissing her. "We're only thirty-one, we still have a few years left if you want a dozen."

Quinn laughed and kissed him.

"I think a dozen sounds wonderful," Quinn replied.

"I love you," Puck said.

"I love you too," said Quinn.

"So are we going with Drizzle with this one?" Puck teased.

"No, absolutely not, I told you Finn picked out the stupidest name for Beth," said Quinn. "I was actually thinking that we haven't named any of our kids after anything musical. How about Melody?"

"Melody, yeah, I like that," said Puck.

"Melody Rose Puckerman," replied Quinn. "Hi, you are the most wonderful surprise I could ever ask for."

You know, it's funny, Puck and Quinn were the first ones out of the New Directions to have the first Glee baby. Beth is nineteen and a freshman at Ohio State now. She had even become the captain of the Cheerios just like her mother. Of course, Beth was also co-captain of the New Directions alongside the captain of the football team and now she is studying music education.

William is thirteen now and a total Mini-Puck. The three sets of twins are all Quinn, and no doubt they are the spitting image of their mother, sass and all. Those girls are the cutest things ever.

Melody was not the last Puckerman. Six weeks after Melody was born, Quinn and Puck took the doctor's advice that they could resume having sex and sure enough, nine months later, they finally welcomed not one, but THREE boys. Triplets. Two identical and one fraternal thankfully. That brought the magic number up to eleven Puckerman children. Boy do I feel sorry for any of our teachers still teaching at McKinley.

Puck and Quinn were done when they hit number twelve last year with Kyle. He is all Puck personality-wise but looks like Quinn.

Sam and Mercedes still live in L.A. with their four kids, as do Kitty and Artie. Artie is a famous director now. He won his first Golden Globe last month.

Of course, everyone's scattered around the country. Mike and Tina moved their brood to New York from Chicago a few months ago when Mike was offered a job teaching at Juliard. Tina even goes in now and then to help.

Santana and Brittney and Kurt and Blaine are neighbors with their families. Hepburn and Tracy still talk to Quinn and Puck. I was always glad Kurt and Blaine told them that Quinn was their egg donor so they knew who their biological mother was (not to mention they have twelve half-siblings).

Mr. Schue retired from teaching this past year. He hit the twenty-five year mark and decided, enough is enough. Unique Adams runs Vocal Adrenaline now.

The other New Directions, they have their families and their careers. When I rebooted the Glee Club, the only one out of that group to have seemed to make it big anywhere was Roderick. I always thought there was something unique about his voice.

And then there's me and Jesse. We got married six months after he proposed in front of Finn's grave. It was a small wedding, nothing too extravagant. We just had the kids, our families, and the New Directions there. I dropped the Barbra Berry from my name and kept Hudson as my second name. Burt and Carole were so happy for me and Jesse. They agreed that Finn would have wanted me to move on with my life and find someone and settle down. So with my seven and Jesse's two, we had a brood of nine. That was, until a month after the wedding when I realized I was late. Eight months later, Gregory Hudson St. James came into the world. We picked Hudson as his middle name to pay homage to Finn and also to the rest of the brood. Of course, now Jesse and I are expecting our second child together and my ninth and his fourth. Any day now, the doctor says. I will be happy either way, but another girl would be nice.

I wanted to share Finn's story, and mine, because I wanted people to realize how special he was and how much Glee Club meant to all of us. I still coach the New Directions, of course, because it was what Finn wanted to do, and he wanted me to continue that for him.

So with that said brings the story of Finn Christopher Hudson and the original New Directions to an end. I love you Finn. You will always be my star.

Rachel sighed and clicked save. She rested a hand on her large belly as she clicked "Print" and the giant manuscript printed out off her printer. Rachel smiled as she looked at the cover page.



Rachel Hudson-St. James

"Hey, you finished it!" came Jesse's voice and Rachel spun around in her chair with a smile.

"Yeah, it's all done," said Rachel. "Dinner almost ready?"

"Actually, all the kids are out of the house," said Jesse, taking her into his arms. "They're all over at Puck and Quinn's for the night."

"Oh really," teased Rachel.

"And I know you're miserable because this one's two weeks late, but I think I have an idea," said Jesse as he pressed a kiss to her bulging belly.

"And what would that be Mr. St. James?" asked Rachel teasingly.

"How about a little snuggle on the sofa over there?" said Jesse. "And then maybe on the faux bear-skin rug?" He pressed a kiss down the side of her neck repeatedly.

"You don't have to-Oh!'

Rachel gasped as she felt a gush of water between her legs.

"Well, I'll be damned, it worked," Jesse grinned.

"Those were your good pants, I'm so sorry Babe," said Rachel as Jesse set her down in the chair.

"That's okay," said Jesse. "I'll go grab you a change of clothes and change my pants and then I'll grab the Go Bag and we'll go, okay?"

"Okay," said Rachel, breathing through a contraction. "Take your time, no hurry with this one."

As Jesse disappeared into the master bedroom, Rachel sighed as she looked over at the picture on her desk. It was the same one the original New Directions had taken all those years ago after they had won sectionals.

"Oh how I wish I could go back just to see you one more time, Finn," whispered Rachel. "I love you. Thank you everyone, it's been an honor."

"Ready Babe?"

Rachel was brought out of her daze as Jesse reappeared with a change of clothes for her in one hand and the Go Bag in the other.

"Yeah, we should call Puck and Quinn to tell them that we're on our way to the hospital."

"I'll call from the SYNC," said Jesse, helping her out the door. Rachel climbed into the car carefully and fastened her seatbelt. Jesse started the car and pulled out of the driveway and headed for Lima Memorial.

"Why don't you put on some music, it always seems to work for a focal point," said Jesse. Rachel nodded and put it on her favorite station.

"Jesse, I don't think we're gonna make it," said Rachel, grabbing his hand.

"Wait, is it coming out now?" Jesse asked.

"Yes, oh god yes," said Rachel as she looked down and saw her son or daughter's head crowning. "Quick, pull over!"

Jesse pulled over to the side of the road in front of the water treatment plant and turned on his hazards. He turned to Rachel to help deliver the baby and saw that Rachel was pulling a wailing baby to her chest.

"Oh, oh, hi Sweetheart," cooed Rachel. "Jesse, it's a girl. We have another girl, just like I wanted."

As Jesse took a video of the moment to show everyone later, it was there in the car that Rachel smiled and cried as the song that came on the radio was the one that brought them all together. Rachel started to softly sing to their newborn daughter as Jesse hurried them to the hospital.

Just a small town girl...

Living in a lonely world...

She took the midnight train going anywhere...